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not sure of the first one, but the other three are Louisiana Iris
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
I guess you can only load 5 pics per comment.
not sure of the first one, but the other three are Louisiana Iris
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
of all the Louisiana iris, only the yellow occurs naturally, more iris, a Canadian goose, a camillia and a purple rose
I'm asking for help: I live in Las Vegas where pot is legal.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
when you go into the dispensary, tell the bud tender what you want to accomplish, they will normally have some good suggestions. Try the 420 dispensary 420 Sahara
Waiting for someone to throw some sprinkles on that hole.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
It's amazing the corps that are making assholes their symbols, I guess they're telling us that their stuff is shit.
Anyone game for playing spoons and forks.
glennlab comments on Jan 8, 2019:
Chilling! At least until they warn up.
I thought that was Pence's code name
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Now you're going to get it for revealing state secrets.
Why Ethel, you outdid yourself.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
bumpers in case she tips over.
Know your Crystals
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I believe in the magic of crystals, They can change into green paper when exposed to the right gullible person, or if someone just likes pretty.
Trump to Give Primetime Address on the Shutdown: A Closer Look - Late Night []
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
It's a 2020 campaign ad, nothing more. I hope if the networks air it they and the reelection campaign are both sued .
English teacher and student ???
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
accidents cause people.
Alaska funny
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
we really need that groan emoji
She saved and raised this swan.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
All of my up close encounters with swans have ended with me in retreat.
Chocolate Bunnies
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Dad Jokes, you got to love them!
Might not have done it right
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I'll visit you in prison. lol
Who remembers this stuff? I never cared for it.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
On a side note, I just loaded up the vaporizer with eucalyptus oil, but alas none of the good stuff.
Who remembers this stuff? I never cared for it.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Active ingredient was a form of amphetamine with eucalyptus oil.
One of my favorite vocalists - Steve Perry -Journey. Who’s yours??
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Whoever I'm listening too right now, I'm fickle that way.
I was supposed to have a lunch date tomorrow.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
You need to date a better quality of men. lol You deserve better.
Oh, referee!
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Plus they have some rather intimate encounters on the field
Me as a kid.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
That was so much me.
I did some internet research to see if Senior Community Service Employment Program pay would be ...
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Refunds are not going to be the problem, From Dec 22-Jan 15 the IRS is changing soft ware and running tests to process returns. If the software is not ready, no returns can be processed. Timing is critical and unless they recalled the IRS programmers and authorized OT pay to catchup it is going to be a very bad tax season. Glad I retired so I don't have to explain to each client that the problem that we could file the return, but that there was no way we could tell when or if IRS would be able to process the return or legally issue a refund.
I did some internet research to see if Senior Community Service Employment Program pay would be ...
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
The problem is that without spending authority, some of those actions may be illegal. Hope all goes well for you.
Trump Wants to Deliver Prime-Time Address on Government Shutdown and Will Visit the Border By ...
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Since he is already running campaign ads, I would question whether it is worth the lawsuits to carry a free campaign ad.
Canada legalized marijuana late last year and my province of Ontario decided to hold a lottery for ...
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Oh hell yes
He's not playing possum.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
My ferals just took care of one of the possum youngsters that was stealing their food, not pretty.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
No tats, and never plan to get one.
I know I am a little late but Good Morning! What a beautiful start to my day!
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I want to get my passport stamped by netflix.
True? Not true?
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
need more teeth exposed
Oh, referee!
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
I understand that MSL now requires a stint at Juliard for minor players.
I mean... hard argue the point.
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Sniffed you out!
glennlab comments on Jan 7, 2019:
Not too many more than 900 here! (stealers, I've got thousands of stolen memes)
Yellowstone 2017
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I wanted to add some more
Like getting business advice from tRump...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
you no playa the game, you no maka the rules!
It's my birthday!! I'm 61 today.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Happy Birthday and have fun tomorrow!
While we're on the subject...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
got a box in the closet and one in the garage for the really old stuff.
Anybody else???
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
solved the problem, no headphones.
Have a new clan member as of yesterday.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Did you chose him or did he chose you?
Dance Video Vs. Classy 1st Lady
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I like the dance video better than the lesbian photo shoot
A few goodies
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Love that truck parked in the mentally handicapped spot.
Out of curiosity did everyone forget that there is a choice about whether to see vulgarities?
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
If you don't want to see vulgarity, don't fucking follow me.
Building The Wall.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
looks too good for anything trump has to do with.
Sometimes they even pepper spray you
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
try grabbing em by the..., they'll let you, right before the cops haul you off.
Make No Mistake Racists are Trump Supporters
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Not all. some are Libertarians .
Cheech and Chong get pulled over
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
now I need bail money!
Seriously it's just you now!
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I just talked to some people that didn't realize that Agriculture included SNAP funding and the government shut down would affect their refund.
I'm not so sure...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
if you're good at something and you like it, keep on and become famous.
Run kitty run!
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Kitty, you're gonna get shaved.
Does this person seem legit? melly17683 after reading her bio I think it's a scammer
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I needed a good laugh, and talk about confused, needs to go back to scamming 101, you got to be consistent .
I live less than 20 miles from Skid row but homelessness is an issue everywhere.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
The natural result of the Ray gun revolution. Eliminate mental health care, reduce education , eliminate social safety nets, then make homelessness illegal. The only thing they forgot was eat the poor.
@captnron59, now we know why you indulge
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Is this an ad for or against? Sounds like fun to me.
When desperation strikes, grab your plugs.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
wouldn't work for me. lol
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
All in.
Time for another Trump meme collage
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
good collection
Now there's a band name for ya!
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Holy Shit!
Jenny jenny
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Don't you hate when you have a ton of jokes and no one is old enough to get them.
Shared from my Facebook page:.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I never wanter to hear the party of Hardin and Nixon talk about law and order, but they still do even after, Reagan, Bush, Bush, and now Trump. Classic do as I say, not as I do.
I hate making fun of people's looks...usually...but this is just funny stuff! [facebook.]
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Please welcome to Robecology to the group. Hope to see you posting some good old Rock n Roll.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
May I just say that my love affair with glitter is officially OVER. JFC, that shit is everywhere.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Glitter is like cat hair, no matter how many times you clean, you will still find some when it is most embarrassing
Jefferson Starship - Winds Of Change []
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
I loved Airplane, so i felt like I was cheating on them to listen to Starship, my loss.
I'm one year cigarette free! I tried a few times to smoke one and it was so disgusting.
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Congrats, keep it up.
Joke Roast Case Files Thread And now, for some much-needed levity, comment here if you want a ...
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
You're going to be one busy lady, me too.
Nancy Sinatra - These Boots Are Made for Walkin' []
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Saw her perform that with Frank in the Astrodome in Oct '68. I tried to get my mom to take me to see her, but she wasn't interested until she found out that Frank was going to be there, then she beat me to the car.
Hey all not expecting much of a response, but I've just joined to see what's going on?
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Welcome, if you have questions ask.
Joan Jett - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Video) []
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Love her, I was familiar with her music, but didn't realize who she was. Until the movie came out.
Uses for Google
glennlab comments on Jan 6, 2019:
Be glad you didn't have a spoon or knife in your other hand.
ELVIS PRESLEY - Ann Margaret- The Lady Loves Me [] Maybe I was born in the wrong era.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
growing up I'd watch anything with Ann Margaret in it, much simpler time in some ways.
Masturbation: Men vs. Women
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Just don't sit ....
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Oh hell yeah it was.
Or a colon.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
why would he want to?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Please be aware that until there was a public outcry, ALL military working dogs were destroyed on "retirement". You can make a difference.
Hahahahahahahahaha all work and no play makes me dull..... ;-)
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Took me a minute
And just how cute is it.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
As cute as a pink wrinkly flower can be.
Loved this show.. wish they would bring back the old episodes. Every single one was funny.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
who can forget the whoopee questions?
Hell buy him two
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
how dare you imply science had anything to do with that excuse for an abortion!
What you looking at ?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Darwin award semi-finalist!
Yeah, guilty!
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
and an extra shirt for each meal.
It's par-tay time! The wine is poured.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
I couldn't pick just one
Takes me way back!
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Now I know why B J Thomas looked so old when I met him, he's older than dirt. or at least older than me.
what should i do?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
drink and internet. lol
Please welcome two new members Seeker3CO and MoonTiger to the group.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Who'da thunk?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
And I was pissed when I got oven rack marks on mine. lol
How fun would that be?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Some of them feel like someone already did.
This will soon become a big issue if we are not careful. []
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
We have been running out of Helium since the 1970s, It is a problem of recovery vs a problem of supply. All natural gas has recoverable helium in it, One of the problems is only one plant has supplied the US with He for most of history. I did a lot of research on this in the early 70s and very little has changed, except for the increase in use.
Hello I joined at christmas and am slowly really enjoying this site.
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
Welcome if you have questions ask, you'll get answers, some of them even right.
I am 500 points short of halfway to 50k. Can 500 people please say congratulations?
glennlab comments on Jan 5, 2019:
good luck
That bucket is looking a bit full.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Better be a big bucket.
As others would see it...
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Birds ofd a feather and all that bs,
Opps the filter slipped off.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
It just makes us want to watch you more.
Remember pogo sticks?
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I really think my grandmother was trying to kill me, I had one and she encouraged me to use it on the sidewalk in front of our store.
Here's a question.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I believe you want the Marvel/DC group
Friends, Romans, Countrymen.
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Saw her and was tempted to lay into to her, but I'm through taking bait.
Locker room talk - 2019 style
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
I have to agree with the congressperson. It's better than grab them by the pussy.
I'm sharing this everywhere. Because I adore Trae Crowder and this just nails it. []
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
The convalescing begins
Who is Next To Be Hauled Away?
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
let be him, let please be him, in leslie gore's voice
The Big Threat to America Comes From Inside Our Borders
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
It's orange and stinks.
100% Fake POTUS - 100% PIECE OF SHIT
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
Nailed it.
Let's do the math here...
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
freak out is an understatement.
Just plain weird
glennlab comments on Jan 4, 2019:
def without.


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