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What a farce - the Swiss based peace conference that failed to invite one of the offended parties.
glennlab comments on Jun 16, 2024:
I'd say all the offended parties were there, the offender party was not invited.
glennlab replies on Jun 16, 2024:
@FrayedBear You have no fucking idea what I read or where i get my information from, those are opion polls nothing more and only apply to US media in large part due to that famous Aussie Murdock that you cocksuckers pawned off on the Brits then us. {The Canadians told him to pound sand). But I know how to vet my sourcesand don't believe shit that RT or Pravda publish, they were KGB founded and still operated by their successors. You do realize that in today's world that I can get news from any country in the world at anytime for free as well as the paid news services that I subscribe to. I was in the news business and that is how I recognize your bullshit when you continue to lie about the aggression in Ukraine, the status of NATO, or any other western ideas. Live in Moscow for six months, I'll bet you develop a whole different attitude about how great mother russia is.
What a farce - the Swiss based peace conference that failed to invite one of the offended parties.
glennlab comments on Jun 16, 2024:
I'd say all the offended parties were there, the offender party was not invited.
glennlab replies on Jun 16, 2024:
@FrayedBear You mean the Russian invaders declared independence, not recognized by the west. As far as proof goes, you have never offered one bit of proof for any of your bullshit, so why should I? I trust my sources a lot more than I do yours.
What a farce - the Swiss based peace conference that failed to invite one of the offended parties.
glennlab comments on Jun 16, 2024:
I'd say all the offended parties were there, the offender party was not invited.
glennlab replies on Jun 16, 2024:
@FrayedBear 1. Those Russians were invaders quite properly killed. 2. Russia was most likely responsible for the destruction of the pipeline or they would have screamed bloody murder, they didn't. 3. Again Russia most likely destroyed the pipeline. 4. The weapons used were taken out of war reserve that was in many cases dating back to Vietnam and were scheduled for replacement in many cases. This was less than 1% of the total budget, so it had no impact on the congress's piss poor spending choices. While we have funded the war we have engaged in the largest infrastructure program since the Interstate highway system, so I'll call bullshit on that. Bitch about your own Aussie fuckup;s that you actually might know something about.
What a farce - the Swiss based peace conference that failed to invite one of the offended parties.
glennlab comments on Jun 16, 2024:
I'd say all the offended parties were there, the offender party was not invited.
glennlab replies on Jun 16, 2024:
@FrayedBear Proving your lack of a vocabulary and troll worthiness. A Typical Russian stooge.
Go dressed for battle and scare the shit out of him
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2024:
TFG would need a pit stop for a nappy change if he saw that on Uncle Joe's neck. LOL
glennlab replies on Jun 15, 2024:
The advantage of wearing depends and no audience to smell the shit.
Take the pledge
zeuser comments on Jun 15, 2024:
I made this pledge when Nixon was running in 72. Never doubted the decision or regretted the choice.
glennlab replies on Jun 15, 2024:
same here.
Alex Jones assets liquidated to pay Sandy Hook debt: []
DenoPenno comments on Jun 14, 2024:
Great, but there is no liquidation of Jone's company, Free Speech Systems, and this means he will go on making money just like before. We all know that Jone's is a scumbag who makes money through lies, some of them vicious lies.
glennlab replies on Jun 14, 2024:
But it is still possible to seize the assets, so that is still a possibility in state court.
I hope that this is the last tfg birthday i have to suffer.
Betty comments on Jun 14, 2024:
I truly hope he loses big time come election day.
glennlab replies on Jun 14, 2024:
I'm going to do everything I can to make that happen.
Go dressed for battle and scare the shit out of him
Betty comments on Jun 14, 2024:
That's funny. 😂
glennlab replies on Jun 14, 2024:
Would be even better with a battery pack.
I didn't know they could read, much less spell.
LenHazell53 comments on Jun 14, 2024:
I don't know about in the US but saying woke is just another word for enlightened or empathic is like saying that the IRA were just enthusiastic about their Roman Catholicism National Socialists were overly patriotic and That Islamic state really enjoy telling people about being Muslims I...
glennlab replies on Jun 14, 2024:
In the US it is anything but extreme, it is just another word for enlightened or empathetic. The right would have you believe that is what you describe, but then again they supported slavery, Jim Crow and fought against the War on Poverty.
Might be funny if it wasn't true!
Moravian comments on Jun 14, 2024:
I didn't know that there was a Liberal party in the US. All we hear about are Democrats and Republicans,.
glennlab replies on Jun 14, 2024:
@patriot1 is what we refer to a low information foreign antagonist. He just spouts off to try to enrage and never has a basis in anything he submits.
Weird, huh?
silverotter11 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
LOLOLOLOLOL the accident hahahahahaha Thanks for the giggle.
glennlab replies on Jun 13, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy Having driven in the mountains for years, i was well aware of the critters of the night. At least none of these were of the magnitude of the time I had to drive through Montana the night before elk season opened. I've never seen so many animals on the interstate as that weekend.
Trump veep material? A weasel suckup with overtones of horseshit? So yes, yes he is.
michelle666gar comments on Jun 12, 2024:
What a dumb motherfucker! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
glennlab replies on Jun 12, 2024:
@zeuser, @michelle666gar They have walk-in closets in SC for such occasions
I'm done for the day happy reading. Use these well.
zeuser comments on Jun 12, 2024:
I wonder...if you scratch Lindsey Graham's belly just right, does his leg start to pump up and down? Good set, G-man.
glennlab replies on Jun 12, 2024:
Probably the only guy in the senate that can lick himself.
I'm done for the day happy reading. Use these well.
EricJones comments on Jun 12, 2024:
The 30% still supporting trump don't know how to read.
glennlab replies on Jun 12, 2024:
But they like the pictures of malaria.
Can be an issue if you have bags under your eyes...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 11, 2024:
Sent that last one to my granddaughter because her father works for them...
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz Fedex doesn't care, I've called about the 15 packages that have been left in the yard. I have had exactly one callback. He said the problem would be fixed that day. That was 9 fuckups ago.
Can be an issue if you have bags under your eyes...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 11, 2024:
Sent that last one to my granddaughter because her father works for them...
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @Betty Don't be giving them anymore ideas, I already have to try and recognize the area of my yard in the picture. And Fedex only gives the company line no matter where the package is , "it is near the door"
Can be an issue if you have bags under your eyes...
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on Jun 11, 2024:
Sent that last one to my granddaughter because her father works for them...
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
Or just toss things in their yards and speed off, if you're Fedex
Deny the crime, elect the convict.
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2024:
I've removed the paywall on this The churches that want to talk politics should go back to pre 1954 rules, file a tax return each year and pay taxes on ...
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
@zeuser It was actually an effort to silence the civil rights churches so that they could maintain their non profit status as long as they stayed out of endorsing candidates. Black churches were the ones at the time most likely to not know about the penalty abatement, or filing requirements. It was a boon to both sides in the civil rights war. The black churches no longer had to fear having their charters revoked by IRS, and the racist could attend their own services and fire bomb the black churches when they were holding their nonreligious meetings later.
Trump Issues Shark Warning at Las Vegas Rally In the middle of his recent Las Vegas speech, ...
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2024:
The worm has moved on to oranger pastures, golden.
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
@racocn8 If the judge makes that a condition of his probation or his release, it's normally boilerplate in the release paperwork along with having permission for all travel between conviction and sentencing. But his conditions of release have not been released. They are a public record and as such should have been released.
Deny the crime, elect the convict.
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2024:
I've removed the paywall on this The churches that want to talk politics should go back to pre 1954 rules, file a tax return each year and pay taxes on ...
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
@zeuser Most people don't understand the big deal that the 1954 Johnson amendment was. Churches no longer had to apply for NP status, instead it was granted across the board, they had to file an annual tax return subject to penalties for non and late filing, they were prohibited from excessive payments under the NP rules. It was a paper work nightmare and most penalties were abated, but the fear of god was instilled in keeping pastor salaries and parsonages in check.
Weird, huh?
silverotter11 comments on Jun 10, 2024:
LOLOLOLOLOL the accident hahahahahaha Thanks for the giggle.
glennlab replies on Jun 11, 2024:
On the drive back through New Mexico I almost saw that face several times, big friggin deer.
...getting old happens.
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 7, 2024:
I am not sure if I should blame Time or Gravity........
glennlab replies on Jun 8, 2024:
Wait, what?…
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2024:
Damn, I hope they can't talk.
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
@Betty Who care's, it was told to them in confidence.
There was a frantic call recently
PaddyO comments on Jun 3, 2024:
I think the next time she is going to see him is, to settle affairs
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
@PaddyO, @St-Sinner Don't forget she has had her prenup renegotiated at least twice both times to more favorable terms, so bet TFG is sweating that too.
The breakup ended badly…
annewimsey500 comments on Jun 4, 2024:
She didn't go to waste however
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
She might go to his waist
I am fully amenable with this
DenoPenno comments on Jun 4, 2024:
I'm all for this. Maybe they could go to Australia.
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
There are a couple on this site that he could move in with, but they'd want him out when their dog showed up pregnant
Hey has anyone else realized that Trump finally won the popular vote?.... 34 times in a row?...
puff comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Be careful what you wish for Trump haters. The ladies on the View seem to think, from knowing people in the know, that he will go to Rikers goal (forgive spelling) and there are moves to remove his protection as ex-president. He will be shanked in jail to provide "plausible deniability". Easy ...
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
@puff Not if you think the Russians defeated Germany by themselves. Your love of the former communist state has blinded you to history. There are no US troops in Palestine. I won't argue about Afghanistan or Iraq both were Bush's wars to masturbate to.
Hey has anyone else realized that Trump finally won the popular vote?.... 34 times in a row?...
puff comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Be careful what you wish for Trump haters. The ladies on the View seem to think, from knowing people in the know, that he will go to Rikers goal (forgive spelling) and there are moves to remove his protection as ex-president. He will be shanked in jail to provide "plausible deniability". Easy ...
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
@puff You are waking back you absolute hatred that you have professed in other posts. You probably never studied history or you would know the difference between the Japanese and the Americans, ask the Chinese, Koreans,and South Asians what it was like. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
Hey has anyone else realized that Trump finally won the popular vote?.... 34 times in a row?...
puff comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Be careful what you wish for Trump haters. The ladies on the View seem to think, from knowing people in the know, that he will go to Rikers goal (forgive spelling) and there are moves to remove his protection as ex-president. He will be shanked in jail to provide "plausible deniability". Easy ...
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
@puff Thsi is so fucking slow that it takes 15 minutes to listen to a 3 minute read and so full of bull shit like everything that Grassly says. Trump is the only one convicted and the only one that needs to be in prison. You have stated your hate for America and you desire for her to fail before so you should really try to find a better way to state things than flat out lies. If not for Americans and our atomic weapons, your ass would be speaking Japanese.
Hey has anyone else realized that Trump finally won the popular vote?.... 34 times in a row?...
puff comments on Jun 3, 2024:
Be careful what you wish for Trump haters. The ladies on the View seem to think, from knowing people in the know, that he will go to Rikers goal (forgive spelling) and there are moves to remove his protection as ex-president. He will be shanked in jail to provide "plausible deniability". Easy ...
glennlab replies on Jun 4, 2024:
We will have no problem with DJT in any prison, we have plenty of experience with high threat/value prisoners in our facilities. Trump is afraid of going because of what he did/allowed to happen to Epstein. It is a very simple thing to treat him just like we have mafia bosses by having a prison within a prison and not an isolation cell like Epstein did which is known for "suicide".
I bet Trump had a bad weekend, at least I hope it was terrible.
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2024:
I LOVE orange slushies! LOL Nice job today, buddy.
glennlab replies on Jun 3, 2024:
@silverotter11 I will, It will be good to see old friends and to visit with Michelle and Rhonda.
I bet Trump had a bad weekend, at least I hope it was terrible.
Redheadedgammy comments on Jun 2, 2024:
These are great Glenn! 👍 my favorite is the 34 cent orange slushy!!! 🤣🤣🤣 second is the one on Martha Stewart. The orange anus should do prison time just like she did for her FIRST OFFENCE..
glennlab replies on Jun 2, 2024:
@michelle666gar, @Redheadedgammy I'm game
I bet Trump had a bad weekend, at least I hope it was terrible.
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2024:
I LOVE orange slushies! LOL Nice job today, buddy.
glennlab replies on Jun 2, 2024:
@silverotter11 Texas State Democratic Convention, this will be our first convention in El Paso in a long time
I bet Trump had a bad weekend, at least I hope it was terrible.
zeuser comments on Jun 2, 2024:
I LOVE orange slushies! LOL Nice job today, buddy.
glennlab replies on Jun 2, 2024:
Thanks, it's going to be a short week on here for me, I leave for El Paso Wednesday for the state convention.
It really is amazing how low they'll stoop.
zeuser comments on May 31, 2024:
I reeeeeally don't like this guy. Who votes for jerkoffs like this?
glennlab replies on Jun 1, 2024:
@zeuser I will be hauling folks to the polls during early voting.
It really is amazing how low they'll stoop.
zeuser comments on May 31, 2024:
I reeeeeally don't like this guy. Who votes for jerkoffs like this?
glennlab replies on May 31, 2024:
We're going to see if we can make him unemployed come November.
😂😂😂😂 hahahahaha ...
HippieChick58 comments on May 30, 2024:
I'd love to know what Melania is thinking about all this.
glennlab replies on May 30, 2024:
Well she has had her pre nup updated several times, so she may be planning her exit strategy, or his.
It seemed like a fun idea at the time, and I already had the outfit on...
glennlab comments on May 30, 2024:
I have met a few like Jeff, they make my brain hurt.
glennlab replies on May 30, 2024:
@pamagain They are hard to avoid here.
The Jury is still out, literally
silverotter11 comments on May 29, 2024:
EXcellent set Glenn!
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
Women and food?
michelle666gar comments on May 29, 2024:
I'll drink a whole 12 pack of Dos Equis!!! Helps flush out all the bad! Lol!!!
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy I sent it to the wrong number. you should have it now.
I am writing today to ask for some assistance.
glennlab comments on May 29, 2024:
Go to court, get your judgment, file it at the county courthouse. Check with the JP about the process of perfecting claims in his jurisdiction. Even within the same state each JP will have slightly different procedures to go through. Make friends with the JP's clerk, they can help more than you ...
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy That means dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's. That is the reason to make friends with the clerk, she can help you with the paperwork and how to get it served. I took my paperwork to the JP's office before my second attempt at an eviction and he showed me exactly how to word it. (for him) When I got ready to do one in Dallas, the JP here had a completely different set of rules. I talked to another JP and he had a different set of rules. So go to the court where you will be filing to get all your information.
Women and food?
michelle666gar comments on May 29, 2024:
I'll drink a whole 12 pack of Dos Equis!!! Helps flush out all the bad! Lol!!!
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@Redheadedgammy I'll be in El Paso from 6/5-6/9 for the democratic state convention, the more the merrier. I sent you a message on your phone if you still have the same number.
Had my last infusion today, two more radiation treatments to go! And I don't want to catch any...
glennlab comments on May 29, 2024:
I didn't know this, fellow survivor. I've been cancer free for 7 months.
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz When you break up, they need to stay gone!
Had my last infusion today, two more radiation treatments to go! And I don't want to catch any...
glennlab comments on May 29, 2024:
I didn't know this, fellow survivor. I've been cancer free for 7 months.
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz My second time in 3 years, I'm definitely back on the road again this summer.
And a cracker fer me bird...
glennlab comments on May 28, 2024:
Thankfully that tie with the shorts thing never caught on. I hate ties.
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@zeuser, @michelle666gar I stopped going to funerals if I'm expected to where long pants AND a tie.
Women and food?
michelle666gar comments on May 29, 2024:
I'll drink a whole 12 pack of Dos Equis!!! Helps flush out all the bad! Lol!!!
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
I've got your first one next week.
Just pointing out the obvious
glennlab comments on May 27, 2024:
People need to learn that if their lips are moving, republicans are lying.
glennlab replies on May 29, 2024:
@TomMcGiverin LBJ could turn a phrase. he was one of my early heroes. I got to meet him several times and most of the stories about him were true.
As a Veteran, don't thank me for my service, then vote for a treasonous, draft dodging traitor like ...
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
Think I'll go the email route for this one when I get the time. Since you brought the topic up, would like your opinion on that.
glennlab replies on May 28, 2024:
@SpikeTalon Most of my emails are short. It comes from years of working with journalist and politicians and my military background. One trick one of my editors taught me was to write what you want to say, strike every third word, then flesh it out, wait awhile, re read it, edit it again.
There is some science i would rather not know
zeuser comments on May 28, 2024:
Like you're so innocent. How many times have *you* been pissed off outside?
glennlab replies on May 28, 2024:
I'll be damned if I'm going to walk all the way back inside when we have a nice warm fire going outside.
As a Veteran, don't thank me for my service, then vote for a treasonous, draft dodging traitor like ...
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
Think I'll go the email route for this one when I get the time. Since you brought the topic up, would like your opinion on that.
glennlab replies on May 28, 2024:
@SpikeTalon With all of the weather a\problems here I hope it made sense. There really was a lot of sitting in the dark thinking time.
I'd love to know what happened to him after he said that. 😆
puff comments on May 28, 2024:
I call bullshit
glennlab replies on May 28, 2024:
I think she is counting straws (artificial insemination)
A Memorial weekend smattering
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
?? On the AOC meme- "An AOC meme that was about the price of oil/gasoline has been circulating around on various social ..."
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
@SpikeTalon I worked in oil and gas accounting in the 80s when the bottom was falling out of the market.The oil producers have been telling the same stories since the 1950s. The farther upchannel you go, the worse the corruption gets. and its all legal.
That woman knows how to dress, it's a shame she goes out in public like this.
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
What a disgrace to real cowgirls out there.
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
I noticed something didn't seem right about the boots, and Pam pointed out that they are flats.
A Memorial weekend smattering
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
?? On the AOC meme- "An AOC meme that was about the price of oil/gasoline has been circulating around on various social ..."
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
Her premise is that oil and gas already enjoy huge amount of accounting tricks which heavily subsidize their bottom lines, they also are producing more now than at any time in history... Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d..US dept of Energy. Yet they claim they will lower prices if we let them drill more, just like 20 years ago they said we had hit peak oil.
I'm a rocking
Corvislover comments on May 27, 2024:
Absolutely! There is no video evidence of what shenanigans we got into either!!!
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
I still can't get over how people will record themselves doing something they know is illegal. At least we weren't tempted.
The thoughtful choice for librarians everywhere.
glennlab comments on May 27, 2024:
I don't understand why they would trust a teacher with a gun when they won't trust them to pick out a book.
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
@zeuser Much quieter parent-teacher conferences I bet.
Happy Memorial Day 2024
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
Had often wondered why they say "happy" Memorial Day? It's always been a rather somber day for me... Ashly was a good friend of mine. Gone, but certainly not forgotten.
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
I lost a member of my unit in SEA, he is on the Wall in DC, and one of the most emotional times was when I visited the Wall and saw his name. I am still conflicted about that war and my role, but I came home, 58,000 didn't.
Happy Memorial Day 2024
SpikeTalon comments on May 27, 2024:
Had often wondered why they say "happy" Memorial Day? It's always been a rather somber day for me... Ashly was a good friend of mine. Gone, but certainly not forgotten.
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
Enjoy that which they fought and died for, that is the Happy.
In case you needed another reminder Don't pet the fluffy cows.
EricJones comments on May 27, 2024:
I live in an area with lots of cows; so I know that difference.
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
The fluffy ones have a temper. lol
Wow, don't it look great on me?
glennlab comments on May 27, 2024:
I'll take two.
glennlab replies on May 27, 2024:
@FrayedBear That ship has sailed, I've got too much money invested in this body to lose any of it now.
Lil donnie is scheduled to speak to the Libertarian convention tonight, I hope they boo him off the ...
pamagain comments on May 26, 2024:
I just saw the am news.....people DID boo him! A wonderful thing to see!
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
@pamagain Hegot 6 votes, fewer than Kennedy
Lil donnie is scheduled to speak to the Libertarian convention tonight, I hope they boo him off the ...
pamagain comments on May 26, 2024:
I just saw the am news.....people DID boo him! A wonderful thing to see!
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
@pamagain I've had to watch it several times just for the chuckles.
One has a Masters degree, the other is a baiter, also a master both are idiots.
pamagain comments on May 26, 2024:
WAIT! Seriously? A master's degree?
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
Actually a BBA from Georgia, but she has claimed a masters in her campaign literature so it works here.
Happy Memorial Day
Redheadedgammy comments on May 26, 2024:
Happy Memorial Day Glenn. This one is perfect!!
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
I thought so. Thank you.
Two of the most entitled most despicable people I can think of.
PaddyO comments on May 26, 2024:
The 10 million dollars she used to buy the education secty job is full on corruption but nobody will pay a price except the public.
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
One has a Masters degree, the other is a baiter, also a master both are idiots.
theyweretripping comments on May 26, 2024:
Both divorsed wonder why!
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
Their infidelity, no joke, both were the ones stepping out.
Lil donnie is scheduled to speak to the Libertarian convention tonight, I hope they boo him off the ...
pamagain comments on May 26, 2024:
I just saw the am news.....people DID boo him! A wonderful thing to see!
glennlab replies on May 26, 2024:
With his ego I'm surprised he accepted the invitation, but with his delusion, I'm sure that he believed that they wanted to nominate him. All he had to do was look at their name, they are Libertarians, he is an authoritarian, you can't get farther apart.
Maybe it's not right to conflate Floridians with conservative bashing, but I don't care.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2024:
It has been a recurring problem for at least 15 years, I guess the news just got to Florida not to eat the critters.
glennlab replies on May 25, 2024:
@Scott321" Possum on the half shell" has been eaten for as long as they have been around. They discovered that they carried leprosy and the heath people put out general warnings not to eat them since the disease could be transmitted during cooking and cleaning. This was in the 90s.
Why do they keep trying to inflict their religious morals on everyone else when they don't follow ...
pamagain comments on May 25, 2024:
Damn, Glenn.....I'll be sharing this one. Thanks!
glennlab replies on May 25, 2024:
Every now and then i find a good one.
The likeness is amazing
tiredofthis1 comments on May 25, 2024:
Especially sleepy Joe
glennlab replies on May 25, 2024:
Did you notice what group you were in?
Seems we’re having a crime wave in the county.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2024:
This is one of our finest that shot a guy in his own apartment and claimed that she thought it was hers. She is now a guest of the state.
glennlab replies on May 25, 2024:
@DenoPenno A jury didn't buy it either,
A man that won't hesitate to stir up an angry mob and send them to The Capital to disrupt the ...
glennlab comments on May 24, 2024:
We know that he has shared Top Secret No Foreign dissemination information with an Australian billionaire. Information on the capabilities of the US and Russian Federation submarine fleet and their pending upgrades. If a low level enlisted person was heard talking about this over drinks in a bar, ...
glennlab replies on May 24, 2024:
@annewimsey500 It is amazing how long that technology remains in use. I can't tell you the number of documents stamped "Exempt from the General Declassification schedule" I had to work with. To this day, when I get into an argument, I have to check myself about whether I got the information from the military or another source. One thing I liked about the general declassification schedule is that things were declassified by a date certain, even if it was 30-50 years in the future.
Hmm, maybe that means I can be the scallion of scalawags?
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
HAd me rolling.
glennlab replies on May 24, 2024:
@SpikeTalon One reason I have tried to develop a backup for people to stay in contact.
Hmm, maybe that means I can be the scallion of scalawags?
glennlab comments on May 23, 2024:
HAd me rolling.
glennlab replies on May 24, 2024:
@SpikeTalon I tried three times, I'm going to try the delete everything and message format next.
EricJones comments on May 23, 2024:
His ass ain't near that skinny, must be a photo shop.
glennlab replies on May 23, 2024:
@michelle666gar skinny filter
I saw this vehicle in my travels today. This is definitely a cult!
glennlab comments on May 22, 2024:
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
@Unity I figured that, but you looked like you might need some points.
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar .... Rafael Edward Cruz was born on December 22, 1970,[5][6] at Foothills Medical Centre[7][8] in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to Eleanor Elizabeth (née Darragh) Wilson and Rafael Cruz.[9][10][11][12] Cruz's mother was born in Wilmington, Delaware. She is of three-quarters Irish and one-quarter Italian descent, and earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics from Rice University in the 1950s.[13][14] Cruz's father, Rafael, was born and raised in Cuba, the son of a Canary Islander who immigrated to Cuba as a child.[15] As a teenager in the 1950s, Rafael Cruz was beaten by agents of Fulgencio Batista for opposing the Batista regime.[16] He left Cuba in 1957 to attend the University of Texas at Austin and obtained political asylum in the United States after his four-year student visa expired.[17] He earned Canadian citizenship in 1973[7] and became a naturalized United States citizen in 2005.[11][18][19] At the time of his birth, Ted Cruz's parents had lived in Calgary for three years and were working in the oil business as owners of a seismic-data processing firm for oil drilling.[11][20][21][22][23] Cruz has said that he is the son of "two mathematicians/computer programmers".[24] In 1974, Cruz's father left the family and moved to Texas.[25] Later that year, Cruz's parents reconciled and relocated the family to Houston.[7] They divorced in 1997.[26] Cruz has two older half-sisters, Miriam Ceferina Cruz and Roxana Lourdes Cruz, from his father's first marriage. Miriam died in 2011 from a drug overdose.[26][27][28]
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar Right you are. Was a dual US/Canadian citizen until 2016.
bookofmorons comments on May 22, 2024:
hopefully like Confederate statues, they'll soon be torn down
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
Send Cruz back to Canada an d Trump to Sing Sing.
It fits perfectly!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on May 22, 2024:
That's a lot of Bs
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar glad you got the double meaning.
It's been a long ass day!!! 😔🙄😂😂😂
glennlab comments on May 22, 2024:
You're in rare form tonight, well done my lady.
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
@michelle666gar Since we both know that's not the real Sam Elliot, I doubt his tongue will get past the mustache, so enjoy your ride.
It's been a long ass day!!! 😔🙄😂😂😂
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 22, 2024:
Best use for a chihuahua.... owl fodder...
glennlab replies on May 22, 2024:
You're going to draw the ire of our favorite ED nurse @pralina1
To no one's surprise. Can't imagine his pain
Redheadedgammy comments on May 21, 2024:
I'm sure his attorneys were sweating bullets that he kept saying he wanted to testify!! 😉
glennlab replies on May 21, 2024:
I'm sure that he will continue to blame the gag order and that his minions will believe him.
It was a rough day, but....
silverotter11 comments on May 21, 2024:
That was just epic! I immediately got that Crockett never actually called mtg a bb,bb,bb - Crockett put it in the form of a question and *then* that jerk Comer comes off sounding like the asshole white cracker that he is. The writers at SNL could not have come up with a better skit. Maybe the best...
glennlab replies on May 21, 2024:
I have a feeling that it is going to be a lot harder to talk to jasmine at this convention than the one two years ago, but I plan on congratulating her if I get the chance.
Who? Me? Procrastinate? Never! wait let me think that over.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 20, 2024:
Finding an excuse to not finish something when you know you should is considered by some to be an art form...
glennlab replies on May 20, 2024:
@Lizard_of_Ahaz I used to tell the wife, if you have anything you need done, tell me now, before football season starts.
Who? Me? Procrastinate? Never! wait let me think that over.
Lizard_of_Ahaz comments on May 20, 2024:
Finding an excuse to not finish something when you know you should is considered by some to be an art form...
glennlab replies on May 20, 2024:
If a man says he will do something, he will, there is no reason to nag him every six months until it is done.
Still lying
puff comments on May 19, 2024:
They all lie. I still remember election night 2016 where she hired that big expensive hall with the massive glass ceiling, symbolic for the one she was shattering by being the first female el presidenti. She didn't even rock up once confirmed she is a loser. All those overconfident democrats ...
glennlab replies on May 20, 2024:
@puff Once again your lack of knowledge of how the US government works is glaring. Only the president can authorize the use of force by the military, the SoS only has an advisory role. I am no fan of Hilary, but I NEVER washed her hands of any accountability and you are a liar for claiming that. Trump sent 103 missiles to Syria and supported a warlord in the overthrow of the recognized government of Libya, I can't believe that you are supporting the rapist twice impeached 4 times indicted fraudster who directed the indictment of your hero Assange and wanted to see him hung.
She's that stupid!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on May 19, 2024:
She can't believe there are so many of them.
glennlab replies on May 20, 2024:
@michelle666gar Jewish space laser 3d printer versions.
Still lying
puff comments on May 19, 2024:
They all lie. I still remember election night 2016 where she hired that big expensive hall with the massive glass ceiling, symbolic for the one she was shattering by being the first female el presidenti. She didn't even rock up once confirmed she is a loser. All those overconfident democrats ...
glennlab replies on May 20, 2024:
@puff Are you denying the truth that trump ordered the bombing of Libya and Syria? Are you that fucking blind? The SoS has no war making powers, that is the SoD. Learn about what officials can and can't do before you attribute power to them. Like you tried to say that the department of justice was not part of the executive branch in the US, it is.
Still lying
puff comments on May 19, 2024:
They all lie. I still remember election night 2016 where she hired that big expensive hall with the massive glass ceiling, symbolic for the one she was shattering by being the first female el presidenti. She didn't even rock up once confirmed she is a loser. All those overconfident democrats ...
glennlab replies on May 20, 2024:
@puff I don't know how she could have been a bigger warmonger than trump
Still lying
puff comments on May 19, 2024:
They all lie. I still remember election night 2016 where she hired that big expensive hall with the massive glass ceiling, symbolic for the one she was shattering by being the first female el presidenti. She didn't even rock up once confirmed she is a loser. All those overconfident democrats ...
glennlab replies on May 19, 2024:
@puff Trump directed his indictment, the DOJ worked for that president directly, no separation of powers. The DOJ is part of the executive branch under all presidents.. Trump has always hated journalist that wouldn't kiss his ass and publish what he wanted.
Still lying
puff comments on May 19, 2024:
They all lie. I still remember election night 2016 where she hired that big expensive hall with the massive glass ceiling, symbolic for the one she was shattering by being the first female el presidenti. She didn't even rock up once confirmed she is a loser. All those overconfident democrats ...
glennlab replies on May 19, 2024:
Hilary may hate Assange, but it was Trump that had him indicted, It was not the DNC, but Debbie Wasserman Shultz that screwed Bernie, then Hil screwed herself with poor campaign management.
I forgot to post this one!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on May 19, 2024:
I bet we're going to have a bunch of those in El Paso for the State Democratic convention. They've been a mainstay for the last 4 conventions, hopefully we can retire them this year for good.
glennlab replies on May 19, 2024:
@michelle666gar They get pinata party treatment at the convention. What surprised me was how fast they started making them and knowing their market.
Aaahhhhh!!!! Saturday being lazy!!!
backtobasics comments on May 18, 2024:
Mosquito is valid, doggie is scared.
glennlab replies on May 18, 2024:
Mosquito is small.
This is important. 😆
backtobasics comments on May 18, 2024:
Just like a man, finding boobs everywhere.
glennlab replies on May 18, 2024:
but quick thinking
I cannot escape death but ...
backtobasics comments on May 18, 2024:
You can not escape death, you can merely postpone it.
glennlab replies on May 18, 2024:
as long as possisble
More Chiefs’ kicker…
ThinkingFree comments on May 17, 2024:
And, being that I hate football, I've never heard of this pissant. I feel lucky!! 😁
glennlab replies on May 17, 2024:
I love football, and I hadn't either.
Some people just don't think things through.
azzow2 comments on May 17, 2024:
What about those that think a man's place is also in the kitchen assisting by making the work load less and the memories sweeter.
glennlab replies on May 17, 2024:
This was in response to the kicker stat told a group of women that had just gotten their degrees that they belonged in the kitchen, but yours is the right idea. The whole time I was married, I did all the cooking, and now my son does most of the cooking in his family.
The stupid, it hurts too much!!!!!
racocn8 comments on May 17, 2024:
Reminds me of the challenge to Odysseus to prove his prowess...
glennlab replies on May 17, 2024:
Get them all with one arrow.


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