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Isn't it ironic...
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Cinco de Mayo is simply the last of the immigrant holidays, No Columbus Day (Italian), St Patrick's Day (Irish) Mardi Gras ( French) and I'm sure more all of whom were not considered white by the Anglos.
Was religion an old form of government?
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Prior to the 18th century government controlled the church or the church controlled the government dating back to at least 5000 BCE
In case you had any doubts about why anyone objects to those who kneel during the national anthem.
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I shared this one with one of my clergy friends, she put it in her newsletter this week. It really shows the injustice,
Very brain damaged
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Not fair, he was brain damaged before covid
You're gonna have a bad day.
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
How long to get that garlic taste out of the machine? asking for a friend.
That is a good point
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Throwing down the gauntlet!
Timing seems about right...
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
timing is everything
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I was afraid they would make an exception for tweety, glad they didn't.
But isn’t the covfefe and flavored bleach great?
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I'd say neither of either
Yeah can't wait
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
It's not going to end well
This look familiar
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Good morning!
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
Bacon, YES!
The joys of being a parent! Lol
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
As long as it's still attached, that's ok.
Ugh!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
good set
You can stop now...
glennlab comments on May 5, 2021:
I'm, going to keep on scrolling, I still haven't found what I was looking for.
May the Fourth (what's left of it) be with you!
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Han hits home with me, I can still do the liturgy by heart.
Can't say this often enough, I guess.
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
how about
Sounds like a fun place lol
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Get your fudge there.
Biden: The Oval Office Desk Chair Still Smells Like KFC Farts
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
It will take a long time to eliminate all that gas bag left.
Meme dump, I'm exhausted!
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
good healthy dump. lol
Happy fourth
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Yoda doodle
Happy cuatro de mayo
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Looking a little pastry there.
Couple people here might want to take a shot at answering this one after all the GQP is a ...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Many just joined it or supported its actions.
Who said soldiers have no sense of humor
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
why should he be any different than anyone else?
How many can say yup , all branches included
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Drank until 0655, then headed to the flightline at 0700.
House Republicans are more angry with Liz Cheney for telling the truth than they are with Matt ...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Gropey Old Pedophiles would rather tell ten lies rather than one truth.
Just an FYI.
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
We have been battling them for some time, they just seem to have come out like locusts, most find really slim pickings here.
Here are the reasons why Trump's freedom may be in danger | VozWire
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
They need to move more quickly, Rudy and Donnie could stoke out and avoid justice.
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
and give back all your ill gotten gains.
My hand is raised
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
both hands
Forgot important information
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
I think every unit had at least one of those in it.
Car theft
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Not sure I would trust a company to do what is right for my vehicle verses their bottom line.
The Forgotten "Other" Robin Hood who Ran Circles Around the Invading French
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
very interesting
So how did that turn out?
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Adultery is more fun than adulting.
My morning cardio
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
too much work
For star wars day
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
May the fourth be with you.
A potpourri of proper punditry...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
like them all, first was the best
And a sad one at that...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
speak for yourself
I missed Posting The Atheist Pig on Sunday, so here's a few, plus Bonus Content...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
strange that we never hear about his life's work.
Something to think about when having coffee.
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
In that case I am fucking trustworthy
We miss you, Mr. Trebek...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
Not sure I can get any of those on the first guess.
Sleep Crapnea...
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
smell it too
Yes we did and can live to tell about it.
glennlab comments on May 4, 2021:
I had forgotten the skinny tires, but that was my summer hair.
The Carter Library just released a photo of President & First Lady Biden visiting former President ...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
that just looks wrong, Carter's listed as 5'10" and biden as 6'0"
Yamatosaurus: New Duckbilled Dinosaur Discovered in Japan []
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
It is amazing that we have only identified dinosaurs for less than 200 years, thought the first bones were misidentified 2 centuries earlier. Now we seem to be identifying new species almost weekly.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
One of the objectives of the early women's movement was to allow women to wear pants, that was higher on the list than voting for some, but right behind birth control.
Not for long
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
Nailed it
& it's easy to remember...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
As I've gotten older there are more things that I can't do.
Now stop bothering me!
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
My hearing is just time delayed, if I say huh, it means wait a few seconds before repeating.
A little risque' for this Group, but still a chuckle...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
sounds like a deal to me.
This is to go along w/ @glennlab 's last Post, tho it can be used in so many ways...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
Normal is what's normal for you.
The South will rise again...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
bro.. Kiss me Sis.. No, I don't think we even ought to be screwing
To go along with the last one...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
are you calling me a pussy?How dare you!
We'll have to get your head out of there...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
she has her head so far up her ass it will be cheaper to just install a plastic belly so she can see.
Abraham Lincoln was a liberal.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
He took the wealth of the south and redistributed it without compensation, he could even be described as a socialist.
How is everyone
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
doing so well if I was any better it would be illegal.
The Hollies. - Stop, Stop, Stop...1965. []
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
Haven't heard this in a while thanks
Happy B-Day Frankie Valli (87) The Four Seasons - Let's Hang On (Official Audio) [youtube.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
Saw Valli in the 90s .
Spicy I hear...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
My dog used love eating the sweet and spicy flies.
Leprechaun problems
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
took half of his body too
Must've had lunch at the 'Bell'...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
well past dead, stinking to high heaven.
It's hard to keep up with us old folks.
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
Good one
What is Your Best and Worst Trait?
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
I was going to answer this earlier, so I'll go with best and worst as procrastination.
The Lincoln Project targets Donald Trump with new advert: ''You're old, impotent and an ...
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
not their best work, but should sew more division between the old guard.
What the.....?
glennlab comments on May 3, 2021:
Anti-Gay Commentator: Anderson Cooper is Depriving His Newborn Baby of a Mother | Hemant Mehta | ...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
Didn't his Jesus have 2 dads? Since he was executed by the state for seditious behavior, that may not be the best example.
Flying bear...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
One more reason to be leery north of the border
The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could out-do anyone in a feat of ...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
I learned long ago, if someone offers a bet, make sure you know all the rules,
Be careful what you wish for...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
Don't lose your head over this.
You sure it couldn't have been Netflix???
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
Porn made the internet, why not give it credit for 5G too?
How much are you going out in the COVID environment?
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
I got my second shot in Feb. I wear a mask when I am out around people or in stores.
Word to the wise...
glennlab comments on May 2, 2021:
Be the rainbow
The most people dead too.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
soon to be the first ever criminally convicted
Getting under my Skin...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
another reason not to get one
Small window of opportunity, goose it or loose it.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
So did anyone else hear the one about Josh Duggar getting arrested for child porn?
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
I've seen it several times today, good news travels fast
Scary thought
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
just don't let it loose in that room.
It was a helluva speech.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
smart woman
Out on the prowl...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
best dogs are the ones that adopt you.
After being properly seasoned, place on pre-heated grill & cook for...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
helpful hints when the car is about to be repo ed
A dad joke alert!
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
I don't want poison that is good for bugs, I want one to wipe them out.
Unfortunately Ft.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
He would be a good choice.
My time in the USAF and I could watch the Phantom II do touch and go all day.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
I always enjoyed the speed of the overpowered fighter jets. Our bombers and tankers lumbered down the runway and slowly lofted into the sky.
This is Willy, kindly welcome my lovely pet
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
nice pup.
How neat. Alll the kitchen appliances together...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
shredder has the highest maintenance cost
A simple explanation of why I am always late for work....
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
good kitty, depending on whether they buy your excuse
When your date shows up and ...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
face time next time
Then there were also the scratches because of bad attempts.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
It was amazing the number of albums we listened to just to hear one song. or the pennies tapped to the arm so it wouldn't bounce when we danced.
Rasing my hand
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
Oh yes
Saturday ear-worm
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
eye of the tiger. (damn you, now I've got it playing in my head)
Rand Paul on his way to (do no) work...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
No toll booth, cause highways are govt funded?
TRump when he gets out of the shower...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
Why are you picking on a naked mole rat, how would you like being compared to some ugly vermin that should never see the light of day?
Another example of extreme advertising hype.
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
well Uncle Walt was said to rule like a dictator, so why not ala Lenin, Kim, and Mao
Now that is funny
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
way less offensive
Lmao funny
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
You might be the only guy in the world, but treat her like that and it can be splitsville.
The Biden Administration spent $530 billion on school reopenings, assuming some of that school ...
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
As slimy as he is he can probably slither under it.
2nd group of nine
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
another winning set
The first nine
glennlab comments on May 1, 2021:
great set
Ooh, to bad he isn't housebroken.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2021:
We'll even pay for a one way ticket if you promise to never let him escape again.
Beauty is in the eye of the sculpture.
glennlab comments on Apr 30, 2021:
I too have the body of a god


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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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