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.....Why not?
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Side bets, I've seen some of their armaments.
Robert Mueller Testimony in Congress Today.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
turn on C-span and judge for yourself, I don't need someone to tell me what I just heard.
Love this
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Just horsing around.
Yeah, really.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
with that forced smile, you never know.
The old standby.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
I stepped on one and it didn't look that bad afterwards.
Here’s an interesting statistic.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
So thoughtful.
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Needs to understand spacing, or actually giving the corporate philosophy.
Hahaha😂😂😂 []
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
What a prick!
If you have dogs you know this
glennlab comments on Jul 24, 2019:
So true
Today, tRump told a group of so-called Republican youth the Article II of the Constitution allows ...
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
The only way he will be in his right mind is in a box.
Funny situation
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
It will be much worse than that. Much.
Hmmm. I think Edna's on to something. Poor EMT wilp be joining the metoo movement.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
old ladies need love too.
Currently my emotion is like this and the weather sense it...😪
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
mountains and oceans create the weather, and the moods sometimes
Who else shops like I do?
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Members might like the glamping post in Treehouses, Tiny homes and Natural Building group.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Not helping
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Even worse when they are helping you and you know that you are going to need them again in the future.
I did not know this.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
looks like high end hand made.
Probably not what he was expecting
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
got to be more specific.
Political memes
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
all good, best was colter
at last the hollyhocks which I grew from seed are bursting into bloom! one of them has these ...
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Like it, well done.
I really want to see this tennis match.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
If it were held in the open, we could see how bad they both are without the cheating both are known for. We could actually see who is going to be whose bitch. Winner gets to lose to Putin.
His followers too stupid to know better
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
And they are thanking him for it.
SECURE ACT! Research it & contact your Senator.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
What are your concerns?
Try to be nice and you will do well, right?
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Can't tell you the number of times I have mistaken "retail friendly" for flirting. lol
Men: what are your turn ons in women?
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
intelligence, then interest in me.
For the last time, don't ask a stranger "What are you?"
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Having grown up in a mixed culture, i feel your pain. I was not considered Anglo, because even though I was a very light skinned redhead, my last name was very decidedly cajun. The Cajuns (outside my father's family) didn't recognize me as one of them since I didn't have olive skin, dark hair, or speak French and not a Catholic plus no one heard of a red headed Cajun. This was in the 50s and 60s, in SW Louisiana Catholics and protestants did not mix, and neither did Cajuns and Anglos.
Perfect, right on target
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Personal experience?
It happens.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
get you shit together and finish your business.
To be relaxed and ready.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Nothing but the best, and she won't cheat on you.
Well, well, well.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
NO number!
Have a happy day
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Racism has been with us a long time just never so real as now with this president
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
First time since george wallace that we've had an open racist running for president, making open racist OK.
Aging gracefully...
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
been there done that, just don't ask me when, cause I can't remember.
Britain has a trump! []
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Can you say world wide recession, with Johnson and Trump leading the train into economic hell.
All are equal.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Not a bigot, hate everyone separately, but equally.
Those of us in MA will miss him.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
So sad when the icons pass.
I couldn’t sleep last night, so I wrote this.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
very good.
I’m taking you back to the Summer Of ‘69 with Bryan Adams.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Another one I haven't heard in a while, thanks.
Apparently in the 1950s, a popular nightclub, Mocambo would not book Ella Fitzgerald because she ...
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Love this story.
What if they can't read.
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
It will still hurt the whole time they are dying.
Last call finds us all
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
I have often thought i might do a deathbed conversion, better a dumb christian dies than a smart atheist.
Real Intimacy...or lack of! Hahaha
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
I have no electronics in the bedroom except a clock radio, bedroom is for sex and sleeping, mainly sleeping, in fact my bed would have a heart attack if two people were on it again.
Looks like I am free tonight, though!
glennlab comments on Jul 23, 2019:
Hail Lord Satin, he's so smooth.
Friend posted. Care to guess? She wants to know what it's called.
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
It appears to be contrails from a hypersonic aircraft That's my best guess.
California seizes $30 million in black market cannabis from illegal pot shops [msn.
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
They fail to address the problem of over regulation of the legal growers, which makes the illegal growers much more profitable even at lower prices.
What the? LMAO!
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
That boy is the poster child for religious bigotry.
Done with that file more to come tomarrow
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Fox is going for a hole in one.
Boy this prospecting is hard work, and the pay sucks.
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
at least you have "some" color. Just remember the richest mines produce one ounce per 7 tons, lots of dirt to move.
Missed opportunity.....
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Don't think so. Never good to date brain damaged.
For those of you who followed my early serial dating escapades, I found out over the weekend that ...
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
So sorry.
No means no... Agree or disagree? See photo for reference...
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
better than a sign that says one way, do not enter.
Not a single bone...
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
but heart is a different matter.
Musical themed memes
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
finally puns that are semi funny,
glennlab comments on Jul 22, 2019:
Not at all, baby is your focus and will take most of your attention and energy, as it should be,
Puns,puns, puns, puns...PUNSSSSS
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
why did I click on that one, WHY?
I bought this plant, as a pathetic starter vine with 3 leaves, in May.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
beautiful little flower, I've got 3 types. If you want plants, I've got plenty to share.
Saturday Morning's Hero!
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
You know that mighty mouse is on the way!
Didn't cut it.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Some times even coffee won't blunt the stupid,
Nuff said. F%n losers.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
not too bright, that my guess.
Well, that's good to know.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Just my luck.
Hi! Just checking in.:D
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Been missing your bright and sunny face here,
Pie chart 🥧
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
got my demographic
Such a good boy.....when he's asleep. 😹
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Just like children, at their best asleep.
I’m considering relocating from New Jersey to Oregon, most likely Bend.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Bend is much more small town and more centrally located for scenic travel as well as hot spring hopping. You do your shopping in Eugene or Portland for big ticket items, you are closer to the fruit areas, never been there in the winter.
I’m considering relocating from New Jersey to Oregon, most likely Bend.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Spokane has winter snow/ice that makes travel risky. There are roads on the South Hill you do not take during the winter. It gets as cold as -20 F some years. Cheney is home to Eastern Washington, slightly cheaper housing than most of Spokane and has a more liberal population. You on the edge of the desert, the edge of the rockies and in the PNW and get the worst weather of all three. You are only 90 miles from Canada and about the same distance from Montana, Yellowstone is less than 12 hours away and there are magnificent views within literally a few miles. I lived there for 5 years.
Work up more than that!
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Las Vegas coke is even more blunt
Personally wouldn't know, just taken their word for it.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
It's like boob sweat, except between your legs.
What number R U ???
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
9 & 5
I had a date yesterday with a guy I was talking to on okc back in April.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Good for you.
Cute outfit. , link to Rickyisms , []
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
as much as it hurts, the first one.
Sometimes you just get happy accidents.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Nice backdrop.
Some of my favorite books as a young teen were Watership Down, The Lord of The Rings, Atlas Shrugged...
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Without commenting on the subject matter, books of over a thousand pages have been the bane of publishers from their inception. Huge epic novels present production problems that publishers would rather avoid. It is not the reader, but the producer that dictates that novels be more modest (less than 500 pages). Epic novels are only ever printed for authors that have proven sales records. Neither Rand nor Tolstoy published their epic novels(over 1000 pages) as their first work. Writers write what their publishers tell them too, publishers tell writers to write what will sell today. Don't forget that Lord of the rings was not a single novel, but 3.
You probably need this.
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
You copied my bathroom. lol
Good morning! 😉 Going out to have some fun😅 how about you? How are you spending your weekend?
glennlab comments on Jul 21, 2019:
Cleaning and catching up so I can take off again next month
Words from a wise man
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Well said.
How do you spend your non-work, non-family obligation time?
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
since my only family obligation time is Thanksgiving and Christmas and I only work for a few clients, pretty much everything I do, fishing, traveling, visiting with friends (new and old) is in non-work, non family time.
Childhood fun and terror!
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
got a hell of a scar on my eyebrow from one, When I was in third grade, only the first a second graders were allowed on the one at school, but the one in the park was 50 mph minimum.
Talk about in bad taste
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
It's hereditary.
Yeah. Don't worry about it.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Thankfully, they're both dead.
All is not lost!
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
still got almost a foot before you're in trouble.
Nice windows. Too bad you can't see more.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
But , does the carpet match the drapes?
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
good group
I was reminded of these memes yesterday, as a response to another post, but I was on my phone and ...
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Just enjoying my day
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
rose of sharon? (hardy hibiscus)
Pollinated bee butts 😃 I went for another bike ride and found these down by the river.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
My sunflower bit the dust while I was off galavanting through the west. It was a volunteer, but I always hate to lose a long blooming flower.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Sometimes it's like that.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
been there, done that.
Seriously good fathering and funny too.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
Bet she won't do that again
One of my favorite tunes by The Animals.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
a favorite group of mine growing up
Weekend intermission :)
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
acres and acres of whatever you want.
What was better for cooling back then, to set fan to blow air out of house or to bring fresh air ...
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
we had a window fan on the sleeping porch, (it's a southern thing). I really think it's one reason I need the sound of a fan to sleep, but the doc says it's the tinnitis
Ummm... I think that is called semen. 🙄 []
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
It would be funny if it weren't true, hell these were grown men that fell for this, it is funny.
New peafowl and guineafowl today.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
good luck.
Just asked a question.
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
no, but it was understood.
This is what old folks call Snap Chat!!
glennlab comments on Jul 20, 2019:
remember sitting on the porch and being amazed that the adults could carry on full conversation while they were snapping beans by the tub full, while I had to concentrate to make sure they were snapped.
[] He was always one of my favorites great song
glennlab comments on Jul 19, 2019:
no video.
glennlab comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Anyone notice that some members who have joined a long time before have recently become active?
glennlab comments on Jul 19, 2019:
They bear considerable watching, sleeper trolls getting ready for 2020.
I like what this little guy is saying lol
glennlab comments on Jul 19, 2019:
good kitty
Well, this time Trump does tell the true!
glennlab comments on Jul 19, 2019:
Only if you mean the wife stays at home while the hubby screws anything with 2 legs.


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