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What do you get from...
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
People Eating Tasty Animals
The joys of being single...
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
That's better than using it as a clam digger and not nearly as damaging.
The first one...
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
The next innovation was when he removed the shocks to improve the ride.
My guess is yes..
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
You've got to shake it first. lol
I always watched it.?
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Watched that and Gunsmoke, was always amazed that even when they got hurt, next week, they were OK.
Oh man . Not sure if I should laugh or cry 😂😞
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Laugh because you haven't made any bad decisions and cry because you haven't made any bad decisions.
[] Yo! I hit the Woo jackpot o' crackpots.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
That was a lot of whoo whoo to make a sales presentation.
A Boy and His Zebu Bull
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
The original long horns
We have another prude here people!! Two memes of mine this morning have been denied.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Damn, don't they know how to just keep going, I mean it's fucking meme
Do vegans celebrate MLK day? :P
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I think everyone said it better than me so far. When you have to explain it, it loses most of its "funny"
How Hollywood's Scariest Props Are Made.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Really cool,
the Super Blood Wolf Moon, photographed over the Duluth harbor
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It was too low in the sky and too far north for me to be able to see it, I was ready, but nope.
In case you didn't know
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I didn't know you were german.
Knock knock
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
but I don't know you.
How did aging hit Who?
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I may be out of touch, who is it?
Landscapes — 1: Hazy view of Melbourne, Australia, from over Cranbourne (or thereabouts) in ...
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I love waterfalls, so good job.
Alaska is great for photography!
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Very nice
The Super Blood Wolf Moon today.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
It was a touch to low and to the north here, so no clear shots. You got a good one.
Is this what they mean by being open art?
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
Shocking, can't he see she's stoned
Well someone put this good use.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2019:
a two fer
The perfect man!
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
But just like any other man, play with him too much and he'll leave a sticky mess in your hand
Love this one.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
you got it
Anybody else ever have this happen?
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
every morning and every night
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Well just a Happy fucking Birthday to you, and may you have as many more as you desire
So, if Trump is ever sent to prison for presidential wrong doings, will he have a secret service ...
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
That is a question congress will have to answer, SS protection is a matter that is addressed in the budget bills as is past president and vp compensation. If they are disgusted enough to convict on impeachment, then allow a trial, I'm sure that they will never grant SS protection.
Which is your favorite?
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Got to agree on the winner.
Beyond Trump, this is generally what ails society today.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I wonder if it's too late to see about her mother getting a late term abortion? This is beyond the pale of racial hatred.
Trump Tower - Lock him up!
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Lock them up, it's a conspiracy !
Trump Supporter, Mr. Pillow is a con artist.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
birds of a feather.
Are you smarter than a fifth grader?
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
from the mouths of babes
New bike gang - Sons of Mary Kay
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I just pointed out that scooter to someone last weekend.
I Need a vacation with unlimited beer.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
At my age, all sex is great, I frequently don't carry my phone with me, don't drink beer anymore, so sex and a 5 star buffet will cover it.
Watch Robert Plant While Rodger Waters.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
What a play on names!
You know it is.. just admit it.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Oh how true, how true.
Exactly like this
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
If not for the annual inspection requirement, it would be on all the time.
Beavers and wood []
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
That's the way it is.
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
but they have like 3000 cheetos
Facebook strikes again ???
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Now she has to deal with the bromance.
When you have started to see someone and after the first intimate moments, assuming your partner is ...
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
My first question is have you ever tried (fill in the blank)? Second question is would you like to (try or try again). Got to agree with @sleeplessintexas , the sooner the better. You never know and they may be just as nervous about bringing it up as you obviously are or they may not have any desire. The sooner you know, the better for how you wish to proceed.
Great article "Is there a hell for children?
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
This is one of the reasons I left the UMC. The Bishop that led the fight that homosexuality was inconsistent with christian teachings, died with AIDS. The hypocrisy was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
Is it Kinky when it involves the Supernatural?
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
At least it was listed in the entertainment section, and not another less appropriate section.
Beer, 'nuff said...
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I ought to be a fucking genius by now then.
20 year challenge
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
It's the same I got away with it smirk.
Show me the money
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
I didn't see you at the job working for it, and I don't pay for results that are the same as random chance.
Ninth life??
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Is there a cure, Doc?
Looking good
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
what the croc?
Gotta love cats...
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Goldie is fucked.
"Go, Granny, go, Granny, go, Granny, GO!"
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
If you meet her on the street..
Oooops, wrong video. :D []
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Love it like chicken.
Trumper Tantrum
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
leave him alone, that diaper is full of toxic shit.
Not elected legally
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Normally I groan at bad puns, but that was really putin the blame where it lies.
Stable Jenius Hits
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
And you get all this and a brand new Russian overlord for just $19.95
Communication is key!
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
daddy knew the trick.
More Gretchen Wilson.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I've got a two hour weather delay, so it looks like tomorrow my time before I get to listen, keep up the good work.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! []
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
double no
How much is masturbation worth to you?
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
She's got balls.
Happy Saturday, lets start the party now! Gretchen Wilson & Alice in Chains - Barracuda []
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I'm at the airport with no earphones, but I will listen in a few hours when I get home.
Ready for the prom!
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
there's going to be drinking, I can tell.
Funny wi-fi names.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I actually renamed my primary wifi FBI Surveillance Van
Remember this carnival ride, it was my favorite.?
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
That was a girlfriend ride, you got close and no one said anything like they did on the tunnel rides.
Thanks to @actofdog...
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
catching fish in a barrel, er tub.
Spooning no forking.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
When I am taking a road trip, I scratch notes into the skin of the bananas that don't show up for hours, makes for n interesting trip when some gets one out.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
That cock is deformed.
Remember The Red Skelton Show?
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Most people our age don't realize that he got away with one of the longest running dirty jokes on broadcast television. You bare naked lovers may not get it, but it was the drunk pantomime of the man trying to put his key in the keyhole, couldn't do it repeatedly, plucked a hair out of his head, laid it on the lock, and bam he was in.
Remember The Red Skelton Show?
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Not only do I remember, but my son was introduced to his comedy by someone else and loved him too on dvd.
something is wrong with my dads dog. his favorite winter activity?
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
snow is always whiter on the other side of the street, as opposed to grass that only takes a fence to be greener.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
need to post in dog group too
Potential scammer. Level 3. Has an attitude []
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
seen this one way too many times before.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
No such luck. Does the word dinner ring a bell. lol
The squid squad
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
what is a squad of squids called, besides a bunch of fucking squid.
Bad grandpa
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
from the mouths of babes...
Just some random political memes cause nobody else is posting
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
#2 is good.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Mr Clean.
A little change
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
are you sure those are not in reverse order?
Wow they aren't messing around
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
they be serious.
Fuck you all. I can't live without you. You're like fucking siblings or something.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
Welcome back, aren't you sad you deleted your account instead of just pausing for a bit, really missed you. OK everybody, let's help Mary get back up a few levels, give her a like or a comment or three.
Cow milk ???
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I'm going to go with heifer, bull,or steer.
Cow milk ???
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
made me laugh
It is 6:15.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
I don't know if it is still there, but on Navigation Blvd, there is one of the national coffee roasters, you can get your caffeine fix just buy driving by.
This is for @Pralina1...
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
@Pralina1 is one of the most compassionate people I know, and you can tell that her nursing is important and her compassion and caring are real.
Life is all about ASS ???
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2019:
however, the comment "what an ass" can be either a compliment or a derision
Now thats a 12 pak
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
New style of corn rows
cry me a river
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
You bet
and boom I was there!
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Retirement is the bomb, the only problem is energy levels, and physical limitations, and getting tired, and not being able to do the things I could do in my earlier years, and my sensitivity to cold, and not being able to sleep.
Remember doing this?
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Our park had one that was 16ft tall, it was a SOB to get up.
Who remembers this? Gilligan's Island - The Honeybees []
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
I don't remember this episode, which is strange, because I very seldom missed a show
Send nudes
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
bear naked ladies?
Religion is like a penis
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
well said
America, fk yeah! Although this could be Canada too.I can't make out a State.
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Someone left the truck out in the rain, I don't think that I can take it, it took so long to make it and I'll never have that shot again.
No class mf
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Not sure he is qualified for that one even.
You had me at...
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
sure, it's for phones.
Groan... Lol
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Super duper groan.
A ruff day.
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
Another one to save @Pralina1
Mmmmmm bacon
glennlab comments on Jan 16, 2019:
MMMM bacon
preemptive apology
glennlab comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Who could stay mad at that face? get mad enough to threaten him with the pound, but never stay mad enough to do anything more than pet him.
A fumble in the forest?
glennlab comments on Jan 15, 2019:
We have got to get that pun specific groan emogie
Easter baskets
glennlab comments on Jan 15, 2019:
That'll teach the little bastards.
Yup, that's not going to happen.
glennlab comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I believe that you should be up by the crack of noon.
Afraid of needles and tats & just a big ass pussy.. here's the alternative.
glennlab comments on Jan 15, 2019:
Back in my playing days, you would wear panty hose so that you could be taped without shaving your legs. I couldn't imaging wearing them in public without a medical reason, and never with shorts.
Pipe in my car
glennlab comments on Jan 15, 2019:
I'd worry about mom


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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