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Anyone go to school in a place like this?
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
No, but my grandmother taught in one, and the superintendent ended up being my grandfather.
It Must Have Been the Roses. 🌹 My yard is bursting with color. ☺️❤️ []
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
I am so jealous, I have cotton root rot in my yard, it attacks all members of the rose family.
Never knew Popeye had popcorn...🤔
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
I had forgotten about that, I think I was 4 or 5
I remember my mother washing clothes in our basement with one of these.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
We lived in the deep south, we had one in the back yard on concrete blocks, rigged for the water to drain into the rose garden. They made too much noise for it to be in the house. The year before he died, my grandfather bought one of the front load washer dryer sets and a dishwasher so my grandmother wouldn't need a maid when he was gone. My grandmother still made us hang the laundry on the line because someone caused a fire at the washateria in one of the commercial dryers.
Wonder if the person who wrote this still works there.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
I dunno.
Interesting comparison.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
I'll have a bowl of owls and oil please.
Naughty sheets
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
once you see it you can't unsee it. my eyes!
A few meow memes.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
got to keep the old puss happy.
Love it!!
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Try showering with their chocolate, you'll be one tasty date.
That's one way to do it.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
better than ghosting
Cheerleaders at the beach. Go waves!
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
next pic, middle one does a face first into the sand, no lift.
My BlackLace Elderberry in full bloom, snuggled into the Deodora Cedar, with Wild Huckleberry to the...
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
One ear of corn to another, "Don't let the bastards grind you down man"
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
In case you're wondering, since they won't give me back my groan, I'll just go Hmmmm.
Anybody else remember their Grandmothers dressing like this?
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Both of them.
My mini-me
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Life's a bitch, then you get three of them. lol
Singing to my dogs and Winston is really getting into it lol []
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
neat voice and neat rhythm section.
SEATTLE STARBUCKS RESERVE ROASTERY, I've never seen such a big and nice coffee shop, it even has a ...
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Where's the casino and hotel? It's big enough.
How Hotels Are Adapting to Cannabis Legalization Bruce Kennedy May 22, 2019 In most legal ...
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
I have stayed at several hotels in Colorado, they do not allow smoking of any kind except on a "secure", segregated patio. On my first trip after recreational legalization, they were adamant no pot smoking on the patio. As of my last trip, they didn't care what you smoked on the patio as long as there was no smoking inside.
Just introducing myself.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
welcome to the group, look forward to your sharing.
Hi from the UK Not many members from my area it would seem.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Welcome, come in , ask questions when you have them, you'll get answers, some of them even correct.
I consider socialism, whatever political or religious identity, often being nothing else as a severe...
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Explain yourself.
A bit o' blasphemy, for a lovely Saturday.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
really like # 3
What, what did i just read??
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Not going to have the effect they are looking for, but it will eventually end up deep anal party.
It's a long weekend, so think before you act.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Another reason I never go anywhere on holiday weekends.
Order a number 9.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Not a problem, I haven't been inside a Mcdonalds in over 20 years and never expect to again. But I would go in to watch this.
He has a very good point!
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
marriage is a property contract (by law) like any partnership the members set up their own rules. Unlike any other partnership, it requires a court to dissolve. Most all partnerships fail at some point, one reason marriages last as long as they do is the state involvement.
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Syrup for Priests to use?
Level 256?
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
If you don't grow up by 50, you don't have to.
Motörhead plays Bowie. Heroes (David Bowie cover) []
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
First time I've actually listened to motorhead all the way through. good.
Who out there can post a photo of themselves wearign the T-shirt?
glennlab comments on May 25, 2019:
Most of us post one as soon as we receive it, but here are two, both taken in public places
Maybe we don't want to know.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Trumpkins + Pu-pu-tin
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Why is it i only believe the first one?
Sometimes I horrify myself.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
You must live in the south and wear those damned rubber soled shoes, but yes.
The chocolate tour at La Casa del Cacao in San Jose Costa Rica was amazing and worth doing if you ...
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
When i was in Belize, I fell in love with the roasted cocoa beans that they snack on.
"If you ain't country, you ain't shit" Does that imply.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
That's the way I read it.
Iridescent hematite, Georgia USA
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
For a perfect relationship look to Chinese astrology.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
makes as much sense as any other religion.
1938 Dymaxion
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Really an interesting story.
That's a good idea.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
It's what happens when the drive in is too slow.
This was in my email box today.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
good points all.
Performed lobotomy on himself.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
And they paid this guy to operate on brains, I think he was a donor.
Happy Friday!! Hope everyone's Memorial Day weekend treats them well.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
I try not to travel on holiday weekends, I have plenty of other times to travel and I hate to be in the way of people trying to squeeze two weeks of activities into one weekend.
This is a bit deep! If a tree fell in the rain forest and landed on Donald Trump, would anybody give...
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Nope,as long as it ended him.
Bumper Stickers ...
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
I need the second one.
California native Matilija poppies (Romneya coulteri) have exquisite petals, like ruffled silk and ...
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
real life is messy, but glorious. Good shots.
Been awhile.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
I can remember being so horny I got up early just to see the crack of dawn.
The best kind!!!!
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
I can make you laugh, we'll just have to see about that other thing.
Some people...
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Try having a navigator that believes that google maps will lead the way, then you get into the mountains and hand them a paper map. OOh the horror!
It's a damned shame this has never happened to me.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
send me your address, we can make it happen, lol
Holy crap! There's a moderator explosion in this group! Did Eric go on vacation?
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
He didn't want to overburden anyone, hence the expanded coverage.
That's how it works.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Sooooo true!
So very true... Sometimes i swear Ambulance in reverse means "cut me off"
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
They shouldn't be interrupting people's phone calls
Junk food is not his thing either.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Going overboard
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
That is by design, 100 million sperm to one egg, there are so many ways to go, but none that are not just as ridiculous as getting involved in a woman's personal health decisions.
What doesn't.....?
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
But their soap doesn't melt in the sun.
He's an asshole.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Probably doesn't even need the second sentence.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Well it was LSU, and looks like a football players car. (full disclosure...I am from Louisiana and I played football)
Officially sterile! So I had my surgery last week, and it went swimmingly.
glennlab comments on May 24, 2019:
Glad your surgery went well, so sorry that you had to wait.
R-rated Bible story
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
They taught that at my church, to warn you of the evils of masterbaiting and to show the difference in the old testiment god and the new testiment god.
Please welcome @Berkeley to the group. Looking forward to hearing your Rock music choices.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
welcome Berkeley
I was thinking about all the scammers I have corresponded with in my dating history.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
nymphomaniac, but I'm probably on a different list than you. lol
Booby trap
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
Even cats don't like bras.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
The ginger is showing her walmart emblem
Thank you for your efforts, Albert.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
That many would gag a maggot.
What was I thinking?! I'll get right on it.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
My old mama cat showed back up last night. At first she ran from me, but after I opened the door, she climbed on the table next to the empty dish and just sat until I put food in it.
I was up early, but only just got to the computer! Happy rise and shine anyway!
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
If a ram is a male sheep and an ass is a donkey, why is a ram in the ass a goose?
2/3 of Trump's wives ... 😂
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
for a complete timeline of the serial adulterer from a very conservative publication
Literally any takers. I'm not picky.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
I'm always up for an adventure, let's hit it.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
It is getting harder and harder to tell satire from the real news.
In the 2016 campaign, Trump said to the crowd of black voters.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
You need to understand that the "good Numbers" have as much to do with the way the administration is counting the employed. If you work even one hour per week for pay, you are considered fully employed. This is a massive change from previous administrations where you were not considered employed unless you worked 40, then 32 then 20 hours per week.
I enjoy collecting stringed instruments. What other interesting collections are out there?
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
Rocks, like the ones in trump's head.
We just had a major rainstorm connected to a tornado move through St.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
Climate change, y'all be getting Dallas weather, we're getting Houston weather without the gulf humidity (for now) once sea levels rise, we may have those coastal problems.
Do you believe that.....
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
I believe I can find a reason for anything that happened, even if it only wrong place wrong time. I also believe that the odds of anything that has already happened no matter how strange are exactly one to one, all of the coincidences in the universe converged at that moment for it to happen. I never try to read tooo much into random chance.
Please welcome@MYCAMP3 and @Duke71 who have joined the group.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
Welcome, can't wait to see your shares.
My coworker had migraines 3 days in a row because he was fasting for Ramadan.
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
He doesn't even understand his own religion, it very clearly states that no one should fast if it puts their health in danger, but on the other hand if he is that dense, maybe he is a Darwin award winner.
Worst case of hives I've ever seen🤪
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
Oh shit. That's going to hurt
Uncanny resemblance ...
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
The ones on the bottom are the cartoon version of the ones on the top.
Keep calm - it's true 🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
Don't sell yourself short.
Mix it up a little...
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
No good, swat showed up at my door.
Just the bear necessities... []
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
And until they get tired, its THEIR car.
We spend so much time bringing beauty to our lives then we spend all of our time maintaining that ...
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
3 & 4 look like a rose left to grow, same with the irises.
Who’s with me?
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
I offer to help, but I have no idea what work is.
A long time ago
glennlab comments on May 23, 2019:
And the horse you rode in on, you know the first half of the sentence.
I am a really pleasant person to be around unless . . .
glennlab comments on May 22, 2019:
Set the puppies free, it may make the other crap easier to put up with.
Global sea levels may rise much faster than predicted, study finds []
glennlab comments on May 21, 2019:
Since I haven't been able to convince the people that matter to do anything, I am going to enjoy by soon to be beachfront property in Dallas.
Not usually my kind of humor.
glennlab comments on May 21, 2019:
I was in public when I read theses and still laughed out loud.
I drove through the Valley of Fire in Nevada this evening near sunset and these are a few of the ...
glennlab comments on May 21, 2019:
just passed by there Sunday, I had to meet my niece in Provo, so I didn't get a chance to stop. Thanks for the pics. Beautiful.
That dirty badger...
glennlab comments on May 21, 2019:
I laughed a little too hard on that one.
At the rate we're going...
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
I qualify now! lol
What a drag....
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
And you're thinking about a new woman, don't forget the popsicle sticks and duct tape.
What's everybody up to tonight... any party going on ..
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
I'm going to gamble , get wasted, find a wild woman for the evening,then sneak out of town in the wee hours. actually once the tournement winners are announced, late supper, then early bed
The 60s and your 60s😊
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
duh, but it needed to be said.
A little out-of-this-world humour.
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
Alien humor
Yeah, that last part...
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
I'll volunteer to be your stiff friend. And I'll bring drinks.
Ah Florida, land of my forefathers, place I call home and probably a big reason my mind is so ...
glennlab comments on May 18, 2019:
Their cousins live in Louisiana
I hate show off parents....
glennlab comments on May 17, 2019:
So before their were bumper stickers, there were ass stickers?
Probably Crocs.....
glennlab comments on May 17, 2019:
Since they won't give me a groan button, just hmmmmm
I think they're enjoying the ride a little too much.
glennlab comments on May 17, 2019:
I was going to say she's riding the saddle horn, but different type of ride.
Just wait...
glennlab comments on May 17, 2019:
We all come with baggage, it's just how much is too much and the wrong kind.
Iron Man
glennlab comments on May 17, 2019:
Very punny


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