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Have you received your absentee ballot yet?
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Check your local voter office, every state sets their own rules, In addition some counties have things which can delay the ballots. In most cases, if you requested a mail in ballot, you need to carry that ballot in with you to be eligible to vote in person, again check the registrar's office for your local rules. more info here
Socialism is native to all lands: []
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Pure socialism, like pure democracy works best in small groups. It is the basis of all government programs.
For the IT nerds
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I'm interested...
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
For today's current events discussion...
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Why do you think she renegotiated her prenup before showing up to live in the whitehouse?
I had my first wild tarantula encounter so very cool.
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I remember trying to capture one, it jumped completely over me. Gave me a whole new respect for their abilities.
Loopholes 😉
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Thanks, I'll use that one next time it comes up
For the vegans out there :)
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
I'd say that one is almost perfect lol
I don't eat the crusts.
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Well they also found the the watermelon has the same effect as Viagra, but only if used as a suppository.
A surprise remake of the show "The Munsters"...but more revolting!
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
looks like a real shitshow.
Hey, y'all! My birthday is in November, but I've started working on my gift early.
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
very good
If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent, what would it be?
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Playing a musical instrument
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
appears to be gone already
Some Schadenfreude? []
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
She may be charged under NY law for failure to provide honest services. That is a corporation cannot pay you and you may not accept corp. money for a job not done. The trump org may be criminally charged if there is a pattern (there is) of misconduct. She may also be charged for criminal conspiracy to evade taxes. There is going to be a lot of fallout from this release.
I came in here because I thought I'd get to interact with people who are similar in age and ...
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Feel free to start any conversation here that you'd like. It is an open forum. Be the change you want to see.
The UK government has ordered schools in England not to use resources from organisations which have ...
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
These are two different subjects, capitalism is an economic construct and democracy is a political construct, pure capitalism leads to the end of democracy, and pure democracy leads to the end of capitalism. However modified versions of both can exist with or without the other.
Who's right?
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Got to go with her
Like Steve Miller said... 🎶 ohh-ohh Take the money and run.🎶
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
If you start seeing red stains on the money, burn it an quit.
The Word... According to Canadians. Thoughts?
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Damned friendly Canadians! eh?
It's always time for a Smudge Meme.
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
good cat
Someone got it right
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2020:
Heyy look whos shirt arrived just in time for her birthday! 😮😉 its my birthday y'all, ...
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Happy Birthday
Trump pays taxes.
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
New York Times lead story for today's editon, exclusive
Massage: Happy n Sad ending...
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
great comeback
It was a trap
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Please keep us informed
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
they need some comic relief
Scotty do it now
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
A Break from the Chaos 1 . . . .
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
A Break from the Chaos 2 . . . .
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
great group
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
just finished reading it, the accountant in me is spellbound. looks like he failed to keep his accountants happy. Since he threw his lawyer under the bus, they know he has no reservations about throwing them under it too.
How do you do it?? I'm 4 1 3 5 2.
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
great minds think alike, me too.
Christmas is just around the corner...
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Girl, control your beaver.
[] Help our pollinators....
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Already have one in my backyard, sheltered from the elements. If you're not the handyman type, amazon has them for $10-$50. I think I also saw them at home depot.
Please welcome @Ray13 to the group.
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Welcome Ray13
All just a part of the plan...
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
another reason I don't believe
There is one in every bunch....
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
can you explain?
Trump, about the debate, "I have 3 1/2 years of debating; he (Biden) has 47 1/2.
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
I think the American public may have learned its lesson about electing inexperienced people. He still has 47 years less experience at effective governance. He also has 20 year more experience in acting, though very bad TV acting
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
already there.
Hi All.
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2020:
Welcome back, and best of luck.
Hundreds Turn Out in Portland for Proud Boys Rally Hundreds of extremist, right-wing, white ...
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Most of these military wanna bes, couldn't hack it in the real military, they don't understand honor, discipline, or restraint.
[] engraving on tusk
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Surprised that there was a young earther in the comments, an interesting find none the less
WTF Mom!! NotMyCat
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
poor kitty, he has questions.
Spending the day at my Mom's.
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
The nice and bad thing about ferals is except for one they all hide when I come out. Mama just demands to be fed and petted, unless someone else is around, then she too makes like a tree and leaves.
We should all take pride in our job.
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
fuck'em if they can't take a joke.
Amy Coney Barrett is a religious fanatic: []
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
If she were a man, she wouldn't stand a chance of confirmation. there is nothing about her I like or admire
My husband passed away in July, 20, just five months, to the day, of coming down, literally ...
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Not at all. You alone chose how you want to present yourself. Unless and until you are ready, there is no reason to change. If you change just to suit others, you are cheating yourself.
Happy Saturday Everyone! What “young person” things do you do?
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Since I was a little kid, I loved to explore nature, To this day and as long as I still can, my trips include lots of nature spots. The internet makes it easy to spot the side trips that I used to have to depend on local pamphlets to discover.
Kangaroo surprised😅
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
and small
Yeah just keep looking
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
by then I'll be too old to enjoy it, just send me someone that won't kill me
Bomb squad activated.
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Just drop them in the harbor, people will get a bang out of that.
I'll see myself out...
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
groan, (mean remark follows)
This time, last year, I was gearing up to go to a Fan Convention in Toronto.
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
finally an illustrated version.
From the time I spent on Slug, where people were constantly decrying Marxism (and defining every ...
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
Exactly the same.
ScamAlert Jeff? Is that you?? Read these in order or it won't make sense
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2020:
very good, I'm going to give that a shot.
This might be too disgusting for some......
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
So fitting
Worth a try
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
It works for a lot of other things
I sure didn't
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Damn and I've been giving it away for free.
October is near!
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
amazing set, I don't know which one is best.
Hope you're having a great day! ❤
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
same to you
Just a bit 'o silliness.
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
Delicious Baps
Over easy, officer.
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
egg zatly
There is a moral to the story in there somewhere.
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
I've always said that the number of people that show up for your funeral just to verify you're actually dead, shows how interesting your life was.
Anyone else play this game??
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
When I have to put on long sleeved clothes in the den, it is time to turn on the heat.
It’s tempting
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
blue paint works too, and home depot will color match it for you (Add Japan drier for quick dry)
Did somebody say battle of the gods?
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2020:
First premise is false therefore the proof does not stand. Could have easily said if green is not a sound, then buffalo don't exist. just as nonsensical.
😈😈🤣🤣Meme Drop 🤣🤣😈😈
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
good ones
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Catty comments
I am spending a few days at the beach.
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Have fun
Rare flying fuck
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
As usual , forget the typos and the abuse of the language , and pls know , I am typing this after a ...
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
One of the things I love about you is your empathy and willingness to keep an open mind.
Pulled out my bedraggled petunias and planted some pansies last night.
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Another possible scammer []
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
I've got 3 msg ing me right now, You can tell that they don't know a damned thing about where they live or what they put in their profile. she's one , , and this one. It's kind of fun since I ask them questions and they will try to give round about answers and I keep going back and asking deeper questions.
Hi all :) Just wanted to give details .
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
This is my wish.
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Thanks for the wishes.
Yes, it's the blanket 🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Tis the season for pumpkin stuff.
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Happy Thursday all...Heading back to Colorado this Sunday!!!
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
safe travels
Hi, how do I close a group I created recently? Thanks.
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
Go to the edit group page it is explained there. From your group opening page, those 3 little lines on the right side, click on that, go to edit group and follow the directions on the bottom of the page.
Closed on my house today! I did a little cleaning this evening and enjoyed hearing a symphony of ...
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2020:
best wishes for you
Dogs. Woof woof.
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Lmao #2
Thanks pagans for all the fun stuff.
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2020:
So what, all religious holidays are borrowed from previous cultures. and their original meaning either totally lost or perverted. I'm going to enjoy them all, a celebration is a celebration.
All Hail Bacon!!!!
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2020:
stolen, for breakfast. gives me about 20 bacon memes
Malcolm Nance: The United States is dying slowly.
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2020:
Watch her every day on Free Speech TV, 8-11 central time, she has a lot of great guests and the show is entertaining.
Hi all, Been MIA a bit, a good friend and fellow volunteer at Recovering from Religion died ...
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2020:
Good to have you back and sorry for your loss.
But Papa, Why...
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2020:
She needs to expand her reading base, but the main reason is there are as many catholics as there re muslims, then you have all the other christian denominations. Also most people don't know enough about islam to make funny jokes.
Happy Tuesday! I hope today's question finds you doing well! What's a recent scientific advancement ...
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2020:
there are too many for me to count, but the newsletters from these are standard fare for me give one or all a try
Some ancient practices should maybe be reconsidered.
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I'm all for it.
If you laugh at this, you might be a bit twisted
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2020:
guilty on both counts
Natural skeletons.
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2020:
I have a couple of spares I can dig up if anyone needs one.
Trying to stay a few steps ahead of tomorrow's fall start, the trumpet vine has been shorn.
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
You've been a busy beaver
careful, son!
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
he speaks for his imaginary friend
I Won't Vote Trump! - Randy Rainbow Song Parody - YouTube
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
The only way I'd vote for trump is if I was on his jury and we were deciding on his punishment I'd vote for life.
Meredith got spayed today and the vet found a pyometra.
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Glad they caught it in time.
So we went out and shot some pool.
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
The ones in my neighborhood have been sending out letters, 3 last week and 1 so far this week.
Sweet and simple makeup tutorial.
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
so much like a cat.
Oh dear, he'd been hooking up with boy dolls 😅
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
he could have wanted to get pegged, just didn't want a real peg, or one that big. lol
Shapes at each other 😂
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
He may not have a point, but he'll get around to it.
If I had a cat, they would call me: My Devoted Personal Groomer.
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
I have ferals, one (mama) has named me My clumsy servant, the others just call me food dispenser.
Happy Monday! Have you ever needed/wanted to lose weight? What worked best for you?
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
Up through my late 20s, no matter how hard I, my nutritionists or coaches tried I could not get above 160, very light for what I was doing, I coulds put that to running 50-60 miles a week, plus jogging another50-80 miles a week and during football season practicing 3 hrs a day. In my 30s, I started gaining weight. When I had stop working out, I really added the pounds, I got very sick in my late 40s until my early 50s and lost 50 pounds, in the years since, I have tried just about every diet short of drugs, but I haven't been able to lose weight except when I have been too sick to keep anything down or even eat. So nothing has worked.
The only serious attempt I heard so far. []
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2020:
She obviously has little knowledge or experience in handling poisons or mail processing in gov't facilities. She is also probably half a bubble off plumb.


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