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Who would have guessed?
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2024:
A sucker born every minute, and two to take him.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2024:
That is not what the article states, it talks of the cooperation between free peoples to oppose a foreign aggressor intent on conquest.
I only had sex with 3 guys....
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2024:
He shouldn't have been late,
For the sensitive types. ;)
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2024:
I ran out of butthurt memes.
For the sensitive types. ;)
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2024:
Plus, I heard the barre was passe.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2024:
Kind of fun hunting for ticks. They get in all the cracks and crevices that you can't see.
CNN has no coverage of this case today of what happened yesterday .
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2024:
Fani is not the one on trial, Trump and his 18 co-conspirators are. The only thing that matters is if the prosecutors had a relationship with one of the defendants not each other, this is a complete waste of time. Almost everything that has been produced in evidence so far has been conjecture not evidence of wrong doing.
Pure class (this was published within an hour of her ranting about the Biden crime family)
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2024:
The douche doesn't fall far from the bag.
I have a request to make
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2024:
You've got aways to go.
Are you a wade or folding person? If you don’t know what I am talking about don’t vote.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
please explain
Hard to answer this one
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Texas for me.
He defied doctors
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
Johnny knows happiness
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
He has to piss.
Yeah, but it's laughing WITH you, not AT you.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
good ones
A problem with Air Treasons.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
91 charges in one game, a record we hope no breaks.
Hello everyone.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2024:
We've been experiencing some difficulties on the site, but the site has survived. The groups are still active and we just need more participation.
Amid fear of rising crime, let's take a careful and deliberate approach, lest innocent people lose ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Asset forfeiture has long been a corrupt tool of the LEOs. A simple change that unless you are convicted and a judge orders assets to be forfeited, no forfeiture. Preemptive seizure should only be allowed under court order and held in trust until the trial. No charges, return the property with interest.Found not guilty, the same.
Donald Trump has three interests in life: himself, himself and himself.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Well let's sing him a hymn " him, him fuck him"
This trips up a lot of people.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
They're all good, I don't know which one to comment on so I won't.
Honestly, I would be right there with the chicken.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
I hope she took her eggs with her.
Democracy works only if citizens are aware
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
but at least these don't leak when they're done.
Quite a combo deal I think
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
When the proposal starts with "You're WHAT?"
Coffee makes me happy.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Me too!!!
From our Department of Sickening Sanctimony []
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
my feelings
Where to see April’s total solar eclipse | CNN
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2024:
Party at my house April 8, I have eclipse glasses, if enough people are interested.
You gotta take your inspiration where you find it.
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2024:
priceless princes collection.
Not leaving you alone
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2024:
A little privacy please. lol
1,200 Scientists, Scholars Declare: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’ A group of almost 1200 of ...
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2024:
I don't believe a word of it for the following reason: Slay News – Bias and Credibility Slay News - Right Bias - Hate Group - Conservative - Fake News - Not CredibleFactual Reporting: Very Low - Biased - Not Credible - Fake News QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources. Overall, we rate Slay News Far-Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, right-wing propaganda, poor sourcing, lack of transparency, failed fact checks, and blatant plagiarism. Detailed Report Reasoning: Propaganda, Conspiracy, Pseudoscience, Fake News, False Claims, Poor Sourcing, Lack of Transparency, Plagiarism Bias Rating: EXTREME RIGHT Factual Reporting: VERY LOW Country: USA MBFC Country Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Website Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY History Launched in 2021, Slay News is an anonymously run conservative news and opinion website. According to their about page, “Slay News is unapologetically pro-America and pro-free speech and stands by a pledge to put our people before corporate interests or political agenda.” The website lacks transparency as it does not list ownership, and the authors have no information about who they are. The website appears to be based in NC, but this is not verified. Read our profile on the United States media and government. Funded by / Ownership Slay News lacks transparency as they do not list ownership or funding. Advertising generates revenue. Analysis / Bias Slay News is a conservative news and opinion website that frequently promotes misinformation and false claims, especially as it relates to Covid-19 vaccines and WEF conspiracies (see failed fact checks). The website does not produce original journalism but rather summarizes, adds commentary, or plagiarizes other’s news content without attribution. Further, their editorial standards page is copied directly from The Blaze website. Articles and headlines contain strongly emotional wording such as this ‘Climate Czar’ John Kerry Caught Lying about Private Jet Use during House Hearing and Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist: ‘Climate...
I don't know what prompted me to think this, but my uncle and aunt have three daughters, meaning ...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
If he doesn't have two bathrooms, i bet he spends a lot of time in the backyard. lol
A very short valedictory address.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
You're in rare form today, very good set.
Another designer line from you know who....
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
That's a hard pass.
IRONY When the most capitalist country on Earth bankrupt a former president.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
Trump is being bankrupted by his own corrupt, illegal tactics. You cried about the US in Afghanistan now you cry because we left, you just hate the US. You don't cry about the Russian or Chinese vetoes over the decades or their oppressions or the iron fist they used to smack down Chechnya or Hong Kong. How about the oppression of the Aborigines and that genocide?
Certainly explains a lot
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
Replacing the former Greedy Old Pharts party
Sorry, it had to come to this
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
4,545 rice
If Joe Biden is the 14th "greatest" president the United States have had, where does that place ...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
He isn't one of ours, but if he was he would be worse than trump.
Jury Finds LaPierre and NRA Diverted Millions in NRA Donations to Personal Use A New York jury ...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2024:
You got it right.
Looks cozy though, doesn't it?
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2024:
Good ones.
Friday morning cuteness, slow down!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2024:
She drunk, lol.
I just ordered it!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2024:
works for me.
Punishment did not fit the crime
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2024:
I've never understood people that are offended by what other people like for themselves. Whatever I want to put in my mouth is my business.
One of the questions I often hear from the gun control side of the argument is "why does it appear ...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Busts with CIs are the most likely to be compromised in someway, The most effective are undercover police officers that are less likely to compromise the evidence. This is not an apples to apples argument.
One of the questions I often hear from the gun control side of the argument is "why does it appear ...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
And drug dealers may or may not be armed, arms dealers always are.
Just so wonderful! []
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Ihope, but doubt he will take it.
Michigan GQP goes broke.... []
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
They want to run the country and they can't even run their own party.
Meanwhile at a fundraiser in Florida....
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2024:
Surprised that he didn't have a basket of kittens too.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Take two and go fuck yourself
James Webb telescope finds ancient galaxy larger than our Milky Way, and it's threatening to upend ...
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2024:
The more we know, the more questions we have.
You can do it for George Harrison music as well as Ravi Shankar music.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Good wee set
Family of Canadian idiots move to Russia to "get away from teh Gays.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2024:
Sometimes you get what you deserve.
Wednesday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2024:
I am pretty sure that it's not a dog
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
He's pure bread.
We have put together i think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the ...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
disinformation, Russian propaganda
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
that ended 30 minutes after it started.
He needs it to charge Adam's apple.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
that's why yoga classes smell like ass.
Lefties hate this guy wonder why, oh because he likes democracy.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
You mean this treasonous guy, he loves DICtators
Do you like Chinese?
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
They were too fast in that neighborhood.
For nugget lovers
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
a world of chicken.
It's Tuesday morning and I want to go back to sleep!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
good ones.
Hello I'm new and spiritual!!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
I'm old and I like most spirits, vodka and crown especially. Welcome.
Trumpanzees march in Nashville and get scared off by a man with a camera... []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2024:
If you have to wear a mask in public you must be ashamed of what you are doing.
A man from England who is more of an American than any Republican.... []
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
I almost posted a similar story, glad you did.
Also, here's your heart, I don't want it anymore.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Cats and dogs seem efficient.
Russians making fun of Trump supporters and saying the same thing about them I do.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
Picking the low fruit. Shooting fish in a barrel. Take your pick.
So it turns out that Trump properties are actually worth less than others in the same market.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2024:
I read earlier that Trump properties have lost value in a real estate booming market.
It's time to die.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
We should be so lucky
If anyone would know, he would
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Now it's a buy one get one free sale.
[] Hahahahahahahaha
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
I just flushed my donation I hope it reaches him.
What's tackier than a gold toilet?
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
I can't believe people are stupid enough to buy those things. Nothing says I'm a dumb hick like gold sneakers with a T on the side.
So it turns out that Moscow Mike is in the Pay of Russia through a corporation in Texas.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
He is on the payroll of the russian fascists. Doesn't have a bank account and makes more than 88% of all Americans, give me a break.
Snookered Again!
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
A fool and his money are soon parted.
Personally I can't decide if they look more Liberace-esque or RuPaul-ish but I'm sure no one will ...
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
As if the red hat wasn't enough to scream "I'm an idiot" now you have a new sign to say I can't control my spending on crap.
Tough business.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
Well done
Two original, two from fb.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
I saw tanker trucks of Heinz headed to Mar a lardo. Traitor central will run red.
This twatwaffle!!! 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2024:
People seem to forget the creepy relationship between trump and his daughter, glad she never got preggers that we know of or had to go to work for Jeffery.
I gotta go to sleep!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2024:
good ones
Happy Valentine's Day!!! 💘💞🎈💐🎊
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2024:
Happy VD.
Trump Would Urge Russian Attacks on NATO Allies if They Don’t Pay Up Former president Donald ...
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2024:
Another fine commentary.
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2024:
Good illustration
This bitch!!!! 🤣🤣 []
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2024:
I thought you were talking about this one at first
Silly Putty... :)
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2024:
They were much harder to share back then.
I object. Men always get a bad rap
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2024:
or as my ex called them handles.
...I remember the TV repairman!
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2024:
TVs were furniture, heavy furniture.
The Alien , watching for weeks at work collecting for u 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
When you said you were saving up you didn't mean money.
That uber driver , i hear u 🙌🙌♥️♥️♥️✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
Good ones
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
Sex in your 50s lol, she forgot that you both need foreplay.
Meow 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
You've been holding back, good set.
Went to a Superbowl party and was hoping the Chiefs would win for multiple reasons!
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
tucker sucks
Just got home from a Superbowl party!
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
To # 1
in Canadian the liberals are shitting all over our veterans likely the same down south
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
As a combat veteran, I can tell you that it is the conservatives that are shitting on the veterans south of your border.
in Canadian the liberals are shitting all over our veterans likely the same down south
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2024:
Dear Ma & Pa MAGA, You say that Donald Trump “loves our troops.” So, I want to know why that is. Is it because he received 5 deferments from the draft for military service during the Vietnam War? Is it because he demeaned a POW, attacked a Gold Star family and told a military widow that her deceased husband “knew what he had signed up for.” Was it the time he downplayed the traumatic head injuries suffered by our troops after a missile attack as “not real” because they weren’t ‘missing hands and limbs.’ Is it due to all the years he tried to slash benefits for our veterans, the time he said he didn’t want to be seen with war-wounded amputees, and to keep them forever out of his sight, or the time he called our fallen heroes of war “suckers” and “losers”? Is it the all the times he called our military leaders “dumb” and “overrated” while calling terrorists like the Taliban & Hezbollah “very smart”? Was it the time he demanded the flags after McCain’s death be returned to full mast, or the time he demanded that a ship bearing his name be blocked from view? Was it when he stole, hid and lied about our national security secrets, potentially imperiling countless men & women in uniform all over the world? Or was it when he suggested that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff deserved to be executed? Maybe it was when he asked Gen. John Kelly (who lost his son in combat) at Arlington National Cemetery, why anyone would sign up for service because as far as he saw it, there was “nothing in it for them.” Perhaps it was hearing him say that as President he would allow our adversary to attack the same allies this county’s Greatest Generation fought beside and died defending? Or was it when he insulted Nikki Haley’s husband for currently serving our country overseas? Which of those things was it that made you believe he loved our troops? Because I’d really love to know.
...and don't call me honey
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2024:
What are you doing to his water bowl?
Well they won do you think poor little Fucker will have the balls to kill himself?....
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Nah, but their heads will explode since there wasn't a Biden endorsement at the 50 yard line.
We have made great progress since we thought we finished off the Nazis in the Big One.
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Since my son is in a mixed race marriage(asian) and my granddaughter is mixed race, I'm glad to see the gaining acceptance.
On WOKE Platform Censorship (Videos Included) Blogger, Wordpress, Substack, Bitchute, UGETube ...
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2024:
Since you use the term more often than any other 3 people on the site, please define in detail what you mean by woke.
Another despicable russian asset in a cheap suit.
glennlab comments on Feb 11, 2024:
I still want to know what was in that package he hand delivered to Putin from Trump.
What does 😐 mean? I’m using it in place of 😢 but is that wrong?
glennlab comments on Feb 10, 2024:
I've been using it as sad face , guess I've been wrong
After a couple of drinks, it must be freaky. 😂
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2024:
Talk about bouncing off the walls.
Salesman of all time
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2024:
some more.
Salesman of all time
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2024:
more more
Salesman of all time
glennlab comments on Feb 9, 2024:


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