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Being considerate shouldn't be political
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
I have a friend that is a nurse in a psych ward. Prior to their shots, they tested for antibodies, she never realized that she had had Covid, or that she could have passed it on. Masks can save lives so what if they are a little uncomfortable.
Paraprosdokians!! No, not a new religion:
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Loved them all
It's a bonus for some of us.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
I see no down side...
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
I'll buy the nails
I guess I was just lucky!
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
and if you knew how to do it, you could slow charge a car battery off it.
How do you spell "stupidity"?
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
Most of the population of Texas is not affected by his order. Counties, schools, and businesses all are still going to require masks in order to enter. It will no longer have the force of law, but business in Texas has a very strong legal standing to determine who is and who is not allowed into their establishments.
This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and says 'Audi!'
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2021:
This sounds like fantastic advice, and I'm going to try it:
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
sounds interesting.
"Stairway to Heaven" Staircase in Taihang Mountains, China.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Just don't forget your mask, you have to go all the way back and start over.
A romantic momento? []
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Magic Rocks: $5
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
I believe in their magic, I turn sparkley rocks into paper on a regular basis
This would get me rammed where I live.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
It is not your christ that scares me, it is your christians.
Now we know where Mom was hiding that!
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Fulton DA's Investigation into Trump Heads to Grand Jury | News Break
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
I hope they have more balls than the republicans in the house and senate.
Why not, indeed?
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Kind of fitting
Jerusalem monastery vandalized in fresh attack
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Fascist attacking the churches, let me get my popcorn.
What's your sign?
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
Astrology is astronomy's cute cousin that everyone likes because she might.
I can also count to 10 (twenty with my shoes off!)
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
always one!
Pesky Girrafs.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Reads true.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
I never said I like to wear pants
Couldn't contain himself.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2021:
A little premie there
What will be the first home improvement store built on Mars Lowe`s or Home Depot?
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Home depot would blend in with the color scheme.
Wait... What?
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I swallow a lot more than eight, but none in my sleep.
The FBI arrested a notorious white supremacist livestreamer in an early morning raid in Florida on ...
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Felon in possession of a firearm, and he broadcast it, talk about setting yourself up.
STATE UPDATES 3/2/2021 Kentucky lawmakers pushing 2 bills to legalize cannabis LOUISVILLE, Ky.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Dallas was news to me, but it is the natural progression that has occurred here, right now it is a a cite and release, but most are not willing to waste their time citing
Varied Thrush, one of my favorite birds, I find woodland hues have a elegant subtlety more handsome ...
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
The cedar waxwings are in my yard today. They are intent on stripping every berry off every plant, so far they have gotten the chinese photinia, hackberries, privetts, holy, and are finishing the mexican fan palm.
Please welcome old friend @Ray13 to the group.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Arizona Republican Paul Gosar Speaks at White Nationalist Conference Controversial Arizona GOP ...
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Mengele in training?
Please welcome @The-Krzyz to the group. Feel free to post some interesting music here for us.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
& remember, he's jealous, too!
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
wish, hope or pray in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first.
I'll drink to that!
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
difference between drunks and alcoholics, alcoholics go to meetings.
I am unable to block someone in one of my groups.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
I had a similar experience
Science vs Religion
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
You give the religious way too much credit
Nothing worse in this world than being Tuna Shamed....tisk tisk. TunaSammiesUnite
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
Something is fishy about that sticker
Lighter is no long brighter but its still light.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
farm out
DIY peeps
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2021:
helpful hints
Sorry. I will show myself out.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2021:
I'm a casual gardener: I mostly plant what I like when I have the chance to take care of it.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2021:
I managed to overwinter some pequin pepper plants that I am slowly starting to harden , you're welcome to one if you'd like.
Most of my potatoes have already popped through the surface of my garden here in Florida , and I ...
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I set out my first "pots" of potatoes this week about a month plus behind you.
I'll let this stand on it's own for this group.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
The difference is the pet owners are not organized like the child owners are. They banded together to bar discrimination, pet owners still haven't gotten over their preference for their pet of choice over other's choice. cats over/under dogs, fish over reptiles, birds etc.
Most people are bad at arguing. These 2 techniques will make you better.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I put up with my racist mysoginic relatives through most of the Obama years since I knew that most of them saw him as just a bush n. and that was a deeply held belief on their part, just like their catholicism. I finally made a break, determining that I was wasting my time trying to teach pigs to sing. Unless we can speak without talking religion or politics, i have nothing to say and no need to say it.
Now another right wing-nut Repug shows up with her favorite quote for her Big Boy: 'Hitler was ...
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Not everyone is thriilled Ivanka Really Not Looking Forward to Sleeping Her Way to the Top of the Trump Organization Again
For those who remember @coralisthree , I have belated bad update.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
I remember seeing a report when this happened, it still saddens me.
Be careful what you do
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Anytime a young thang, not one of my relatives,. sends a friend request i check them out, if there are seminude pics and no friends autodelete.
Golden Donald Trump Effigy Seen at CPAC Was Made in Mexico
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
Everything DJT touches at first seems to be gold, but turns out to be shit. The sooner the masses figure this out, the sooner he will ride off into the sunset in chains.
My stoner name is Jedi Danky! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
rainbow pooch
I need your clothes......
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
terminator meets predator?
Every day .
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2021:
So good to hear from you, take the time and enjoy. The pups will have a blast just being with you.
How many cats does it take to become an official cat lady?
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
My roommate had 12 before I started taking them to get fixed
Wow, what is happening here? The last post was in August 2020? Is everyone here asleep?
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
There were some posts just yesterday.
Somebody is having a bad day....
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
going from bad to shitty
Do you eat the artichoke with mayonnaise or butter?
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
since butter aggravates my gout from time to time, I will eat mine with no dressing at all. I just pluck the tiny hairs out.
More from Trump tax returns
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
I would hate to be an accountant working for Mazars USA. They will be forever tarnished by this relationship. Probably a few CPAs losing licenses
Unfortunately very common
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
oh yes
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2021:
You're not paranoid if they actually are out to get you
Manhattan district attorney obtains Trump's long-sought tax records
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
It also includes the years when his children were in charge of the organization, so RICO, as well as bank and tax frauds could be involved. The interesting thing about fraud is the statute of limitations doesn't begin until the fraud is discovered. Heat up the popcorn, it's going to get interesting.
Oh so that's why! Lol
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
What did I tell you about turning your back on priests?
Candace Owens
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Starts out with the false premis that white liberals hate black conservatives, so it is a strawman argument.
Maskless MAGA Marauders
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Personally I hope that all 10,000 get a case just bad enough to not have to go to the hospital, but bad enough that they throw up and shit their toenails.
MS NASTY IS ATTACKING AGAIN Marjorie Taylor Greene posted a tweet denying Rep.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
How can a person that believes that forest fires are started by jewish space lasers explain what science believes?
Yes what did it do ?
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Just catting around
Please don't bite
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
I'll take a nipple's worth
I’m new to this group, so I apologize if anyone’s already posted, but I saw this today on ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
Don't worry about whether something has been posted before, but do try not to post it the same day as the previous one.
Just got back home from getting my covid vaccine shot for 65+ group.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2021:
I just got mine today too. Since I had Covid in May/June I am hoping for few side effects.
Photo-shopped or hair brushed? :-D
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2021:
merkin models
Just one more comment
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Manhattan district attorney has obtained Trumps tax returns
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2021:
Any bets on how long before he decides to leave Florida and visit his foreign properties?
Pour some sugar on me!
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2021:
god porn
Mariachi band plays at Ted Cruz's home amid Mexico backlash
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2021:
It's a shame he isn't up for reelection until 2024
On being secretive - no photos.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2021:
My son met his wife on line, since he is the only one that i would worry about embarrassing, it's no big deal for me. My biggest problem is I am normally the one behind the camera, so i have very few pictures of me
When you both have a lot in common! Lol
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Oops, sorry Mr.Whiskers
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2021:
Poor kitty will have to live in a third floor walk up, with a view of the skyline, until they build new condos in front of it.
The Stone Roses. - She Bangs The Drums. []
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2021:
I didn't remember that one, thanks.
Fun with Physics
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2021:
that's just mean, I'll file it away for later use.
The only religion I might go for.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2021:
New York Courts are getting ready to probe where it hurts. Bend over Tweety!
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
9-0 after unanimous losses all the way up. They are expecting the returns to be turned over shortly.
Hello fellow heathens, I know this covid crap sucks and I want to ask is anyone else anxiously ...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I can hardly wait to hug again.
A.C.s seasonal recipe for people of good taste, enjoy! :-)
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Can we substitute vodka for gin, the coriander in gin tastes like soap.
Keeping it in perspective
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
To be honest I had to look up when the millennial generation was, I had an idea, but it was never that important to me. Although I'm a boomer, I never paid attention to the dates on that either.
I'm not terribly clever with modern technology but somebody was telling me that we had broadband in ...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
orange you glad you didn't sign up?
Only once you hit a certain age does this kick in, then it really kicks in
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Seems like every morning during the winter, some are worse than others, the colder, the greater the struggle.
We were dressed and ready to go out for a Dinner & Theatre evening.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
I almost couldn't catch my breath I laughed so hard, oldie but a goodie.
New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham article in the news today.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2021:
Over half of the money was spent for staff meals when they were required to be at work to keep from external covid exposure. This was a hatchet job by fox and other right wing outlets.
Didn't know this another republican fraud
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Both father and son are grifters,
Meme from the dark side
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2021:
Pay up, you lost!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2021:
I know those cats
At the Automobile Engineering Department?
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2021:
I resemble that remark
I'd be the innocent bystander...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Threesome are way overrated, one partner almost always feels left out. Perfect analogy.
More dingbat Repugs are rising up and showing their stupidity.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
These attorneys need to have their law licenses revoked. If you file a frivolous lawsuit, you should have to pay treble damages to the state for wasting our resources.
Any other young aspiring pervs buy these, back in the day it was usually 6 to 8 weeks for delivery,...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Right next to the submarine ads.
Great info and additional studies on what happens when we die! []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Really adds meaning to you only live once.
As we get older .
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
So many fit me
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign - Happy Saturday, everyone!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
the last one left me in stitches
Hard to tell everything is wobbly but burnt....
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2021:
Past cookies
Deep thoughts
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Well fuck a duck, I never thought of it like that
took a minute but totally worth it
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2021:
May his grave never be urine free.
You deal with the electricity and water problems, I am going to Cancun
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2021:
And he left his dog alone in the cold house.
How long.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2021:
At least.
Blocking: I'm curious... What do you (specifically) use it for on this site?
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2021:
Nothing wrong with blocking, I personally haven't blocked anyone, but I have been severely temped. If you feel the need for any reason, do it.
From 1967, in case you have forgotten
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2021:


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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