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Almost Out of Weed
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
damn girl, make a call.
[] Found This Post From Reddit- Crazy Cat Ladies and Other Dating/Relationship Dilemmas
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I've converted.
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
that one is getting old
Currently in the second stage
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
which is why we are always seeking answers to questions unasked.
This is how men get in trouble...
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
vodka soda please as long as we are ordering
Look it made me laugh
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Lost his head when he found out he was the entertainment.
Ron, at seven years old...
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
You know someone is going to see this and get all bent out of shape believing it is real, but you can't fix stupid.
Very bad news ?
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Sorry for your loss, the best advice I can offer is be present, and don't let her be taken advantage of, death brings out the best and worst in people, listen to her and all that is going on, she may need someone to intercede on her behalf.
Ron, we found your list...
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Ron, you there?
Intermission...Come fly with me...
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Where is she when I fly?
I always root for the bull!
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Sometimes the bull wins.
Yeah, just click-bait!
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
that's the reason we don't teach cats to read. too many questions.
Probably posted before, but, still funny!!!
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Who's going to tell his wife?
I Stand With CNN, Jim Acosta and a Free Press
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
can't say it enough
The sinners are much more fun
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
never understood the concept of hell being ruled over by someone that punished you for doing what they advocated
Doomed ... DOOMED!!
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
Don't you hate that?
That one time when the caravan took longer than anticipated.
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
they did the movie version of the book.
This is how I feel about the holidays
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
not painful enough
I laugh and I laugh and I laugh
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
you got that right.
From the Smithsonian: Did a Huge Solar Storm Detonate Deep Sea Mines During the Vietnam War?
glennlab comments on Nov 14, 2018:
So much about the SE Asia was declassified in large dumps, that it has taken years for academics to review it. Those of us that were involved are not sure which things were re=classified under Bush after being scheduled for declassification in 2002 - 2009.
It could be worse...
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
and its about to grab you by the shoulders and ram it in
I’m beyond ecstatic - our Angel Lab was rescued out of the Camp Fire burn area today by a brave ...
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
New here, and admittedly a bit overwhelmed.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Welcome, when you have questions, ask, you'll get answers, some of them will even be correct.
Hahahaha I cant
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Bad pun of the day.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Burn in hell for that one. lol
The first hand of our Ice Cream Bananas are finally ripe and we get to do a little taste test.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I used to grow them when I lived outside Houston, If you have questions, I might have some answers or at least anecdotal examples.
Some like it rough
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
never ask her to give you head
The real Atheist nativity.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
Had to go to the barrio for your cans.
Truth or dare
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
painted a fence or changed a tampon?
Font and spacing are important.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
I thought bunch of no tails
I had a few of these. They actually did play, until they got bent which didn't take much.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
And half of the magazines had a tear out plastic floppy record of wanna be one hit wonders.
Who remembers these toys? Did you have one? Did it smack you in the head? Lol
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
as long as I played it slow, I could do it, my hand-eye coordination sucked then too.
Who remembers this nasty crap? LOL.. Yuk.
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
imitation flavored water, add a little orange juice and sugar and it was drinkable..
I hate it when that happens...
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
but all the sign say he saves, WTF
Ah, it all makes sense now...Ron, your worries are over!!!
glennlab comments on Nov 13, 2018:
but if they start again does it return?
Hi, everyone.
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Welcome, if you are not sure of something ask, there will be several people that will answer, a couple even correctly. Dive in, the water is fine.
@pralina1 Thor ready to go on a car ride - on my priusc. ??
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2018:
I've never seen a dog wear a car before.
Smells a little fishy to me.
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2018:
I kept passing on this one because I couldn't think of a lead in, well played misty moon
Someone's on the ball.
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Nailed it
I don't know...
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2018:
She said she wanted more tits, not bigger tits.
Russian ? Is Pence Guilty?
glennlab comments on Nov 12, 2018:
Pence was hand picked by Manafort and was not even on the long list of prospective VPs. I think he is asshole deep in the Russian undermining of the US election.
To All who Served.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Be thankful you never made it, I did and it was no fun.
Not my photo, but I thought amazing enough to share. This is Oakland California.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Is that recent with the smoke from the fires causing a red shift?
Clean Freak......
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
of course, I suggest sun bleaching them first for color fastness.
Halloween horrors.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I think Frida has been bantied about so much,that people are afraid to admit that they don't know what who you are talking about looks like.
Very brave kitty!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
going after an early bird
The POTUS Invents Nonesistent Riots
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
It is a full time job to just research not if what he says is false, but how false it is.
Trumpty Dumpty
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Can't wait for the great fall.
Has Agent Orange gone to Burnt Orange???
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Maybe a page from the Italians? or the way the Soviets dealt with failed spies?
Always remember to wash your hands!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
but was it mine?
A public service post
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
The last two are the most dangerous to life on earth.
Up a little early, so still groggy while I wait for my coffee to brew.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Now that i have my new black out curtains up, I don't have to get up in the mornings if I don't want to.
I am looking for love. Wondering which one to get!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Do I have to leave air hole or can I leave her in the bag?
The importance of font choice....
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
why do these things bring out the 13 YO in me?
Hey invisible dude, give it back
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
when you have at least 6 wheels in a car, you have to be more specific for your invisible friend.
Is pretty bad
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
with the added benefit of no splinters.
Good idea.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
That is a firm maybe, maybe not.
That's a pissy thing to do
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Don't think that was her bottle he shook.
Little Trump hands
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Women almost always understate the #, men almost always inflate the number,
Quite a resemblance
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Always knew that kid would amount to no good.
Spell check?
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
No Italians allowed.
That's not gonna happen.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Will I live longer? No, but it sure as hell will seem so.
What's the point?
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I drink it for the caffeine , decaf is just silly.
I can't believe it's not...
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
neither works as well though.
Still makes me laugh.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
and it's Hitchcock time.
It's starting to get cold here. Grandma made Harkness a snood.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
he's not trying to rip it off, so that's good.
Hi folks.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I've found the best way to explore the site is to follow people that you have something in common with(humor, pets, status, hobbies, you get the idea) I would then flesh out your bio and answer more of the profile questions. Read FULL profiles and answers to profile questions before you contact other members. You don't have to reinvent the wheel to learn the site, there will be problems, don't let it get you frustrated. Dive in, the water is fine.
Trump on gun violence.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I think you put too much effort into the first 2, only the third applies to him and gun victims.
Did you fart? Did I fart? Or the art of fart at UF ????
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
would not follow to closely behind that car.
Send her to the white house
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
once she got all the dirt out, there would be nothing left.
He'll pee in someone's shoes
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
there is going to be a big mess to clean up
Haven't done AP in a while...
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
ranked in order of offense Republican, Christianity.
Happy Sunday!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
Almost all of these sign fuck ups are intentional. The idea is to get people talking about it, then them. Churches are urged to push the limits to draw attention to themselves. It worked, we who are not even interested in what they are selling are talking about their ad.
Someone's over-excited.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
got to love the enthusiasm
Possums come with a lot of baggage. Our lives are however, mercifully short.
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
The older you get, the more baggage it is acceptable to have, at 20 you avoid people with more than will fit in a carry on. At 60, as long as all of it will fit on 1 747, you're good.
Never Forget! To all of you, active duty & veterans...
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
thank you
Karma is such a righteous bitch!
glennlab comments on Nov 11, 2018:
he just needs to suck it up and admit defeat.
I would seriously shit.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
another reason not to wear condoms lol
Im sure there is a certain someone that needs one or all of these mugs on your gift list.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I had not heard the term twatwaffle until a few weeks ago, not it seems to be everywhere.
Who remembers Classics Illustrated?
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
saved me a couple of times when they were out of cliff notes. Since the covered the story differently than cliff notes, the teachers weren't as aware of their errors.
Not about the photos but the craft work! Hershey, PA. The man was busy!
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
talk about detail work
Today's hiking trip 7-12/?
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
nice hike
From the garden...
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
nice spring arrangement.
I turned down a guy for a date late last night at the market.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
I had a roommate that didn't drive, and was next to worthless if you took him along shopping. All he wanted was junk food. Prepackage crap, and not even the name brand crap, but the stuff that will be safe in a nuclear war shelter. I hated buying it, but I did and I cooked the good stuff for me. After he died, I felt guilty giving the stuff to the homeless since I knew it was really unhealthy, but I wasn't going to throw it out. Honey buns, little debbies, frosted pop tarts and package danish all down to the freeway to the homeless.
Im sure there is a certain someone that needs one or all of these mugs on your gift list.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
They must have a different word for that in Nova Scotia
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Jewish penis wine?
The California wild fires are direct effects of climate change and a seven year drought.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Please stay safe.
It's magic!
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Cat magic .
Yep, pretty much me when I get home from being up north for the summer.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
What is this cleaning house of which you speak?
Organizational chart...
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
fetching group photo.
If there were guardian angels...
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
That's just when I'm getting up and haven't done anything yet.
A prospective atheist...
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Never trust a man that wears dresses, unless they look fabulous in them.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
That cat has a pet pig.
Don't ever tell them....
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
the mind sees what it wants to see
Funny huh?
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
very punny
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
you got that right
About right:
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
That is how I tell myself the feral cats left.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Looks like they finished the fifth.
Squirrels and their nuts!
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
well she got what she asked for.
Kay...lookie lookie.
glennlab comments on Nov 10, 2018:
good ones


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