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Yup that ship sailed
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
No more fucks to give.
Truth 🤣🍰🍰🍩🍨🍧🍦
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
crunches are ok as long as they are Nestles.
Please welcome @Lauren who has just joined the group. Feel free to post your choice of music.
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Welcome @Lauren, look forward to seeing your contributions
Please give a big welcome to @Ratbear72 who has joined the group.
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
Welcome @Ratbear72
The last one I gotta start doing!
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
It would take too many years one item at a time. My rocks alone would take a decade.
Now that's a cutie!
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
He heart's you.
Todays two fer
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2020:
good ones
Don’t be prudes and have this removed
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
serves him right
What would you decorate your baked potato with?
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Just the Texas showing through, BBQ, or pretty much anything else you might want to eat.
Please welcome @Hugertkend231 to the group. Feel free to post your Rock favourites,
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Welcome @Hugertkend231
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Don't be a sooning what she means.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Thee marriage ceremony is irrelevant to the actual property agreement. It is like holding a press conference to announce a new product. The government sanctions the property agreement, just like it does partnerships and corporations. Until you sign the license and the officiant signs it and it is recorded, it has not happened in the government's eyes.
Mitt Romney came through voting for witnesses.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
For Romney there is no downside, he wants to be able to say he wanted to get at the truth, but was over ridden, he wants to remain untainted by the corruption of Moscow Mitch. When additional information comes out, and it will, he can do an I told you so, and if Trump becomes toxic, he can step in and offer himself as the alternative.
Hi! I am a newly declared agnostic
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Wonder what would happen
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2020:
Must see Bernie campaign video.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
With the primary season starting, now is the time for as many of us as possible to get involved to get out the vote and where we are able to become delegates to the state conventions. I've been going to state conventions since 1980 and there is a lot that you can get accomplished by being present.
😂😂😂 Get you a man that can get you 💦💦💦 wet dripdrip
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
She thought his cologne was $100 bills, turned out to be bounced checks and other women.
I want to be clear about what “free speech” is allowed on agnostic.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
I would suggest talking to the group's moderator, we have no way of being able to read their minds and they are the ones that could have removed it. It could also be a site glitch. You have a lot of anger that is coming through in this post, and it appears you have done little homework before blaming everyone else. Learn the definiton of race before you start throwing it around, the connotative use is not the actual definition. Under many definitions religions or lack thereof cabe a race, as can hair color, intellect, national orgin and any other common characteristic.
I know, right?!
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
I'll be busy for the next few years then.
I guess that would be bad.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Like he even carries cash.
Back to the store...
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
He sees what you've been doing.
That's about right...
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
lower left, way too many times.
Sometimes it be that way...
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Soooo true.
Butt sex sells... []
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Write the caption
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Always a chuckle when I see one.
Poor little lamb
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Mom's missing!
Who else does this
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
I only do desserts when I'm traveling, so about half the time.
While popular media and most folks are lamenting the tragic accident that killed Kobe Bryant and his...
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
We have a self confessed serial sexual predator in the Whitehouse, that is more of a political concern than a sports hero's tragic and untimely death. If Nixon could be rehabilitated after doing nothing, then I see no reason that Kobe should be tarred in his obituary.
I need this shirt.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
I can relate.
If you had Chickenpox, you can get Shingles.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
I finally reached the age where I am eligible for the shot (VA says over 65 only), but because of my skin cancer, they want to wait 6 months. I've had several outbreaks and was on a maintenance dose for a while. It is a reason for every child to get the chicken pox vaccine, Children can get chicken pox from adults with shingles.
12year old girl dies from genital mutilation in Egypt
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
So much for Egypt being one of the more civilized African countries.
I still would do this today. Love riding in the back of pickups.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
remember bouncing your feet off the road? or hanging out the window like a dog?
More times than not
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Ah yes, the magic moment.
Quite the disappointment there major
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
He's going to have to learn to be more specific.
Enter at your own risk, I take no prisoners
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Let them know how you feel.
@Admin, Hello, I posted about this issue before and I never really got an appropriate answer.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
I have noticed a fall off in the number of posts to the group, I wonder if this is one of the causes.
Sorry, big?
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Someone needs to read before they post, either that or the sheriff's dept needs to send them back to school.
You know what they say ... It's all bad ... uh ... or was that ... It's all good?
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
good ones
We made it!
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
Not quite yet.
Rewind and replay...
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2020:
sick, You project much?
A wonderful photo found online! See first comment.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
mind blowing
Lunchbox? Lol.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Honesty in advertising?
Funnies for today
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
good ones
Hello everyone.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Sounds like fun
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
We used to have a reporter on staff that was described as having a case of terminal perky.
WHAT TEXANS WANT A poll of Texas adults found that 3% say marijuana legalization is "the most ...
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
That just goes to show the number of issues that texans are concerned about. With a 22 way split, for most important, the real question should have been do you support legalization for recreational use, medical use? Are you in favor of decriminalization? These type of polls are done to establish a basis for push polls right before the primary and general.
There is scary inbreds down there 😳
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
From seeing Robert Frost, he may have been what you needed to look out for on that "less traveled" road.
Isn’t it ironic ?
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Stopping before you do something right after you got thanked for doing it, how rude.
I think these are new ( to here) UUU memes
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
pretty good.
Why are ignorant rednecks in love with Trump?
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
It is best described as the Calvinist mentality. People that are rich are better and smarter, therefore they should lead. The true Calvinists believe that it is god that blessed the rich and if you're poor, you did something to deserve it.
Alien head hair trend.. how many cans of Aqua net did she use...
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
Hi! I am a newly declared agnostic and I was just wondering how you all decided to become agnostic ...
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2020:
I'm toying with genetic identification programs like Ancestry and 23 and me.
glennlab comments on Jan 29, 2020:
It ended years of talking behind my back about my parentage, (I'm the only light skinned red head in my father's family or I was for over 20 years until my cousin was born). My half sister (same mother) was identified as a 1st cousin. It does allow you to see a lot of relatives you didn't know you had sometimes.
One day old man Stumpy and his wife Martha went to the Illinois State Fair.
glennlab comments on Jan 29, 2020:
oldie but a goodie
This time she is correct.
glennlab comments on Jan 29, 2020:
I think we need to repeal the 1906 law that limits the house to 435 members and require that no district be smaller than 110 % of the population of the smallest state. The only constitution requirement is that the house and senate must meet in the same city, not the same building. That would solve the electoral imbalance until an amendment could be passed. The problem is underrepresentation in the lower house of all but the smallest state, giving them more power than they deserve in all matters, not just the presidency.
“Velvet Beauty” Azurite, Malachite and Copper. Found in 1890 in Brisbee AZ
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
I have this tree in my garden, a friend took the photo - []
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
The closer to the equator you get, the meaner the plants become.
Needed social media buttons.
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
Oh yes
Lip lickers??? 🤔 I have never seen these before, have you?
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
They were great conversation/make out starters. IIf she asked if you wanted to taste her lipstick, you knew she was interested.
Please welcome new member @tuibguy to the group. Feel free to post whatever music turn you on.
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
Welcome @tuibguy look forward to your contributions.
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
loved it
Have a great day everyone
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
Welcome, you also.
Cool site glad to finally be in a place that's accepting of my beliefs without censorship.
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
Spanking or time out. which one is the most effective?
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
My son (36) is very respectful and has excellent manners, he was never spanked or hit by either his mother or me. He carried a 4.0 through HS, graduated Summa Cum Laude with his BS and had a 4.0 on his Masters. Violence was never an answer. We didn't use time outs either, simple reason, logic and being involved.
Soooooo true....
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
and when you slow down to smell the roses, it's got a bee in it.
I've known people to do this to support their drug habits
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2020:
I've had a couple of those. Never knew what to call them.
Reasons Not To Vote For Joe Biden: • He opposed Busing as a means to fight segregation.
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
I would vote for any of them over the waste of skin we currently have in the Whitehouse. I will not dignify your slander with anything more than a healthy fart.
Smudge returns again!
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
what it looked like
This just popped into my head.
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
I haven't heard this one in ages. Thanks.
The return of Smudge.
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
I'll have me a plate of that word salad.
weaponized pie
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Puuurrrrrrfect place for a nap.
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
dead cat, deader owner,
Second try! []
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
good article
Who wore it better?
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
one on the right
This made me giggle. []
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
just think about this for a few minutes
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Way more than anyone else.
As I sit listening to the Impeachment, I was thumbing through my photos - some I may have shared ...
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Thanks, it's been years and I still miss some of it.
Stolen from FB - Here is your warning - Please swallow whatever you are eating or drinking ...
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
and you have finished phase one of the colonoscopy prep.
Triple take .
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Got #2 covered unless I die at the computer.
An American Hero who is a true right winger, has had enough.
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
It all has to do with the money. If he testifies under supeona , then the white house loses it's ability to censor his book and it can get published. $$$$
Todays triple
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
I can vouch for the towel rating.
I entered the room of a “ comfort measures only” pt last night , only bcz one of the nurses ...
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2020:
Before each of my hospital stays, even if just overnight, I have made sure that the VA still had on file my living will, and that my advance directives were clear to the team that was working on me. I am sorry that you had to endure the charlatan and proud that you didn't show here the top floor exit.
Sorry if this is a repost.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
No need to reinvent the wheel. Just go where some man has gone before.
I often resemble this meme.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
same here.
Do young people wonder what 💾 originally refers to?
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
better than an 8 inch floppy disk. (had to correct auto-correct).
🍌 🍞
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
They are in my house. I keep a spare can of pumpkin in case there aren't enough bananas.
Man what a day.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I did something similar, I've got 5 chuck roasts smoked and in the big freezer. It was fresh and on sale so i jumped.
It does seem that way.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
that's what I thought.
More UUU memes
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
actually pretty good.
Hate when that happens
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
something fishy about that.
It makes things hard right 🤔.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
big ears.
Yup just imagine
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
pretty much what any mob boss has on their underlings.
Trump scaring republicans
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
Pretty well illustrates it accurately.
Do you understand why the national anthem is played before nearly every sporting event?
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
The practice gained a foothold during the cold war in line with the Olympic tradition of playing the anthem of the winning athletes. Part of the pompt and ceremony to make the contest seem more important than it is. More recently after 9-11. the Army paid the NFL and the networks to bring the teams out during the playing and to televise it to arouse patriotic feelings in the audience.
Trump Says He’ll Consider Cuts to Social Security and Medicare While much of the nation was ...
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
He's going after veterans pre-election for FY 2021 he wants to reduce benefits for 70,000+ disabled vets.
More mid-January roses from my garden this evening.
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I'd be on the lookout for early mildew and black spot.
Has anyone else noticed that when anything happens or when someone does something no matter how good...
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2020:
I think you are just being overly sensitive. Sometimes awareness leads you to be more aware when things are mentioned.
A duo .
glennlab comments on Jan 25, 2020:
neat kitties
Useless unsuccessful and/or Unpopular memes
glennlab comments on Jan 25, 2020:
not too bad, especially the horse.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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