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Matchbox car
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Are you making fun of my ride?
Gingerbread x-ray man
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
andthat is why you can't make cookies for the office anymore.
Also overpopulation
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
Nailed it, right on the little boy's back.
Wheel of Torture.
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
The I-rony.
Ok, so 10,000 is a very conservative number.
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
He he made it to adolescence.
Well, well, well...
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
well shit!
She finally found her boo, that's the spirit.
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
It's called masturbation silly girl.
Has this native bee hotel already been posted here? []
glennlab comments on Jun 14, 2019:
I haven't seen it before, really neat.
My appointment for LASIX eye surgery is in less than 12 hours, I’m nervous and excited.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
good luck. Should be a breeze.
America's "First Son" .
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
The first son would be Donnie Jr, and that brainless fart is most likely going to prison when dad is out of office, if not sooner, come on New York.
Dudes with beards in trucks telling YouTube how they really feel.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Not one is showing the face, hiding behind sunglasses, pussies.
The boys from Rockford Illinois one of their best songs I'd love to see this group in concert ...
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
So far i like your taste in music.
Capitalism has run amuck! It is going to be near impossible to reign it in.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
The last time capitalism was this far out of hand we had 36 years of progressives to fix their train wreck. Hope it happens again with a great depression.
One of my crafts for this Xmas is little man ornaments.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
good luck
Nice weather today🙂 it's like very calm and no possible threat of rain.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Hope the demonstrations aren't causing any inconvenience
I ran across a more-twisted-than-usual, Right Wing, batshit crazy website where the members want ...
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Trumps should be learry of anything relating him to JFK, JFK was stopped in the November before his reelection attempt.
True. []
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
bad link
Thank Dad this weekend
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Mother's day, everyone takes their mother out to dinner, Father's Day, everyone expects him to cook in the back yard with no stove. (lol)
One reason why I don't smoke
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
anything is food if you're hungry enough
I beg your pardon
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Sit Drumph.
Special delivery!
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Tried to use the drive thru, then figured out there wasn't one there.
Blyde River Canyon, near Graskop, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Breathtaking!
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Sarah Sanders is leaving the White House [axios.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
For a person that always wanted a job, she finally got one, she refused to do it. I hope this time is for real. her first resignation was over a year ago.
My tomato season here in Florida is winding down, and I will be pulling up the plants within the ...
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
My season is just coming into production, had my first one last night when I got home. Need to move them under the trees now that summer has started to extend the growing season.
Oh that sooo would be me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Happens more than anyone is willing to admit before 1 too many drinks.
Out looking for wildlife. All from the White Mountains of Arizona over the last couple of weeks.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
nice catches.
Looking for something to do this weekend?
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I like nudity, and free breakfasts, but the rest of that crap would have to go.
Donald is too dumb to know the difference.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Love that you left the Whales in there.
Good idea.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I can relate.
Mosquito season is upon us
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Be glad you're farther north
Hello from Indianapolis Indiana! Thought I'd stop lurking and start participating.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
welcome, if you have questions, ask them, you'll get answers, some of them even correct.
Don't ask where the remote is...
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
won't the moisture corrode the batteries?
Trump says he hopes Sarah “Lyin ass” Sanders runs for governor of Arkansas.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Preaching to the choir, but still needed to be said.
“Would someone get Trump a dog.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
poor dog
Growing Cilantro. []
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
I hate cilantro, but use a buttload of coriander.
The brain washing continues.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
He didn't give up shit, he moved into government housing, got improvements made to his properties, increased participation and sales at his golf courses/country clubs, expanded his brand and got access to people that would not even let them darken their doors before he was appointed in spite of the election result.
Two tankers were bombed today in the Gulf Oman.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
The tankers were carrying Iranian petro products, makes no sense to attack one of your own.
Remember this or do you still use them?
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
yes and yes, haven't used it in years.
Thank goodness for it! Did you sing it?
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
tell me you didn;t hear that in Dolly's voice.
My little succulent is blooming for the first time.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
You do so well with plants. Love your mini pineapple that Thor devoured.
This breast feeding in public thing has gotten out of hand.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
when the kids are hungry, the kids are hungry,
Lmao...I'm thinking I might need a couple of these....does that "web spinner" vibrate???
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
dare you to wear that out side.
Or they bark and growl at you and say they normally don't do that
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
and you're the first person he ever bit.
That crank certainly was noisy, lol.
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
You'd crank that bitch until it couldn't get any tighter so that wouldn't happen.
Would you?
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Pretty sure, I've had to butcher animals I raised from birth for food. wouldn't bother me if it had been raised next door and I petted it every day. I am just glad I don't have to butcher them myself anymore.
Hi from coastal Alabama! I’m still learning the ropes here. 🙂
glennlab comments on Jun 13, 2019:
Who do you trust more than the Government?
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
I'm so old that I remember when you could be fired from a governmental position for lieing. You could refuse to confirm or deny, refuse to answer the question, refer the question to a higher authority, but if you told a lie, that was reason for termination.
What is the main difference between Social Democracy and Social Liberalism?
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Please define what you mean, I have never heard of Social Liberalism to describe any political, governmental or social construct.
When camping.....
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
I have neuropothy, so got to at least have sandals, but I hate closed toe shoes.
Don’t eat them!
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
I was afraid you were going to say they were all stored on your backside. lol
Hmm. I'm a little skeptical.
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
no, no, and yes. I worked hard to get this body in this shape without so much as a beachball as a model.
Three whole dollars!
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Currently on vacation, I blew my ideal budget, but I'll be in my own bed tomorrow night with my primary mission accomplished. I had fun even though my flight out of Dallas was severely delayed, my really nice room went to someone else and I didn't do very good in the tournament.
I found this hilarious.
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
No I have not.
glennlab comments on Jun 12, 2019:
Do you still have date nights with your partner?
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2019:
what's a partner? If I had one then yes.
Any other home roasters here?
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2019:
not I, too much involvenent
Anyone know what's going on here?
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Without more info it is hard to tell, if it crushes when you touch it, it is the aphids, if it can be dusted off a fungus, if you have to scratch it off it is most likely scale Fungus and scale can both be fatal but can be treated,
Hello from Portland OR, I'm a new agnostic who was raised Christian looking for a new tribe of ...
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2019:
I’m sorry but dad jokes are funny!
glennlab comments on Jun 11, 2019:
good one
Have a beautiful Sunday❤
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
got the coffee
I have never seen this before, have you?
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Little golden books, had several of their "stories", I never saw the cookbook though. Campbells put a lot of money into "educational" material in the late 50s and early 60s.
Haunting Trump with Obama
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
and I hope you have very little time to be haunted.
Lie after lie.
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
if it weren't true it would be a great sit=com
Breaking News.... []
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Points needed: in 48 hours I will have been on this site for 3 months and I need 1,100 points to ...
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
On the way to the barn dance.
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
Better than a bite of apple! (Sorry there was not a credit for the artist...)
glennlab comments on Jun 9, 2019:
like your taste
It would certainly be amusing.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Nixon's beach wear, in case you forgot
Since you guys think it is so much fun to show off your Dick pics.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
You've got cute tits.
Does being Buddhist make one an atheist?
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
You can be an agnostic buddhist, but I would hesitate to say atheistic buddhist, to be honest you can call yourself anything you want to, it is only when you try to fit into a group that the definition becomes important.
And this is why i always carry mints.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
If it didn't hurt so much to laugh, I would. lol
Ha ha ha. Not even a question.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
to quote Fritz the cat "Fucking A right, Ralph"
I know who this is, do you?
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
His sidekick that he always sent in for the dangerous stuff just recently passed away.
Speaking to family about religion
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I would first tell them the Abrahamic story of the visitor. An angel came by and told Abraham that an old friend of god's would be coming by that night, and to treat him well. The man comes and Abraham puts out his finest meals and wines, before they are about to begin, Abraham tells the visitor that they should give thanks to the god that both of them praise. The visitor tells him he worships no god and bends before no man. Infuriated Abraham, throws the visitor into the night. The next day god comes by to see Abraham, and asks him how the visit was. Abraham relates what happened that night and god admonishes him " I put up with him for 70 years and you can't put up with him one night". That being said, if it is going to present a problem for you, keep your cards close to your vest, let your actions speak, when your parents are comfortable that they can accept your answer, they will ask. I told my mother when I was 17, you would think I had told her I was a murderer. I maintained the facade, thru high school, didn't go back to church until I met my future wife, to keep the peace, I went with her faithfully except during football season. Haven't been in a church except for funerals since the divorce.
Trump Joke of the Day Curious about whether he will make it two terms, or even the full four ...
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
It will be a day celebrated all across North America and by many of our allies overseas.
What is your favorite breed of cat? Mine is Tortoiseshell
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
ones that like me. I'm not that picky.
Something about raindrops ❤❤❤
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
getting a little mileage out of your heart, well done.
Shitposting loudly...
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
dare you to share that one in the cat group.
Don't "short"change our heroes.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
already saw your beaver shot.
Nuggets R' lyffe
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Seriously saucy.
Damnit, April.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Don't feed the animals!
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Welcome to the midwest!
Now you can be mentally scarred too!
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
how is that possible? come on, 5 tits, everyone knows they com in pairs.
It's such a lovely experience!
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I prefer the layng there n the afterglow in the morning with nothing to do .
Brenda Lee. - Let’s Jump The Broomstick (1960) []
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
one of the founding mothers of rock and roll.
Does anyone else hate the phrase "I love you" ?
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I like to lavish praise, I enjoy telling other people what they are doing that i like. I don't pick up on subtle hints and need to hear things only slightly tempered by mercy.
Sad but true. I think if I had to look at that face in the morning I would be a real ass as well.
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
I have finally stopped calling him McTurtle, I realized that turtles had done nothing to deserve being so denigrated.
Was it God or Noah? LOL
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
Unicorn was not as tasty as the dino burgers.
I had one for a year then threw it away, I found out my mother was reading it.😠
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
you should have put some juicy stuff in it, and wait for reaction.
1 - yummy grapes 2 - yummy peaches 3 & 4 - oh boy oh boy sunflowers 5 & 6 - wild fungus 7 - my ...
glennlab comments on Jun 8, 2019:
They are all beautiful, your peaches have some worm damage (the sap balls are the give away) If you have time remove the ones that have the worm damage now and you will get much better fruit from the ones left.
WHAT THE HELL IS.......??? Oh. Never mind. Carry one.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
giving birth to a full grown cat, and not happy about it.
Ya. That'll work.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
is that why they tell you to poke someone?
Us smart bombs are now going to be built in saudi arabia thanks to dildo mcfuckfarts.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
a link to the story
Who needs an alarm clock?
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
porcelain snooze button, get up, go, return to bed.
Trump Dump
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
Some of the men I served with are on that wall, he should be under it.
Why Adam Schiff is not there yet on trying to impeach Trump: ‘It’s not a ...
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
I say hold hearings, supeona everything, expedite appeals to the courts, impose draconian fines for failure to comply and keep it going until he is ready to resign, or the Senate demands he resign.
Hello from Maryland!!
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
welcome, come in.
Going to be laying low for the next week or so.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
Have a fabulous time, bring back Jameson.
I have some very nasty pain in my back.
glennlab comments on Jun 7, 2019:
VA has a new lidocaine cream in their formulary, hit up your doc by secure message.


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