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My back yard this morning- My back yard abuts a woods, which is why I get all the deer in my yard.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I looked, after shivering and admiring it, my first thought was wet heavy snow. Don't miss it at all, but very pretty from afar.
I need these socks. Just ask my family.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Surely you jest.
That's the way it is.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
The difference is not great enough.
Just because I like it.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Heels on a grate, I can't suspend disbelief that much.
Who needs 'em?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
You do when you have to take a leak.
He has a good point.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Groovy !!
Coming out of the closet
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
She's going to get a really good present. If she hasn't already.
My sentiments summed up by Maxine.. She nailed it.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
No tree, no socks, but we have candy and wine.
Look what I have found!!!! I also got a Field Guide to Mushrooms couple days ago.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
That is huge and beautiful
Feel the holiday spirit!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
You got that down pat.
Knock knock ☕☕☕?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Used to have that neighbor.
Coming soon to a kitchen near you,
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
One of the wonderful things about losing my roommate, as soon as one cup of coffee had brewed he would take it, making the rest of the pot weaker. I have been able to cut back on the amount of coffee and the whole pot tastes the same. I've also been able to improve the coffee that I buy since I'm the only one drinking it.
Black Monday?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Don't need but one.
I hate when that hapens.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
If only it would work.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
You mean you have to work?
Maybe this would work for me.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
seems like a plan, good luck Tom!
Evolution in action...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
If only they posted that when it snowed, or rained, or was clear.
It's a global phenomenon...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
We really need that groan button.
I somehow doubt the science on this one...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
It will definitely change it.
It's about time!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Now that's a table to serve.
Gotta provide for his family!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
might be a better use.
My medicine organization helper.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
glad to see you changed the picture.
I bought this new blanket for Nala & Pixie. Think they'll like it?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
The males will mark it beyond belief.
The reality
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
Oh yes! Very much yes!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Should be "who likes to read..."
Add Xmas music to that .
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
I know how he feels.
When your very fluffy cat decides your coffee cup is worth marking with rubs lol.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
warm rubs.
Now what? (Obligatory 10 characters).
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Get it straight!
A lot of you will probably block me after posting this...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Never knew Christie was a voyeur, but it makes sense.
A lot of you will probably block me after posting this...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
There goes my lunch.
My medicine organization helper.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
How can you get by with the little pill sorter, even if there are two of them? No wonder you need supervision. lol
This puts superman to shame.
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
It's got so much going on, Mary. the Mexican snake AND Superwoman.
The TRUTH about climate change!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
great example
I'm having trouble with my sex drive and chances to enjoy sex before entering my sixties , advice ...
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2018:
Talk to your doctor, they can test to see if it is treatable condition, don't be embarrassed. Your sex life doesn't have to slow down after your 60s, be proactive
This is one of the most dumb ass ideas I’ve ever seen.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
As someone that served in a war zone, if you really want to do something demand that they bring the troops home. I have never eaten at a chick fila and never plan to.
A man in a Florida supermarket tried to buy half a head of lettuce.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
love it.
Hello all! I'm new to the site and looking to meet new and interesting people from anywhere.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
welcome if you have questions ask, you'll get plenty of answers, some of them even right.
One of my first pics with my camera
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Pet or wild?
Some more gifts for my friends...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Plant urinal for my tomatoes, lol no need to fertilize anymore.
I am sure the originator of this was not intending for this to be funny, but I laughed.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Thank you for the job, even if you had to give up a weekend for it.
What would be your caption for this?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Kitten trying to see the kitty.
Realistic foosball table.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Julliard drop outs?
Antiques Roadshow specials!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
nice collection, Have you used them all?
He throws a tantrum and then calls me a cow and tells me I need permission to speak.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
There is a difference in disagreeing and being disagreeable.
Holiday Gift Ideas - What Do You Think?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I'll be greedy and say I want them all, so they must be good gifts.
Pardon a boast: I preached and sang this morning at the Unitarian Universalist church in Montclair, ...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I haven't been in a pulpit for nearly 10 years, and i have to admit there are times when I miss the exhilaration of realizing you made a connection.
This is my mini Stone Henge created in 2010.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I am a veg gardener
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
welcome, some of us do that too. Don't be afraid to jump in.
Lost in Space
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
I still blame her for stuff and she's been gone 10 years.
Lots in Common
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Part of the reason might be your lack of profile answers, the more you disclose, the more likely the program is to find similarities. But generally anything over 30 % is worth investigating.
LEFTOVERS from Thanksgiving...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
My people skills are improving too, I avoid people I don't like and it is so much better,
Game of Thrones reference for those of you experiencing winters wrath
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Too far south for the terrible weather so far. The front is bowing all the leaves off, so next week should be my last time to mow for the summer. Then January will be my first time to mow for the next summer.
Oh Noz!!!!!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Good one!
Time to kill before AXP comes on, so browsed for some xmas gifts for you guys...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
#3 for me please.
Got the old man a sweater and surprisingly he doesn't hate it.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
That is the "I'm gonna get even" look, or the "Mommy, why?"
Snowing at my house today...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Thankfully when it came through Dallas it came as a dry front, still not cold enough to snow (59 on the way to 31 by morning) Stay warm.
Who's got a snazzy new t-shirt? Ya better believe it. (Cat tax included).
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Congratulations, welcome to the level, points really don't matter from now on, because it will take forever to get to 9.
I am coming out to my boyfriend tomorrow! Any advice?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Don't be afraid, much like any other life reveal. It is probably not going to be a shock to people that know you. The fact that he was willing to date outside his religion tells you that he is not that into it. The same may not be true for his family, while they may be ok with him dating outside the faith, they may not be ok with marriage to an outsider or cavorting with a godless person.
Taking a Walk Before Dinner
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
The red lights?
When You're Late And Smell Like Weed
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Nooo, they all know.
Thankful For Everything But......
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
got it perfect.
Cats Observing Their Humans
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
removable fur you don't have to lick.
Anyone have perfect dog names? (Had a dog named Rowdy that was very fitting)
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Anyone have perfect dog names? (Had a dog named Rowdy that was very fitting)
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Our Music Over the Years
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
At least we haven't gone back to wax cylinders yet.
Daydreaming New Couple
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
If you think a man is thinking about sex, you're probably right.
Morning Woody.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
What do you feed him?
Getting online famous
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
necks week is getting rough.
Elf playing with himself? Best I have
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
It's OK, there will be more.
This is probably a repeat. What the hell is wrong with me.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
What did she expect for $5 tickets?
Found on Facebook:
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
wouldn't that be the greatest?
A few to start the day.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
It brought to mind when we thought Dan Quyale was as stupid as a person could be and still get elected to public office. Damn were we wrong.
When you have the really good stuff someone always wants to get some… This kid knows exactly what ...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
at that age any boob looks inviting, I had to bruises to prove it. I will never pick up a hungry baby again without a shirt on.
Hi all, I'm Michael I guess the most striking thing about me (other than being old, some here would ...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Words to live (& die) by...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Miss Hunter.
Signs, signs, everywhere...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
blocking up the scenery...
Funny how often that's the answer...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
They used to say god's answers to prayers were yes, no, and wait, no one could answer the question why the fuck ask then?
This is mostly true...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
More of a vagina guy.
As per a previous meme, punctuation matters!
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
My son, Isaac, hated when they read that scripture
Get over it & do something...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Most of the time the first star is a planet.
& it is inerrant & eternal,...right...
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
It is bronze age explanations for a very complicated world that we still don't completely understand.
Another day (night) another dollar.
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
Watching LSU@A&M, it should have been over hours ago, but 6th overtime now. take care of yourself
Christian Group Wants Native Tribe “Brought to Justice” for Death of Missionary []
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2018:
He volunteered to be a human pin cushion, and the tribe obliged .
Sounds like a simple solution.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
More rum.
Well, did she, punk?
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Nope. Stay clear.
I know the feeling...
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Couple of hits of old grannie's cold medicine and you won't be able to bark, much less bite.
If at first you fail...
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Not today, bucko
Take me as I am ??
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Got to agree
Black (Lab) Friday.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
That guy is going to be in a world of hurt when he dog finds out the ball's not real.
Well...this is different If I could get it to load ? Is there a size limit?
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Yes, Yes it is. lol
Meanwhile in the media
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
People talk about Mary being the simple one, if Joseph believed that, he was the gullible one.
These are real moobs
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
But she's a four faucet model.
Wash, don't sniff
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
who says he was sniffing the soap?
One can hope :-)
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Over DC.
Anyone good on housework questions
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I always bleach mine in the sun on a stake to get them that really bright white, the top rack safe.
Does anyone else have Japanese Iris? I was reminded today and want to share. :)
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I had some, then when i thinned my Dutch and Japanese Irises, I ended up mixing the tubers and ended up giving most of them away.
Yeah! Got a call from my Marine daughter yesterday, just icing on the cake that was for an already ...
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Have fun.
Got news you can't share yet with your friends and family?
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
This is the caravan to be worried about! They lie, loot, and steal power wherever they can.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
The catholic church had its Borgias, we have our Trumps, may he meet their end.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2018:
Smooth close.


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