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Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 9
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 8
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 7
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 6
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 5
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 4
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 3
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 2
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
points 1
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
Almost Level 7!!! 🥳
glennlab comments on Oct 24, 2023:
you asked for it
Guess the GOP still hasn't elected a speaker
glennlab comments on Oct 23, 2023:
Unless they can actually make a deal, I don't see them doing it any time soon.
I've blocked 2 forever and 1 for a month.
glennlab comments on Oct 22, 2023:
Do what is best for your peace.
Sunday Funday!!!
glennlab comments on Oct 22, 2023:
You know she got him preggers.
Krakens gotta krake.
glennlab comments on Oct 22, 2023:
If you have the ketchup or depends franchise for mar a lardo, make sure you get paid before delivery. He's going to be angry and shitting himself for quite some time to come.
More scary music for Halloween...
glennlab comments on Oct 22, 2023:
Awh Noz.
The RTL nutcases are out in force again, standing around in small groups with their religious ...
glennlab comments on Oct 21, 2023:
Nothing puts a damper on a protest like a thunderstorm. Here's wishing you the best of luck.
with Powell and Cheesebro flipping I suspect there's a convoy inbound
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2023:
Not sure he is going to be able to afford it after the contempt fines and the financial fraud fines.
Ichabod Crane reincarnated...
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2023:
When I got my vasectomy, "we" had to watch a film and wait 72 hours. Since it was at Planned Parenthood, it was still supportive and open, but for several years Texas had a requirement for any sterilization to take this process.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2023:
It's one thing to sue, it a whole another thing to actually prove your case, keep us updated.
The Kinks. - Waterloo Sunset, live 1973…. []
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2023:
I never knew the name of this song, knew the song, but not the name.
Joan Jett!!!! 🖤🖤🖤
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2023:
You're in rare form tonight, good ones.
When the disinformation reporters get it wrong.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2023:
I was surprised how much intel both the US and Israel were willing to show and explain in order to try to clear up the strike. While the photos were of medium grade, they were much clearer than the ones normally released.
He didn't get a snack break during the debate
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2023:
He hasn't missed any meals.
You need to knock him out
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2023:
I was surprised that anyone didn't have interupted sleep when I did my sleep study.
Why is that I wonder?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2023:
You just have that effect on women.
I'm back.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2023:
Welcome back
Halloween is almost here. lol
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2023:
What a stinker.
And make it convincing, too.
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2023:
I wouldn't go to the bar in that outfit.
Someone nominate the janitor.
glennlab comments on Oct 18, 2023:
It is the responsibility of the majority party to put forth a candidate that can get a majority of votes n the house. For the last 140 years, the winning conference came out of caucus with an agreement that no matter how they had voted in caucus, once on the floor, they would vote with the party on this issue. The failure to provide a candidate that the party could get behind is the fault of the winning conference. Nancy Pelosey had the same majority that McCarthy had, but she was better at maintaining discipline and understanding how government should work. The Republican conference needs to find a candidate that they can get behind and put them up for a vote.
He could've been more sweet, polite.
glennlab comments on Oct 17, 2023:
Not a good way to start out.
This is a war crime, targeting a hospital, pure and simple.
glennlab comments on Oct 17, 2023:
Turns out that this may be a rocket misfire or friendly fire accident per AlJazeera
It's a compound problem...
glennlab comments on Oct 16, 2023:
I see you like my sense of humor.
For those who believe "Here is is Cumming".
glennlab comments on Oct 15, 2023:
butt, butt...
A red L on her forehead would be more apropos. She's supporting Jordan out of "principle".
glennlab comments on Oct 15, 2023:
I thought she was advertising.
Teach them young
glennlab comments on Oct 15, 2023:
Make it fun, turn on the windshield wipers.
Man gotta do what he's gotta do.
glennlab comments on Oct 15, 2023:
that's not going to help, only slow her down a little.
Every diamond point raised by Caitlin Johnstone should give even the most illogical stupid ...
glennlab comments on Oct 15, 2023:
Hamas got the war they wanted, Bebe got the war he wanted. The people be damned.
Do photos and video confirm Israel used white phosphorus munitions over Gaza seaport?
glennlab comments on Oct 15, 2023:
Even if they used WP, they are not signatories to any treaty banning their use. WP is a horrendous weapon of war,as are many of the weapons that are being or could be used.
WTF!!!!! []
glennlab comments on Oct 12, 2023:
This happened just down the road from me and zero local coverage.
Verrrry funny, Ms. Bar Owner. Cleaning out some of my backlog from July.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2023:
I was at that victory parade, the jerky was fantastic. The pemmican meh.
Most delicious salad.
glennlab comments on Oct 11, 2023:
Sounds good, but I would leave off the anchovies.
AI did it perfect.
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2023:
What are those bubbles? Seasoning?
Not going there again!
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2023:
Don't get too wild with the stream or the whole house will know.
Halleluyah ! Jebus inside you
glennlab comments on Oct 10, 2023:
That's one major blockage.
Works for me...
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
Make it a set.
“It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education ...
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
But even better to have both.
Just want to point out since it's October.
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
Dogs are man’s best friend?
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
I'd say they tend to pal around with anyone who will have them as long as they are nice.
The closest pumpkin patch is an eight hour drive. Can we meet in the produce section at Aldi?
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
I have a catterpillar that has been changing in my doorway for over 2 months now, I know how he feels. The one that chose that spot last year i checked on everyday for six months, then the one day i was late getting out there she was off to find a mate. I think that spot is the holdover spot since it is so well protected.
We keep discovering the meaning of MAGA.
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
Thanks to Gaetz we are unable to respond in any meaningful way in the middle east. Thanks to Tommy Tubesteak we don't have a chief of Naval Operations , and thanks to Rand Paul we don't have an ambassador to Israel. Way to make government work.
Good morning favorite people ♥️ I believe I have slept for 5 yrs on and off since Friday ...
glennlab comments on Oct 9, 2023:
Have a good time off you deserve it.
I have now realized.....
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
That would be a non fucking problem.
“ I ll see what I can do “ Priceless way to let someone know that “ ain’t happening ...
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
can't pick a best one, they're all good.
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
You taped my cardiologist, boy was he wrong.
I want my tears back !!!😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
All you needed was some free time to make us laugh, well done!
[] Where is the lie 🙄
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
Took him a long time to get smart.
He's Chevy ...and you're not.
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
Loved him on SNL
Easy Sunday morning riddle
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
A, a million times A.
That's it, a solution !
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
I thought you had been called that often already?
No kissing
glennlab comments on Oct 8, 2023:
the wookie
Just a quick heads up here for fellow Americans.
glennlab comments on Oct 3, 2023:
Thanks airplane mode since I'll be in the casino.
Taco Tuesday Eve!
glennlab comments on Oct 3, 2023:
Off to Vegas in the morning for Taco Tuesday
Matt Gaetz says he will attempt to oust Kevin McCarthy from the speakership this week | CNN Politics
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2023:
Word is out that the house ethics investigation on Gaetz is either finished or nearly finished and that there will be a move to remove him from congress for sex trafficking and illegal drug use. Hope the rumors are true.
Matt Gaetz says he will attempt to oust Kevin McCarthy from the speakership this week | CNN Politics
glennlab comments on Oct 1, 2023:
I don't think the child lover has thought this through, Kevin may have all the loyalty of a cat in heat, but he still can be a powerful enemy.
Self improvement?
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2023:
You won't know unless you read them, use the ones that are useful and discard the rest.
"Your emphasis on an invisible god turns off atheists like me."
glennlab comments on Sep 30, 2023:
This is one time you missed the boat. You are part of the congregation, you speak for you. Unless you speak up and let him know what you expect, he will not know. Others need to do the same. Sometimes it works to get several small groups together for coffee and cookies to openly state what you expect, freely expressing what you want. The minister can then take all of that into account and tailor their meeting experience to the groups needs.
Trump Co-Defendant in Georgia Election Interference Case Pleads Guilty
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2023:
The earlier you plead out, typically the better the deal you get. I see a line starting to form up over at the DA's office hoping for a similar deal before all the good cards are dealt out.
Don't be a fool, wrap up your tool!
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2023:
Someone needs to wrap up coach tubesteak and beat some sense into his treasonous ass.
There goes the omelet bar!
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2023:
Reading the decision, it looks like TFG is worth somewhere in the neighborhood of $84 Million way less than the $7 billion he claimed. But that is not including some of his huge under the table loans that gives him a net negative worth. I hope part of his punishment is having to stand there while his interest in the properties are auctioned off to the highest bidder and his kids are thrown out of their company housing.
Cassidy Hutchinson discusses what she saw and experienced in the Trump White House | PBS NewsHour
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2023:
Cassidy was just another political opportunist, that realized too late that if she kept doing what she was doing, not only would all of her work have been in vain, but she might end up in prison. She had/has no moral compass, as she previously took a job working for Ted Cruz for no other reason than he was the first republican to make an offer. She is now on her book/whitewash tour to try to prepare for her future political career. Watch out for her, she is willing to do the dirty work to get ahead.
Good, serves her right.
glennlab comments on Sep 29, 2023:
Misguided and now she has ruined her own life. The next 8 years are going to be tough, but then the real effects of being a convicted arsonist will start to kick in.
Something lively from Louisiana today…with Zydeco music of French Creole origin from Jeffery ...
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2023:
One of the most frustrating things I have done, is to explain the difference between Cajun and Creole in music, cooking and culture. It boils down to Cajun is based in southwest Louisiana (Acaidiana) and New Orleans is the home of Creole culture. So country verses city.
The Post’s exclusive drinking game for the second Republican presidential debate [nypost.
glennlab comments on Sep 28, 2023:
My liver deserves better, not going to do it.
MAGA Pundits Declare War on 'Homely' Taylor Swift - Raw Story
glennlab comments on Sep 27, 2023:
The boy needs to get his glasses fixed. Of course sour grapes is easier to cry than an actual fact.
The corn didn't talk, but it was all ears.
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
lol ed
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
A single ton of gold is worth $67 million, Give me a fucking break. They had $ 38 billion in 2014, and no one has hear of them since. Are you an IDIOT?
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
give me a fucking breaking break, how much of an idiot are you?.
I want the sane people on here to try and figure out how to keep the entire opening list of posts on...
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
It is with a very heavy heart that I even try to deal with members like @1patriot @puff and others they are not the community that I envisioned joining. They are though the community that exists, I hope that they come to their senses and sensibilities. I know that is not going to happen. IO hope that if we call the assholes out, shame them, fuck them until they are sensless, and don't give them one fucking breath of fresh air
I wished they die suddenly
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
I thought that SS guy was your friend based on your posts.
Just follow the money!
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
As someone that had an incurable disease 20 years ago that is now considered curable, I call bullshit. You need to get out more.
There will never be any accountability for these letches as long as the BAR and admiralty law crime ...
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
You are an idiot, just think about what you are saying.
How do you know Dhan Yog in Kundli?
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
I made good money purveying bullshit, but this is preemo bull shit. I sell crystals and i believe in their magic, i can make pretty rocks turn into green paper.
Past time for this fraud....
glennlab comments on Sep 26, 2023:
Not soon enough or final enough.
It's good to have goals, I guess. Plus, they really don't like Sen. Fetterman, do they? LOL
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2023:
They don't like anyone that calls them out.
Maga cunts!
glennlab comments on Sep 25, 2023:
He met his wife at a family reunion.
Poor Isaac.
glennlab comments on Sep 24, 2023:
Who wants to hold hands with god anyhow?
The Equinox Is Not What You Think It Is - Scientific American
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2023:
The heat index is only 110 today, so yay autumn.
Showpiece of Democrats’ Insurrection Show Trials Suddenly Released from Prison Paul Craig Roberts...
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2023:
His appeal was outright rejected. The judge also called out Carlson for lying.
When the Governor weighs in on the situation and goes against one of his own, it must be pretty ...
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2023:
I don't see him resigning, he's beaten similar charges before. He would be wise not to seek re-election, but that just my opinion.
Note to Trump and his followers: Shutting down the government will not stop Jack Smith's prosecution...
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2023:
If the dummy had paid any attention when he was doing the budget he would know that the DOJ is separately funded by a perpetual continuing resolution, so a government shutdown will not even slow down his prosecution. Sorry lil donnie.
Question to fellow atheists.When someone says "God bless you' to you what is a good reply?
glennlab comments on Sep 23, 2023:
Thank you. I'm not trying to convert anyone I don't know.
This pandemic is stressing people out
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2023:
Viruses mutate, that's just the way it is. Everyone that paid attention in biology knows that.
You made it, well done.
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2023:
I'm not even in the same decade as any of those whipper snappers.
Is it Friday yet?
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2023:
I saw the red flags, but I thought it was a carnival.
I put this here because fracking seems to always be in the news.
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2023:
`Inintially fracking was done with high explosives, with the discovery of vast reserves under inhabited areas, a different method had to be found for these low producing rich fields. Enter Haliburton and their magic elixer . This was a slurry of mostly waste saltwater and sand, but those two would only release about 10-20 % of the trapped product. The secret ingredients have been leaked to be deisel, benzene, other aromatic petrochemicals, industrial waste both hazardous and non hazardous. Thae added punch allows an additional 20-40% recovery. Stean injection has also been used, but it is very costly and is about as effective as the elixer recovery method. CO2 is a very cold liquid, and the oil doesn't flow well when it is cold even under extreme pressure, so I wouldn't see it as efficent as just water and sand, maybe less. Then there is the problem ofsequestering the CO2, by definition you have holes drilled into the field that povide an easy egress. I have lived near storage wells that were over 10,000 feet deep and product was constantly escaping so my vote is find a better way. We already know that the chemicals leak back into the groundwater in a short period of time through cracks and fissures, so a liquid under high pressure seems like trying to fill a bucket with a sieve.
Today is also Leonard Cohen's birthday. I am not a fan but want to acknowledge his birthday,
glennlab comments on Sep 22, 2023:
He's one of my favorites
In order to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment, companies have to ...
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2023:
One of the best ways to piss people off is to flood their site with your ads
I can hardly wait for Halloween...
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Part two
I can hardly wait for Halloween...
glennlab comments on Sep 21, 2023:
Time to break out the PPS memes


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