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This is a new one , at least to me.
glennlab comments on Mar 15, 2020:
I've heard a whole host of strange ones, but this is a first for me too.
This meme is important....💜 Here's to all our healthcare workers. You are greatly appreciated!
glennlab comments on Mar 15, 2020:
They are all heroes and we should be very grateful that they have chosen this profession.
One good COVID / TP meme deserves a billion more...
glennlab comments on Mar 15, 2020:
we were posting # 2 at the same time in different groups. great minds think alike.
Po-Po made a funny.
glennlab comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Like they are going to listen to either one, although in the Costco restroom there was a line yo wash your hands yesterday.
Just a bit of silliness 😉✌🏼
glennlab comments on Mar 15, 2020:
Been using it for years, it explains my blurry vision and weird dancing.
That settles it, doesn’t it?
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I always said it was the rooster.
Happens way too often.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Welcome to Texas
Today's extra cheese ... 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Today's cheese ... 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
cheese is getting better.
All the trees have buds - love spring!
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
which tree is this?
Smart cat! .
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Lunch delivery system. feline version.
Might even be longer than the terms and conditions
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
He'll be there forever. lol
My spring garden is off to a great start!! My green beans are already blooming.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
We should have freeze or at least a frost next week, so no outdoor planting yet. Best of luck.
Amethyst. That's all it said, but wow!
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
wow, that is one busy crystal
Are there any other independents here? []
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I am sure there are some, we have democrats, republicans, and libertarians as well as no political affiliation, just like any other group.
Does anyone else use their own compost for their soil?
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I have a large compost pile that I move from one side to the other as I add new material. I also dump all of my old pots into it to add volume to it. I add pine bark mulch to it each spring to keep my acid up and add new organic material. When i mix my pots, I add a layer of landscape pine bark mulch to the bottom of the pot, then a mix of compost, peat moss, and pine bark mulch to fill the pots. Most of my pots are 5-30 gallon, so it can take quite a volume. I top dress my mint pot (180 gallon) with compost then water it in..
These are funny. Sorry about all the ads. []
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
Much funnier if there wasn't a kernel of truth in all of them
Shamelessly advertising for Amazon...
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
great selections. lol
Going to be one of THOSE days: 🙄
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I think he means it.
Celebrating birthdays.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
My ex and I did birthday pies, much more likely to get eaten around our house.
[] Small change to help climate change
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
I was surprised that they didn't refer to the data from post 9/11 when all US flights were curtailed.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2020:
While I may be alone, I am not lonely, friends like you fill me with happiness. Rest easy my friend.
Sad Jason not getting the response he wanted
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Virus is impacting everyone.
It'll do in pinch....
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
You assume I still have one around. lol
Conversation: He: I like how you write about you, I can tell you that i have a very abundant life ...
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
You are good.
[] New DNA possibility
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
One of the problems with breakthroughs on small samples in any area of science is the amount of material left over for duplicate tests. With any leap of nearly a magnitude, there should be a lot of skeptiscism and questioning. Hope it is real.
@Marionville: Here's your BD gift from me, Love is Reason.
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Happy Birthday!
Trump’s Failing Coronavirus Response is Standard Issue Republicanism in 2020 | Talking Points Memo
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
I was getting sick just listening to his lies
[] Whales and a community in Scotland...
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Quite a bit of coincidence, but very little in terms of causality. Interesting to say the least.
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Are you tired of winning yet?
Oops wild ad
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
This was at a time when Rigid tools was the number one hand tool, and igloo water coolers put nearly nude posters in each of their water coolers. Sex sells. or at least it used to.
Why? It is a very good question!
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
I already have a full liquor cabinet, no need to panic buy, and I live alone, so no need for excess.
65° yesterday and I wake up to this.
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Stay warm.
Just came across this. I hope it’s true and working. []
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
might be
Looking to buy a house in the area. What do you think?
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
Go left.
ONE SMALL STEP FOR NEEDY The House Veterans' Affairs Committee approved bills to let Department ...
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
About time, now it still has to get senate and whitehouse approval.
I'm just doing a check on our group. Is everyone okay?
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2020:
As of 11 AM today Dallas county is under a mandatory no large gathering ban.
Wow I thought the toilet paper hording was an Australia thing!
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2020:
What the hell is wrong with people. without anymore shopping i can survive for at least 6 weeks without having to shop anywhere except the gas station if power is cut off and I am not a prepper.
Was suggested by some people to check this app out, so just saying whats up
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2020:
Welcome. come in, take part.
Coronavirus is an anagram for carnivorous. Coincidence?
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
now I won't be able to spell either one, thanks. lol
Ladies, if you and a new prospect agree to meet, do you find that he leaves all the logistics up to ...
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
It depends on who is more familiar with the area we are meeting in. I'll give some input, but I want her to be in an environment she is comfortable in.
But seriously, what is it?
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
bathroom stationary
Sounds like fun
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
wish I was in a legal state.
What did you say
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Like father, like son.
Just yikes
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Bet he doesn't wash his hand either
Yup thats us
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
It would be so much better if they had the proper equipment to wage the war.
Anyone else besides me
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
New Me too movement!
Awww, it's the thought that counts, right?
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
bet they wipe them out
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
little young for Madonna,
Good Morning, Everyone! Happy Wednesday! It's swim day, which means stretches and core work in the...
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Due to an autoimmune response to some lifesaving drug therapy, I have degenerative arthritis in every joint. Heat, CBD, drugs only when I can't handle it to get to sleep. I try to stay active.
A couple more oldies. Cats and vehicles, and cats on vehicles.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
@hathacat there's at least 3 here you'd like.
This is what Minnie does to me.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Has you well trained.
So true! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Don't you know all those people that didn't do the things they really enjoyed because they were bad for them are going to be pissed when they realize this,
Another four years of pretty much the same.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
Prior to Trump getting elected, I actively looked for a new country. I had almost settled on Belize, I went down after he was elected and immigration procedures had gotten much more difficult and more expensive. The more difficult Trump has made immigration to the US other countries have reciprocated.
The DNC has screwed the pooch again.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I will take a slightly demented Biden over a fully demented Trump any day. All the more reason to make sure that Joe names a young healthy VP. Bernie just announced that he is staying in the race.
I am furious .
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
I hate when accountants make care decisions, I hope it gets better.
Breaking news! Harvey Weinstein is sentenced to 23 years! Woohoo! Is it enough!? I think so...
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
given his age, that is an effective life sentence, few people live to 90 on prison.
Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm in Woodburn, Oregon. I think I'll make a visit this year!
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2020:
That is beautiful.
Confidentiality gone wrong
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Not really an improvement.
Today's temperature in NYC is 71 degrees! Nice and breezy.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
78 and sunny in Dallas today, cold front and rain in the next two days, allergens off the scale. Spring has sprung, the grass has riz.
I was at my local Wegmans (supermarket) yesterday and they had run out of my preferred store-brand ...
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
I buy mine at Sam's or Costco, so I only buy like once a year. Same goes for soap, detergent, wet wipes, hand soap, desanitizer, and a few other things.
Anyone received a HI message from a Saturnkyle?
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Thankfully no.
If Bernie loses bad tonite, I won't be surprised if he concedes and drops out.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Texas hasn't released its total numbers yet either, it is not a conspiracy, it is how the system is designed. Until the vote is certified in all the counties, it has not happened. California has a NEW voting by mail procedure that they are still working the kinks out of, and voting has not finished. Texas has recounts going on in counties that may change the makeup of the delegation. Delegates are not chosen by the statewide voting only, but are also selected by the voting within the state's voting subdivision.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
So true
Inappropriate A new business was opening and one of the owner's friends wanted to send him ...
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
Actually LOLed
🐷 Trump says corona virus is minor compared to the flu.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
While in absolute numbers it is minor compared to the flu, in relative numbers it appears to be 100s of time worse for those infected and in its ability to spread.
Happy Tuesday! What's your relationship with taxes?
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
I'm an retired accountant. I have done corporate, partnership and individual taxes, as well as various state taxes. .Most peoples taxes are simple enough that they could do them themselves. I caution anyone that has a tendency to see things only as they benefit themselves from doing their own taxes. i have done other accountant's taxes just for that reason. just like a lawyer that hires another lawyer to handle a personal legal case. Second thing, just because you heard something or read it on the Internet, doesn't mean it is true or applies to you. If you have questions the IRS has pub 17 available in a searchable format for personal taxes and pub 334 for business. will provide you with the pubs and printable blank forms.
You will never look at a duck the same again.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
two pets in one
This is so true when you live in Oklahoma 🤣
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
with all the suggestions, it's going to be a 35 piece set.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2020:
oldie but a goodie. this showed up as in memes, but now is listed just under posts, any idea what happened?
Hmmmm 🙄🙄🤔🤔🤔🤔
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2020:
well you have one now.
A few more before I fool myself into thinking I might get a good night's sleep.
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2020:
I laughed way too hard at the new tenant rules.
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I wonder if trump will excuse him from coming to the whitehouse to kiss his ass everyday.
Cats because... Well... Cats. Also. Holy Cat!!
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
rainbow kitty rocks and rolls/ and shower cat is a tattle tail
More cats because ... It's a long story and it ends with Meow.
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Can’t wait to try these
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
New at the cannabis store?
............ 🍻
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
you need one more at least.
Dammit! Wait. That's kinda cool!
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
I want one.
Since you put it that way...
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Ouch, word salad ALERT.
Oh wow, this made my day! []
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
great and cute
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Looking forward to it. :)
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
get the silver bullets ready
Getting older...
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Aging is difficult
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Reason I drive with the windows up.
True dat...
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
probably both, they keep telling everyone the benefits of veganism until they are no longer attractive or worth the effort.
I think I need some of this.
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
wouldn't that be flavored KY gel?
Remember to tip!
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
That's an idea for next time my religious friends visit.
Take two tablets and call Moses
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
What he they knew him by staying awake?
Damn, girl!
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Pretty much any guy and girl.
Natural disasters
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Bad aim?
My new EZ recipe!
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
will that work with any beer or just butt light?
He asked me to email his friend, sight unseen. A scam?
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
This is so Jr High. That was the last time I saw this in real life. The Internet allows you to make contact without being embarrassed by the rejection in front of your friends. I vote either scam or preteen.
True love.
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Never ask a question you don't want to hear the answer to.
Kinky aisle.
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
heading to aisle 15
This really has the potential to become a thing...
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
lift the covers, if it's first reaction is why did you do that, it's a cat, if it's I'm so happy to see you, where did you go? it's a dog. either way you win.
[] Needle free vaccines soon
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
reminds me of the polio vaccine that almost wiped out local sugar cube supplies. Doctors were shipped out the vaccine in bulk, had to buy sugar cubs locally, then dropped the vaccine on the sugar cube before handing them out. No muss, no fuss, and no screaming kids. Except this is so much simpler and with environmental controls who knows what the shelf life will be.
Very seriously you don't mess with my coffee
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
Ah yes
Yup would be interesting
glennlab comments on Mar 8, 2020:
None that are easily identified.
Groceries emptied by panicked people. Is this happening where you live?
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I just did a quick inventory of supplies. If I had to I could survive for 90+ days as long as I restrict hand washing to 40-50 times a day and hand sanitizing to 25 times a day,. I've got TP and wet wipes as well as all my meds are well stocked, shaving supplies and bath soap for at least a year. But then again I just did a major replenishment run about 3 weeks ago and it a 1st of the quarter meds sent from the VA.
Raini's tree = Ornamental Plum Fun with the changing light this evening.
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
So delicate, yet so pretty.


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