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So far it's been very peaceful morning.β˜•β˜•β˜•β˜•πŸ˜Š
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Looks dreamy!
The older I getβ˜•β˜•β˜•β˜•πŸ˜Š
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
I am B &W TV, 3 channels old.
A funny memeπŸ–€πŸŽƒ
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Never had anything on my phone I was worried about. But I can see where some would. lol
I have never seen these before, I like them.😁
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
saw lots of the salt and pepper shakers, but never a complete set.
Apparently this is their Corona plan
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
While he prays away their gay?
Houston Flooding
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Swim safe.
Sorry πŸ˜”πŸ˜£πŸ˜–πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜«πŸ˜©πŸ₯Ί
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Major difference, Lee Major.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
bad dad.
Well he is biased
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
πŸ€₯ Can't Pardon Stone -- πŸ€— []
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
That court case would drag all the way into the 2030s unless trump loses in November
Truth is a concept Trumpites don't understand.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Ans it was a Republican president that said that.
Look Out for the Cheater! []
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Cheating cheater, going to cheat.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
found it first try, now tell me what to do with it. lol
How did you get your inspiration?
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Dark, but funny.
Thought I'd try to post some photos from my garden.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Very nice.
I've been away from church for decades now and haven't looked back.
glennlab comments on Feb 27, 2020:
Welcome come in take part .
Also new here.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Has anyone used powdered alcohol?
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Kind of silly, take the water out of something just to add water back to it. but haven't see it around here.
Words of wisdom...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Contact your republican senators and ask why they allow him to continue when he has failed business.
Not often that I laugh out loud at good clean comedy but this one got me πŸ˜‚
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
good one!
Notice the similarities????
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
orange one on the left would be a better president and person.
Good morning β˜•πŸ€—β˜• have a wonderful day.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
18 minutes of morning left, hope it turns around soon.
I remember these and my favorite was lemon πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹ what was yours?
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
That strange feeling at home alone - Ha!
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
Check for the cat,
who uses their phone as a mirror?
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2020:
stupidity is its own reward
Three for you!
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Love the client one, so so true.
A trio for today
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
good set, keep them coming.
This is the truth!
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
You called it gurl!
“Three cups of coffee a day keeps the doctor away!” - Anonymous
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Not in my case.
🀣🀣🀣🀣 this may or may not have happened to me before
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Or using the flashlight function to search for your phone.
My favorite Economist nails it:
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
My favorite economist is my son; however both Reich and Krugman are way up there on my list.
Yeah we should do that
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Has anyone else noticed he has stopped wearing white when he can be photographed
Another important supporter has his say..
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Bye Felicia!
I've only seen one of these movies on this list, can you guess which one? πŸ–€
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
I'm going to guess "The nightmare before Christmas"
Seizing the dayβ˜•β˜•β˜•β˜•πŸ˜
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
Just starting 11 am CST.
Put to good use?
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
You lost me. Huh?
The wisdom of Charlie Kirk.
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
The followers really are that stupid, and the leaders really are that dishonest/evil.
[] The dementia kicked in.
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2020:
What a buffoon.
I am not sure people even read the profiles on dating sites.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Glad that it's not just the guys that don't read,
Mikey's half $billion thus far buys him into election...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Actually I think the DNC did the field a favor by allowing him on the debate stage. His failure to excel was in direct contrast to his ads.
Rolling in the dough...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
I kneaded that.
Not sure how to even start, this is more like a venting post than anything else.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
I am so sorry that you are going through this, I had no idea she had gone in that direction. My mother took a similar turn in her later years and it was very hard for me to deal with.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
We still don't know how much he got, don't rush to judgment. plus he still has charges to face in CA as cutie says.
Rocket Man []
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
I guess he proved you don't have to believe in gravity to have it smack you in the ass.
I miss church.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Try the unitarian , no magic, but it should fill your hole. You lose nothing by trying.
A post by @Lorajay on her new promotion to the next level set me thinking.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Well my ppd works out to 776. I have slowed down considerably and have maxed out likes a year ago (100,000) points are not really a thing for me except when I got close to leveling up. I carry my computer with me when i travel and will check this site and my email every day.
Happy Monday! A simple question today: do you prefer to wake up early, or stay up late?
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Now that I am retired my natural rhythm which I fought for decades is coming out. I like to stay up late n sleep late. Strangely I also like to sleep in total darkness, so when I travel, I'm up just after first light.
Good Monday morning everybody β˜•πŸ˜β˜•have a great dayπŸ€—
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
And a good morning to you!
Old ad, Picture Rings πŸ€” how many did you collect?
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
I don't remember that particular prize, but I do remember fighting over the prize in the cereal.
Are you with Chase bank?
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
Went the credit union route decades ago. Never looked back.
Make your own caption
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
forget lunch, I want a banquet.
Yeah me too
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2020:
me either
Should we do it
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Remember, go pick them up at Trump headquarters, take your time making sure they look good, then go out and switch them, much less chance of getting caught that way.
January 22 2021
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
ah, that it would be true.
What do you think
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Blind ones!
Only a few will understand
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Same could be said about flying or an all expense paid trip to the tropics.
Livin' in the City - by me [] Can't remember if I've posted this one here before.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I always wondered
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
That's going to be a biggie!
Not sure I can manage it...
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
going to do it this year, and next year I'll make it a three day challenge.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
No tea party candidates, period.
Stress reliever.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Don't you know her frustration levels went way up when it was not what she thought it was. A squishy dick is one thing, but a squishy dildo...
Tech support for granmas.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I laughed way too hard at this, granny reminds me of my ex.
Yup idiot
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
If it didn't affect the rest of us, I would say tough shit, but unfortunately they put all of us in danger so we'll have to help bail the idiots out.
Colonial Christianity has made Africa(ns) stupid – Kendi Borona
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
And most missionaries are from the most fundamentalist branches of their denominations, so even if it is a more liberal denomination, it is from the wacky branch of it.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I smell a lawsuit by Bolton and his publisher. This is the reason there are laws concerning classification. with real definitions. classifying to prevent personal or even govenmental embarresment can be a felony if the action is deemed so.
Telegraph Road, Dire Straits []
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Just my luck
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
dive in the hole, what could it hurt?
What a coincidence
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
But how do you travel there without a lot of sunscreen?
March 3rd is Super Tuesday!!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Already voted (Texas) dragging other people to the polls now.
Woman says she lost $89K after a scammer posed as her friend on Facebook Messenger
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I used to have to deal with some of my clients that at least had the snap to bring it to me to be vetted. When it comes to financial matters, while I myself am a conservative investor, I always asked the client what risk level they were willing to take. They could normally tell when I saw a scam because I would ask how much money they would be willing to flush down the toilet before they were happy with the returns or fed up with the losses.
Another folk-tale that apparently was a bad thing - []
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I use pots that are larger than necessary, I add course mulch in the bottom mixed with pearlite. The bottom of the pot acts as a composting vessel and each year i dump all the pots back into the compost and mix thoroughly. This allows me to continually add nutrients to the pots and not get root rot.
JOKE OF THE MONTH, Stolen from a friend.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
oldie but a goodie. always brings a chuckle.
Meme on trump
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Also You don't have to alter any trump video to make him look incoherent or out of it.
Flat earther dies in rocket crash. []
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Stupidity is its own reward. Thankfully no one else was killed by his.
Eggs are healthy, especially if they come with Bacon.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I always load up right after easter.
Doesn't surprise me. LOL Quantum Tupperware.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
They must have done it at my house.
Chris Matthews Compares Bernie Sanders' Nevada Victory to France's Fall to Nazis
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
Wow, just wow. and WTF.
Veterans Vs Trump!!!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
I always said, that you better be careful pissing off veterans, not only do they know the price that was paid for freedom first hand. The government taught them to kill, efficiently and without remorse so when they have nothing left to lose ...
Henbit could probably best be described as a weed.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2020:
got it all over my yard right now.
Racist attacks on Asians spreading faster than coronavirus in US.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I worry about my future Daughter-in-Law, she is from Taiwan.
I'll see myself out...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
and you were doing so well.
Bernie is winning,! Can he beat Trump?
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
like a step child. (please no offense to step parents intended)
News at 11:00
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Most of the people that attend those shows need something big and slow, and preferably docile, so makes sense to me.
Sir poopy pants
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Holy shit.
Must be some good reason.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I wouldn't get out in that weather for weed!
Bad timing.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
really did lol, good one.
Brilliant! []
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Want to see how she would describe a date with trump. Subtle anti-democratic bias.
I got a prediction. If the Coronas virus gets bad in America what would trump do?
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Ask the veterans how much money he collected for them that they received, hint it's less than $1.
Bert n Ernie.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I thought he was a permanent Leary trip.
Meow meow meow
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
These are great, you should also share on the feline fanatics page.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I'm going to say he knew what he was drawing and he was glad he got away with it ala Georgia O'Keefe.
Saw this meme on FB and the 2nd was a reply.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
As someone that has never be a slave to fashion, I can't see being comfortable in any of those.
Memes... Literally. (and Tom Hanks)
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
One thing about traveling with Tom, never a dull moment.
What is yours? Mine is 🐍
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Jesus H. Christ!
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
You're on a roll today. Keep'em coming.
Saturday morning coffeeβ˜•β˜•β˜•β€πŸ˜Š
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Saturday "MORNING" comes to mind.
Good morning and Happy Saturday everybody! There was a theme this week! What do you think it was?
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
If this is a test, I think we failed.
Was surfing through OutofTime and a couple of the profiles started with women talking about losing ...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
I would guess that they would be worse than widows/ers that were deeply in love with their spouses. They still haven't buried them, so you will always be in second place.
Only for weddings and funerals
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
But they never bring out the good wine for guests.
Grenell is tRumps “hatchet man”.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2020:
Typical Russian ploy, when you have to have massive hires to replace all the good people that quit, it is easier to get spies hired.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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