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Someone made a post asking who speaks hebrew.
bingst comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I looked into this. It was blumandolin, without an "e." It appears he just blocked you, as I can see his comment and his and your replies. I think he was trying to be funny.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
correction: page no longer says no longer a member. mystery solved. he left, came back, then blocked me. bizarre behavior altogether! g
Someone made a post asking who speaks hebrew.
GreatNani comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Bluemandolin is no longer a member? That is a shame. She was a lovely person.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
this one's a guy. different person? g
Someone made a post asking who speaks hebrew.
bingst comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I looked into this. It was blumandolin, without an "e." It appears he just blocked you, as I can see his comment and his and your replies. I think he was trying to be funny.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
nope, still not back for me. when i block someone i cannot see his or her page and i was able to, and to see the message that he was no longer a member. that is SO weird. g
Reality In Review: Part Three Reality and Free Will… What?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
"... if you are actually a colony of organisms, each of which have no free will (i.e. – your body cells hence tissues, organs and organ systems), then “You”, the total collective of those organisms that lack free will, can’t have free will." that is by no means a given. MANY things are ...
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@johnprytz no, i don't need to explain it. things grew and developed into the sum of different parts then they were upon conception. i am not arguing for or against free will here. i am arguing that agency can come from a state of no agency. g
Someone made a post asking who speaks hebrew.
bingst comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I looked into this. It was blumandolin, without an "e." It appears he just blocked you, as I can see his comment and his and your replies. I think he was trying to be funny.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
i got a no longer a member thing, went right to the page, which wouldn't happen were i blocked. maybe he came back afterwards. i'll check again. but it is odd! it's a strange reason to block someone. if it was an attempt at humor, it didn't work for me, since "hebe" is one of those insult-names traditionally given by antisemites to jews. when they're trying to be offensive but less so, they say "hebrews." it's very very unfunny. g
sorry my phone is broken, so i can't take a photo, but we're having a cold snap and suddenly all ...
MarvelAnn comments on Sep 30, 2018:
Awwww! We finally cooled off so I opened up the house yesterday. My 3 were snuggled up together on my bed listening to the chicken that escaped on the farm behind us. I couldnt tell if they were cold, or scared, or both. By the time I found my phone they had parted ways.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
how about all three? cats can multitask too! g
sorry my phone is broken, so i can't take a photo, but we're having a cold snap and suddenly all ...
Lilac-JadeCanada comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I can picture that & enjoy the mind photo.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
:-)) g
Why would a most perfect God, create the most imperfect, bloody, stinky world ?
genessa comments on Sep 22, 2018:
well, the reason there is no answer to that question is that there are no gods. quite simple, really. g
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@rayfunrelax they are all perfectly fictional! g
Kavanaugh vocabulary, starting with boofing, and no, this is not a humorous take on stuff he said; ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I think you have done a good job here and if Kavanaugh's GOP buddies do know know this it would surprise me. I think they are just keeping quiet about it. FFFF was known when I was in high school or even before. I was unaware of "boofing" as a term but the practice is to get you drunk quicker as the...
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@DenoPenno i am not even sure he was sober for the hearing. maybe he wanted us to know or think he was drunk. is that proof of innocence? maybe he thinks so! g
Kavanaugh vocabulary, starting with boofing, and no, this is not a humorous take on stuff he said; ...
DenoPenno comments on Sep 30, 2018:
I think you have done a good job here and if Kavanaugh's GOP buddies do know know this it would surprise me. I think they are just keeping quiet about it. FFFF was known when I was in high school or even before. I was unaware of "boofing" as a term but the practice is to get you drunk quicker as the...
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
thanks but i cannot take credit for it. i found the meme on facebook. it was news to me. it is disgusting, is it not? i don't mean the vocabulary, which is bad enough. i mean the lying about it, as if no one would ever figure it out, is disgusting. it's arrogant! g
Ladies be honest now. Would you date a man with the unibrow? Lol
genessa comments on Sep 30, 2018:
i'm engaged to a guy who doesn't have one, but if i were not spoken for, i don't think eyebrows would be a dealbreaker whatever their shape. that's not an important consideration. g
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@HardBlues69 i know :-)) my answer stands! g
Who speaks Hebrew
blumandolin comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Most hebrews I'm guessing.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
@blumandolin but there is no such thing as a hebrew so i am asking what you mean by that. hebrew is a language, not a nationality or any of those things i mentioned. there is no such person as a hebrew. g
Garage sale vs Store?
gater comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Love garage sales, gives me a chance to meet my neighbors and i might find some stuff you cant get at a store.
genessa replies on Sep 30, 2018:
indeed! old stuff is sometimes, even often, better made than new stuff. stores don't sell out of print books, either. g
Hello fellow athiests .
powder comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Atheist means you don't buy into the concepts of deity or gods. About the only belief we have in common is a rejection of organised religion. You may believe in unicorns and still be atheist
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
i disagree. there are deists who don't like organized religion. atheists reject the idea that there are any gods. g
I try really hard not to be gullible and believe the hype and spin from the politicians.
daylily comments on Sep 29, 2018:
In my opinion, the answer is in your post. The specifics of his guilt or innocence is irrelevant for the discussion at hand. He IS (indisputably imo) unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. That's the bottom line here.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
the bottom line keeps getting lower lol. there is no level at which he qualifies to sit on scotus. we can start there. the man might yet look good in orange. g
“I believed that if I came forward, my voice would be drowned out by a chorus.
powder comments on Sep 29, 2018:
We are taught as children men are superior. Where did this concept come from? Religions written by men. So....stop teaching children this belief. How? Ban formal, repetitive instruction in belief targeting children. Indoctrination. I think we should be fighting for children's rights and forget ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
women who already exist should just be dumped because it's easier to start with childhood? what will THAT teach kids? g
“I believed that if I came forward, my voice would be drowned out by a chorus.
brentan comments on Sep 29, 2018:
This post comfortably omits the fact that societies in general swept crimes under the carpet and women were often the most severe in their treatment of other women.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
sorry, was the post supposed to cover all bases? i think the poster was making her (quite valid) point, not making all possible points. but now that you've brought it up, there is that perpetual myth that women naturally hate other women and will climb all over each other to get ahead. myth it is, despite there being examples of it (there are examples of lots of crap, if you look for it, but those examples don't make the generality true). if any portion of what you've said is true, consider who was in power to control what women did or did not do, or did or did not feel they HAD to do, not to be completely suffocated. ALL of that notwithstanding, how does any of it, real or imagined, justify victim-blaming? g
Who speaks Hebrew
fdmadani comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I need help
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@fdmadani sorry, why would i be messaging you? g
I try really hard not to be gullible and believe the hype and spin from the politicians.
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
i believe blasey-ford and kavanaugh made an ass of himself. i am neither a judge nor a jurist, but i have an opinion i don't mind expressing, and that is, first of all, he appears to be guilty, and second of all, whether or not he is guilty of sexual assault, he certainly is temperamentally unfit ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@JazznBlues i don't think he's mature enough to be a grownup lol g
Any of you ever talk like this?
AntaresRose comments on Sep 29, 2018:
beatniks are not at all like hippies.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
precursors in some ways, and not in others. not like, no. but one might not have happened quite the same if the other hadn't existed. we'll never know. g
Any of you ever talk like this?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
nope. i was a flower child. groovy! g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@HippieChick58 well then, my current description is more accurate than i thought. i wasn't worried about it, since it really did describe my attitude now, even if flower child is what i was then. g
From the (halifax) chronicle herald, a cartoon NOT funny, not supposed to be funny.
Surfpirate comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Rapists of Democracy interviewing a rapist for the supreme court so he can help them to further rape democracy, sad is an understatement, criminal is more appropriate.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
true, true, as long as we pay attention to the logos on the sleeves. the democrats tried HARD to make that different and they even walked out on the next day's meeting (some of them walked out, anyway, and i understand both those who did and those who didn't). congress is currently run by a criminal organization posing as a political party. g
I like this site.
RavenCT comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Hey cats help everything. (So does popcorn).
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
sometimes i am in the mood for popcorn. i am never not in the mood for cats! thank you :-)) g
I like this site.
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Considering that we have an international membership, I don't understand the interest in correcting someone's grammar or spelling. We all make typos and we all occasionally make a spelling error. If you can understand the meaning of the poster's words...who cares if they've made a spelling error?
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@RavenCT i don't always mention it. i usually don't. this was "since" meaning "sence." that wasn't a typo. it MIGHT have been a voice misinterpretation, and i mentioned that in my "correction" (which was in passing, WITH an apology in advance, yet) so the person wouldn't feel bad. i guess THAT didn't work. but that is something, as i say, i see a LOT and i really want people to stop making that particular mistake if possible, and no, i don't think that makes me obsessive or (as some like to say, not about me yet but i'm sure it's coming) a grammar nazi. yeah i understood what she meant. maybe she didn't understand what i meant when i apologized and made excuses for her in face she wasn't ignorant, which i guess she turned out to be after all. g
Who speaks Hebrew
fdmadani comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I need help
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
if you need translation help and can't find someone who speaks hebrew, try google translate. g
Who speaks Hebrew
blumandolin comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Most hebrews I'm guessing.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
what's a hebrew? there is no nation called that, nor any ethnicity, race (i know, no such thing, but not even a pretend race) or group called that, outside of the bible, and we know that's fiction. so what's a hebrew? g
From the (halifax) chronicle herald, a cartoon NOT funny, not supposed to be funny.
expatri comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Truth is seldom funny...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
oh sometimes it is. but not this time. nope, not this one at all, and this cartoon does, alas, represent truth. g
I like this site.
AMGT comments on Sep 29, 2018:
You haven’t been here long, yet to me, you’ve read as an uptight know-it-all that sweats the small stuff, pretty consistently. Why give a single fuck about spelling if you comprehended the authors intent? Small stuff. I’d probably tell you to move along as well. Just like real life,...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
now you see, you are calling me cunty, but you're the one calling names, and saying i'm uptight. i don't think confessing to correcting someone's spelling makes me cunty. i think calling me cunty makes YOU cunty. as such, you are about to get blocked. oh the feels. 'yawn. g
I like this site.
Tomfoolery33 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
It seems some on here are a bit too sensitive. I haven't run across it myself, but I have seen others post about conversations and things going on.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@tnorman1236 yep thanks, that did the trick! now, i tend to lurk a bit in writing groups, as i don't want to get stuff "published" here in a manner that will impede my ability to get it published elsewhere, for money. so when i start sharing works it may all be old stuff that has already appeared elsewhere. anyway, at first, i just lurk, but i'm there! g
I like this site.
Varn comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Excessive intensity and a blunt response can turn people off. I try to envision how ‘I’d’ look at a party or human gathering saying the same.. It’s one thing to feel (even know) you’re right, and another to constantly inflict self righteousness on all comers … though some ask, even beg...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Varn i don't think i oppose people's opinions simply because i can. for some strange reason, i see public posts as an invitation to converse, and if a topic interests me, or baffles me, and i have something to say or ask about it, yes, because i can, i do. i don't think i am argumentative or pugnacious, but i participate. if i have nothing to say, i say nothing. but if i have something to say, isn't this the place to say it? dinner is another story! but this is a forum! g
I like this site.
Tomfoolery33 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
It seems some on here are a bit too sensitive. I haven't run across it myself, but I have seen others post about conversations and things going on.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@tnorman1236 i just might! link me, if you will. g
I like this site.
Tomfoolery33 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
It seems some on here are a bit too sensitive. I haven't run across it myself, but I have seen others post about conversations and things going on.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@tnorman1236 it's one of those things that have long intrigued me. ach, i'm a writer; words are my thing. i have a weird relationship with them. g
I like this site.
evergreen comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Yup - you've described a pretty good cross section of the country - especially now. Lots of hairtrigger offended out there, and many that don't take the most respectful of corrections well at all ! And lots of black or white thinkers (literally and figuratively !), no grays, no flex, no ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
i cannot but do so. and i shall! likewise, likewise! g
I like this site.
LucyLoohoo comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Considering that we have an international membership, I don't understand the interest in correcting someone's grammar or spelling. We all make typos and we all occasionally make a spelling error. If you can understand the meaning of the poster's words...who cares if they've made a spelling error?
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
i can usually tell if it's a typo; the one in question was definitely not. it COULD have been a mishearing on the part of a voice program. but it was an error i have seen often and letting it stand perpetuates it, so more people will think it's right. as an ex-english teacher and magazine editor, i care. that's who cares. i do. and i bent over backwards to be nice about it, and the reaction was still outsized. it was as if i said "no offense, but you have a tiny bit of whipped cream on the end of your nose" and the other party said "how dare you! you're evil! you want me to die! my life is changed!" g
I like this site.
Varn comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Excessive intensity and a blunt response can turn people off. I try to envision how ‘I’d’ look at a party or human gathering saying the same.. It’s one thing to feel (even know) you’re right, and another to constantly inflict self righteousness on all comers … though some ask, even beg...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
hmm, i have never been to an atheist meeting. i don't see the point, unless it were for political action, like preventing the legislation, execution and adjudication of religion into our lives. that doesn't mean no one should go or that it has no value; i just don't see it for myself. as for what i would say in person -- i am the same person here as offline. is that good or bad? i may never know but if i thought it was no good i'd try to do something about it. i have seen no reason to do so, so far! :-)) g
Any of you ever talk like this?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
nope. i was a flower child. groovy! g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Hathacat although i now call myself an old hippie -- it's easier for people to locate in their minds. flower child, what's that, right? unless you were there. i was just a couple/few years too young to be a hippie. g
Try Cannaboids Instead of Chemo
JimG comments on Sep 29, 2018:
**This is false**. Cannabinoids can alleviate some symptoms and counter the side effects of chemotherapy, there is no evidence or history of them curing any form of cancer. Spreading bullshit like this is a doing a disservice to all and could be fatal to gullible, desperate cancer patients.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@JimG no one (here, so far) is saying it's a panacea. i just don't like to see it dismissed as at all curative (as opposed to merely palliative, not that that's not important too). g
I like this site.
ipdg77 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I've been blocked at least once for having a different opinion to the post. They're obviously mixing me up with someone who gives a shit :-)
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@ipdg77 he's a dick actually ;-)) and yeah! g
I like this site.
ipdg77 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I've been blocked at least once for having a different opinion to the post. They're obviously mixing me up with someone who gives a shit :-)
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@ipdg77 i have blocked my share! i don't block anyone for disagreeing with me. i block trolls and i block people who call names or make nasty accusations. isn't it odd how the new favorite accusation is "you sound like a republican" or "you must be a trump supporter" or (on this site) "you must be a christian"! i most certainly do not fit any of those descriptions, and i don't think i sound as if i do either. ugh, i think some of it is actual attempts at gaslighting. g
I like this site.
ipdg77 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I've been blocked at least once for having a different opinion to the post. They're obviously mixing me up with someone who gives a shit :-)
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
isn't it fabulous how people will call us whiny or otherwise indicate that they think we are terribly emotionally involved when we bother to respond to something with which we disagree, when in fact they're the ones getting their diapers in a knot? g
Try Cannaboids Instead of Chemo
JimG comments on Sep 29, 2018:
**This is false**. Cannabinoids can alleviate some symptoms and counter the side effects of chemotherapy, there is no evidence or history of them curing any form of cancer. Spreading bullshit like this is a doing a disservice to all and could be fatal to gullible, desperate cancer patients.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018: feel free of course to read the whole thing, which comes, as you can see, from the national institute of health, but here is the abstract: To date, cannabinoids have been allowed in the palliative medicine due to their analgesic and antiemetic effects, but increasing number of preclinical studies indicates their anticancer properties. Cannabinoids exhibit their action by a modulation of the signaling pathways crucial in the control of cell proliferation and survival. Many in vitro and in vivo experiments have shown that cannabinoids inhibit proliferation of cancer cells, stimulate autophagy and apoptosis, and have also a potential to inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis. In this review, we present an actual state of knowledge regarding molecular mechanisms of cannabinoids’ anticancer action, but we discuss also aspects that are still not fully understood such as the role of the endocannabinoid system in a carcinogenesis, the impact of cannabinoids on the immune system in the context of cancer development, or the cases of a stimulation of cancer cells’ proliferation by cannabinoids. The review includes also a summary of currently ongoing clinical trials evaluating the safety and efficacy of cannabinoids as anticancer agents. is the nih saying that every cancer patient should suddenly quit chemo or radiation and run to the corner and buy some dope? no, but on the other hand, saying there is no evidence or history of their curing any form of cancer is not strictly true (it may depend on what you mean by "cure" and whether you take into account that these studies have not aimed at curing anything, but at inhibiting the cancer's growth, which is of course the beginning of a cure; so yeah we may not be able to find some guy whose cancer was cured by smoking grass, but that's because no one is [officially] doing that). to just dismiss this is almost as irresponsible as saying grass will definitely cure cancer. g
I am going to the truth truthfully, and I know that it will find me someday .
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
nonbelief is the same as intolerance? i don't believe, and i do not think i am intolerant of believers. i am, i admit, intolerant of believers who try to legislate, execute and adjudicate religion, but people may personally believe what they want. i don't get why you think nonbelief is ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@motrubl4u, @belfodil :-)) g
I am going to the truth truthfully, and I know that it will find me someday .
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
nonbelief is the same as intolerance? i don't believe, and i do not think i am intolerant of believers. i am, i admit, intolerant of believers who try to legislate, execute and adjudicate religion, but people may personally believe what they want. i don't get why you think nonbelief is ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@motrubl4u that works for me! g
I like this site.
Tomfoolery33 comments on Sep 29, 2018:
It seems some on here are a bit too sensitive. I haven't run across it myself, but I have seen others post about conversations and things going on.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
it has always bothered me (about the english language) that sensitive has two meanings that don't always complement one another. people who are sensitive to others' feelings are not exhibiting the same kind of sensitivity as people who are so sensitive that if you say "boo" to them they burst into tears; the latter are often amazingly INsensitive to the feelings of others! example: i don't drive and depend on metro mobility, a local door-to-door transportation system for the disabled. it's not like a cab service; there might be many passengers and they get picked up and dropped off in an order determined by the company, not by the passengers themselves. quite often my guy and i are the only passengers and we get taken right home. last night we got on board to find three other passengers already riding. as we were driven, one of the other passengers started bitching and moaning about how the bus driver had missed the turn (he hadn't) and then, being told that another passenger was being taken home first, she grumbled continuously that she just wanted to go home. telling her that everyone on the bus wanted to go home did no good; she never shut up the whole way to the other person's home. bitch, bitch, bitch, the whole way. obviously, she was so sensitive she needed to be first and it was an affront and an injury to consider anyone else's needs. that's ONE kind of sensitivity. that is not to say that some people, especially kids, don't have their feelings hurt more easily than others, and that's ignoring physical sensitivities, about which i know a bit, having (among other ailment) fibromyalgia. i don't think anyone on the bus would've described that one woman as sensitive; selfish would've been a better word. i think, though, she would've described herself as sensitive, which would be funny, because in the other sense of the word, she was about as insensitive as could be. g
Why Its Useless To Argue With a Trump Supporter
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
could you draw in a little box for sinclair, the kkk and the kochs -- and a great big box for christianity? g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
here ya go! g
First rule of religion and movies : fuck physics
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
what have you got against movies? movies don't necessarily fuck physics. religion, sure. why movies? g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck i am old too and don't have an easy way to get to movies. however, i do have a tee vee! they show movies on that. i don't watch most of them. i'm picky. but the movies in my mental list are not to be found in the theatres. not only do you not have to go out to see them, you mostly can't (unless you live in a city with a lot of rep houses). g
I don't even like eisenhower but i sure can't argue with this. g
Marine comments on Sep 29, 2018:
He was the last good republican president.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Marine i have issues with the interstate highway system. everyone loves it and we can't live without it, but the truth is, it wouldn't exist without lobbying from the auto industry, and without it, we might instead have fabulous and affordable public transportation, inter- and intracity, cross-country and all. amtrak wouldn't be spitting up blood. we are used to what we've been told is our freedom to drive everywhere, so it seems natural. if we didn't have that, not having it would seem natural. as for honorable... yes, in his way. as a president he behaved less than honorably, particularly with regard to the rosenbergs, who, whether or not they were guilty, did not get a fair trial (morton sobell lied on the stand with the prosecutors' blessings) and would not have been executed had they confessed (that is horrific). they were executed as an example and for no other reason. he could have gotten us out of vietnam; he didn't escalate and he did speak against our involvement, but he could have pulled us out and he didn't do that either. i could go on... and i could go on about his honorable service and his legitimate shock upon examining the concentration camps. but just as i cannot say he was a horrible villain, i cannot say he was a good president. by the same token i stand by the words of his that are quoted in the meme. g
I don't even like eisenhower but i sure can't argue with this. g
Marine comments on Sep 29, 2018:
He was the last good republican president.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
i don't think he was good -- but i will grant her was the last good person who was a republican president. he wasn't a great person but he was a decent human being in general (no pun intended); he was a better general than president, for sure. what came after, UGH! g
First rule of religion and movies : fuck physics
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
what have you got against movies? movies don't necessarily fuck physics. religion, sure. why movies? g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck i have a list in the back of my head if anyone ever wants recommendations. some of them might have physics-related errors; one of them has some continuity errors. most are just fine. g
If you were paid $50 million (tax free) today to take a pill that would cause you to die peacefully ...
nicknotes comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Sure I would take the pill right now because I will never turn 70....I'm past 70 now.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Piratefish what's YOUR problem? i'm not the whiner and i won't even COMMENT on asshat. if i'm boring, oh my, i guess i'll have to live with that. some folks don't see it that way. but if you don't want comments, don't make posts. g
Religious Joke The son of a Rabbi walked up to his dad and said, I have been thinking and I want ...
zephr comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Lol! But both are misogynistic, so... Please try again!
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@zephr ARE and WERE at the time of their creation are not QUITE the same lol -- and in what way were you focusing on older judaism and how old did you mean -- maybe five thousand years? yeah, i like the humanism and progressiveness of modern judaism and it would work a lot better for me too without the deity, but i am not holding my breath on that one. as a culture, though, i find jewishness (as opposed to judaism, the religion) quite appealing, partly because it's the culture of my people and partly because... oh come on, i love lox and i don't care who knows it! g
Sometimes it just takes a little common since to see through the lies, I feel religion is made up ...
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
that is not why it was made up. in fact it wasn't made up. it was developed. it was sustained and organized for the purpose of controlling people but it was developed out of fear and ignorance, which was not superimposed by some ruling power. religion predated governments or even religious ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Chloe40dd INSTEAD of just reading it? did something in my response indicate that i didn't read it? if your point was what i said then your post had a bigger problem than the misspelling, because your post said something different from what i said, and i do not mean different in terms of the amount of detail. the details themselves were different. if you cannot tolerate a rather polite note about your misspelling, if you're sufficiently offended by that to tell me to move on, even though i have as much right to be here as you do and were not rude and broke no rules, but instead made a legitimate comment, then you've got a bigger problem than that. i went out of my way to be gentle and i get "move on." you want a break but you won't give what you expect to get. feh. g
Name a scary movie ??
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
all night? how about for decades! the manchurian candidate, the original. scariest movie ever. g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Sheannutt frank sinatra, lawrence harvey, janet leigh and an extremely frightening angela lansbury. g
Nothing to something
genessa comments on Sep 16, 2018:
you assume there HAS to be something. maybe there is something because it is, not because it HAS to be. g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@norealgod i'm playing with words? me? check out your original post. i don't see any physics or cosmology there. all i see is wordplay. mumbo jumbo in, mumbo jumbo out. g
I am very angry at the AARP Foundation as I write this.
sellinger comments on Aug 20, 2018:
Don't fully understand but doesn't sound too good, get some recordings next time you speak to them like omarosa did ?
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@sellinger oh okay, sorry to bother you with little things like, you know, the law. and all. g
If you were paid $50 million (tax free) today to take a pill that would cause you to die peacefully ...
nicknotes comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Sure I would take the pill right now because I will never turn 70....I'm past 70 now.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Piratefish haha you think i have, like, EMOTIONS about this topic? sheesh. your premise is ridiculous but you're going to hold it to the standard of real-life contract law. if that makes you feel better, go for it. g
I have learned a lot from this site .
powder comments on Sep 27, 2018:
This atheist lives in the moment. No anxiety (worrying about future) or depression (regretting the past). Eternal, forever, would get boring ie don't desire it.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@powder so? that means our worries don't count? and not all theists are christians, either. by the way, christians don't "make merit" for their transgressions. they say "oops, sorry jesus" on their deathbeds and all is well again. there is no merit in that. g
What is the secret
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
dogs are not generally consumed by humans in what is considered the western world but they have been, and in some cases still are, consumed by humans elsewhere and elsewhen. at least some native american tribes considered dog a delicacy. i don't know if koreans still eat dog; if they don't, ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@belfodil we have two sheep per year? you wanna rethink that? we actively work to control the dog population and we actively work to increase the sheep population. g
First rule of religion and movies : fuck physics
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
what have you got against movies? movies don't necessarily fuck physics. religion, sure. why movies? g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck lol i agree with myself. you're both watching the wrong movies. g
Alfie Boe Warbles Again - YouTube
brentan comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I thought he was terrific in Les Miserables 25th anniversary (Matt Lucas was in it too). I listened to one of his CDs (perhaps the one he is promoting here) and was very disappointed with the lack of imagination in the choice of songs. He belts this song out very well. I would like him to make a CD ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
ain't it the truth? he could do it, too! he has passion. he should choose songs that deserve his passion. g
I don't like the word, "Atheist ".
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
well at least you spelled it right! that's a start :-)) i am sorry you hate it. i don't claim to know anything unusual, but neither am i in particular doubt. it seems sufficiently unlikely that for all practical purposes there are no gods. i mean if one is hiding somewhere, i really don't ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@MichaelSpinler well yes, it's rude to call people bullshitters on the basis of their choosing to call themselves atheists rather than agnostics. i was trying to explain it rather than to call him out for that. g
I don't even like eisenhower but i sure can't argue with this. g
Druvius comments on Sep 29, 2018:
Said the man who authorized the first ever US peacetime overthrow of a foreign government, installing the Shah in Iran.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
well, that is one of MANY reasons not to like him. it doesn't change the truth of the words. g
First rule of religion and movies : fuck physics
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
what have you got against movies? movies don't necessarily fuck physics. religion, sure. why movies? g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@JustKip right. as i said, you've been watching the wrong movies. there actually are movies that are not action, adventure or space movies. honest there are. g
First rule of religion and movies : fuck physics
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
what have you got against movies? movies don't necessarily fuck physics. religion, sure. why movies? g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@JustKip you are watching the wrong movies! g
Why harassed people are slow to talk- a personal story
KDrake comments on Sep 29, 2018:
It is not easy coming forward. I was molested by my female babysitter at age four but did not speak of it for months as she had threatened my family, but later that year I was molested by a neighbor boy so I told my mother about the babysitter. I was spanked for lying, and to this day have not told ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Julie808 it may be more difficult for them to bring themselves to admit it because it threatens their masculinity, but once they have done so, they tend to be believed. they are not usually asked what they were wearing, as if the assault could maybe be their own fault. they're not generally told they were "asking for it." g
Why harassed people are slow to talk- a personal story
kiramea comments on Sep 29, 2018:
I stopped going to restaurants with my 2nd husband because he sexually harassed the waitresses. It was embarrassing. The last time he did it I apologized to the waitress and walked out crying. This idiot saw it as his right to do it and "it hurts no one". One of the many reasons why I divorced ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
to him, women were "no one." g
Religious Joke The son of a Rabbi walked up to his dad and said, I have been thinking and I want ...
zephr comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Lol! But both are misogynistic, so... Please try again!
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@zephr that must be why judaism doesn't even have a gender for the jewish god. and the sabbath is the sabbath bride. misogynistic customs may dominate the ultra-orthodox but the practice of reform and even conservative judaism isn't misogynistic. the new prayer books have avoided all gender-specificity with regard to god, and there are female rabbis. or do you imagine that modern jews still make sacrifices at the temple and stone women to death for, i don't know, wearing blended fabrics or something? ha! my only problem with judaism as it is practiced by most jews today is, well, you know, that there aren't any gods. that's not actually a dealbreaker, but it does keep me from being a practicing jew (well, even when i believed in a god i was secular, but still). but fair is fair: misogyny is not built into judaism. g
What is the secret
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
dogs are not generally consumed by humans in what is considered the western world but they have been, and in some cases still are, consumed by humans elsewhere and elsewhen. at least some native american tribes considered dog a delicacy. i don't know if koreans still eat dog; if they don't, ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@belfodil lol the number of dogs and sheep have nothing to do with logic. it is what it is. here is what it is: there are about a billion sheep in the world. there are about 900 million dogs in the world. that's not a huge difference proportionately but it's still a difference of about a hundred million, which in and of itself is a big number. dogs breed by themselves and are sometimes bred for sale, but sheep have been bred for wool (which doesn't kill them to harvest) and for food (which does) much, much longer. dogs are sometimes spayed. sheep are not. but even if the numbers defied logic, they still are what they are. g
Despite a common misconception, statistics do not lie.
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
statistics might not lie, but they don't always say what they appear to be saying. if you take an exit poll after an election and you interview only black women, your statistics will tell what black women exiting THAT polling place choose to say, and if you say that it represents black women ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck i can ask for no more :-)) g
Wow the prices on these beautiful shoes. I wonder what year these were made?
genessa comments on Sep 29, 2018:
babydolls, yes. heels? no! g
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Sheannutt i can't. i fall down go boom. g
Despite a common misconception, statistics do not lie.
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
statistics might not lie, but they don't always say what they appear to be saying. if you take an exit poll after an election and you interview only black women, your statistics will tell what black women exiting THAT polling place choose to say, and if you say that it represents black women ...
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck in that sense statistics cannot lie, as a study or a field. statistics, the numbers, can seem to say what they are not saying, because they don't exist in a vacuum. i don't know why we would be talking about statistics as a field when it is clear that the field itself is not in question and the numbers sometimes are, but if you know about the two meanings, then you know that people (me, for example) will think you mean whichever one you do NOT mean unless you make that clear to start with. g
If you were paid $50 million (tax free) today to take a pill that would cause you to die peacefully ...
nicknotes comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Sure I would take the pill right now because I will never turn 70....I'm past 70 now.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@Piratefish i'm guessing you make assumptions based on facts not in evidence. g
I have learned a lot from this site .
powder comments on Sep 27, 2018:
This atheist lives in the moment. No anxiety (worrying about future) or depression (regretting the past). Eternal, forever, would get boring ie don't desire it.
genessa replies on Sep 29, 2018:
@powder regret is pointless indeed but how much control do we have over our feelings. i try not to indulge either regret or worry, since neither helps, but i was just saying atheists are not any more or less immune to this than theists. g
If you were paid $50 million (tax free) today to take a pill that would cause you to die peacefully ...
nicknotes comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Sure I would take the pill right now because I will never turn 70....I'm past 70 now.
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@Piratefish it actually isn't that obvious since it didn't have any caveat at all, such as "assuming you're not 70 yet." it therefore tacitly makes a false assumption and offers the same deal (theoretically) to all of us, regardless of age. this is why we don't take the genie up on the three wishes, right? g
I have learned a lot from this site .
Alexthemartian comments on Sep 27, 2018:
I believe you may miss the the point of a agnostic. I think most of us(agnoatics) worry as much as atheists do. For many years I considered myself a atheist but realized that we need to keep a open mind to all possibilities. I believe that eternal happiness does not come from God or a religion but ...
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
that is ONE possible point of an agnostic. i am an atheist and yet i think i have a very open mind. the thing is, it just seems unlikely enough that there are any gods for me not to spend a lot of time wondering about it. i also don't think it's harder for an atheist or agnostic to find peace than it is for religious folks. i think it's entirely an individual matter. as for eternal happiness, we're not eternal, so we can't have eternal happiness, and neither can those who believe in eternal happiness. we live. we die. no eternal anything for us mortals. some of us take it better than others and i don't think belief or disbelief plays as big a role for most people as we assume. g
I have learned a lot from this site .
pasha-one-nine comments on Sep 26, 2018:
That there are more male agnostics and atheists than female really irritates me. Women have suffered so much more because of religion. It's infuriating.
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
on what basis do you say more men than women are agnostics or atheists? g
I have learned a lot from this site .
powder comments on Sep 27, 2018:
This atheist lives in the moment. No anxiety (worrying about future) or depression (regretting the past). Eternal, forever, would get boring ie don't desire it.
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
i am an atheist and i am worried, but not about religion, or an afterlife. i am worried because i am having surgery in november. i don't want that moment. i am worried because i might become homeless, and that's realistic, sad to say. i am worried because my guy has alzheimer's. atheists don't worry about one little thing; that doesn't mean they never worry! g
Despite a common misconception, statistics do not lie.
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
statistics might not lie, but they don't always say what they appear to be saying. if you take an exit poll after an election and you interview only black women, your statistics will tell what black women exiting THAT polling place choose to say, and if you say that it represents black women ...
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck statistics and science are both inanimate but they are different in that statistics are still a thing. they're numbers. you can look at them. science is a study. you can't look at it. you can look at its results, from what happens when you drop an apple to what mathematical equation shows that there must be dark matter, but science ITSELF you can't see. as you can statistics. but statistics are meaningless WITHOUT CONTEXT, and context demands interpretation, at least to the extent of understanding the context. so if you don't understand the context and you misinterpret, then to you the stats are not saying what they appear to be saying. drilling it down more than that is (i hate this term but it's necessary here) mere semantics. statistics mean number in a vacuum so it's not even important whether they themselves lie. g
The new murphy brown started off a little slowly because, you know, they had to set up the premise, ...
sassygirl3869 comments on Sep 28, 2018:
I watched it and saw the old cast minus Elgon who died. Not used to canned laughter anymore.
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
eldon, yes, the actor, robert pastorelli died (suicide if i remember correctly). the show also proceeds without jim dial, and charles kimbrough is, as far as i can tell, still with us, but apparently retired or at least not interested in rejoining. pat corley died and tyne daley will be good in his place. g
Think about the peel of vegetables and fruits
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
sorry, but i have an awful lot of interesting (and sometimes vital) things to think about. if you actually said something informative, interesting or even amusing ABOUT peels, i might spare some time and energy thinking about that, but you just say to think about it. no, thank you. g
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@belfodil sorry that still makes no sense, and as i can contemplate anything i want all around me, i will choose something that i find meaningful. this i do not find meaningful. g
The mind is an gift!!!
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
the mind is not a gift. it's not well understood, but we know it's not been given to us by anyone. if we leave a young child anywhere -- forest, city, 'burbs -- he won't become anything in millions of years because he'll be dead, and if he's alone, as you said, he won't even reproduce, so his ...
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@belfodil correct. i did not understand you. what you just said doesn't make it the least bit clearer, either. if you wrote something comprehensible, maybe i would have a chance of understanding. g
It's twue, it's twue! g
jniece comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Exactly what made Obama far more dangerous than Trump though. I hate Trump too but at least you can see eactly who he is. Obama deserves an Oscar! I mean he's got a peace prize AND a kill list in which he uses to assassinate people (including children)! Pres that let the VRA disappear! Habeas ...
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@jniece oops guessed you missed the part where i'm not going to argue with you anymore. g
Despite a common misconception, statistics do not lie.
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
statistics might not lie, but they don't always say what they appear to be saying. if you take an exit poll after an election and you interview only black women, your statistics will tell what black women exiting THAT polling place choose to say, and if you say that it represents black women ...
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@TheAstroChuck science is a study, not a thing. it can't lie. statistics are a thing. they're not sentient and thus cannot lie but can be lied about. i thought i said some of this.... g
I am watching bits of testimony from blasey-ford and from kavanaugh.
ThisGuy comments on Sep 28, 2018:
I still think the FBI needs to investigate. While Ford's performance was very convincing, it is still hard to substantiate. The other women who have come forward need to be interviewed and the whole circus needs some professionalism. Regardless of the accusations I will agree that he does not...
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
i agree of course, except that i don't consider her testimony a performance. g
The Bar Association is calling for a halt to the Kavanaugh nomination until an FBI investigation ...
Secretguy comments on Sep 28, 2018:
Alan Dershowitz is saying the same.
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
even dershowitz! and he has everything to lose. trump won't let him play any reindeer games after this. g
Was your childhood awesome?
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
i have never heard of it, but if i had, my mom wouldn't have let me watch it anyway. my childhood was rocky, to put it mildly. g
genessa replies on Sep 28, 2018:
@Sheannutt not me, but they were nuts :-)) g
For an ordained minister, one has to respect this man... []
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
he keeps saying this bad thing and that bad thing happened "under obama," as if obama ordered occupy shut down, as if obama ordered the devastation at standing rock. this just isn't true. he has many astute observations but he keeps missing there. (i might add that being able to name a problem is...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@LetzGetReal oh okay. everyone sucks. i get it. never mind. pardon me while i vote, usefully, for people who can and will change things around, even though you think everyone in politics is bought and sold. you're entitled to your bellybutton. g
For an ordained minister, one has to respect this man... []
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
he keeps saying this bad thing and that bad thing happened "under obama," as if obama ordered occupy shut down, as if obama ordered the devastation at standing rock. this just isn't true. he has many astute observations but he keeps missing there. (i might add that being able to name a problem is...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@LetzGetReal no such thing as too smart to be president. we are seeing, not for the first time, that there is such a thing as too dumb to be president. g
For an ordained minister, one has to respect this man... []
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
he keeps saying this bad thing and that bad thing happened "under obama," as if obama ordered occupy shut down, as if obama ordered the devastation at standing rock. this just isn't true. he has many astute observations but he keeps missing there. (i might add that being able to name a problem is...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@LetzGetReal really? when did obama say that? before or after he temporarily (the best he could do) halted the pipeline? g
For an ordained minister, one has to respect this man... []
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
he keeps saying this bad thing and that bad thing happened "under obama," as if obama ordered occupy shut down, as if obama ordered the devastation at standing rock. this just isn't true. he has many astute observations but he keeps missing there. (i might add that being able to name a problem is...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@LetzGetReal that qualifies him to be president? that qualifies him to be a front line reporter and author. g
The 40s were a little before our time, but does anyone remember this?
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
ah, post louisiana purchase! g
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@glennlab yes that part is obvious. but if you ignored the date and just looked at the map you could still tell that. g
It's twue, it's twue! g
jniece comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Exactly what made Obama far more dangerous than Trump though. I hate Trump too but at least you can see eactly who he is. Obama deserves an Oscar! I mean he's got a peace prize AND a kill list in which he uses to assassinate people (including children)! Pres that let the VRA disappear! Habeas ...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@jniece obama is not a war criminal. you're thinking of bush. not only am i paying good attention, i can tell you're not by how you reacted to my question about the kill list. you had no idea what i said. none. you probably still don't. you took my scoffing at the false idea that obama had a kill list as my approval of his having one (which he did not). you do not understand the simplest things but you imply that i am the one who doesn't pay attention. i have no reason to argue anymore with you. g
It's twue, it's twue! g
jniece comments on Sep 26, 2018:
Exactly what made Obama far more dangerous than Trump though. I hate Trump too but at least you can see eactly who he is. Obama deserves an Oscar! I mean he's got a peace prize AND a kill list in which he uses to assassinate people (including children)! Pres that let the VRA disappear! Habeas ...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@jniece of course not. but you said he had a kill list. that's bullshit. g
Melania Trump announces October trip to Ghana, Malawi, Kenya, and Egypt, won't she loose her ...
citronella comments on Sep 26, 2018:
She is already stained by her association with Trump. So there's not a whole lot of whiteness left to cover up. Although, I am probably being unfair to her. I don't think she ever thought he would win the presidency, or that she would be first lady. She's been forced into a public position that ...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@citronella i object to her being first lady. she isn't qualified in any way, shape or form. she's ignorant and she's selfish. g
Which witch hunt? g
Paracosm comments on Sep 27, 2018:
To be fair they hired someone else to do their dirty work.
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@Paracosm they are cowards. they've proven that numerous times; this is just more of the same. g
Which witch hunt? g
Paracosm comments on Sep 27, 2018:
To be fair they hired someone else to do their dirty work.
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
ha, that wasn't fairness! that was denial. g
Just wanting to know...
genessa comments on Sep 27, 2018:
well, lots of stuff. can you be more specific... and, not to be picky, but you appear to have two identical posts. g
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@JeremiahX85 erratically as always! i think we're going to go straight from summer into winter with no transitional season. g
Rachel mitchell, chosen by the gop to question kavanaugh and blasey-ford, has experience all right:...
gearl comments on Sep 27, 2018:
You might give some evidence for that. According to CNN In the early 2000s, when the Catholic Church was first rocked by sex abuse scandals, Mitchell led the Maricopa County Attorney's Office sex crime ...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
@gearl no, we don't need to resort to that. it's too bad that the gop are such horrible cheaters that the meme sounded credible just because they chose her! if she is really straight up, one then has to wonder how they got ahold of her lol. g
Rachel mitchell, chosen by the gop to question kavanaugh and blasey-ford, has experience all right:...
gearl comments on Sep 27, 2018:
You might give some evidence for that. According to CNN In the early 2000s, when the Catholic Church was first rocked by sex abuse scandals, Mitchell led the Maricopa County Attorney's Office sex crime ...
genessa replies on Sep 27, 2018:
i got this from someone who usually knows what she is talking about, yet the new york times seems to agree with you, and she had no backup for this meme. i've just called her on it (and i thank you for calling ME on it) and i will get back to you with her response in case she has any backup -- but while the nyt isn't perfect, i doubt they got this one wrong. i apologize for posting this meme without checking it out first myself, and as soon as i get an answer i will post it here. then i will wait long enough for folks to have seen it, and then, if the nyt is right and the meme wrong, i will delete my post. again, thanks for pointing this out. g
Rachel mitchell, chosen by the gop to question kavanaugh and blasey-ford, has experience all right:...
Paracosm comments on Sep 26, 2018:
It explains their choice.
genessa replies on Sep 26, 2018:
absolutely. g


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