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Paul Simon -Peace Like A River []
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Always loved simon.
[] Willie Nelson & Ray Charles. - I Can’t Stop Loviin’ You.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Two great and distinctive voices
Build-a-bear on some kinky humor.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
A dirty mind is it;s own reward.
Here's something interesting.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
All religions are mythologies to people that do not believe in the, from the earliest of mankind (most have been lost except for a few monuments) to the latest incarnations of christanity. Fewer gods mean fewer divided loyalties (read money).
Not now, Jack.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
aw go ahead, think of all the fun you'll have and how much work you will have to do over.
What the faak are the other 2 doing to Danny?!?
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
That was the origins of laying on of hands, all those touching the priest during the consecration were extension. Took a dark turn later when priest started a similar process with alter boys.
If during an argument you don't abort after the first sign the second sign appears.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Don't ague with a woman, even if you win, you'll lose.
Look familiar lol
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I resemble that remark.
Stardust []
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I had forgotten her, and when lounge singer wasn't considered a bad thing.
Welp... Cat.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
about right
Where's the Gynocology Clinic?
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
hemorrhoids are in the wrong place.
Checking my Pee Mail
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Probably sereval posts and he will have to answer them all
Disney.... Teaching children right....
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
but do it in private
Oh, look! Jr. wrote a book. []
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I wonder if he knows he loses his secret service protection the moment daddy leaves office?
Hi from SW Indiana. Anyone else an avid Ancient Aliens fan?
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Welcome, I turn it on for noise while I am on the computer,
Harold's epiphany.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
good one
I think it would work
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
They'll walk home if they have to
Oh, look! Jr. wrote a book. []
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Damn is he even in the same reality as the rest of us.
‘Treasure trove’ of Mueller memos shows how Trump has benefited the Russians ‘beyond their ...
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
it is criminal that it will take 8 years for DOJ to release all the memos.
It's not a challenge.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
challenge accepted.
Not the name I would choose.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Mom gave her a reason to get married.
Still can't get it to load photos, even quite small ones now.
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I've been having the same problem, loads memes, but no photos
Absolutely right
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
If he were on fire, I'd put it out with pails of gasoline.
World Series Crowd Disses Trump! Yay!!!!!
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
And that will be his last trip on this side of the looking glass.
Paul Simon - Quality []
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
I don't believe I've heard this one before. thanks
Oops granny is going for a tumble
glennlab comments on Nov 3, 2019:
bet she won't be rockin hard anymore
What ever happened to Waterbeds ??? []
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
sprang a leak, I have a few friends that still have them.
It's about the children... he, he, he.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
good ones
Smugglers are sawing through Trump's border wall with a $100 cordless cutter / Boing Boing
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
build it and they will come.
Bred to hunt wild boar....
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
or get his paws wet.
Well, since you put it like that...
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
and we won't stop bothering you until you listen
Like human, like pet, Xena enjoys some political news!
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
I hate when they go hunting on the screen though.
How dumb is he Johnny?
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Hopefully he will go where stupid criminals go, when their cohorts find out they are broke.
Getting old is a bitch
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
I laughed way too hard at this.
I started college at Western Michigan University with this as a hit: []
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Roy Orbison, Oh, Pretty Woman, 1964. []
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Always liked his music, taken too soon.
Please say hello to @Budgie who has just joined the group.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Welcome @Budgie, already like your first selection.
My all time favourite band (and the irony is not lost on me) The Church an Australian Band, this ...
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
never heard of them, so thanks.
Creedence Clearwater Revival: The Midnight Special []
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Love CCR
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Newbie here.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Welcome used to travel by your current hometown going from Spokane to Camas, going from work to my ex's family.
1938 Hispano Suiza H6C Dubonnet Xenia by Saoutchik
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Love some of the old models
Please welcome @lost who has joined us in the group. Look forward to some great rock music posts.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Welcome @lost.
Hmmm. Is this possible?
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
I knew that as soon as it was announced that he was changing his residence. Texas and Florida are the only states to allow unlimited homestead exemption for 1 property, plus the vehicle of your choice and $25,000 in personal assets to be shielded from seizure. However, those limits do not apply to Federal seizure in criminal cases or IRS seizure.
Oh, don’t I know
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
They should have paid more attention and they could remember it now that they can't do it anymore.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Or future?
Yah, that was a”doozy”
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Nailed it!
Sorry 😐 😔😒
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Like the tigers
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
No heart, no brain. those are the only reasons I can come up with.
I’m a few days late - story of my life.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Kids won't fall for it, why do adults not see it. # 5.
Love Smudge the Cat Memes.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Go Smudge
Who's with me?!
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
I'm in.
Too cold lol
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Opposites attract?
I wouldn't have tried this with my wife
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
The only way i would have done that is if I wasn't going to be home for a week.
All i can do is shake my head.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
That's not how it works, that's not how any of this works. lol
Hi! New here.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
Welcome, you will find inquisitive minds here, but also some can be a little slow to open up if you haven't answered the profile questions, (it gives a little insight as to where you are on the spectrum) Most people here are friendly and helpful, so welcome to the asylum.
But we know which one is a repeat performance and which ones are a one nighter.
glennlab comments on Nov 2, 2019:
We also know which one didn't have a chatty partner for sure.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
One of my favorites by him, loved Satchmo on the trumpet too.
Take the scissors away from Karen.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
I think I have seen her work before.
Oh my! 😱 Measles give your immune system 'amnesia,' studies find []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
I had the measles at 16, that would explain my reactions to mobility vaccines.
Beware grandad
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Just be glad it's not this one
Beware grandad
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
or this one
2020 is going to the best Halloween ever 🖤
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
good research, something to look forward to.
If someone lies about their age is that a dealbreaker for you?
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
it would depend on by how much and why. but generally yes.
Anyone else having trouble uploading photos?
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Me for sure.
Conservative drops bomb on endangered GOP lawmakers still defending Trump before 2020 election ...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Live for the trump, die for the trump.
Moe Koffman []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
nice old jazz.
[] priceless...ROFL
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
He don't care.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
much like the mouse shooting the bird at the eagle, if you've got to go out, go out defiantly.
Except when I was that age, "Porn Hub" was my dad's Playboy collection.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
love the age verification on those sites.
I guess I'll try...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
I can think of about 1000 ways.
Keystone Pipeline spill over 380,000 gallons of crude oil in North Dakota
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Pipelines leak, that is a fact of life; however, they can be designed in such a way so that damage can be mitigated. The engineering safety factors should be double or triple what they employed and mitigation apparently was completely ignored. Cheaper to pay for a cleanup that is never complete than do it responsibly.
Janis Ian - Married in London (Brighton 2011) (long intro, music begins about 2:29) ...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
She has left a bad taste in my mouth since I saw her in Spokane, was very rude to the audience and played a lot of very bad music, I had been a fan before that concert.
Paul Revere & The Raiders - Just Like Me []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
thanks haven't thought about this one in a while
Halloween III Silver Shamrock Commercial []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
need a seizure alert on that one.
Found this 2 inch monster corpse on my back porch this afternoon.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
In the past I have planted both lady bugs and praying mantises in my yard. It is getting harder to find them for sale anymore where I shop, but they continue to reproduce in OK numbers. I just like to add a little different genetic material every few years.
Lord Huron, The Night We Met, 2017. []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
good one
Photo of the Planes in the 1937 Golden Gate Bridge Opening I live there when the 50th came ...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Love to have the painting contract on that baby, full time work forever.
Is everyone having a good Día de Muertos? []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Not dead, so yeah,
Here is a man returning the material he borrowed from the Trump Library.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Shit will probably be the only thing there.
HEMP RIDERS Senate Approves Bill Protecting Medical Marijuana States From Federal Intervention ...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Have to wait for the joint committee reports before we rejoice.
A brief history of president's throwing out the first pitch. []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
The last time he tried, he looked like an orangutan on LSD. New York papers had a field day.
You know that is some funny shit right there 🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Bet that is the last sporting event he ever goes to.
Turning the clocks back means....
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
No it means you get it an hour earlier, later is in the spring.
That damn cat lol
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Got to go with the cat AGAIN.
If you've ever been here, you know.......
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Texas is the same, went through 4 construction zones and not one construction project started yet.
Please say hello to @Realeve who has just joined the group. Feel free to post your Rock choices.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Welcome @Realeve
Outmoded concept but funny
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Virginity is way over rated. I lost mine and never went to look for it.
Head East - Never Been Any Reason []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Haven't heard this in a while thanks.
Open your eyes Coco...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Had me at first.
dyslexics of the world untie!
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Been around for a long time, but still good.
Sounds like she is having a good time
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Very good time.
Sexy minion anyone? 😅
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Box takes the least amount of prep.
'Extremely disturbing': Top Dems alarmed over NSC official's testimony on Trump-Ukraine call ...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
You have to remember that the rethugs voted for him after he denigrated a war hero, a gold star family, women, immigrants, the disabled, and pretty much everyone else who didn't support him. They have bought into his treason and are banking on it. I'm sure that Putin is not the only one blackmailing him. You've got Moscow Mitch the bitch and John Cornyn up on the hill.
You betcha
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Cat has got it right. If you believe her, you've got to believe him.
Congresswoman Shows Up To Impeachment Vote In Full Batgirl Costume And It Has Infuriated Some People...
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Good for her.
Am I allowed to post two blonde jokes in one day?
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
Easier to apologize than get permission
ages 45 to 64 start businesses at higher rates than do their younger peers []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
one of the few ways to avoid age discrimination.
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
didn't think I'd like, but I did, thanks.
The Tremeleos - Here Comes My Baby []
glennlab comments on Nov 1, 2019:
great song.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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