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Happy Monday everyone.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Varies from toasting the new freedom to crying like a baby for 2 days. I'm still friends with most of the people I've broken up with over the last 50 years, so I'd say my ability to handle them is OK.
I guess I've been missing out on things ...>smile< []
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
If the rest of the articles weren't so serious, I might dismiss this as satire.
Not Really A Meme.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Very creative, Anything that makes a wedding more enjoyable is fine.
It's a lovely day for my wife's 72nd birthday.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
hope you both have a wonderful celebration.
Texas of course! [theguardian.]
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
In several counties in Texas, they changed the rule that you can now vote at any polling place in the county versus having to go to your precinct. Dallas county bought enough voting machines with a paper trail to outfit all the master locations as well as early voting.
The latest view from Dr. Brandy Lee: []
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
How many times does this have to be brought up before something is done?
Not the job I signed up for!🥴😝
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
You don't have to but you will still be held to that standard. lol
It can work, really....
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I try!
Seems about right
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Never thought of it like that but you nailed.
Smart fella but somehow got confused
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Any gay republican secretly has a deathwish.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Eric has foiled again
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
reminds me of the lady complaining about sending our soldiers to Bangkok in Thailand when there weren't enough to Bangcock at home.
Ethel is a party animal.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
But will it stop her from going to the ER?
Hi. Apologies in advance for this rather abrupt question: Is this site an echo chamber?
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
If you want to engage in debate and discussion where decorum is maintained and there is no name calling and you stick to facts and not conjecture most people here are willing to debate. If you throw bombs, stoop to name calling, say things not that you believe, but what you think will get a reaction, then there are a lot of people on this site that will call you out on that.
Well, my favorites in the Democratic primaries have fallen by the wayside or are struggling, with ...
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
It has been the practice of former presidents to stay out of politics until the primary is over. The amount of weight that his endorsement would carry for the nominee if he had endorsed someone else would be worthless.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Haven't heard from them in a while. Thanks.
Well, two candidates decided to call it quits, Buttigieg and Steyer.
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
By Wednesday morning 1/3 of the delegates will be committed. Because of the way delegates are allocated, If Bernie pulls 30 % as he is projected to do, he very well could end up with 50-60% of the allocated delegates. I don't believe we have any caucus states left, so primary percentages of less than 15% = 0.
[] Wild One. - Bobby Rydell.....60 years old!
glennlab comments on Mar 2, 2020:
It seems like just 20 years ago i saw he, Frankie Avalon, and Fabien performing as the Golden boys of Rock and roll.
Meme dump mix for everyone:
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
All good. and great to see you posting more.
So I've got a plant that is blooming for the first time for me and I'm pretty blown away.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
first blooms can always be an adventure.
Pretty much
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Thanks for the visual, I'm, going to use it.
I’ll stay home with Tony the Tiger, thanks!
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
You're a cat lady?
This is the one!
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
More than once, and I'm sure that I have been the cause more often than that.
Started Medicare today since I turn 65 later this month.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Welcome to the club may you enjoy many more years of it.
A story that is the poster child for what a clusterfuck looks like. []
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
The worst part, it that there was a plan, it is probably still locked in a classified safe that should have been activated, but all the people that knew how to Implement it were fired since they weren't needed. So instead of following protocol this inexperienced idiots are trying to pull an untested, unworkable plan out of their fetid assholes.
Bobby Darin []
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
A little Bobby D. Saw him with Frankie Avalon in DC.
This really is true for me
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
You're going to be my camping buddy. lol
Seems fair.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
We have ourselves a standoff,
The Byrds- I Wasn't Born To Follow []
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
It's amazing that some of the places shown still have markers identifying Easy Rider scenes,
Punch him in the face []
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
It's addictive and strangely relaxing.
Punch him in the face []
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
it felt so good.
Maybe Texas will have a Blue Tuesday and we can start to get off the Republican Merry-Go-Round with...
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Come november, let's make it happen. This tuesday is about picking OUR favorite Dems.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Welcome aboard.
My adult daughter is moving into her own apartment today! She’s 28 and has been a delightful ...
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
I had never lived totally alone until right after I turned 64. It has been freeing. That doesn't mean i don't want someone to live with me, just that now I know I don't have to have someone here all the time.
A couple more from this morning.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Be afraid, be very afraid.
Well, Bernie is still ahead in the delegate count, and in position to do well on Super Tuesday.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
The thing that Bernie has going for him is the 15% rule. In Texas and California that could make a big difference since most of the other candidates aren't polling above 15%.
This my first post, so I thought I'd start with a favorite.
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
nice shot
How obvious is it to you when people are flirting with you?
glennlab comments on Mar 1, 2020:
I went out Friday night. I was talking with several people and one girl culled me from the crowd and we talked for about another hour. I thought she was interesting, but she was at least 30 years younger than me. We hugged when i left and i didn't think anymore about it until this morning when my friend that was working as the bartender and cleans my house called me and asks why I didn't pick up on that her friend wanted to go home with me. So yeah, I'm kind of oblivious.
Sounds about right .
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Trump health plan, stay well, if you get sick, die quickly.
Around town.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Is that Las Vegas?
It might just be crazy enough to work!
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I don't know look what he did for HIV.
Someone Saved My Life Tonight - Elton John []
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I really want to see him during his next residency in Vegas.
Hey Everyone, Happy Saturday! I'm making myself some new knickers this weekend, fabrics below.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Getting my stuff ready to make a couple gallons of wine.
Freaking idiots. []
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for picking on the mentally challenged.
Hi Ya'll, Just joined Agnostic.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Very good shot
They say never to discuss sex, politics or religion at the dinner table .
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
If not for politics being discussed at the dinner table when I was growing up, we would have eaten in silence.
Court blocks, then reverses Trump's ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy — then reverses itself
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Thank you Moscow Mitch. that man needs to be tried and executed for treason.
I'll have to try that.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
That's going a long way to save twenty cents.
And how did he pull him over?
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
crack shot
On top of a lot of beer, no doubt.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
with or without chilli?
“Once you wake up and smell the coffee, it’s hard to go back to sleep” - Fran Drescher
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I get up, turn the coffee on, then go back to bed for 30 minutes.
I have seen this too many times!
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Travel sites too, $40 for the airline ticket, $80 for 1 carry on.
The passenger tapped the cab driver on the shoulder to ask him something.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Who's going to clean out the driver's seat?
Saturday groaner
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
making it a three fer Groan.
Groaner coming
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
real groaner.
Already guessed that one
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
The most negative ever, huuugely negative,
Tower outside their factory
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
If it turns blue run to the ER,
Happy saturday
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
alpaca bag and head out.
Trump and ivanka
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Words that would instill fear in any woman
'News' is spun to match the bias of the audience, feed them what they prefer to hear...
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Is that true or did you see it on Fox News?
I've been doing a lot of thinking about creationism...
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
If god made adam from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Today's cheese ... 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
You back for a while your chessyness, or are you just going to toy with our afflictions? good ones
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
No more new people for me either.
I didn’t know that
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Does that mean lightning is just missed shots?
This might be true
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
I understand this is just bronze age mythology. lol
WTF God????
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
He forgot to install the upgraded brains (still chimp brains)
Chill, for God’s sake!
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
there are some people that consider him a god.
If only all parents taught their children well.
glennlab comments on Feb 29, 2020:
Positive lessons almost always work better.
Very appropriate right now for here
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
After my first winter in the frozen north, I knew to lay in supplies and NEVER run low.
🤣🤣 ladylike 🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Normally that means it's fun to watch and they don't think they could do it.
This one takes me straight to Cornwall.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
thanks for the into. This would have been produced during my early accounting days when all the music my clients played was country.
No Time []
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
the first couple of times I heard a dj intro them, I thought WTF how do I guess who if they never tell us the artist?
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
good luck
On this date in 1975, having celebrated my Birthday with my Family, I took my Girlfriend home.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Happy birthday
Happy Friday! I hope you're having a wonderful day 😊 I am contemplating a trip to Florida this ...
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Flying to Vegas in March, starting my travel season in May. I think this is my year for the PNW.
So what is your type?
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I am still not really sure of what my ideal is, I want someone that is intelligent, comfortable either at home or on the road, that can carry on a conversation for hours or be happy just watching the world go by and appreciate the beauty, and sexual.
Mike Pence Touches NASA Equipment Marked 'Do Not Touch' | Time
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Rules don't apply to him, just ask his boyfriend.
Move over pence...Let a REAL expert handle this!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
She's as qualified as Pence, unfortunately.
@Marionville I have a question about links posting on the site.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I've found that after I post, check it through the site. I don't know any other way. It only will tell you if it is playable in your country, there are quite a few that will play here that will not play in the Commonwealth countries due to differences in copyright laws. Some posters on UT also don't allow playing outside the site since they don't get ad revenue from it.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Congratulations on the sale and the move. I have often thought about scaling down/back but the thought of moving again always frightens me. (its been 33 years since the last move). Best of luck in all that you do.
Sing Frank at the top of the page, such a great choice.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
not available US either
Flowers this morning
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
I have a few trees that are starting to bloom early.
I prefer the ice cream truck🍦😁
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Don't you hate when they pass you by and you already had your package opener ready,
Absolutely 🖤☠👻🎃
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
We know where to bury the bodies and have the friends to help.
TGIF yes it is
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
It's Friday for a few more hours.
Have you ever questioned your career choice?
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Several times and normally changed when I needed to. My degree is in accounting, my first job after college was as production manager for a newspaper.
Did you ever have one? Neighbour kids' did, we tried it but we like the sprinkler better.😁
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Damned near killed one of the neighbor kids when it wrapped around their neck. I don't know how many other kids it happened to but I was glad we didn't get one.
Airlie Beach Whitsunday Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Found this lovely shrub.
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Even specimens that are not perfect can be beautiful.
OK, this was a snort-laugh!
glennlab comments on Feb 28, 2020:
flip it and it works
KY House Bill 136 passes 65 to 30. In favor of legalization. Moves to the Senate.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Best of luck
Hi. 8 more months til Halloween and it is on a Saturday!! What will you dress as?
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Grumpy old man with a drink in his hand.
If anyone's looking for unique/odd gift ideas, this site works.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
W-E-R-D, just weird.
Yup typical
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
He doesn't even have to do # 1 or #2 to accomplish # 3
We have the best virusesss, you never had a virus this good.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
seems to be a lot of this going around, but funny everytime.
Today's cheese ... 🧀🧀🧀🧀
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
missed your cheesyness.
Funny giff about drug dog
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Hot dog!
Coffee does not cheat on me It is always faithful, always true It does not turn on its friends ...
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
But when that bitch gets cold, she is bitter.
That's about it.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Been there, still there!
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
That would be three!
Happy Thursday everyone! What's your favorite color?
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Mine are blues and purples as you could see in my closet and yard.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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