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The Skull of Mary Magdalene is on display at a French museum or Tales From the Crypt CryptKeeper's ...
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I've always wondered how many of the artifacts held in the crypts and below alters are actually what they claim. Most of time the records don't start until several hundred years after the people died,
Most think they are weeds but I find all flowers beautiful.
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
weeds are only weeds if they are growing where they are not wanted, otherwise they are just plants. I've had people call grape hyacinths, blue bells, and irises weeds. If you like them, they are flowers.
Hello from Texas
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I just dip my fingers in the hot sauce that was too hot for me to eat. I guarantee that it keeps you from touching ANY mucous membrane. AND before you do it a second time you wash the holy hell out of your hands with really good soap.
Doggy is upset
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Always flush the water bowl before you leave the house, be considerate.
I started my veggie seeds inside too early! Frost free day isn’t for another 3 weeks! If I put my ...
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I have used gallon containers that you put over each plant when the temp is forecast below 40 F. If you can get milk jugs, you cut the bottom out and they will act as mini greenhouses. You can tent the rows with visquene, a small roll will cover a very large garden. Tent it up at least 24 inches with weights around the edges and you have the equivalent of a cold frame that they use up north,
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, so I climbed up to old Glory on top of a mountain.
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I wonder if anyone has pointed out the misspelling on the sign, I would rather go on a trail than on trial
Groceries emptied by panicked people. Is this happening where you live?
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
I am always well stocked and could survive if I couldn't get to the store for 2 weeks. I have a chest freezer, large pantry, and even a generator, camp stove and other gear even if power was interrupted. Plan ahead, stock up a little at a time and there is not such thing as panic buying.
Yup typical lol
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
So true.
Best way to stay safe
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
With acid?
I have never seen one, have you?
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Had one.
With yet another gone by, birthdays are definitely better at the beach!
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Happy Birthday, glad you were able to take the pup to the beach.
You're welcome
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
That's what happens when you live in Misery.
DIY.. u methed up
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Red neck lightning?
Another WTF moment brought to by the Outlier
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Are we tired of winning yet,if this is winning, I'd hate to lose.
Hello! I joined several years ago, but life was a bit in chaos so I’m finally saying hi now! ...
glennlab comments on Mar 7, 2020:
Welcome, come on in.
My peach trees.
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
They're more like siblings than twins, even when they are cuttings from the same mother.
Spring ahead... here we go!
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Getting ready to go through my supply of Amazon boxes (starter) and my wood pile for my firepit.
Nothing like a little grade school humor!
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
From the tremmer movies, AssBlaster
Just checking in..
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
'bout damn time you checked in.
This is painful in more ways than one.
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Even if it's photshopped, it's funny.
No thanks...
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
What is a Jala, and why would you mix its penis with green olives?
Ive been converted! To the church of the flying spaghetti monster! How do I tell my family?
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
over dinner at the Spaghetti Factory
A few of his successes..
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
Biden is not my first or even my second choice, and I am actively working for him to not get the nomination, but if he gets it, I will work just as hard to see that he replaces the orange pustule.
To those who use cardboard scratch pads.
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
So they are a feeding station and a scratching station?
Yes I have, have you?
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
The brand of Avon that my grandmother wore all the time and gingerbread, same reason.
None to be found!!!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
never gets old.
Old ad...Tootsie 🤔 I never cared for them, do you?
glennlab comments on Mar 6, 2020:
never really liked them either.
Boy syrup
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I always wondered where the color degradation went, so it's white, clear, then brown?
[] Some ‘Godly’ advise
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
good one
Memory lane... hysterical memory lane (at least for me). Part 1.
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
loved them.
Just turned 51...and i feel terrific!
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Happy Birthday,
It's a new thing?
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I keep the industrial sized bottles and refill my dispensers. My ex thought I was buying new dispensers so she put a date on one, still have it. It's date march 2006
Uh Oh!.....
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
not going to take that chance.
Say it out loud.
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
had to read the intro for it to make sense, good job.
Kids these days...
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
No farmers in the younger generation lol
medical tests naked???
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Had a friend that forgot to tell them he had shrapnel in his back. it actually pulled it to a point where it could be removed. he was damned lucky it didn't kill him.
How do you level up?
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Start by writing a short bio and answering the questions, people are much more willing to help people we know more about.
Come on down. It is very friendly out here.
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
until the hit you with the batons, bear spray, and toss you in the clink.
How many could use this
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
need a case.
German V3.
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
The flying wing design proved too hard for pilots to manually control. It wasn't until computer assisted flight (fly by wire) that anyone was able to successfully build a manageable airframe using the flying wing design.
George is dead on.
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
considering that covid 19 wasn't discovered until December 2019, the orange pinocchio needs to get his lies straight.
I can relate.
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
Well, OK then!
I couldn't stop laughing at this one! LMAO!!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 5, 2020:
I finally found a response to one of your other memes that I was looking for.. For that hot flash time.
Problem with links to GROUPS.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
What you want is readily available. Go to groups, click on the 3 lines, figure it out from there, it's simple.
Well my picture is not so pretty yet but here are my kale seeds I just put them in.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Best time to plant that down south is late august to early september, it will produce all winter the bolt in late spring. It may bolt fairly early this summer. That is true of all the kale descendants (cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, etc). Our cool winters are perfect growing seasons and the summer heat allows it to get a good start. Keep us posted.
Trump is now trying to blame Obama for his coronavirus response
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Damn he's been in office for 3 years and still blames the other guy, when I took over a new job they normally allowed you a 72 hour period before you owned it. But those were the days of personal responsibility and integrity.
Not going to hold up in court
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Like the guy who committed suicide by complaining about his wife's cooking.
According to him, you can grab him there
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
No thanks, it'll take years to get the stink off my hands, You know he's never washed it.
Right. It won’t help
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
You're stuffed
Jlep kjouehab
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
@SeaGreenEyez now this is cheese.
Three Religious Skid Marks.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
all good
Japanese iris are fussier than other iris but worth the extra effort.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I pretty much suffer from the same, "just a few more" problem.
My names Jack. and I’m a memeholic
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Play it again, Sam.
Wakey, Wakey!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
dead man walking!
Hey everyone, I'm Kate! I'm happy to join this site, curious to explore and get in a contact with ...
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Welcome, look forward to your contributions.
Snappy comeback, lol.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Damn literalists
Jlep kjouehab
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
going to eat my way to the gouda parts
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
But, but, that's not his's his butt!: []
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Is there anything he won't lie about?
Hello. I’m a new member from Wisconsin.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Super Tuesday wasn’t super for me.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Everyone needs to understand that this contest is far from over the democrats allot their delegates by a formula so that even if you "win" the primary you could come off with fewer delegates than the actual vote %. Delegates are allocated by the actual statewide vote, then the majority of delegates are allocated based on how particular districts voted. It is a necessarily complex process. We won't know the actual delegate allocation for a week or more. there are still 2/3 of the delegates to be allocated.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do like messing with people's minds. It's what I do for a living.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
me too.
That's a little dark
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
No contact info, damn.
Please welcome @Razorjelly to the group. Look forward to you posting some great Rock music here.
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Welcome @Razorjelly
Well happy birthday to me... []
glennlab comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Happy Birthday
LILYOOO [agnostic.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
appears to have left
Celebrating my birthday with my favorite (non-human) baby, Oliver. 🥰
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
That face, love it.
LILYOOO [agnostic.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
keeps posting and email address and god bless you.
Please welcome @Redheadedgammy to the group.....what took you so long Rhonda?
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Welcome Rhonda aka @Redheadedgammy look forward to your posts
Some relationships
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
all good
So, do you believe in karma or serendipity?
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
But for your good luck, someone had to lose $100.
Good Morning Everyone! Woke up with the intention of working today but never made it.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
I have a compromised immune system, but I refuse to let it stop me, it just means take extra precautions
The snow is melting away for now.
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Just saw my first fledgling bluejays this morning, it looks like a bumper crop of cat tormentors.
Just an option here
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
served him right.
Sweet Cherry Wine []
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Tommy James & The Shondells - I Think We`re Alone Now Live on Village Square 1967 []
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
This was one of those songs that really fit with me growing up.
Good advice! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
No such luck
Just trying to!
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
nailed me.
No, you got it wrong! More like murder scene! Serial killer vibe!
glennlab comments on Mar 3, 2020:
the reason I always asked for the box top to compare it with.
Makes sense to me.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Donut shop here I come!!
I think we're a pretty durable bunch. 🍷😎
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
And that's not counting the cold war, and a ton of other near disasters
So very true!
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
and a cat will put a damper on all that excess action and go back to sleep.
Feeling lonely and under-appreciated? NOW THERE'S A CURE FOR THAT ... []
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
no thanks.
Four for today
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Good ones.
Trump's god is abandoning him .... []
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
If other people weren't getting hurt it would be hilarious.
Can we please get him out now! []
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
The sooner the better, in the meantime contact both your senators and your congressmember on this issue, call and tell them you are against chained CPI.
I’ve learned to embrace my awkwardness
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Me to a T.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
And it was passed over a 100 years after being proposed by Abigail Adams and others when the original constitution was being written.
Sometimes the truth is not so funny.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
The one thing they are discovering it that it has a longer incubation period before symptoms appear, so all that prayer and hand holding and laying on of hands is going to make it MUCH worse.
Motivation? What motivation?
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Happy Tiger
That'll work...
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
looks like every resume I've ever had to read. guy had 30 years total experience and was only 25.
And kinky no less.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
So much for fish being brain food.
The comments are hilarious.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Was that out of the tap or bottled?
Will it ever go away?
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
It has a life of it's own, 4.5 for each half.
I don't know if I can do that, Doc.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Why is your doctor commenting on your profession?
Oh geez! No way! 🙄 Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Yes. lol
I wonder how much the security deposit was
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
modern evangelicals.
Hello! New member here that lives in Peoria, Arizona. 😊
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Welcome, if you have questions, ask them, you will get answers, some of them even correct. Post, comment, react to posts, join some groups. Have fun.
Don't forget the Irish festival in Dallas is coming up.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
for complete information festival is march 6-8 at fair park
If the Corona Virus (and resultant stock market downturn) scuttles the Drumpf tenure in the WH will ...
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Karma? just dessert? reaping what you sow? Who cares as long as the orange rapist is on the streets?


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