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Hahahahahahahaha! Now I'm skeerd!
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I want to see the bloody fool that did this as soon as he gets out of the hospital.
Dart side of the moon sounds a better place to send him
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Send his ass there now.
Honey, please...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I want to hear this one, hold my beer.
Pure enjoyment.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
You have a not fucking problem, fucking is what you're doing.
Nothing more needs to be said! :-(
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
around the desk.
Only three?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Going to be going for at least a week.
Be the reason! Lol
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I already am the reason I drink, so my day will always be good.
Did that get said out loud.... again.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Can I take half of each?
Well are ya?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
A couple of Yoda memes
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
bad car jokes?
I don't sing either....
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I enjoy singing, people around me don't, but I do.
It’s a matter of pride
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Thankfully you can get like 8 bags on each arm as long as none break.
If you had to give up one for life....
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
In exchange for what?
Walken in a winter wonderland
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
good one
Where's your flipping spray bottle !!???
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
This one always cracks me up, I can't tell whether the lion is there to help, or the cat is looking to Karen for help.
Trump in The Bipolar Express
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
looks like he's going to the forest to rake leaves. Good!!
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I felt there was finally a member of congress that was honest and represented my values.
I catch myself fantasizing that back to the future is real, and that one of these days Doc and Marty...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Planet of the Apes? lol
Sorry, not sorry... Deadpool’s “Wet on Wet” Teaser []
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Bob Ross is rolling in his grave. lol
Life is Short.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
better yet, pick a fight on the internet with strangers and say things even you don't believe.
Gee you're right -humans don't land on their feet
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
You know that is what they think.
From a snowier time a few years back.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
So that's what that white stuff looks like, I haven't forgotten, I just don't want to remember
This is in honor of @MichelleGar1 for her epic level up!!
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
but, such pretty hair!
What would it take the president to do for you to gain respect for him?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Hari Kari
You can sleep with a blonde,you can sleep with a brunette, but you get no sleep with a redhead.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
of either sex.
A couple to think about:
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Love the French.
Look at this! []
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
We thought we invented the wave.
@MichelleGar1, one of our esteemed Mods, made Level 8! Let's have a hearty Huzzah! Congrats, ...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
congrats Michelle
This was the last job I worked on.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
neat, I never understood how much work goes into "art" installations until I got involved in book and ad printing. I also learned, NEVER eat any food that was used in a photo shoot.
seems to be the story of Facebook
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
And the ones that slept through history, government and civics are telling us how government is supposed to work and why it's that way.
Hmm...let me think...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
They misspelled who's.
We need more shits and giggles in the world.. well more giggles for sure.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Your day was not wasted.
As I'm learning...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I do both, live in the moment and plan and anticipate the future. You just can't be exclusive to one or you'll miss so many good things. Too much of either will wear you down to not be able to enjoy either of both.
Never thought I would even make it past 40..but walla, here we are.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
This is what I have to say about that
Trump on his speech! (This is a parody account.) Edited, because I typed the wrong thing.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Gotta agree with the triple take comment.
At the vets []
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I think that was the cat's version of going behind a tree.
GoodHarewell577. He's a god fearing man, usual MO and following me!
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
gone already
Have you ever?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Oh yes.
This one needs a caption.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
butt hole in it's natural habitat
@Admin @SiteSupport and everyone here.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I had to share this one.. LMAO
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
just add Bailey's, great mood enhancer lol
Ooosie! I hate when that happens!
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
crazy, craxy
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
No, the term you are looking for is conspiracy against the United States.
Evidence Mountin'
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
The pee ttape is nothing compared to the real acts of treason he has committed.
Ride em Nancy
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
he might like that. But she is going to have to shower for a week to get that trump smell off her.
What do you think about this Positivity Pledge? Will you send out positive vibes of energy?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I shall also allow anger/disgust to fuel my actions when needed, I chose to live in a world filled with emotions and drivers that may not all be pretty, but they can all be effective.
Would you personally date/consider someone with different political beliefs than you?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
different, yes, opposite no. I have eclectic positions and tend to evaluate options and not follow a particular party line.
[] I did not place any bets, anyone know the final total?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I would have bet on the over.
Learn something new...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I have 3 million souls, woohoo!!!
Welcome new member @Logoleptic enjoy the group... :)
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Thanks to @ejbman...
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
You are evil, I like that in a person.
How many Boomers actually remember the FIRST disco song.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
So this is the guy that we need to string up retroactively?
Resolutions, bad idea.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
How's that sucker taste?
Ugh the grammar!
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Some more, not sure from here or where. Enjoy.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
The first one bothers me more than the others, I've got to fly soon.
As atheist and agnostics what in your opinion is the odds of there being a afterlife ?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
If you believe in an afterlife, you need to redefine yourself from pure atheist to something else. As an atheist, when you're dead, you're dead. Any other belief, you are something else.
[] Phew - yup that bio is a problem. Reporting now.
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
In what reality would this bio be OK?
How do you take it?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Black and strong enough to walk out of the cup by itself.
Am I the only one who loves iced coffee in the winter?
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
I don't like iced coffee in the summer, so that is a not me.
Peanut Butter song
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
Ray, are you at it again?
Are my Trump memes getting old ? Can't help myself
glennlab comments on Jan 9, 2019:
He didn't realize you could catch if from giving head to Putin.
When sexting breaks bad
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Never ask a question you don't want to know the answer to.
Hello from the Niagara Frontier, a.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Welcome, jump on in. If you have questions , ask, you'll get answers, some of them even correct.
Elvis Presley - Bossa Nova Baby video remix unofficial 2014 []
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
All these Elvis posts, you'd think it was his birthday or something.
Bada bing bong
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
say what?
Elvisisimmortal HappyBirthday Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes 1956 (COLOR and STEREO) []
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
From back when full length movies were where pop songs debuted
Nice trick
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Wanna bet?
Sad but true
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Turkeys have peckers, the only peckers he takes are Russian
Yeah. That's safe.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
What a prick.
You're not fooling anyone
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
dude named his hand and wears a wig in the mirror.
I hit a bonanza today.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
good ones
Darwin award candidate right here.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
The stupid, it hurts!!
And don't come back!
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
First rule of wildlife photography, don't irritate the animals, they've got teeth and claws, in this case and fists.
Kind of makes me sad...
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
They're still lost
Isn't it good to be a veggie?
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
He must have pulled out, because it is still going.
Jazus & midgets
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
If he can see everything, he might have some good recommendations.
Who has lived or still do in small hicksville like this.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Pretty much all of them growing up, not so much anymore.
New group &Masterminds. Please join us. ♥
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I may look, but I am a no talent, appreciate only type art person.
[] Ummmm....
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
It seems everyone is noticing him, he's all over the site and message me, strikes me as a cast net fisherman. Throw it out often enough and in enough different spots and you might catch something worthwhile. If I were in Uganda I'd want to go to Europe, Canada, or pretty much anywhere else right now.
Anak Krakatoa in full boom and at night.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Someone is making use of her convalescent time, good article
Please welcome Geektheist to the group. We await your first post.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Wimpy Trumpy
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
He makes Wimpy look honest and non-gluteny
Giant Eagle saves us!
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
not soon enough
Texas session soon to start... tell your representative to pass them all
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Fuck decriminalization, legalize it. Don't be fooled by bills that just reduce the penalty, remove all penalties for posession and use.
Received a PM message yesterday.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
He's a christian troll as far as i can tell, he just pushes it as far as he feels he can get away with without being banned.
Boys and girls, Aunt Mary’s done a great deal of soul searching over the past few days and I’ve ...
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Will miss you and your input, we have been better because of you.
Two Irishmen were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
oldie, but a groanie.
Not at that price
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Damned that's Donald J Trump numbers. Except you'd have to add another $100,000 to promise not tell about the mushroom.
There's always that
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
No caption with their names?
Bacon lovers special
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
MMMMM Bacon!!!!
I can't help it
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Me too#
Caught in the act
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Holy shit!
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Care to weigh in on this one ladies? ?
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I keep spare toothbrushes and would not think of sharing mine. I also don't share razors or nail clippers. I have others of those too. I am more concerned about sharing blood than any thing else. Body parts don't bother me, blood does.
Reading other posts and other people's reactions.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
What idiot did that? The only people allowed to call anyone honey that they don't know are waitresses in East Texas.
Wait... whoa! ... oh... ok.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
It's bad when your underwear gets more action than you do.
Nope... I'm definitely not tequila!
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
But I've got tequila.
Please follow directions...
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
laughing my ass off
So, hello out there.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Well don't just sit there, give up something. what's on your mind? what's important? Who you are? who you wish you were? who you want to meet? Hell, where your name came from.
Cat being catty, trying to cause an argument, well it’s not going to work, he likes the flavor…
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
damned good one.


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