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I don't know about that...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
How do they know the mating call?
Last one to think about.
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
๐Ÿ˜‚ You have to laugh or cry for the people. ๐Ÿ˜ญ
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
WTF? lol
Holly skunk sweat really!
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Holy endangered feces.
Proposed VA Benefit Cut Angers Elderly, Disabled Vets |
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Appalling, I suggest to anyone currently getting UI to see about getting re-evaluated for additional compensation. Before this it was unnecessary to seek a higher rating since you were already being compensated at 100%. I don't think that the savings will be anywhere near as high as they project. Call and write your Senators and congressmember.
Old joke, "California is the granola state--between the fruits & the nuts, you have the flakes"
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Could describe any state from NY to HI.
Please welcome @topdogcarl who has just joined the group. Look forward to your music choices.
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Welcome @topdogcarl
Why Does Cold Weather Kill Your Phone? []
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
I never thought that you could dumb down freshman chemistry, I was wrong.
Yours too
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
I remember waking one morning in particular distress, I commented that my body was revolting, my ex simply agreed with me.
The results of our public education system.
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
That last one was shitty.
Oh Jebus!!
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Why do they always assume atheist are liberals, there are some good god denying conservatives too.
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
The stupid...It hurts.
Hello fellow Humanists, What are you looking forward to accomplishing, participating, or simply ...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Continuing to enjoy retirement by traveling as much as i am able and maybe finding my new travel buddy.
A Florida Massage Parlor Owner Has Been Selling Chinese Execs Access to Trump at Mar-a-Lago The ...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Now that Epstein is gone he needs a new procurement agent.
A whole bunch of "Piñata memes against our sad, ignorant, POTUS.
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
good ones
Good Monday morning everyone, enjoy your day.โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Just got up, about an inch into my first cup. Pants will happen sometime today.
We have. Have you?
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
Talk to him, I'm his supplier.
I remember my mother having them.๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ’„๐Ÿ’„
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2019:
My paternal grandmother sold it, and used the products. To this day when I smell Avon perfume, I get hungry. She was a great cook, too and wore it even after she stopped selling it.
But but but ??????.... where is the fun in that?????? :)
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
But Lincoln said that if it's on the internet, it's got to be true.
[] No shit, Sherlock!
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Evangelicals would support the devil himself as long as he was anti abortion and hated blacks and browns.
Couple arrested for selling golden tickets to heaven.
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
apparently there are a lot of gullible people for them to have $10,000.
This is Cloud, my bosom buddy and lifelong pal who has helped me to overcome many changes in my life...
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
good looking kitty
Licorice whip.
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
tasty kink
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Who said it had to be done anyway?
Todays new word Cockwomble!
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Fits him to a T.
Who here ever had a Pinto?
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Old gutless, car never saw a hill or a mountain it could handle.
Always check! ๐Ÿ™€
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Don't stick that one in the oven to warm it up.
Don't really know what's going on here...
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Way more than I would care to analyze.
I've had this exact conversation
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
How many could use this lol
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
Unless I die while I'm sitting at the computer, it is done as soon as i close my browser. Settings, my friend, settings.
It is a rainy rainy day for us here in Southwest Oregon, Have a wonderful day everyone โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•โ˜•
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I haven't been outside yet, it is sunny, but it rained all day yesterday so I know it is going to be soggy.
How do you answer "How are you today?"
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
My go to is, Great, but it'll get better. or fantastic, checked the obituaries and I didn't even get an honorable mention or Not too bad, but it is still early . I've been using those and others that I don't even know which one is going to come out half the time. Just mindless blather.
Eye Agate The "eyes" were formed by silica-rich liquid filling gaps (occlusions) in the rocky ...
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Weird, but intriguing.
Once you hit a certain age.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Yes, you called that one..
Trump often says things that seem rather ignorant and even stupid, yet he is a genius at ...
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
A con man that has never had to bear the responsibility for his actions or lies.
Please welcome @KittensandSage who has just joined the group.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Welcome @KittensandSage.
Oh lawd, he comin'
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
that face. LMAO
Tweets vs. Coals
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
You might get better responses to these in the political groups, specifically the conservative atheist would probably give you some good feedback click on the link
More about Bonespurs’ favorite SEAL []
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
A war criminal pardoned by a common criminal.
Reminds me of something I've seen's been so long, though, I'm not sure.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Two judgmental women waiting for you to figure something out, you really need to get out more often, lol
See? It works!
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
good one
His dog loves him.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
For what?
Is it human grade?
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
apparently good ones. lol
Claws,paws and jaws.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
More interesting history.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
This is a story well know in the nuclear weapons field. Their breeder reactor was a very simple and efficient design, the problem was getting it loaded with the right materials, Enriched Uranium and heavy water, had it ever been loaded, there is the very real possibility that it might have caused the death of all the scientist and technicians working on it.
Gonna be a vegetable for the next couple of hours and watch Office Space.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
I'm cooking shrimp gumbo, then having a few friends over. Enjoy the movie.
Browsing history tells many stories...
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
How about an award winning one
Hey smell this....๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Had to find my inhaler I laughed so hard.
Please say hello to @Lightupmylife who has just joined the group.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Welcome @Lightupmylife .
Satan and I in Florida .
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Love your new travel buddy, glad you had a great time.
I got a magazine cover!
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Good evening. How was everyones Christmas?
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
My ex came over, I made smoked burnt ends and clam chowder, she made sausage balls and we watched 6 hours of SG1 while we exchange notes on our son and his girlfriend. A good time was had by all.
Typical politicians...and blind followers.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2019:
Not even remotely funny.
I can remember the good old days when there was an occasional mistake made by the person in the ...
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Not saying this is me but ....
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
I have to hold my hand up to tell whether I'm walking or rolling,
In a Galaxy far far away...
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Makes sense to me, but it's still funny, off to my collection it goes.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Sneaky way for parents to gift new clothes and not have to hear the kids bitch that they got CLOTHES for Christmas,
Jebus jokes
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Kids today. Sheesh....
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
So true, and it was uphill on the way back by the police station.
In my advancing years I have been asking myself this.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
Just live until you die. we are not around long enough to make any real difference in the grand scheme of things.
Chapi how many of us would laugh
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2019:
If you need me, I'll be there. Anything to help send off a fellow vet in style.
Getting older.....
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Knees know it's going to rain before the weatherman.
What we got stuck in our rectum (and other cavities) last year.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
If you think it is the right thing to "respect other's beliefs", please tell me why?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
I try to treat all other people as I would like to be treated. So their beliefs are theirs and I don't need to change them. However, it is their actions I may have objections to. If they try to convert me, try to deny rights to others, try to pass legislation based on their religion; then, all bets are off.
1. "Yes, resting bitch=face is real, why do you ask?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Planning is purrfect.
A California woman took her date to a hockey game.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Never had a date that bad, thankfully.
The horror is real, folks
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
#1 more times than I can count
Oh what a beautiful day! 68°f
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
All pretty.
I’m new here but I hope to meet linkminded people:) thanks everyone for their time
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
So how did everyone find this?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
I think it is, though.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
It can be if used in the right company.
Tequila never did that to me.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Tequila can be a bitch, a lieing bitch.
A seldom-used sentence.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
That is probably one of the milder ones you never thought you'd have to say.
Lewis Black []
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Most definitely๐Ÿ–ค
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
She was always the sexy one. Happy Halloween!
Man's great invention
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
The kind of friends we need.... []
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
I have a date for dinner tonight with a man I met recently at dancing.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Have fun and enjoy dinner.
Oh those crazy christians, what will they think of next?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
That happened close to where I grew up, it is a little backwater community, but I bet there were a bunch of people that objected to a crop duster spraying anything over their houses. Typical religious arrogance.
Please welcome @pokerboss77 & @becire who have joined the group.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Welcome @pokerboss77 & @becire
Aw, more sad news has emerged from the local 'Bush Telegraph' here in Outback New South Wales.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Sounds like they won the trifecta.
Some of my work made into prints. These are going to their new home.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Pictures and frames well done.
As a new newbie, I’d just like to express how relieved I am to find this group.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2019:
Welcome from Dallas
If you own a dog at all...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
always #1
Giuliani Claims He’s More of a Jew Than Holocaust Survivor Soros Jewish groups are up in arms...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
The crazy don stayed out of prison for years by faking insanity, I think he is just getting a jump on the trials.
Is there a time mistake around this?
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
It's a cartoon, they also rode on dinos.
Write something
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
The one on the lefty is my body image
Cheers! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
something has got to do it.
My kids are hilarious. My son in law gave his father this awesome cookbook for xmas!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
And in this book, there are none that the cock enjoys.
Uh oh somebody got a yellow sharpie for christmas
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
needs a red sharpie.
Are you a "Season's Greetings" or "Happy Holidays" person?
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
More of a Merry New Year type.
Coffee in my cup best way to start waking up on this Christmas morning.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Happy Holidays and may your weather be kind to you. (it was 71 here today)
Have yourselves a fun little holiday everyone!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Have a great holiday yourself Sue,
It’s Xmas morning here.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2019:
Merry Xmas, have great day.
Twas the day before christmas & all around was beauty to behold.
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2019:
your mop has a nose on it. lol
Just a little christmas sweater humor....
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2019:
nice sweaters.
Just a few headlines on my FB feed I thought were funny. What a world...geeze
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2019:
from the inane to the obvious.
Notice my new Santa...
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2019:
better emotions through cats.
Tactical christmas tree
glennlab comments on Dec 24, 2019:
Don't put it in a water dish.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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