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Do you actually watch what you're watching on TV?
genessa comments on Jan 22, 2019:
my eyes are bad, and my body hurts. to watch tv i have to turn in a way that is often painful, and then i can't see very well anyway. so i mostly listen, but i listen intently. if i am doing something else at the same time, that usually doesn't interfere. occasionally i will turn and just watch....
genessa replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@mzbehavin it works -- except sometimes it's interesting and keeps us up! g
Is the Atheist Community a Cult? - Genetically Modified Skeptic []
Kattywampus69 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
No, but it can be a "cliche"...?
genessa replies on Jan 22, 2019:
i am guessing you mean a clique. and any group can be a clique: trekkers, people who like sushi, anyone. thing is, atheists don't necessarily belong to a community (even if they come here lol). so there is no particular cliquishness unique to atheists, no more than to any other group, and probably less. g
It does not matter if you are pro life or pro choice! It about the rights of women to control ...
genessa comments on Jan 22, 2019:
i agree with what you've said, of course, but i want to put forth a quibble that doesn't change the premise but is nonetheless important. the people who call themselves pro-life aren't. they may or may not be against the death penalty; they tend to be for it. they may or may not be for taking ...
genessa replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@of-the-mountain excellent :-)) it seems a small thing but it really makes a difference. thanks :-)) g
I don't remember voting for ann coulter. do you? g
GreatNani comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Horrid women. No integrity. Out to make a buck.
genessa replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@GreatNani now now, i live with a lovely female dog. do not compare her to coulter lol g
I don't remember voting for ann coulter. do you? g
GreatNani comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Horrid women. No integrity. Out to make a buck.
genessa replies on Jan 22, 2019:
horrid... you're being kind to her lol. g
Literally every person I've seen on here that listed themselves as agnostic also listed themselves ...
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
it is not contradictory. an atheist can be someone who believes there are no gods or someone who simply does not believe there are any gods; the latter is compatible with agnosticism, which is the admission that one doesn't know. you can admit you don't know and still not believe there are any ...
genessa replies on Jan 22, 2019:
@Stacey48 calling someone pissy does not lend credibility to your words. did i call you names? did i characterize you? obviously you cannot tell which one of us is pissy. i'm through with YOU. g
The devotion of the human dad separates us from other apes | Aeon Essays
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
the premise is incorrect. this one is interesting but you have to dig for the relevant parts: g
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@tnorman1236 i can see that. g
The devotion of the human dad separates us from other apes | Aeon Essays
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
the premise is incorrect. this one is interesting but you have to dig for the relevant parts: g
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@tnorman1236 it isn't just a matter of recognizing their offspring and "involved to a certain extent" is dismissive of its true import. g
Literally every person I've seen on here that listed themselves as agnostic also listed themselves ...
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
it is not contradictory. an atheist can be someone who believes there are no gods or someone who simply does not believe there are any gods; the latter is compatible with agnosticism, which is the admission that one doesn't know. you can admit you don't know and still not believe there are any ...
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@Stacey48 did i read my own comment? what kind of question is that? did YOU read my comment? g
Literally every person I've seen on here that listed themselves as agnostic also listed themselves ...
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
it is not contradictory. an atheist can be someone who believes there are no gods or someone who simply does not believe there are any gods; the latter is compatible with agnosticism, which is the admission that one doesn't know. you can admit you don't know and still not believe there are any ...
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@Stacey48 i don't see how it either elaborates or shows the lack of contradiction, but okay, if you say so. g
Literally every person I've seen on here that listed themselves as agnostic also listed themselves ...
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
it is not contradictory. an atheist can be someone who believes there are no gods or someone who simply does not believe there are any gods; the latter is compatible with agnosticism, which is the admission that one doesn't know. you can admit you don't know and still not believe there are any ...
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@Stacey48 one could, but how would that address the poster's misapprehension about the compatibility of the two terms? your statement is true but not relevant to the post, which isn't about proving there are gods. g
What do you wear to bed?
genessa comments on Jan 21, 2019:
unless it's very cold, i wear my birthday suit. g
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@Lucky57 um.. simple, anyway lol f
I don't remember voting for ann coulter. do you? g
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I didn't vote for her or Rush Numbnutz.
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@DenoPenno i think they're too busy making america grating again. g
I don't remember voting for ann coulter. do you? g
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I think I would remember that, and then gnaw off the hand I used..........
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
that's what they WANT us to do! it's just so we can't flip them the bird, you see. g
I don't remember voting for ann coulter. do you? g
DenoPenno comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I didn't vote for her or Rush Numbnutz.
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
i didn't even vote for jared or ivanka (or any member of their family). g
Is it true that educated women do not want a relationship with a guy who has a good career, but is ...
UrsiMajor comments on Jan 20, 2019:
It depends on the woman. One of my Doctorate-level friends dates high-school-educated Latinos. My other Doctor-level friend dates other doctorates. You can imagine the conflicting advice. I have a Master's and I've dated doctorate level degree holders and once this guy that barey pulled off...
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
what a low bar -- not being treated like crap! but yeah, formal education and career choice do not in and of themselves reflect goodness of character, or compatibility, or any of the other things that are important in a relationship. g
I know some folks will be triggered, so here I go.
MsAl comments on Jan 21, 2019:
They can actually. The consequences are no $0. I dont like it Should have been single payer for all the whole time. Shitty health insurance for all is not the same as Healthcare for all.
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
okay, so because the republicans and the supreme court would not go for single payer, obamacare, much better than we DID have, sucks and shouldn't exist? tell that to the what, now 12 million people who have coverage who had none before, many of whom would have died without it. yes, let's now go for single payer, although we still have a republican senate run by a guy who kisses trump's and putin's ass (isn't that the same ass?) but MEANWHILE i am sure glad i'm covered, preexisting conditions, vagina and old age and all! g
Does anyone else notice people creep your profile but never say "Hi"?
genessa comments on Jan 20, 2019:
in what way is clicking on your name to go see who you are when you've made a post they like, or dislike, equal creeping? there is no obligation or need for anyone to say hi just because they checked out your page. what if they checked out 20 pages? do they need to say hi? if everyone who ...
genessa replies on Jan 21, 2019:
@Jama765 i have not paid enough attention to know if anyone does that to me. i doubt it, though. but i know that sometimes if i see a post that piques my interest in some way, i go to that page, and i might go back to it later to make sure of what i saw, or because i saw another post by the same person (and maybe even forgot whether it was the same person). and i don't stalk people, either. g
Does the thought of a pansexual or bisexual partner make you uncomfortable because you think they ...
DoctoralZombie comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Not cheat necessarily. If they said they were monogamist, I would believe until I found out otherwise. I would be concerned there was some aspect of their sexuality that was not being explored, though.
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
being bi- or pan- doesn't necessarily indicate a craving for variety in sexual experience. it can. it can equally just be a lack of preference for one over another. once you've fallen in love, you're true or not according to who, not what, you and your partner are. g
Stop Telling Women to ‘Act Like a Man’ – Noteworthy - The Journal Blog
genessa comments on Jan 20, 2019:
i have never EVER heard anyone tell a woman to act like a man. i hear women who are being just normal intelligent human beings told to act like a lady (never like a woman). i hear girls being told they throw like girls, as if there's something wrong with that. i am not going to read an article ...
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
@OpposingOpposum haha most of the sexism i've encountered wasn't veiled at all but i know what you mean. g
Should the Government Allow Immigrants Who Are Here Illegally to Become US Citizens?​
genessa comments on Jan 20, 2019:
of course they should. we can say "they should have followed the proper procedures" all we want, but the fact is, the proper procedures are broken, and people may have to wait all their lives. if a person has broken the law only the one time by coming into the country illegally -- that being a ...
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
@JackPedigo no, it's a misdemeanor because the law says it's a misdemeanor. people taking something seriously doesn't bump up a crime from one status to another. it's been a misdemeanor for about forever. meanwhile, immigrants give much more than they take. don't blame immigrants for trump. (and if it's not about individual people, who CARES about policy? i lived in japan for 10 years and they always talked about the greater good. what ended up happening was EVERYONE suffered for the so-called greater good, but no one benefited, so how was there any greater good? how was there any good at all? i was on a bus once in the middle of a very hot summer and all the windows were closed. everyone was dripping sweat. everyone was suffering. i asked someone near a window to open it. she gladly did. then i asked why she hadn't opened it before. she said she didn't want to bother anyone. so everyone suffered in order not to bother anyone, but in fact there was not greater good there and EVERYONE would've benefited from the open windows!) and AGAIN you have skirted the issue, which was not whether people should come here but whether those who have already come here and been here a long time should be shown a path to citizenship. did you miss that in the original question? did you miss that when i pointed it out to you in my last response? are you going to continue to miss it? because if so, i can only conclude that you are doing so on purpose, in which case i see no point in further dialogue with you. g
Should the Government Allow Immigrants Who Are Here Illegally to Become US Citizens?​
genessa comments on Jan 20, 2019:
of course they should. we can say "they should have followed the proper procedures" all we want, but the fact is, the proper procedures are broken, and people may have to wait all their lives. if a person has broken the law only the one time by coming into the country illegally -- that being a ...
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
@JackPedigo whether or not you like it, crossing the border illegally IS a misdemeanor. climate change isn't tied to excessive immigration; it's tied partially to certain kinds of immigration, and certainly not to people who cross our southern border or overstay their visas. the fact is, in america, we do NOT have outbreaks of disease because of immigrants; we have them because of stupid anti-vaxxers right here in america, native-born citizens who believe bad science. but the question wasn't about whether people should cross the border. it was about whether the people ALREADY HERE should have a path to citizenship. g
How Can Someone be an Agnostic and an Atheist at the Same Time? | Courtney Heard
genessa comments on Jan 20, 2019:
i don't think most people who are one also are the other, so it's kind of an insignificant question. i suppose it is possible for the reasons cited by others below. i am not both. i'm an atheist. g
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
@irascible oh i didn't read it. i just answered the question. sometimes i do click through and read the articles at the ends of links in posts but this seemed like such a silly question i didn't bother. g
Does society owe lazy or stupid a living?
azzow2 comments on Sep 2, 2018:
You earn what you get. To just get something given to you it is not apricated. Personal responsibility to take credit for your actions if the be favorable or detrimental.
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
azzow2 okay so little children should starve because YOU think their parents are lazy. that's fair. and old people who can no longer work, fuck 'em, right? because YOU don't think they've earned it, or deserve it. who died and made YOU god? g
Does society owe lazy or stupid a living?
genessa comments on Sep 2, 2018:
how do you define stupid or lazy? someone perhaps who thinks "there" means "their"? and if so, which is it -- too stupid to know the difference, or too lazy to learn it? how does THAT feel -- being judged by someone who doesn't know you? maybe you used voice and it put in the wrong word; maybe ...
genessa replies on Jan 20, 2019:
@TomMcGiverin indeed, just as they'd rather get their revenge on someone who might be guilty of a crime (sometimes just the crime of not being rinso-white) even if it means some innocent people who couldn't afford dna tests get executed along with them. it's backwards, immature thinking. that's where the laziness comes in -- it's mentally and emotionally lazy to value spite and envy and revenge over fairness and justice. g
Senator Tester on the Wall-Funding Demand
Novelty comments on Jan 19, 2019:
It should be clear at this point that the shutdown isn't a result of Trump not getting what he wants, but is in itself the goal. It keeps his boyfriend in Moscow happy. Make impossible demands that no rational person would agree with pretend to propose compromises that aren't compromises and let the...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@Mortal oh god, do i ever not want his ass! i want his ass GONE, though. yes, he is not just a moron. he is a malicious, ill-tempered moron. g
hitler: i wanna kill six million jews and i'll shut down the government if you won't let me.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I call Godwin's Law on this.
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@Paul4747 i have not glibly compared trump to hitler, at least not here. (i have compared them elsewhere, but also not glibly.) i AM thinking hard about the holocaust, and especially about how hitler and his henchmen prepared the public to accept it. trump doesn't have to be on the level of hitler, whatever that means, to create a disaster, even another holocaust, the holocaust didn't start with gas chambers. it started with a path we're already ON. i am not being glib or thoughtless at all. i am recognizing history repeating itself. oh, the details are different? oh, hitler was worse? irrelevant. the comparison would be apt, had i made it. this particular post did something different, actually. g
Senator Tester on the Wall-Funding Demand
Novelty comments on Jan 19, 2019:
It should be clear at this point that the shutdown isn't a result of Trump not getting what he wants, but is in itself the goal. It keeps his boyfriend in Moscow happy. Make impossible demands that no rational person would agree with pretend to propose compromises that aren't compromises and let the...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
i hope it's not foolproof. trump is the fool and we have proof of that lol, but seriously, we cannot be fooled by such foolishness. nancy is no fool. she won't fall for it. at rhe same time she knows how to put the pressure onto trump. he will learn he has to keep her happy too. g
hitler: i wanna kill six million jews and i'll shut down the government if you won't let me.
Paul4747 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I call Godwin's Law on this.
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
i call bullshit on godwin's law. comparisons of trump to hitler are appropriate... apart from which i was making an analogy that didn't even require a direct comparison of the two men, only of the concepts being spouted in the dialogue. but i still call bullshit on godwin's law. g
I just was wondering why those people who criticize others so often on this site do not post any ...
Marine comments on Jan 19, 2019:
It is easy to criticize however one should also be able to offer something of value for debate on this site. One does not need to agree or disagree with everything but it is interesting to see other people views and how they got there.
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@AmmaRE007 one CAN edit one's own post... not unlimitedly, but within time limits set by one's levels. one doesn't have to respond immediately to one's own posts by way of editing. g
Trump cites San Antonio as an example of a city where a border wall has worked.
evidentialist comments on Jan 19, 2019:
@Charliesey -- Can you cite where and when this comment was made? Although I wouldn't doubt any level of stupidity from our current Moron in Chief, this is one that raises some question.
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019: as of my typing this, the article is about five minutes old. g
@chucklesIII, @ASTRALMAX, @HomeAloneSundaym JMudge: the scammer who is using princess di's ...
ipdg77 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
It would appear that I have been blocked as well. How dare I have the temerity to take the piss lol
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
lol how dare we indeed! g
@chucklesIII, @ASTRALMAX, @HomeAloneSundaym JMudge: the scammer who is using princess di's ...
Ms_McSteven comments on Jan 19, 2019:
HomeAloneSunday replied Jan 19, 2019 2 I'm going to dub you Queen Reverse Image Search. Thank you for being on top of it, I love that!
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@HomeAloneSunday ah, you know, the calendar really has much less effect on people's naivety than one would expect. there will always be innocents and there will always be those who take advantage. i have too much time on my hands; i don't mind tracking the scammers down if i happen to encounter them. i don't go looking for them, but when i see them, yeah, i do tend to follow through and check them out if possible. maybe if i had a life.... but hey, it's nice to be useful, and failing that, amusing, right? :-)) g
What is it that makes women go on the defensive, or even the offensive, against other women who ...
CoastRiderBill comments on Nov 25, 2018:
In US culture and society, it mostly has to do with tradition and the worldview of their religion. Much of it has to do with survival in more traditional homes and traditional America where the man is the breadwinner. We see this in white Christian women because they believe that the Bible instructs...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@authentica i think the stereotype prevails because it is in the interest of the patriarchy to keep us fulfilling it. that doesn't mean we DO, but we're told we do, and we tend to want to live up (or down) to expectation. i will be 67 years old next month and i worked for most of my adult life, until i became disabled and indeed for some time after that as well. i worked with men and women, and men and men, and women and women. i worked in many fields, and saw many kinds of interaction, and have had many friends, male and female, in addition to observing literally thousands of people interacting. i can say with some certainty that the stereotype is not universally true, and it does not prevail, despite all the efforts to promote it. there may be enclaves where it does. most of the time it does not. g
at three eastern usa time today, drumpf is going to make some kind of announcement.
Bierbasstard comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Well, if he paid for berders with his own money perhaps he's going to announce covering the federal employees paychecks too. ???
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@OtherPatrick oh i love it! g
@chucklesIII, @ASTRALMAX, @HomeAloneSundaym JMudge: the scammer who is using princess di's ...
Ms_McSteven comments on Jan 19, 2019:
HomeAloneSunday replied Jan 19, 2019 2 I'm going to dub you Queen Reverse Image Search. Thank you for being on top of it, I love that!
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
lol well this site seems to have disabled the ability to search google for an image on a profile page. i'm actually kind of slow i think because it took me ages to realize that if i hovered, i could get a tiny thumbnail of the same picture on the post page, and right-mouse-clicking WOULD bring up the search google for image command! when i see a picture like that (no, i had no idea di even HAD a niece) i get suspicious and i do search... and almost every time it turns out to be someone famous, usually a porn star, or an image that a bunch of different people have decided to use on various dating site profiles. i AM getting good at spotting 'em lol. but if in doubt, you can use that method to search! g
at three eastern usa time today, drumpf is going to make some kind of announcement.
John_Tyrrell comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I expect him to declare a State of Emergency - and thereby set himself up to be challenged in court yet again and defeated.
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
glutton for punishment, isn't he? g
WHo else likes Pedro Almodovar movies?
genessa comments on Jan 19, 2019:
oddly enough, though i have not seen his movies, i have been in the home of one of his stars, assumpta serna, who was at that time married to patrick bauchau, with whom (along with my late best friend, patrick's then-manager) i'd had a wonderful dinner and conversation just outside of paris the ...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@AlexRam it helped to have a best friend who knew 'em, yeah? i had worked for a film industry magazine and no longer did by the time of that encounter, so i was used to interviewing film industry folk, some famous, some less so, but it didn't hurt my feelings to have this experience thanks to my friend :-)) (i got to interview/dine with willem dafoe that way, too, in tokyo as it happens, and i couldn't print what he said about ronald reagan!) g
@chucklesIII, @ASTRALMAX, @HomeAloneSundaym JMudge: the scammer who is using princess di's ...
ipdg77 comments on Jan 19, 2019:
If you were interested this was the reply you can't see. You didn't miss much lol "Obviously people would and i never said that it's me, you have a picture of a kid on your profile so tell me is that what you look like now?"
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
you're right -- it was silly, wasn't it? OBVIOUSLY she intends people to think that her picture is of her, and OBVIOUSLY i do not intend for people to think my baby picture reflects my current physical presentation -- and just as obviously she never looked like the picture she presents, since it's not, and never was, she (whereas i did once look like my baby picture). thanks for showing me, though, @ipdg77. i admit i was a tad curious. i'm more interested in the other comments of course, but since she bothered to reply, yeah, thanks, i can laugh at that too! :-)) g p.s. i suppose i should mention too that i do have other pictures of myself on my profile, and yes, they're all me -- not a single one of them pretending to be related to royalty, either!
at three eastern usa time today, drumpf is going to make some kind of announcement.
Bierbasstard comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Well, if he paid for berders with his own money perhaps he's going to announce covering the federal employees paychecks too. ???
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
then he can take them all out to berder king! g
Should sharia law be banned from the West?
genessa comments on Jan 18, 2019:
why bother? there is no sharia law in the west. well... we have no islamic sharia law in the west, anyway. we do have christian sharia law, though it's not called that. there are still seven states in which it is illegal for atheists to run for elected office, and courts have incomprehensibly ...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@jchristian88 mass protests have been known to happen for a variety of reasons, not always connected to reality. seriously, female circumcision or mutilating someone's hand is NOT illegal in britain? quelle surprise! i could've sworn they would be. g
great tits
genessa comments on Jan 19, 2019:
did you know that the proper spelling of tits is teats? it's still pronounced tits though. g
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@Countrywoman that must be why we spell the mammaries teats instead. we wouldn't want them to fly away, and those of us who go braless do face that danger. g
Should sharia law be banned from the West?
genessa comments on Jan 18, 2019:
why bother? there is no sharia law in the west. well... we have no islamic sharia law in the west, anyway. we do have christian sharia law, though it's not called that. there are still seven states in which it is illegal for atheists to run for elected office, and courts have incomprehensibly ...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@jchristian88 i encourage you to look up "illegal." those things are already illegal, so what would you be banning that was not already banned? criticize all you like, but your call for things that are already illegal to be banned would be like calling to ban drunken driving, or burning down someone's house, or robbing a bank. those things are ALREADY BANNED, in the west as you say. so what are you banning that isn't already banned? you can't ban IDEAS. you can only bad actions, and how many damned times do i have to say those actions are already banned? what're you gonna do, also arrest people for thinking about stuff? g
Should sharia law be banned from the West?
evidentialist comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I voted yes in the poll, but with caveat. Each nation has a legal system. They're not all the same, but they are an intrinsic part of what makes up a sovereign nation. The laws of the land. Any elements injected into any system by outside sources needs to be looked at to determine where ...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@evidentialist yes, if those elements are illegal they're already banned, so if you want a ban, it would have to be a further ban. so yes, the poster did. if they're currently a criminal offense, they're already banned and already punished. so why do you need more of a ban than that? g
Should sharia law be banned from the West?
evidentialist comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I voted yes in the poll, but with caveat. Each nation has a legal system. They're not all the same, but they are an intrinsic part of what makes up a sovereign nation. The laws of the land. Any elements injected into any system by outside sources needs to be looked at to determine where ...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
if it is already illegal, the purpose of a further ban is...? g
Should sharia law be banned from the West?
genessa comments on Jan 18, 2019:
why bother? there is no sharia law in the west. well... we have no islamic sharia law in the west, anyway. we do have christian sharia law, though it's not called that. there are still seven states in which it is illegal for atheists to run for elected office, and courts have incomprehensibly ...
genessa replies on Jan 19, 2019:
@jchristian88 ah, so when you say sharia law, you don't mean sharia law. maybe you should look that up, eh? so you are actually just suggesting prosecuting people for privately practicing a religion you don't like. so would you like to be specific about what crime you think is being committed? because it sounds as if you're saying "this isn't a crime but i don't like it so let's ban it, e.g. make it a crime, so that we can then prosecute it as a crime." that doesn't work in civilized countries. g
18 U.
Ron_R comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Get him!!! However, not all of Hillary's emails were collected. Even the "real" news sites will say that there are unaccounted deleted ones. Isn't that concealing?
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@Ron_R i suppose so. i am just going by the link you sent me, though. g
18 U.
Ron_R comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Get him!!! However, not all of Hillary's emails were collected. Even the "real" news sites will say that there are unaccounted deleted ones. Isn't that concealing?
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@Ron_R so... she deleted files that had already been turned over to the state department, so what's wrong with that? and intention DOES matter. the situations are NOT comparable. the actions are not comparable. the motivations are not comparable. g
18 U.
Ron_R comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Get him!!! However, not all of Hillary's emails were collected. Even the "real" news sites will say that there are unaccounted deleted ones. Isn't that concealing?
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@Ron_R i know, i know. i am not doing that. i am trying to stick to facts. g
I am boycotting Trump’s “ State of the Union”. Who’ s with me.
genessa comments on Jan 16, 2019: since if he does one anyway, and it may eventually bring him down, and since there should be a pretty hit rebuttal, i intend to watch. the sound of ...
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@Oldcurmudgeon he will use the ratings to claim he's popular even if there are no ratings! you think the actual ratings will matter? anyway i will watch, if it actually takes place, on msnbc. they get the ratings, not him. and he'd hate that! g
Did you ever see yourself as a loner, but then realized you're not the loner you thought you were?
genessa comments on Jan 18, 2019:
nope, i never saw myself that way, even though i actually have been alone and sometimes lonely for much of my life. asof rmputting all those things you said you'd care about exclusively, nope, not me. people were always a priority -- but not in the sense of "oh i have to be with people" or "i must...
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@UrsiMajor sorry, but how did you leap from what i said to something about living off the grid? who said THAT? g
18 U.
Ron_R comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Get him!!! However, not all of Hillary's emails were collected. Even the "real" news sites will say that there are unaccounted deleted ones. Isn't that concealing?
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@Ron_R if every news source has indicated it, how did i miss it? it's not as if i don't pay attention! can you find me a good one? g
18 U.
Ron_R comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Get him!!! However, not all of Hillary's emails were collected. Even the "real" news sites will say that there are unaccounted deleted ones. Isn't that concealing?
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
at this point? no, not really. and no, that's not actually what i heard. but assuming you've heard it from a good source, no, things HAPPEN. sometimes i can't find emails i didn't delete and i am sure that as busy as i am i never had to deal with as many emails as she did. no, i'm not concerned. i have no indication she had anything to hide, and i have EVERY indication that trump is scrambling to hide a WHOLE bunch. g
FACT CHECK: Is This a Wall Around Nancy Pelosi's Home?
Ron_R comments on Jan 18, 2019:
I swear this is all so ridiculous.
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
it gets dumber and dumber! i mean it's nice to have snopes because we can't all just walk over and look at where pelosi lives, or doesn't live, but given the fact that someone CAN do so, it's so easy to bust these stupid lies! g
Have you or someone you know taken statins?
genessa comments on Jan 18, 2019:
p.s. if you don't know what your doctor meant, it's your doctor who can tell you what he meant. we don't know him.
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@orange_girl believe me, i don't anymore! but then again, it was the combination with the other med that caused the problem. g
Could 'consciousness' be considered a religion?
genessa comments on Jan 17, 2019:
no. why would it be? consciousness isn't a system of deity worship, nor a set or so-called moral precepts. are we now going to redefine consciousness and/or religion, and if so, why? g
genessa replies on Jan 18, 2019:
@sammidenver nope, worship is not the right concept. the word "consciousness" doesn't mean what you just said; what you just said is a concept that includes that word but does not define it. and "worship" means something other than what you just said too. g
Freud said that young girls suffer from penis envy.
zeuser comments on Jan 17, 2019:
A lot of what Freud thought was full of shit. So I wouldn't read too much into this omission.
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@zeuser if he lives in a society that values men over women, why would he even imagine vagina envy? it would make no sense. sorry, i thought my explanation made that clear enough, without saying it outright. why would freud think that men envied the (as he saw it) inferior genitalia of the inferior sex? it's not a careless omission. it was, to someone like him, inconceivable. g
Freud said that young girls suffer from penis envy.
zeuser comments on Jan 17, 2019:
A lot of what Freud thought was full of shit. So I wouldn't read too much into this omission.
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
and a lot of it wasn't. don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. society's focus on masculine superiority may well have led him to this incorrect conclusion. he was noticing one thing and labeling it another. it's an easy error to make, especially in a field of study not previously ploughed. newton got a lot of stuff wrong too; we don't diss gravity because of it. we understand why he got it wrong and focus on the right stuff. g
Kosher and halal ban
Bigwavedave comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I think its backlash. European are wearing out from welcoming muslims . I am not surprised .
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Bigwavedave i don't know; i've never been a christian, myself. i know an extreme example when i see one, though. g
Kosher and halal ban
Bigwavedave comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I think its backlash. European are wearing out from welcoming muslims . I am not surprised .
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Bigwavedave i think you misunderstood me. i am not saying that some individual muslims are good. i am saying that most of them are good and are no more fanatic than most christians. you can read all you want but if you rely mostly on reading you will believe also that jews stone people to death and make animal sacrifices. i am talking about muslims in general, yes, but i am also talking about the majority, not a few okay ones. and i repeat, the islamists are no more muslim than the westboro gang represent christianity. g
Kosher and halal ban
Bigwavedave comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I think its backlash. European are wearing out from welcoming muslims . I am not surprised .
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Bigwavedave the muslims i know are fine people and don't bother anyone; in addition, every time there is a tragedy, especially involving jews, they step up and protect the victims, raise money for them, surround the synagogue to keep out terrorists, whatever needs to be done. this is in america as well as europe. you are confusing muslims with islamists, who aren't even proper muslims. they wage war on their holy days, destroy art works and historical relics that actual muslims would value, and do not follow the tenets of the religion they claim to follow. please don't confuse those two kinds of people. g
Kosher and halal ban
Bigwavedave comments on Jan 17, 2019:
I think its backlash. European are wearing out from welcoming muslims . I am not surprised .
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
...and jews too? what one person eats doesn't hurt another, and kosher/halal slaughter is more humane than non-kosher slaughter. even peta says so, and they don't think anything is humane! g
Can Science be the answer to everything?
genessa comments on Jan 17, 2019:
everything? you mean why do fools fall in love? wouldn't it be convenient to know the question before speculating about who's (or what's) got the answer? g
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Amisja lol we will never literally be that, no matter how hard we try. but it's good that we try. g
The pain of love burns bright in the night of the broken heart only for the embers of passion to ...
genessa comments on Jan 17, 2019:
or sometimes it just hurts. g
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Amisja thanks but i wasn't talking about myself. i was just speaking in general. g
Can Science be the answer to everything?
genessa comments on Jan 17, 2019:
everything? you mean why do fools fall in love? wouldn't it be convenient to know the question before speculating about who's (or what's) got the answer? g
genessa replies on Jan 17, 2019:
@Amisja i think advertising plays a part too. besides, science isn't about answers. science is a study. that means it's about questions. g
18 U.
Silver1wun comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Our laws aren't designed to apply only to people who are in partisan disfavor. Subpoenas were served on Madam Clinton for records long before she destroyed the subpoena'd information and all devices, hard drives phones, bleach byt, etc. Biased intelligence services and corrupt federal law ...
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Silver1wun if you say so. oh wait.... NOT. your being in denial doesn't actually obscure the obvious. if i wanted bloviating i'd listen to a trump speech. since i don't, BYE! g
Did you? I did for 2 years.?
genessa comments on Jan 16, 2019:
i avoided it as long as i could. then i got hired (as an adult) by the department of justice as a clerk (typist) gs 4, from which i was quickly promoted to clerk (typing) gs 5. when they initially hired me they said they needed me to pass a typing test. passing meant 40 wpm. i took the test ...
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Sheannutt oh i have a weird use for my phone. you'll never believe the stuff i do on my phone. i make phone calls! isn't that a kick? g
18 U.
Silver1wun comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Our laws aren't designed to apply only to people who are in partisan disfavor. Subpoenas were served on Madam Clinton for records long before she destroyed the subpoena'd information and all devices, hard drives phones, bleach byt, etc. Biased intelligence services and corrupt federal law ...
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Silver1wun i am so glad you've done those studies and know what most atheists and most people and most religions and most news outlets and most fortune cookies and most armadillos think/do/dream, and i am so glad you decided to share it here for no discernible reason, but you know what? trump destroyed federal documents and he did so under circumstances that lead any intelligent person to think he was hiding something important. that's a crime. nothing you've said has any bearing on that. not a word. not half a word. and quite frankly it would've been a more fascinating read if it had been limited to half a word. g
18 U.
Stephanie99 comments on Jan 16, 2019:
When people discuss Trump, why do some bring up Clinton? The OP is talking about Trump.
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Stephanie99 in the case of hillary clinton, yes also the straw man argument. there are instances (rare lately) in which it's what-aboutism without the straw man, but it's still changing the subject lol g
Did you? I did for 2 years.?
genessa comments on Jan 16, 2019:
i avoided it as long as i could. then i got hired (as an adult) by the department of justice as a clerk (typist) gs 4, from which i was quickly promoted to clerk (typing) gs 5. when they initially hired me they said they needed me to pass a typing test. passing meant 40 wpm. i took the test ...
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Sheannutt use a bong instead. less stress on the fingers! i can type but my arthritis gets in the way of writing with a pen or pencil :-(( g
Here's a couple ideas / thoughts on how to respond to nonsense on the site....
genessa comments on Jan 16, 2019:
silence is not always the best way to reply to a fool, particularly if you see other people listening and believing. sometimes it is necessary to speak up. the goal isn't to educate the fool. the goal is to warn the others. g
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@TheAstroChuck to me, same thing. just get the info out there. people will make of it what they will. i can't come over to anyone's house and smack 'em upside the head with a rolled-up newspaper to make 'em listen. but i can put it out there. g
The liberals running this website tolerate all kinds of crap from the Trump bashing left wing ...
marmot84 comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I would hate to see this site suffer the fate of which is basically a right-wing troll site. That could happen here too as the right wing troll bots are ever present and ready to make the most absurd arguments to support their non-existent case.
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Trajan61 you know what? more americans think progressively than regressively. that's not bias. that's just a fact. you're wailing because your views are in the loud but still small minority. too bad. and by the way, caring about people who aren't millionaires isn't actually a far-left concept. there isn't really an extreme left, unless you consider being horrified by nazis extreme. (and @marmot84 is right: there is no "democrat party." that is a deliberate ploy by right-wingers to make us sound harsh. so... yeah, more liberals than otherwise post here. maybe that should tell you something about how america feels instead of hurting your feefees and causing you to complain that the site (which does not control content in terms of politics) is biased. you don't like hanging out with liberals? maybe you're in the wrong place. g
18 U.
Silver1wun comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Our laws aren't designed to apply only to people who are in partisan disfavor. Subpoenas were served on Madam Clinton for records long before she destroyed the subpoena'd information and all devices, hard drives phones, bleach byt, etc. Biased intelligence services and corrupt federal law ...
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@Silver1wun double-post? anyway, yes facts matter. some people have 'em, some don't. not all media are corrupt. some are. which agencies did you mean? trump's appointees are all corrupt. it was their main qualification. g
18 U.
Silver1wun comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Our laws aren't designed to apply only to people who are in partisan disfavor. Subpoenas were served on Madam Clinton for records long before she destroyed the subpoena'd information and all devices, hard drives phones, bleach byt, etc. Biased intelligence services and corrupt federal law ...
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
@BufftonBeotch 1. clinton was cleared, not only by the fbi but by several republican-run investigations, soc-called, which kevin mccarthy publicly admitted existed only to her her presidential chances. she testified for 11 straight hours, and no one could pin a thing on her because there wasn't anything TO pin on her. 2. she didn't destroy government documents. she destroyed shopping lists and private correspondence. 3. even if clinton had murdered god, robbed the devil and cursed in a kindergarten, what's that got to do with trump? what-aboutism is a stupid way to argue. only trolls and idiots use what-aboutism. which are you? g
18 U.
Stephanie99 comments on Jan 16, 2019:
When people discuss Trump, why do some bring up Clinton? The OP is talking about Trump.
genessa replies on Jan 16, 2019:
it's called what-aboutism. you say "you just ran over my cat with your car!" and the driver defends himself by saying "well, john tore your notebook last week, why aren't you mad at him?" "trump broke the law," "well, what about clinton? fdr? the man in the moon?" g
I have noticed lots of trolls have tried joining recently.
CaroleKay comments on Jan 15, 2019:
We like to have fun, some members take this place too seriously. I've got no time fo dat.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
do i take the site seriously? not so much. do i take scammers seriously? yeah, i hate scammers. they hurt people. they rob people. they ruin people. i just saw a post by someone claiming to have a heart in need of healing. too bad she has chosen a picture of a porn star as her profile picture. she has her phone number on her page. i wonder what she could possibly want? i say "she." she could be donald trump, for all we know. g
Equal Opportunity Hater.
genessa comments on Jan 14, 2019:
yes, you're wrong. sometimes you don't have to see both sides. sometimes one side is wrong. no one is right all the time but there is a difference between sometimes getting things wrong and being a corrupt criminal organization with bad intentions. if the right and left look the same to you, ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@IrmaBast one more thing: these are thoughts, not feelings. i'm not speaking from an emotional base at all. i am using logic. g
Trump’s latest judicial nominee says rape victims are partly responsible if they have been ...
Biosteelman comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I think this is a interesting topic. If I drink and have regrettable sex it's my mistake. If a lady has too many and consents(not passed out) at the time it is legally rape if she regrets it the next day. Seems like an odd double standard. Personally I don't have sex with women for the first time if...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@Biosteelman i didn't accuse you of rape. if you chose to take it that way, i suggest you examine the fit of that particular shoe. g
Trump’s latest judicial nominee says rape victims are partly responsible if they have been ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Women, stay 100% sober so you can evade those blind-drunk frat boys!
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@AnneWimsey i was confirming :-)) g
What do you believe in?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Whatever I believe in MUST be supported by evidence, facts and data.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@WilliamFleming but the voters did not elect him. the voters elected hillary clinton. the electoral college, which is skewed horribly (and that was, believe it or not, because of AIR CONDITIONING! long story, but it's true!) appointed him. the media are not treating trump horribly. he deserves to be treated horribly but the media are only now starting to treat him fairly (in other words, with the treatment he deserves). they WERE more or less kissing his ass. it was literally years before they could bring themselves to use the word "lie." calling a lie a lie, calling a liar a liar, isn't wrong, so there is no second wrong here. g
Trans issues
Biosteelman comments on Jan 15, 2019:
You're being ignorant but so is your friend. The plight of our trans friends is tragic they do have abnormally disproportionate suicide rates. Here is the biology. Your genes are instructions given to the woman's womb on how to grow this baby (simplification ). Gender is developed at 3 district ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@Biosteelman clearly you have no idea whether or not i am "up to speed" but you're perfectly willing to make that assumption. you're the one who needs to read a bit more. clearly you're not worth my time or effort. 'yawn. g
Trump’s latest judicial nominee says rape victims are partly responsible if they have been ...
AnneWimsey comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Women, stay 100% sober so you can evade those blind-drunk frat boys!
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
iti s not up to women to avoid being raped. it is up to men to avoid raping. g
Trump’s latest judicial nominee says rape victims are partly responsible if they have been ...
Biosteelman comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I think this is a interesting topic. If I drink and have regrettable sex it's my mistake. If a lady has too many and consents(not passed out) at the time it is legally rape if she regrets it the next day. Seems like an odd double standard. Personally I don't have sex with women for the first time if...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@Biosteelman if that were true -- and i am wondering if that is some kind of confession -- it would still be a small sample, of no statistical value. actual stats say otherwise. g
Trans issues
Biosteelman comments on Jan 15, 2019:
You're being ignorant but so is your friend. The plight of our trans friends is tragic they do have abnormally disproportionate suicide rates. Here is the biology. Your genes are instructions given to the woman's womb on how to grow this baby (simplification ). Gender is developed at 3 district ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
how do you know they're incorrect? just because they're different, or not standard, that doesn't mean they're incorrect. and it's not just a feeling. i didn't see anything ignorant in what the original poster said. your black-and-white view of genetics qualifies as such, though. g
Trump’s latest judicial nominee says rape victims are partly responsible if they have been ...
Biosteelman comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I think this is a interesting topic. If I drink and have regrettable sex it's my mistake. If a lady has too many and consents(not passed out) at the time it is legally rape if she regrets it the next day. Seems like an odd double standard. Personally I don't have sex with women for the first time if...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
"If a lady has too many and consents(not passed out) at the time it is legally rape if she regrets it the next day." this is most certainly not true! this is in fact what some men THINK, or pretend to think, when a woman cries rape. it is not legally true and it's not true on a practical level either. i believe the technical term for this theory is "bullshit." g
I think I see a pattern here.
genessa comments on Jan 15, 2019:
you see a pattern with nixon and trump because nixon SHOULD have been asked what he was asked and trump SHOULD be asked what he's being asked, but clinton's consensual sex, unsavory though it might have been was nobody's business but his, monica's and hillary's. why wasn't fdr asked? how about ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@jerry99 i disagree, for the reasons stated above. clinton's lie was about something that was none of our damned business and he shouldn't have been asked. he didn't just volunteer "hey by the way i'm not having sex with anyone but my wife." he was asked inappropriately by people who had it out for him, and yeah, he blew it, but lying to the american people? as i say, it was none of our business, and none of congress' business. blatantly and forcefully? how about blatantly and forcefully butting into something not in their purview and not in ours? it's our business when people commit treason. it's not our business when people commit adultery unless we're involved in it. g
Under your libertarian statement of principles you deny the government to restrict in any way the ...
genessa comments on Jan 14, 2019:
again, who are you calling a libertarian? you're addressing the general ag dot com public here. your point about libertarians in this case (not necessarily in your other posts) is apt but your presentation is offensive. most of us bothering to read them obviously are not libertarians and wouldn't...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@Marine maybe he is someone i blocked, or someone who blocked me. i don't see him, and my post is, as of this typing, at the top. g
Religion & Politics
Heydiddle comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Which came first? Chicken or the egg?
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
the egg. something that wasn't yet a chicken could lay a mutated egg that then hatched into the first chicken. that egg could only hatch a chicken. therefore the egg came first. g
Under your libertarian statement of principles you deny the government to restrict in any way the ...
genessa comments on Jan 14, 2019:
again, who are you calling a libertarian? you're addressing the general ag dot com public here. your point about libertarians in this case (not necessarily in your other posts) is apt but your presentation is offensive. most of us bothering to read them obviously are not libertarians and wouldn't...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@Marine i don't see anyone here named spike. g
This question is more aimed at anti-theists, why do you take that sort of position of anti-theism?
genessa comments on Jan 10, 2019:
i don't know whether i am an anti-theist or not. i know i am an atheist, and i know i am fervently in favor of the separation of church and state. i am also for the separation of church and my face. so when religion gets into my state or my face, then i may seem more militant than otherwise. if ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@TheoryNumber3 if by "it" you mean jews marrying only jews, yes i can argue that. the point of view from which that hails is that marrying outside of jewry is what is divisive, in a watering-down sense! exclusive, certainly, but not in the wider sense, not in the sense of only having jews for friends, or in the community. it's just preservation, whether you see it as preservation of the religion or of the culture. g
A strike by the air traffic controllers and truck drivers would stop this shutdown bs real quick.
genessa comments on Jan 15, 2019:
since the real purpose of the shutdown is to destabilize america, such strikes would not end the shutdown but justify it in the eyes of president putin. um, i mean trump. well, both. g
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@starwatcher-al true except there is a caveat: his staff never tell him about the rejection. he thinks america adores him. who's the cutest widdle baby in the whole wide world? widdle donny is! and then he burps and smiles, or is it still gas? g
A strike by the air traffic controllers and truck drivers would stop this shutdown bs real quick.
ATDayHiker comments on Jan 15, 2019:
The fact that half of the government workers are being required to work without pay makes it too easy for the politicians to let this drag on. If there was more pain for the public rather than just the government workers this would end sooner.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@starwatcher-al wait... you mean he can look as far forward as a few minutes from now? i am impressed! i didn't think he could look that far ahead! g
A strike by the air traffic controllers and truck drivers would stop this shutdown bs real quick.
ATDayHiker comments on Jan 15, 2019:
The fact that half of the government workers are being required to work without pay makes it too easy for the politicians to let this drag on. If there was more pain for the public rather than just the government workers this would end sooner.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@ATDayHiker i getcha. but a lot more people ARE affected, even just directly, over 21 million people is a lot of government workers. as for tsa staff, putin would be giggling, and trump is not the only idiot in putin's pocket; mcconnell is in there too. whether he is giggling or gagging, he is going along with the travesty. i don't see him taking action just because things are worse than he imagined. he already knows they're bad. he already knows they could get worse. he doesn't care. he isn't missing any meals. g
A strike by the air traffic controllers and truck drivers would stop this shutdown bs real quick.
ATDayHiker comments on Jan 15, 2019:
The fact that half of the government workers are being required to work without pay makes it too easy for the politicians to let this drag on. If there was more pain for the public rather than just the government workers this would end sooner.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
as of last august, there were 21,995,000 americans employed by the federal government. in addition to the direct effect the shutdown has on the half of them being required to work without pay (and those not being allowed to work, and thus not paid) there are all the citizens SERVED by those people who are ALSO affected. if the shutdown goes past february, my guy and i won't have anything to eat because we won't get our paltry serving of food stamps. there is no "just" the government workers. g
Is it possible that the key fundamentals of all prominent religions and cosmologies can ...
genessa comments on Jan 5, 2019:
no. it's not. the thing they all have in common is that fundamentally they're NOT true. well, there is some truth in some of current cosmology -- but it hasn't got that in common with anything else on the list. g
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@Morty_Frey no problem. btw,you didn't say moral/philosophical. you just now added philosophical. that's fine, but i can't address what you don't say, and changing it without acknowledging that you've changed it (in fact, as much as saying that you DID say moral/philosophical when in fact you did not) isn't quite fair play. changing to refine a topic is one thing. changing to avoid being disagreed with is another. g
Florida official says Rashida Tlaib might "blow up the Capitol Building!" Signs petition to remove ...
Novelty comments on Jan 15, 2019:
That's mighty conservative of them. Florida has always suffered from an overabundance of inbred rednecks going back to the "Cracker" farmers. Florida crackers were colonial-era English and American pioneer settlers and their descendants.The first of these arrived in 1763 after Spain traded Florida ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@AnneWimsey do they read me? i am flattered. or do i mean flattened? g
What do you believe in?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Whatever I believe in MUST be supported by evidence, facts and data.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@WilliamFleming or here is another one, of a different sort. i see people declaring that no president has EVER been disrespected, bullied and picked on as much as trump is. now, people are entitled to their opinions, but i have SEEN videos of the rodeo clown dressed as obama being "raped," and pictures of obama lynchings in effigy, and michelle obama portrayed as a gorilla, and more. the worst i've seen regarding trump is that set of statues showing him with no balls and the big baby trump balloon in... was it england, france or both? anyway, that. so which is worse? a matter of opinion, but maybe most folks would agree that portraying someone lynched is worse than portraying someone as an infant or even ball-less, which, after all, is a comment, not an expressed intention (no one was threatening to castrate trump). if you add it all up, you can reasonably dispute the declaration. it's opinion based on a bit of amnesia. g
What do you believe in?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Whatever I believe in MUST be supported by evidence, facts and data.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@WilliamFleming yeah, yeah, we might all be dreaming or part of someone else's dream, right? but setting THAT aside, there ARE facts. i didn't have anything specific in mind but let me dredge one up. okay, here's one. in 1960, senator john kennedy motorcaded through my then-hometown of levittown, new jersey, and my dad lifted me up to reach out to jfk's outstretched hand. we connected. i know that for a fact. i was there. so if someone insists that jfk was never in new jersey, and truly believes that, and dismisses my memory as either deception or delusion on my part, should i say, well, maybe they're right? i know what i know! likewise, everyone knows he was shot and killed on november 22, 1963. so if someone says no, he wasn't, and gives some other date, or some other method of death, or says jfk is still alive, shall i admit they MIGHT have a point? if you argue with every known fact in the universe, you'll be pretty busy! sometimes, though, you didn't touch it with your hand or see it yourself on your tv. sometimes you have to use your experience, your prior knowledge, your logic, to figure out what and whom to believe. the new york times makes mistakes on occasion; it doesn't LIE. breitbart lies. it's lies have been busted again and again. so when you meet someone who cries "fake news" about the nyt and believes everything breitbart farts, is that partisanship influencing your opinion, or is it prior knowledge, logic, experience and just plain not being a moron? g
Florida official says Rashida Tlaib might "blow up the Capitol Building!" Signs petition to remove ...
Novelty comments on Jan 15, 2019:
That's mighty conservative of them. Florida has always suffered from an overabundance of inbred rednecks going back to the "Cracker" farmers. Florida crackers were colonial-era English and American pioneer settlers and their descendants.The first of these arrived in 1763 after Spain traded Florida ...
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@irascible it is something they do in lieu of thinking. they call it thinking. they're wrong as usual. g
What do you believe in?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
Whatever I believe in MUST be supported by evidence, facts and data.
genessa replies on Jan 15, 2019:
@WilliamFleming it is hard to deal with people who believe their opinions are supported by facts when you know a couple of things, namely 1. that you yourself are fairly well grounded and not delusional and 2. you remember what you personally observed and 3. the "facts" the other party believes support his/her opinions are known to you, not through bias but through those observations and a good grip on history not to be facts at all. g


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