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Based on a Christmas Story
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
I can picture Vlad pissing on his tongue to get it unstuck.
My son just brought my old computer back to me, he was able to recover over10000 pictures i thought ...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
I just started downloading the second flashdrive it had 7000+ on it so a toatal of 120 mb of pic.
Change of plans...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
And I thought it was good environmental stewardship re-purposing the sign, but you guys
Wheres Bill?
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Better living thru chemistry.
Just a thought on a Sunday morning: If, as 45 believes, the wall is so important for national ...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
As logical as that seems, it is illegal. Funds may only be spent on items specifically approved by congress. it is not like spending authority that may be shuffled around among already approved projects.
Every cat
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Looks to on track to me.
When people you know ask how you are, do you tell them the truth (let's say you are a little ...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
I have a whole range of replies to see whether the person is actually listening or just talking bull shit. Everything from great, but I'll get better, to I checked the obituaries, and I didn't make the cut today. It's all small talk, so it really isn't the time for in-depth discussions.
A friend shared this article with me today - I thought it was pretty interesting, so now I'm sharing...
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
good article.
I am now a grandfather. It's not news , I suppose I knew it was coming for 9 months eh?
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
Congratulations, fun times ahead,
I kind of lost myself this past summer.
glennlab comments on Dec 30, 2018:
We all make mistakes, that is what gives us experience, not making the same mistake over and over is learning,
Just for fun.
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
bye bitch
Christian from India shit posting sermons for points.
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I've seen him a couple of times, I don't give him much time here.
Most of the religious people put their children at risk.
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Your god doesn't do shit, if he does, he would strike me down for blasphemy
Is there any reason NOT to require a BIO of at least 250 words or more before someone can make a new...
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
I really prefer that my spammers not know that i am on the lookout for them. The more they realize that they are going to have to work for their rewards, the less likely they are to continue. I don't see the need for a long bio, but i think it would be good for greeters to tell newbies that they need to complete the bio and as many profile questions as possible, but to limit because you haven't done it is counter productive.
Life would be more meaning full if we believe there's a life after death but not as the once given ...
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Why would i believe in that which I cannot feel, see, or do. My immortality rests in the memories I leave with the people that are left behind, Once everyone that I have ever influenced has died, there is nothing left of me but dust. I came in as stardust and I leave a stardust. And I am OK with that.
Always happens! Lol
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
and the eyes have it.
Let your inner superstar shine
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
Have you got a T-1 line, it's kind of big.
Explain this!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 29, 2018:
guy in the chase plane, mystery solved.
For good measure
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
That's the drama queen I was referencing.
A follow up to a couple posts on here.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
How will I know if I'm offended, if I don't look? Although it would take a whole hell of a lot to offend me.
Bet he's going to do it doggy style.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Sticky situation.
You know its true. We have heard it all.
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I grew up on the La. gulf coast, so it was the stories of mosquitoes so bad you had to wear long sleeves even in the summer. Oh and they killed cattle. (the second part was actually true, but not in the way you think)
A 1959 Cadillac bicycle. I have never seen one of these, have you?
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
Top speed, 2 mph, that thing would have been so heavy, you would have had to have been a weight-lifter to even get it rolling.
Okay, here it is: who here is offended/shameful of Bills intermission posts?
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
If they are offensive to someone, they need to get exposed to real life. If the are offended by Bill's posts and have not spoken with him, why not? Bill has always been open and responsive.
That sucks...
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
that's really shitty.
Hi all, I hope I don't sound super paranoid but is there any chance any of the scammers could ...
glennlab comments on Dec 28, 2018:
I believe that after an incursion, Guy raised the level to join.
cats I had to put down my 17 year old kitty on Christmas Eve.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Sorry for your loss, it can really be like losing a family member.
Look at this cutie pie!!! Dallas is one of 3 dogs at a poultry farm I service.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Love those blue eyes.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
8 out of 16 is not intermission, it's the story.
This might work
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
I'm not betting on laughing
Wrong neighborhood...
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Bad neighbor hood?
Playing army
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
It is a shame he never learned, that it just learned.
Indeed. Here's to 2019!
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
It was interesting, take that as you will
He “absolutely” had concerns visiting Iraq. []
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
As a devout coward, (7 deferments before being declared unfit for duty under any circumstances) I'm sure that he was more concerned with his own safety rather than any concern for anyone else.
Always check those dimensions...
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
or if you needed it to fit a very specific spot, they give inside dimensions
That hooker has got some big ass hoofs on her, my guess... it's a trans.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
Grab a shovel, there's work to do.
A Snow Leopard Cub. Magnificent or not? ?
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
one of the most beautiful creatures on earth.
Last night’s dinner table. Fancy schmancy.
glennlab comments on Dec 27, 2018:
When i was younger I hated when we had to put out the good china, that meant I had to put on a white shirt and black pants, use only the correct silverware for the course and not engage in frivolous conversation. On the plus side, it meant we got wine with dinner. When I got older, I appreciated the lessons learned at this table when I had to eat in formal settings.
Just moo it. Full disclosure, this is my cousins cow.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
and swoosh, we're out of here.
Where my trekkies at?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
short changed us.
McDs being socially conscious?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
whew, at first I thought that was a rectal thermometer.
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate It, that is.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
good looking boxer.
Just a reminder for those dating
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
You plays the game, you gotta know the score. and when to gtfo
What men really want
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
nice touch with the rope,
Edgy garbage
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
too many keys
Pow, right in the kisser
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
never her sister or anyone she knows, or pretty much anyone
When the bowl’s been empty for 3 minutes and he’s fearful of wasting away, he looked for ...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
nothing worse than going to the pantry and not sure what has been eating your stuff. i once spent a small fortune on rat/mouse poisons only to find the cat doing the damage.
Peter Popoff is promising money if we will just let him send us a free sample of his Miracle Spring ...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
He normally comes on late at night after the sober ones have gone to bed. But it is good comedy. I remember him seeking out bids for advertising when I was at the newspaper, I was really proud when they told me I didn't have to even prepared a bid, just tell them we weren't interested in their business. It also helped that they had a list of unpaid vendors for similar endeavors.
I'm trying to find one of my writers to take the bullet for this shitfest, but am getting no takers.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Two guys that can mess up comedy no matter how well written.
A lazy afterrnoon on the porch...or?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
I'll take the or
Pretty sure...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Don't care, not going to mess with it no matter what state claims it.
Must be pretty bad...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
zero, no coworkers anymore
Trump lawyers, citing shutdown, ask court for delay in emoluments case By JOSH GERSTEIN ...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
That anyone can benefit from their actions to the detriment of the public's interest, is obstruction of the highest sort. this illegal asshole needs to be taken out and put in the deepest darkest hole the US posses.
I didn’t leave, just paused my account for awhile.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
I didn't realize how many groups we were in together, welcome back.
@Admin Any chance that all the likes would be possible on Profile photos?
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
It can be frustrating sometimes, I just gave up.
The apples and onions in store from the harvest, are now getting old.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
It looks like you used an egg white wash on the crusts, I do that, but I add a little bit of brown sugar. It looks rough, but the taste more than makes up for it.
Snitches get stitches!
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Don't mess with the cat monster!
Go ahead and groan.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Yes. It helped a lot.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
We should be even more respected after the conviction
Welcome @stinkeye_a as a new Moderator.
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Groups and Ownership So, I paused my account for a few days as I was dealing with some personal ...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
welcome back
Debatable which is the more important invention...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
No debate at all, without the wheel, you have to walk to the store to get the meat.
Tested to the limit...
glennlab comments on Dec 26, 2018:
somehow, selling used condoms as a novelty item seems sick. funny, but sick.
Thanks to Eric, from FB! (Yeah, he visits there & not us. It hurts me, too!)...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
He can't be watching porn, both hands are above the table. and where's the lotion. Damn amateurs
They are not horsing around
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
horsing around.
Not the brightest bulb in the Whitehouse
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
He wouldn't get irony if it bit him any where, he's all ass.
She doesn't seem happy
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I would give gag gifts like that and hide the real ones for later. My son picked up on it at a very young age and learned to be very precise. Came to find out years later that he had discovered where His mother and I hid gifts and would check them out so there was a reason he wasn't disappointed when he opened the gag gifts.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I never click on any link that I am not sure of (bad things have happened in the distant past) and I would suggest the same to everyone else. These idiots come here and get caught fairly quickly but cause more than their fair share of mischief.
If I could find nativities like this, I'd start collecting again!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I'm going to just say it, i recognize the creature as being from scifi, but can't place them.
Talk about creative solutions . . . .[]
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Lock em up
Comey Gets Called Out For This Lie About the Government Shutdown Leah Barkoukis @LeahBarkoukis ...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
The article mismashes truth with fiction making the whole thing BS. One Comey is now and always has been a staunch republican. The jest of his message was that the threat of not having a paycheck over the holidays loomed, unfortunately for Trump while a majority of the FBI are either republican or very conservative, they hate corruption and law breaking in others. Also since the FBI is "essential" the shut down does not affect their investigations. I could go on and on, but this is already longer than the article.
That was easier to capture than I thought
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
He rocks his antlers.
I know fish is not tagged to this group, but I feel like sharing my grief.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
sorry for your loss
My son and I went out to dinner last night and we both have been a bit sick since then! Hope your ...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
get well
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
took me a second, then Bam.
One surefire way to keep scammers out of your groups is to change your group settings so that lower ...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
One smart cookie.
We ain't need no education
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
And why do the stupidest people decide to home school?
[yahoo.] Susan Collins was a disappointment to feminism in 2018 you think?
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
It is obvious she sold out, the only question is what her 30 pieces of silver were.
Good morning my coffee peeps on this 25th day of December!!! ??
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Top of the morning to you and may your cup be always full and hot.
Peace on Earth - Good will To All Beings
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Peace and Love to all.
Just a shout out to those spending Christmas - the holidays - in places without snow.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I go to a family reunion some years (it's in April), but It's only for a few hours and I stay at a nearby casino. Same problem with there religion and politics.
They get their wish
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
We came, we stole, we conquered, the present day thieves are the ones worried that someone is going to take something they didn't earn from them.
He's best at being WORST!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
For all those idiots that voted for trump because he wasn't a politician, next time you have surgery, don't get a doctor, a butcher understands how to cut, but not how to put you back together.
I can relate!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Try slicing a ham with a dull knife.
We will be disdurbed together!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
A dirty mind is a great comfort.
Fess up!!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Pick me up on the corner of ninth and main.
Yes, I'm working today
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
two can't get on and one can't hurt her.
Interesting insight
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Got some fat thigh bones on that babe.
Fill 'er up...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Girls going to get gas from that.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I'm a vegan by proxy, i eat things that were vegan.
Not complaining, I'll try again
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
not going to touch that one.
Merry Xmas
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
side splitting funny
Merry Christmas
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
I'm done.
Dad Humor....
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
we really do need that groan emoji
Someone's gonna die.
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Somebody is NOT going to get laid.
Ain't it the truth?
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Fuck'em if they can't take a joke.
Feliz Saturnalia!
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Except it is decorated in the Yule tradition not the Saturnalia/Baccus tradition.
No more sales days...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
but how much is the first one? It might be a bargain and it might be a rip off.
When you wait too long to apply...
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Just like a cat trying to sneak in where its not wanted
Poor Grandma
glennlab comments on Dec 25, 2018:
Girl's got game and a 303


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