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Wish me luck. ;)
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
Bring me back some samples.
It's good to have hobbies.
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
My kind of woman. lol
Alrighty then.
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
What was that salty creamy beverage, straw was huge.
I'm sitting this one out.
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
well he did say he was all in. lol
Winter hiking survival. Your ideas?
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
As someone that taught freezing injury in the Air Force, it looks like you have most of your bass covered. Make sure that someone knows where you are going and about when you expect to return and that they have the PROPER level of concern when you do not return.
Alright, short poll.
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
I could do a year standing on my head. But not sure i'd want to at this stage of my life
I admit. It can be awkward when the guy is tall. You work around your differences, right?
glennlab comments on Oct 29, 2019:
He seems to be trying at least.
Please welcome @Julieanne to the group. Looking forward to some rocking good music!
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Welcome saw your posts.
I know I am😁
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
I know that mirrors lie
Always put a smile on my face, how about you?😁
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
or being given a note to go get it.
[] This one is especially for @GIjeff04.....Rush. - Subdivisions.
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Haven't heard rush for awhile, thanks
Raid picture of situation room not taken during raid
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Why wouldn't he lie about this too. He can't even win properly.
Herb Alpert, This Guy's in Love with You, 1968. []
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
First lyrics by the brass, had forgotten about this one.
So very true lmao
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
amazing that they always have a presser at an impromptu protest.
Transformation complete
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
lindsey the pumpkin eater. He may be in trouble in the next election due to his trump genuflecting.
Man cave decor
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
wrong kind of bomber and too small a fireplace.
Suppose you were to try to convince someone of your non-belief in the existence of God, what (in ...
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
I have no desire to convert others, that is a religious thing and I have no use for it.
Would you ever date somebody who is religious, if they respected your beliefs and did not try to ...
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
I stayed in a relationship like that for 32 years, I stayed closeted first to please my mother, then to please my wife, then to advance in my profession. Now that i am out of the closet, and my ex wife has lost her religion and by son is an avowed atheist, I chose to no longer put up with people that I have to fake it for.
Hello everyone.
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Welcome , What @Hathacat said, and if you have questions don't hesitate to ask, you will get answers, some of them even correct.
Rub those bellies!
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
I'll tale the cute one on the left. lol
glennlab comments on Oct 28, 2019:
Take good care of yourself
In game 5 Trump was put on the big screen.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Bet he keeps his ass in controlled environments for the rest of his time in office.
Brilliant costume but is it too much?
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Love it.
President Trump booed loudly at Nationals Park during World Series Game 5
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
When you can't control the admission policy, you get real people and real reactions. I doubt he will leave the echo chamber for a while now.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
about time they entered into the enlightenment. Dieing organizations take desperate measures to hold on.
Hey all! I'm new here, looking for potential relationship, but friendships are great too.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Welcome, you will find people here that share your disbelief, ask questions when you have them, you will get answers, some of them even correct.
Oh my! Their fear and misunderstanding is unbelievable! Conservative Christians Rage At Kellogg’s...
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I just went to the Kelloggs order page, I will donate directly to GLAAD, but I will not pay $20 for 6 ounces of cereal, it is 6 individual serving boxes of each of the cereals with a wrapper box.
Most definitely:
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
if I wasn't traveling so much, I would def get a new kitty
I am sold....
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
smorgishborg, all you can eat.
Good marketing strategy....
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
That one's going to stay on the shelf.
My kind of Candy....
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Just a little piece of candy.
Oh my! Their fear and misunderstanding is unbelievable! Conservative Christians Rage At Kellogg’s...
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
So for less than half the price of a single national 30 sec TV commercial, Kellogg's is getting millions in free advertising, marketing genius. Too bad it won't be in stores.
It's A Trap!!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
then nails you with it's fast fluttering leg traps.
Adoption is cool.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Those damn cats, trying to invade everywhere.
That's what it's like.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
the struggle is real.
Be careful...
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Guess that is two places
Visiting my daughter in Nottingham I took the opportunity of taking my morning run along the Beeston...
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I was going to make a cheap tacky comment about which one she was, but you explained it too well, good shots.
Drawn to those natural things in life and having music to set the tone..
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Just took a friend on a bucket list trip to Las Vegas, She was not prepared for the altitude, so she missed a lot of the natural wonders. She did get to see the painted desert petrified forest. She's back in the hospital, so I'm glad I helped her out. Travel while you still can, I know that I do,
Truth be told right here, it's unfolding before our eyes every day.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
The difference between Reagan, Bushes and Trump is the first 3 weren't bat shit crazy and were willing to hide their greed just below the surface.
Avebury and Silbury Hill from the air.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I used to love taking pictures from the air, but the best pictures you couldn't get since the boom pod(KC 135) was off limits on take off and landing.
I lost my faith in a Chick-fil-A - The Christian Post
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I was lucky, the church I was brought up in did not believe in creationism or inerrantcy. We were taught to question and think. The more I questioned, the more questions I had about the answers. My grandmother was a Calvinist baptist who knew she was going to hell, my grandfather was a non practicing Methodist that believed that children should go to church on Sunday mornings so he could sleep late, but we would go to the Methodist church. By the time I was in high school, I had finally decided that church was a social function that allowed you to band together to do good works, and little else. When i came out to my mother as an Agnostic, the woman that had not been inside a church in years unleashed a fury on me that put me in the closet for decades.
No vax for you!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Dark, but funny.
Stormtrooper. ROFL
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Couldn't hit the side of a barn, you say?
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
More than one, lol
I love ALL Cats, but i've met a few with a bit of an evil streak.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I used to have to track down out black cat several days before Halloween (he only wanted to be indoors when the weather was bad) so that he didn't have anything bad happen to him.
Wheelchair nightmare.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
The real question is how the hell did you get up there to begin with.
Mean music meme.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
then stop screwing up
No words necessary!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
What shitty tweets!
Fly ICE Fly!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Someone give Nancy a bucket of water
Grandpa Ozzie!!!!!!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
In or Out?
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
First time he has had something on his mind worth talking about.
Joker, Smoker or Toker?
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
There's a song in there somewhere lol
Sativa and Indica Dogs.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
That's some heavy shit.
Sunday funday! The last rays of rose beauty, fall's spectacular color & earth's simple beauty.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
beautiful, I'm wondering if we will get fall color or just go from green to naked like most years.
I could not resist writing in Facebook that Trump has his DOJ investigating itself now.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
They are still asking about the emails and Bengazi
Unpaid Bills Pile Up In The Wake Of President Donald Trump Rallies []
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Once a grifter, always a grifter.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
You can dress up anything with good copy writers.
Makes things so much easier.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
potato and cactus juice, sounds like a winner
Got a good laugh out of this one.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I got to go with Jizz Lord. lol
The jackpot is growing!
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
rock'em time, the lottery winner is the one that doesn't get crushed by the vending machine,
I don't know what to say about this one.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Don't try to eat living things with teeth that can bite you, unless it is consensual
Let’s do this together
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
love those days
I am drinking so much coffee today I am starting to sweat.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
have a hot dark brown beverage.
Is that Christmas shit in the stores already?....
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Yeah, I’m betting that the raid didn’t happen how he said it did. Anyone want to take my bet?
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
You mean tweety might have lied, I AM SHOCKED!
My new rebuttal meme for "Keep Christ in Christmas" nonsense
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Fria in Friday would work even better since they have TGIF
[] Another one by Thin Lizzy this Sunday morning....Chinatown.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
for those of us not in the UK
Trump's DOJ targets his enemies with criminal investigation of its own Russia probe
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Barr needs to be dis barred
Only a gardener would think this is beautiful, but I am proud of my morning's work.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
looking good. The oak will help your acid loving plants.
Their plans for us
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Been working for them since the 1880's, almost always followed by a recession or depression. Unfortunately a major correction is on the horizon.
Young Rascals. Groovin. []
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Haven't heard this in a while, but it brings back memories.
Bird watching ... indoor edition
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
and none of those nasty tasting feathers to block the view.
Is everyone safe??
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
safe again for 520+Sundays in a row (since the divorce)
Random aminal memes
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Funny group, Donkey lol, Cat, at least curiosity didn't use but one life, raccoon, aotther reason not to drink tequila, Dog, girl, bitch be tired. Grouping makes comments tougher.
'Tis the season... The collection.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Ninja turtle is not happy
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
I'm green with envy, not.
Wow!!! this ad is really old and funny.😲😂
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
That's a real blast from the past
Hi all.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
Welcome, From reading your posts and comments, you should fit in well.
I've just found out about 2 great grandchildren we didn't know about.
glennlab comments on Oct 27, 2019:
congrats on the reconnect and the newly discovered descendants.
Have been away for several weeks due to mice getting into my computer.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
welcome back take care of yourself COPD can be deadly.
Good Saturday morning my friends! Have a laugh & have some fun today! I will get you started with ...
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
very good.
What is it? Mine is cup of hot coffee 😱
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
Inappropriate Halloween Memes.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
Took me a second on the last one, but well done.
Devon , stunning sunset to watch.
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
Very nice capture
Do you remember their names?
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
Spicy for me🌶🌶🌶
glennlab comments on Oct 26, 2019:
spicy for me
In San Antonio to see Randy Rainbow.
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Just got back from the show, The show was worth the 7 hr drive that should have been 5. And yes, I know I over reacted to the traffic, and I have driven in a lot of American and Canadian cities as well some central American and South East Asian cities. (no Aussie cities, but have been in the outback) Every time I come here I try to have a navigator with me, but as luck would have circumstances didn't allow that this time. San Antonio is a walking city downtown, so I'm off to the nightlife.
A few transportation related memes.
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2019:
cool (er)
Is anyone else getting these scammers putting you in a group and sending a text?
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2019:
when I get a text with anytype of link that I didn't request, I delete it, way too many viruses, if it is someone I know, I will ask if they sent it in another message and ask what it is.
Beary scary
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2019:
all fair when the prey is armed.
Looks delicious
glennlab comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Take your pick.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
How do I learn to trust my instincts again?
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
I would look for a local survivors group, or if you can afford it a survivors councilor. Don't beat yourself up.
Good question.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Because he is!
One of these days.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Maybe next century
Hard to believe.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Says who?
“Useless, Unsuccessful and/or Unpopular Memes”. However, I love them.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
nice set
hope you enjoy
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Good ones, if you post them separately, we can comment on the individual memes
Wait, really?
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Always know the answer before you ask the question. lol
Some couple's sex issue.
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2019:
Tell her you didn't want head anyway.


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