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Happy Thanksgiving everyone! []
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Thanksgiving.
Good Morning all...Happy Turkey Day!!!
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy thanksgiving
Happy thanksgiving from vermont !!
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Thanksgiving from Texas.
If trump were Pinocchio, with all his lies.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
good one Bob
Happy Thanksgiving Ya'll... []
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Thanksgiving
Have a Happy Turkey/Friendship/Family Day Everyone! My friend Marilyn is having a Friendsgiving.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Turkeyday
Happy Thanksgiving.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Thanksgiving.
Now days, some people might like this idea
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Not going to eat here. lol
Everyone have a great Thanksgiving 🦃😁🥂
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy turkeyday
Just want to wish all my American chums here on Agnostics a very Happy Thanksgiving! Here in the ...
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Thanksgiving, no shopping for me.
Happy Birdday everyone! I hope everyone is warm, safe and sound and get to stuff themselves with ...
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Happy Turkeyday
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2019:
Earlier today, I checked something I thought was wrong, turned out I was wrong. No need to apologize since I didn't go off half cocked. Not the way it always works out, but I have no problem admitting when I am factually incorrect.
Opinions vary
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I'm the third type, I don't care.
Is it kohser to post a link to my not-for-profit music podcast?
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
check back in the AM the group owner is in the UK, so she's 6 hours ahead of us. or message her and she can answer when she checks in in the AM.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Some sunset views - a few from my yard & a few from dad & Betty's house on the mountain looking ...
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
great shots, good eye.
I need your help.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Bad taste is encouraged, if you cross a line you can always delete it.
Executive order 2...
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
My eyes, we need a warning. Can't unsee that.
Who knows what Easter will bring.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
For that forest fresh smell?
I'll let you fill in the blanks - so to speak. LOL
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Wouldn't want to stick your penis in such a small hole anyhow.
Use your powers for good.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Sock rocket?
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Another Reagan, what is it about the republican party that they seek out mentally deranged people to lead their party?
Why is it we can not trust what the WH relates to the American people?
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I had to look it up, hilarious, Maybe Trump can play red rocket with him.
It's Okay - by me []
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
It's better than OK.
I must say, for me, this is one of the best covers ever, but then I love the song and I love Ska.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Is that a cover or a parody? lol
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
If you get it at my house, you'll get both.
Here’s some car jokes for the table tomorrow, courtesy of the long-missed Click and Clack Car Talk...
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
some funny, some groan, thanks.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Be careful if they send over drinks.
New movie for Thanksgiving....
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Not sure i want to see that one.
I see that most a lot of liberals make fun of call out Christians on their BS but are OK if Muslims...
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I don't think that's true, there is no religion I will not make fun of, when I am in a group's presence, i will respect their right to deal with their invisible friends as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights.
Satan and me we would be pals....
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
seems normal to me.
Christie - San Bernadino []
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
It was almost as much fun watching the crowd as the music,
Need to in order to do the deed.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
The look on his face.
Awww poor babies.....
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Poor babies.
Please welcome @SleeplessInTexas who has joined the group.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Welcome @SleeplessInTexas good to see you here, I look forward to your contributions.
Is your coffee ready?
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I get two points.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
3 for me.
Yup describes many of us
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Me too, and I'm a patriot.
I hope we do not have to wait until November 3rd to flush this turd 86-45 I cannot believe how ...
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
very good ones/
Trump distancing himself and throwing Rudy G under the bus.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
I guess we'll see if Rudy really does have insurance.
400 points needed so I am whoring to make level 8.....
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
you're under 200 to go.
400 points needed so I am whoring to make level 8.....
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
gave you a few more on your old posts
400 points needed so I am whoring to make level 8.....
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
here's some points
Oops mistake
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Somebody's in trouble.
Product warning
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Finally an answer to my prayers.
Dont think it will work
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2019:
worth a try
“It is self-evident that cows do not have the.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Nunes is such a dweeb, suing a fake cow and a fake mom when it should get dismissed with nunes having to pay court costs for a frivolous lawsuit.
A bit of dark humor for you, this evening.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
As crazy as they've been getting, they might believe you.
It is good to see what the enemy is just repeating from the mouthpiece of lunetics, the media.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Call the medics, your dosage is off again.
I am not there yet, but i can totally see myself saying it in a couple more decades.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
what were we talking about?
Is that ship ready for emBARKing? :P
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
looks like you were barking up the wrong tree.
Hiyo Porky away.....
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Belly's too high off the ground.
That would be my luck.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Wasn't sure of the best response
And it would hurt!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
He's been spending too much time in the weight room.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
someone's on a pastaferian roll
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
a lost venture for the customer, a win for the cunning shop owner,
18000 year old puppy found in ice
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
lots more to be told here, a chance for some real insight into the wolf/dog divergence.
On my way to Denver for Thanksgiving.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Have a fun trip. Dress warm.
Love this wagon, who had one?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I wish.
Little Johnny asked his teacher if he could talk to her after class.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
In celebration of the return of ability to post high-density photos, here is an exquisite daylily ...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
What positive things have you taken away from your past relationships?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
way too many to list.
What's next????
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
He said Trump was blessed by the father, son, and can't remember the third one.
"I will leave on your pillow later."
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Why haven't I been getting mail lately?
For dessert ...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Low hanging fruit.
Classic Mark Zuckerberg
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Got him
Rain must be coming.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
But it does beat the alternative. But not by much.
Please welcome @JMLatimer to the group. Feel free to post your favourite music.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
Welcome @JMLatimer look forward to your contribution.
Lmaoooo 🤣
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
You mean it's not?
Maybe not completely all alone but away from the BS would be nice.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
That snow looks too deep, i could do that summertime, but winter time I'd have to head to the tropics.
One that I have yet to try. Has anyone else tried eating succulents?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2019:
I have eaten some succulents, but their lack of taste or very bitter taste normally doesn't lead to continued use. Yucca roots, prickley pear, prickly pear fruit, It is an aquired taste.
This is a BIG deal! Former White House counsel Don McGahn must obey subpoena to testify before ...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
A lot will depend on what the SC rules after the hearing on Dec 5 or 13, if they fail to grant certiori in the tax cases, them you can bet that they will fail to grant certioi in this case, if they grant it, they whole case just becomes one for the law books with little implication for the Trump admin.
Nothing spells.... well....
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Be sure that it doesn't get burned up,
Just going to drop this right here and see how many get it....
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Trumped my comment.
Just a little lube.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
All I can think of is Neil Simon's Slip sliding away
That would be correct.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
2 tacos to go, won't need hot sauce where he is going.
So listen up!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Bad pun of the day.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
No, just no
This is so true about BREXIT !!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
What's a date?
The low desert areas have the best sunsets ...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
really nice
Alone on Thanksgiving Day. How do you cope?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
For the past several years we (my ex and son) have been having dinner at her house with me bringing the Turkey and some other sides. This year they are going to my ex brother-in-laws (long story, don't really want to get into it). This year I will probably stay at home and bake a pecan pie, something I haven't been able to eat for several years while I went through the whole dental implant ordeal. This time I will make it the way I like it, without regard to how anyone else feels. I am splitting up the Turkey and cooking part of it and freezing the rest. Then 9 hours of brainless watching of football. I'll clean up my mess as i go along so that Friday I can do anything I feel like.
Sorry if I cut you off..
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Not sorry at all.
What is your sign?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
here's your sign
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
good contrast and shadow.
Please welcome @Marcus1701 who has just joined the group.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Welcome @Marcus1701 look forward to your contributions.
Devin Nunes, part of Trump's clown posse and POS. 🤮
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
May he go the way of Denny Hassert and take pervert Jordan with him.
Wise advice:
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Life is sexually transmitted and so far has been 100 % fatal.
So, imagine what I'd do for $100.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
can I get a group, really want them to talk.
Glad to find this group - plan on exploring it more as I have time.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Welcome, a retiree in Dallas TX
I'm missing Halloween already☹
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Just keep on celebrating
The always photogenic 'Angels Gate' Lighthouse
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
good pic
Nazareth - Love Hurts []
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
like it
Hmmm get your pants cleaned or .... smudge Smudge for the win
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Welcome from Texas.
When should you worry?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
If they have stopped delivering your mail, look for a bag in your backyard.
Good morning world....
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Very good selection.
Science fact.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
So Jeff would still be alive if he had a spacesuit?
I am getting to that point.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Nailed it.
Leave my takeout alone!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
Hate when that happens.
Some memes I recently collected, enjoy!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2019:
All good selections including the comments


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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