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More children's reading
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
There's something fishy about that book.
They love Christmas balls
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Cats and Christmas anything are natural enemies.
They are really stupid
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
cracks me up.
DIY rapture machine
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
If used effectively, it could work 100 % of the time, just not the way they intended.
A brief history on religion
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
like your sense of humor so far.
‘Tis the season
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
At least it doesn't matter if you don't open them in order, or skip a few days and catch up Saturday night.
one for you ladies to watch, not real sure about this one [agnostic.
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
She had 3 posts when I spotted her now she's well over 10. Just hitting each group. 10 minutes later
What a time to be alive!
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
The old kick starter theory
I once broght a pencil to a paper fight the fight came down to a draw
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
Now that's cold! I hope you are all warmer!
glennlab comments on Dec 20, 2018:
I bet her spidey sense is tingling. Shivers. But pretty.
Jie Waksh. Rocky Mountain Way. []
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Love the driving beat and wall of sound,
I keep noticing so many that look at the memes & not only never comment, but are even too stingy to ...
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
They're not paying attention, out of 6 other visitors, only three gave a shit.
Holy Handy!!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
For a guy that was supposed to be a carpenter, he couldn't pull a nail to save his life.
The technical term...
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Wouldn't that be an oxymoron?
& no damn lube!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Don't turn your back on science, you know why!
So glad I plan ahead!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
next time leave the bike at home.
Joe Walsh. All Night Long. []
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Love it.
George Michael, Elton John - Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me (Live) [youtu.
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
I tried to get tickets to Elton's Dallas show, 10 minutes after they went on presale, the cheapest tickets were $1500. So I guess I'll have to wait for his next Vegas residency. I did get tickets for Pink in Vegas though, for April.
What's your plans for Saturday night? Here's what I'm doing ...
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Not this Saturday, but next, I am going to be on the road to the casino to use my comps before they expire on the 1st. I may dress like that to see if my luck can change.
This is sooooooo not me lol
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
get your rest now, you'll need it later.
Is this what I have to look forward to?!?!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
If you look like a candy apple with two sticks, I'll tell you.
Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (from Black & White Night) .
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
One of my favorites, another talent taken too soon. hard to imagine he's been gone 30 years.
They all look like dog butt to me..
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Good call!
Who's looking forward to Saturday night ?
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
You taking pictures at my house now?
A feisty little guy !!!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
I'm sure you never have that problem.
I'll get right to it!
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Or round file it.
Ohhh so bad
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Don't you hate when someone spoils the joke.
Now that's a bacon burger
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
MMMMM bacon!
Glad you like it
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
At least all you're doing is sacrificing goats, loverboy.
Free stuff is good
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Kind of like the solar clothes dryer, 25 feet of cord, you have to supply the poles
And I don't have one
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Got one of those folders too, every now and then one sneaks out.
Mmmm... future
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
too far in the future.
Let's try this...Dweebo Deershagger
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Not even going to try
How many thousands have you received in your lifetime, ladies? ?
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Got one for you
How many times have you felt this way?
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Never, I don't take it in the bathroom with me or take it into the bedroom unless I am expecting a call that is important.
Clever! Took me a second.
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
I don't get it.
Is trump a momma's boy ?
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Now we know why he thinks his hair looks good
Oh come on now
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
same here
Punny but funny
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
We need a groan button.
Can you help me with this
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
For that you need much stronger magic, say a judge or a hitman.
In the 1970’s A couple who married young had raised their family, the youngest was preparing to ...
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
good one
Good morning all, its hump day.
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
Good Morning!
Mystery solved! []
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
That would explain the smell
I pretty sure this is precisely what my guilt looks like... even now
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
but she took a vow of silence, so fuck her.
Very nice...??
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
That ice better be cg or he'll have to stick a thumb in his ass and yell snake to find his dick.
"Dad, what's a 'subpoena'?" "It's the hidden poena. The main poena is used make babies."
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
He may be the only trump not in prison when this is over.
What came first the chicken or the egg?
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
chicken said it was the rooster!
I made gingerbread.
glennlab comments on Dec 19, 2018:
don't feel bad, mine is always lopsided, I eat the fat side first so that it's easier to store. Don't argue, just enjoy the baked goods.
Yup, happens all the time.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Second man in the fight gets penalized.
Hey everyone, I'm Tony and this is my first post on here (I think.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
welcome dive on in.
Pooh was in for a sweet awakening.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
And that is when pooh developed a taste for suckling pig.
Oh hell no.. ok maybe for Halloween.. but that's where I draw the line.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Oh come on, you can make it fit if you REALLY try. lol
That is one wasted jeebus.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
overpriced, but at least the skin tone is close to right.
Indeed it is.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Good to see your posts here again
you may also want to buy....
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Is it bad that I gave some of each of those as gifts this year?
Does this happen to you often?
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
oh yes.
So many problems with the concept
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
I slept like god during the holocaust.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
I'll take the first two and hide for the third.
Here she is. Miss Fergie. ????
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
It looks like Thor doesn't want to share his plush toy, but she is a pretty girl.
Dire Straits - Fade to Black. Because I'm obsessed []
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
you're on a roll today with songs that I like but have never heard before.
I have had cat almost all my life, and just learned something new.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
gingers have freckles, who would have thunk it. lol Each represent a soul we have stolen.
Standoff at the North Pole
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
oops, caught him during the rut.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Sorry for you loss.
Telling it...
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Best of luck, your skill will carry you through. Remember editors can be your friend, but can also be heartless taskmasters and they are not attacking you, just trying to make your work better,
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Yall are mean, well played.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Christmas isn't about religion, ask Walmart or Amazon.
Hey good looking. ?
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Mine would have made me wash my hair and change my clothes before I was able to leave the house, pretty much "My house, my rules" mom.
Whoa. Come to Mama, I WISH ??
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
That's what you get for ordering toys over the internet.
She don't mess around!
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
That's a hard slap.
What’s wrong...
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
He doesn't like being a bottom, but he wants to hang out with the alpha dogs.
May the fourth be with you
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
I'm going to say...
Trump and His Robot Pence
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
That's the only way he is going to get a hard body.
Oh Vlad My Love
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Trumpie's upset that he can't just kill people he doesn't like.
Distractions of Burning Flag
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Just got to tell him he's better than the brown guy that is coming for his job and you can pick his pocket.
Govt Policy in China Has Caused Forced Abortions
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
You can't make this stuff up, no wonder the Onion writers are overworked.
We Got Spunky Catnip
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
You can't put it in box and not expect him to not find it.
I can attest to this.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Why wrap them if they are already in a box?
Aw, .....
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
I missed my trip to the gym this morning, damn that makes 5 years in a row.
trump and his republican Fascists are all out criminals, they are not Above the LAW! YOU NEED ...
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
not only is Trump liable for indictment on Obstruction, many of his underlings also face the real possibility of being indicted for it too.
It is beginning Trump Foundation to dissolve amid allegations of 'shocking' illegality ...
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
And a 10 year ban from being on the board of any non profit. And restitution.
Queensryche - Eyes Of A Stranger [youtu.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Thank you for sharing this. I don't believe I have ever heard it before.
Cat usurps Christmas Tree
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Pecking order for the table top.
The only time walls come in handy. But as they say.. no pain, no gain.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
Gotta take a chance or you never get ahead.
I would money to see this.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
It will be the first time in years that some guys have seen their cock.
Just messin with ya.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
New meaning to getting head.
The grin on his face.. priceless.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
And to give away all the stuff, Santa's a bit of a drinker, note the red nose.
Googled "Marine Animals"
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
semper Fi
Oh Mmm.... Geee....
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
My post in @Sassygirl3869 's group [agnostic.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
At 19 being named to the Air Force track team, one of the best times I ever got to have in uniform representing not only the AF but the US in international meets. Lots of stories that I could talk about unlike my real job where it took 30 years before I could talk about it to uncleared people.
When they ask why I would spend two months at sea, this is why.
glennlab comments on Dec 18, 2018:
How do you decorate for the holidays?
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
I haven't decorated for xmas for 10 years, no need, just more junk to clean up. I like to give gifts anytime of year and they have less meaning this time of year because people expect it.
I honestly love being home. ♥️
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
I love to travel, but the last day may be a rush to get home by 2am just to sleep at home again.
Cats logic! ???
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Ferals are no better.
I could not hold myself.
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Love the pink collar.
Just add a little bulge to your life makes life worth living.
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Try talking your way out of that one.. Joseph is going to be one pissed off dude.
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
Don't worry the father's will show up with gifts.
Oldies but goodie
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
lip smacking good! lol
Slow Moving Caravan Looting Everything in Their Path
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
human locust.
Drunk Vs Stoned People
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2018:
and have chips while doing it.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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