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Hi, in case you are interested.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2019:
So how old do you have to be to be vice president?
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2019:
basic rule all the requirements for pres apply to the VP. qualified for pres, qualified for VP, not qualified for pres, not qualified for VP.
Eight inexpensive or free date ideas. ♥
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Really love #5, I almost majored in Econ and my son is an economist.
You're next cat.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2019:
poor puppy
No need for an explanation.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2019:
100% effective birth control
What do you think the best part of being 50 or older is?
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Oh hell yes!!!
Back in the day.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
and 75% of the time they didn't.
FedEx box???
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Amazon for me. lol
He seems smarter
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Looks a lot like the word salad from last Friday! lol
Would you like to explore this library?
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Oh yes!
Just wanted to thank those who created and those who run the site.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Thanks for saying it. It is nice to see something positive in the Senate.
Hello, I'm enthusiastic about this community ! I'm looking forward to the conversations.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Take notes, everyone. Take notes.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
The problem with a bad breakup with an intelligent woman.
@phxbillcee I saw this and thought of you.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
maybe a little closer sometimes.
I have posted this before but it bore repeating....
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
commence installation, it's 5 o'clock somewhere.
Oh what a relief it is....
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
that is close.
...any SE Hinton fans?
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
WTF you talking about?
Now you know....
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Fuck a duck, lol
The Rolling Stones. - As Time Goes 2008. []
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
my favorite rendition is by Marianne Faithful
Snow in Las Vegas! ? I took this picture last night. It's still coming down too.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
makes me glad I didn't go out there this week.
What kind of sex does a priest get...Nun. feel free to add others..
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Priest burps, other priest goes, " shush, I smell alter boys"
Truth be told.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2019:
That's just...., I can't stop laughing long enough to finish.
Well, ladies, a special Intermission for you!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
bet his saggy ass that went wrong!
The Bread or the Pan👍😂
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
i HOPE this is ok to post.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
prices aren't listed yet on the websites, you have to call.
We've all been there!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
next year.
I'm joining a gang!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Looks like what i had 2 years ago.
I remember those days...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
And you wonder why he has "accidents"?
The absolute best part of this were the comment from people telling their substitute words.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
3 drinks in, you get a ton of them. lol
I'm feeling really good right now. I'm Tired Madeline Kahn Blazing Saddles. []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
one of my favorite scenes
Love is not only made for lovers?❤
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
friends first, always.
Luv getting snuggles from my pack, not only on National Pup day but everyday!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
little fuzz buckets, so adorable.
I never cared for any of these how about you?
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
nope, they were all bad.
Please welcome Robecology to the group. Let’s hear some good Rock Music.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
welcome look forward to you contributions.
Just back from an hour long Body Pump workout at the gym and this seems appropriate today
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I keep this around to remind me of my body
How important is honesty to you?
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Honesty in things that matter, tempered with mercy when they are not that important. It does no good to be brutally honest, if it will cause harm with no real gains.
Free Speech Crackdown: Child Arrested For Not Saying Pledge In School -Secular Talk []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
This case was decided in 1970, the school district needs to tell it's teachers.
Does anyone find that healthy sexual expression and openness is currently taking a unfortunate hit ...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
the difference...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
The reason we name cats is it's too hard to imitate the sound of an electric can opener.
Clever janitor! []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
toilet mouth!
Who remembers this TV series from 1960-1964.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
that and 77 sunset strip
Fake president...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
nailed it 100
I keep seeing articles about having a conversation with those who have opposing political views but,...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Arguing with a trumpster (they refuse to debate) is like trying to teach a pig to sing, not only is it a waste of time , it annoys the pig.
I got a makeover today! A gift from a dear friend.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Very good.
Wonderful fashion statement with succulents... Low water requirements a plus!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Something I noticed in the Caribbean is that the local hotels are decorated with perennials vs the annuals we use in the US.
lets try again
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
optical illusion, but still funny.
Vote out ALL incumbents. The new ones can't be worse.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
That's how we got Trump.
Bill's rock garden
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Does she a a baby bump?, Bill, that's stone cold.
Me every fucking day! ? []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I don't see a problem here.
Always ? good morning
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I'm still on west coast time, 30 years later, I didn't get my first cup until the crack of dawn(10 am CST)
old age 1/2 full or empty
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Let you know when I get there.
YAY! It took 3 days, but he finally went in! Hopefully it lasts.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
semi-success, hope it keeps up
Does anyone else hate to waste a sick day on a day when you're really sick?
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
My best sick story was when i was leaving the IRS, union contract stipulated that unless you were out for more than 3 consecutive days no doctors release could be required, it also stipulated that Friday and Monday were nonconsecutive days. I had 30 days of sick leave to use in a 90 day period, since I didn't get paid for any unused sick leave, I managed to use it all, I worked Wednesdays.
Nobody will notice the gas cap is gone.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
no taking pictures of my car.
We set the record..
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Sending a snow shovel, can't send an operator, Trump deported him.
Future CEO
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
My kind of kid.
Hard wood
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
I've got to come see this.
Leave a note
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
That's just bloddy wrong.
Hikers and bikers
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
gators got to eat.
That's not any fun.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
happens all the time.
more memes
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2019:
The first and the last two are great, the others merely good
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I love the water down there, as well as the warmth
Can anyone describe the place where they house the most scamming group of criminals in the world?
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
That would be at the other end of the mall.
One frosty day on the St. Clair River.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Few days ago, a large crane stood in a park not farm from me.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
That is a great blue heron, there are only two species of crane in north America, the whooping crane and the sandhill crane. But good shot.
When I first got married we had one in our house but it was Green.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
The sink as part of the counter, no leaks at the joints like can happen today. Yeah several houses had these.
Kitkat helping me clean the barn.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
He looks like he's upset you are disturbed that you are messing up the mouse hunting grounds
More snow tomorrow...tell me why I didn't go to Fla with my daughter
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
will this help?
Only label the important things
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
where did he go?
Such behavior!
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
9 years ago my best buddy Chief passed away.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
So good to have picture to remember him by.
Imaginary friends be like.....
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Voices in your head? you think they are god? get the fuck to an asylum!
Such a bad pun...I'm booing myself for it.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
In Jesus name, Jamal ?
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Don't do the back in move, Jamal!
That's not a choice.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
no second date.
Geez Todd!...
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Todd is just no damned good
I promise.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I normally only have one drink, but some asshole all ways puts it in 15 glasses.
Winning isn't's the only thing.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
smart, until you get caught,
Made my " morning ". ??? []
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I'm gonna be a points slut folks.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I got 100mg CBD oil and am trying it. I’m not seeing a difference. Does it take awhile to work?
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
100 mg is actually pretty weak. Normal dosage is 10mg per day to see any real difference. Manyt reputable companies won't even sell 100mg containers. There are lots of companies that will "give" you one aty that strength just to put you on auto ship, I don't know if that is your case. Best method is 10 mg under the tongue for 10-30 seconds, then swallow with something to cut the oil.
Good Morning the Harley guy. I love riding on Harleys. Anyone else? Have a great day all.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I haven't ridden in 3 years now neuropothy makes it a little too dangerous
Stress relief as a child?
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
pure sugar and chalk, if you had one, you had a pack. lol
I have noticed a graying out of some posts.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
all of my posts have a screen behind them, none are just text on white.
WYD (What you doing) after smoking this.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
good ones.
Caption this
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
It writes itself.
Watch a Satellite Fire a Harpoon in Space in Wild Debris-Catching Test (Video) []
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
going to be a long slow process 1 piece at a time
Was feeling bitchy, might delete later....
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
You made me laugh, leave em.
Girl Talk - Oh No []
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
not my cup of tea
I have a question for the guys.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
I've never enjoyed watching porn with other guys, for tons of reasons.
Dumpty trumpty has fallen off his wall
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
good catch
Ok. a gay man perhaps.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2019:
She would have to be a real woof woof if she was naked and i was more interested in the fruit.
Wooo hoooo!! I reached level nine in 15 months.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Way to go guy.
Just ignore the dog
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
I know how you did that
Stumbled upon, then sat upon. Edit, pic added!
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
much better now.
Only in my country,filipinos has amazing strategies🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Kind of like the first time you see a baht bus
My 15 year old Ralphie had a really bad night resulting in a really bad morning.
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
sorry to hear that, do what is best for him.
The microwave
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Since October, I haven't had that problem anymore, something to be said for living alone.
Lets talk about virginity😂😂😂😛😛😛
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
It has to be a mental thing, she's never used her brain.
I'm sure I'll make some progress now. Yes!
glennlab comments on Feb 18, 2019:
You go girl!


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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