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Can you hear me now???
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Just don't be born outside the coverage area. lol
I've just been to the movies to see Aquaman.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
How many of us had the 1970 Betty Crocker recipe system?
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
My go to since 1977 has been "The Joy of Cooking"
Tornadoes Don't Form Like Meteorologists Thought They Did []
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I have seen maybe a dozen tornadoes form (it happens when you are in a very flat open area of the world that is prone to very strong storms. All have formed as funnel clouds with some even retreating several times before decending. The article's headline writer would do better at the National Enquirer than a science mag. 67 % formed top down in a previous study, the only information about that study was that it used slower equipment, not numbers or relevant data. The data in this study is only 4, all in the relatively same area. the only thing that this study shows us is that if you deploy your radar on a hill you can get a better picture of near ground level activity. So much more work needs to be done on this before it is really ready for a peer reviewed publication.
Why are only Men accused of this?
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
when the panties are crotchless, if you didn't buy them that way, it's time to toss them, on the floor by my bed as you crawl in.
Summoning satan on a budget
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
careful or you set the board on fire. or worse the pointer.
Too true in this case!
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
But he swears he was fixed. lol
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
This one was stolen and sent to my FB page, thanks.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I caught some of the conversation, and got ready to jump to her defense when I saw the outpouring of support, I figured one more voice would not make much difference to him.
Handle with care. LOL
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
at least they are honest. I personally subscribe to the toilet bowl cleaner system, two difficult tasks at the same time.
Kitty and Her Rocking Horse
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
why are you just standing there taking a picture, you know what she wants?
Gorgeous Cat
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
not the cat to run into on a hike.
Remember the time the guy on the left went on stage saying "the president should be killed" whil he ...
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
How does a guy with one top 50 song and 6 other top 100 claim not to be a 1 hit wonder? He shits his pants for a month to prove what a coward he is, then in typical bully fashion once the danger of retaliation is past he threatens people with a gun.
Trump Tower
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
actual picture of russian agents leaving the meeting. lol
Lower your standards.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
Vodka goggles,helping get ugly people laid since the 1600s
Donald the Grinch
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
showing he doesn't need a big prick to be a big prick.
GM Disassembly Line
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
like people didn't see it coming.
I know I know...we are not satanists but it's still fun
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I prefer Satin, she's the slick one.
It's good to enjoy your own company
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
It's ok to talk to yourself, it's ok to answer yourself, it's even ok to argue with yourself, but when you argue with yourself and lose, get help.
What's everyone's favorite brand of coffee.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I used to have to wait until I was in the Houston area or La. before I could get community Dark Roast, now one of the local Sam's carries it. one of my favorites along with Cafe Bustelo. I like to mix them 2:1.
Continuous rain, temps in the mid 40s, windy.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
I've never tried to grow cannas from seed before, always the tubers. Keep us posted as they progress.
My go to holiday greeting for these asshats...
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2018:
5 shopping days until we burn the tree at sundown to herald the return of the sun.
That would do it!
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018: she comes.
Sweet Nightmares
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
I think he may be sneaking under the covers.
Science Cancelled
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
Not in this house.
Medicinal Purposes Only?
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
In Las Vegas New Mexico this is about as low as I have seen gas in some time.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
$1.85 earlier today at Costco. You out at the VA? Have you had a chance to check out the hot springs there yet?
Challenge of the day (I'm bored lol) : What is the the number one thing you dislike most about ...
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
that he's still free.
Rolling Stones 2019
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
celebrating the 50th anniversary of the first farewell tour
Calif Should Hire Immigrants to Rake?
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
H1B visa as state workers?
Well, that's different.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
reminds me of the vibrator ads, where they show the girl massaging her face
Um, I'm not climbing into that hole.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
I think she may be a little loose.
Something to aspire to...
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
not sure whether I laughed at this or DJT being quoted on TV, "Obama had a big one, a really big one"
In an office: Toilet out of order…please use floor below.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2018:
How much for the wife? I have an old bicycle I can trade for her.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
so when someone tells you to kiss their ass, you hand them one and say, "Noo, kiss mine."
Check this out. I hate Mormons... []
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Once again politicians overrule the will of the people.
Oh, that age...
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
That last one is the most important
I don't see a leprechaun...
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Aww shit, not what I expected.
Yes tell me how, inquiring minds do need to know.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
The girls can teach them.
Ok, if you insist.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
spacing and commas things would be so much funnier without them.
My dog has just volume.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Mine used to hate his pillow, then winter came, and suddenly it was a great place to lay.
"What's this? It's going to be comfortable to nap on!"
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
let me mark it so everyone knows it's ours.
Artistic Cat
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Cat's on acid
Good morning, what is your two goals for today? ? ?☔
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
You got out of bed?
Good morning ??
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Mine has a hoe in it, it keeps showing up empty.
I've been 5 for the past few days but today... I'm 6! ?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
6 & 9, damn I didn't even realize how that looked until I put the numbers with no seperators
An old truth.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
said it before, Walmart and Amazon won the war on Christmas.
Tell me what you see...
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Horny eggplants?
Enya's The Humming. Skin flute. Bwahahahaha!
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
twinkle twinkle little star, tonette.
He got butt hurt.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
That's a lot of butt to hurt.
Look Up! Gleaming Geminid Meteor Shower of 2018 Peaks Tonight []
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
overcast, then a front, then sub freezing temps, next year maybe
Can't make this shit up
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Nah, he'll be taken down just like most criminals, from being stupid.
There are different levels of hypocrisy
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
That would be like 300 million people in the US alone.
I want the entire collection
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
You can call me Tony.
That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
he's the pace man.
Nobody wants to work in your administration
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
not going to do it, wouldn't be prudent.
Not necessarily deviant but I am absolutely craving skin on skin contact.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
what time?
How I will likely die. And I wouldn’t even be mad.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
so true
Welcome to Fox News w/Sean Hannity
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
His face is buried much deeper than that.
I Thought You Loved Coal
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Should have left it somewhere else.
There are monsters out there.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
they're everywhere
Coming soon!! ?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Oh, don't tease me.
Do you think 45 sleeps at night without seeing Mueller?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
I sincerely hope not.
oh the irony!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
When your lawyer goes to jail for things you did together, you might want to start packing.
President Fullofshiticus.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
First liar didn't stand a chance.
The bird,I later found out is nicknamed a "camper robber".
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
Very good
Pooh memes
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2018:
And that is when pooh developed a taste for bacon and suckling pig.
Remember where you at interweb warriors
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
If only that happened in real life.
Something like that..
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Ben's gonna bounce.
No church for me...Thank you
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
careful, you'll bust that tummy open,
But why is it there?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
My guess is they are not happy with the white stuff someone keeps throwing at them from the sky.
How could you not?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Her split personality will serve her well where she will end up.
Pence or the Dummy?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
The dummy is less evil, and smarter.
Presidential Library
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Way too many books
Official White House Ornaments
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
They'll go great in the red tree hall
This might be me...
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
A dirty mind is a great comfort.
Are you relationship material? Would you date YOU? []
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
They've only delivered 9 so far and I've had to "return" 5
Nixon set the precedent for all the sleazy politicians that followed and they learned to improve on ...
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
When you hear people say that a sitting president can't be indicted, remember Spiro Agnew ... Faced with federal indictments, Agnew fought the charges, arguing that the allegations were false, that a sitting vice president could not be indicted, and that the only way he could be removed from office was by impeachment. After the solicitor general released a brief asserting that sitting vice presidents could be indicted, Agnew launched an attack on the administration and vowed not to resign. With Nixon in danger of impeachment for his role in the Watergate scandal, the administration sought to remove Agnew from the presidential line of succession, and secret plea bargaining took place between Agnew’s lawyers and a federal judge. Agnew resigned the vice presidency on October 10, 1973, and appeared in United States District Court in Baltimore on the same day to plead nolo contendere to a single federal count of failing to report on his income-tax return $29,500 in income that he had received in 1967, while governor of Maryland. Acknowledging that the plea amounted to a felony conviction, Agnew declared that he had resigned in the national interest. He was fined $10,000 and sentenced to three years of unsupervised probation.
Here's another one. Just joined today. []
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
What are they trying to say here?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
didn't know they could age separately
I like you, do you like me?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
damn drunk cats.
I was randomly in Vegas at the same time as my first love.
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Yes, a couple of times. There is normally a reason we grew apart and while I believe you can never unlove somebody, I do believe you can be pragmatic and dial it back.
Remember using these?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Looks like we got a lot of us old horders.
Too soon....?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Too soon. lol
If only......lmao
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Take him back to mother Russia.
Says the buffoon who has cost taxpayers MILLIONS to golf. DieAlreadyYouOrangePrick
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
If it were real security, yes, for a wall, no way in hell.
Hi everyone, how'd you all find this website? I found it on an Aron Ra video banner ad.
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Have a great day folks
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Veggie mite
How long did your longest relationship last? And why did it end?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
34 years, she wanted to move on.
My garden. Love the green..... legal weedfairy
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
nice looking plants
My daughter who is a cookier in Colorado was approached by the Food Network today about ...
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
best of luck to your daughter.
Christmas lights ???
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
works for me.
Texting not good ??
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
serves him right
An oldie but a goodie
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
My son, the near genius, would not drive my standard truck.
How evolution actually got started!
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
run, don't walk
Got Kethup?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
We're back to that, are we?
Bad taste encouraged lol
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
or is this a better reply
Bad taste encouraged lol
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2018:
Crazy lady. lol
My daughter who is a cookier in Colorado was approached by the Food Network today about perhaps ...
glennlab comments on Dec 11, 2018:
Best of luck to her.
Trump associates likely to have had their hands in the Russian conspiracy. []
glennlab comments on Dec 11, 2018:
20 minute read with just the names.


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