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Unfortunate typo?
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
serves him right
BREAKING NEWS: Jeff Sessions is Out-MSNBC 2:48 PM - At Trump's Request I am Submitting My ...
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
While I never liked Sessions, he was at least ethical, even though he was wrong on nearly every issue except for the absolute rule of law. I hate to see him go at this juncture.
ATTN: Session was just forced to resign so 45 can now appoint a hatchet man as AG
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Saturday night massacre coming?
Horngry and order out
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
whose box is about to get opened?
The Bear Says...
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
That's a shitty break.
Damn technology
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
damn snitch box.
His press conference today WTF do his supporters hear...Such an asshole
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
He just is begging to have a real public investigation of his corruption.
Trump Supporter
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Hope they burn their hands and when they drop it, it catches their robes on fire.
Take care of yourself.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Debbie can't hear you over the candy machine.
You're Anti-American
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Why do they always dress in the uniforms of defeated enemies?
Really Don't Care
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Fascist club membership drive.
The Living Room
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
These two are brother and sister.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
hard to tell where one starts and the other stops. cute
Hi All! I just joined this site yesterday and I'm enjoying looking around and reading posts from the...
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Welcome, dive in. It may take your mind off your loss, or may in some cases make you laugh.
I don't think there is enough room in this dimension for "God" and Trump...
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
They've already had to enlarge the oval office to get his ego in.
When Jeepers Creepers sneaks up on ya.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Scary part, is someone thought that that was a good idea.
Jack Frost zombie.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
If we ever get any snow, I might try this.
toot, it's called tooting.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Call it by its politically correct name "anal belching"
I hate it when that happens
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Either own it or GTFO
Getting your vitamins is important
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
one more reason for bareback. lol
Be careful out there
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
always check before you put it in your mouth.
Happy “D” Day America!
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Yes, yes I have
This popped up on my FB memories today,back when I lived in Nashville.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I went to a funeral the other day, 6 people, but all in all not bad for a bass player.
Anyone have a thing for demons in sexual fantasy?
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
The photo is fantastic, but I like costumes that you are not worried about messing up, or too many parts to keep track of.
Its beginning to look a lot like.............cold out!
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
What is all that white stuff?
Autumn leaves on a rainy day...
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
good color capture
Took this picture after a rain.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Very good catch and good pic.
A striking mural, painted under a bridge.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
love the lighting
But why are they holding hands?
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Like that is ever going to happen.
Police brutality
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I ain't talking, and you can't make me.
Dog awareness
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
fear training anyone?
Well shit.....
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
same here.
"We hear you are a furrier."
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
those are some scary kitties.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
the only reason we named cats. is it's too hard to imitate an electric can opener.
Oh, what have I done...I can hear him doing the song! The horror, the horror!
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I believe in yesterday!
Why, Politics.
glennlab comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Give me a break, vermin supreme but not bernie.
Been raining like crazy for much of the last three weeks so Ark memes seems appropriate - ...
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
who's going to clean up the bottom of the boat?
Almost there...
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
fuck you if you can't stand democracy.
It's riveting...
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
coming in 3. 2. 1 awh fuck
I am super proud of all you nonbelievers who rocked the vote today!.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
While I voted early, and I drug other people to the polls, it appears we may have lost in deep red Texas, I know the votes won't be final until tomorrow, it is hot tub time and I hope it makes it better.
How many feels this way?
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
It was really bad in the tropics, no extended sundown, just light, pink, then black
Finally have my internet hooked up.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Missed you, you out on the coast now?
Finally have my internet hooked up.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
toothy, love it.
Lol cats sure do amaze me.?
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
That my cats.
On the road to nowhere
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
someone must be getting close to level 8.
Read slowly
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
no, yes, ???
Lost in translation
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Points for not using a live translator.
Just to my taste
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
same here.
Trump voter??
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Pimp property.
Any truckers on here
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
good one.
Let's have honest profile pics
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
or we are looking for 20 year old you in 60 year old you's body.
When he brings you flowers
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Just don't give her roses then.
Evening class anyone?
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
wouldn't that fall off during normal "exercise" and slip into a rather uncomfortable place?
I got goosebumps reading this
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
and can cause you to eat an ounce of pot in a pinch.
I've noticed this
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Got mine in my 50s, but they blossomed after that.
Genders are us
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Better run faster than the horse or he's in trouble
I do this all the time
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Kind of like the guy whose right hand shot his left, because it was cheating with him.
Similar to politics
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Based on the sharp edges, probably better than any other orifice they could have shoved it in.
Here is some Vegetable Porn ... Starring Jolly the Green Giant.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
that's one hell of a zucchini he is swinging there.
Wow! 412 points until I hit level 8!
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Now go back and thank everyone that posted.
Wow! 412 points until I hit level 8!
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
keep on going. It only gets better, harder, but better.
Yeah, I've had that happen.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
hit men don't advertise.
I can understand that.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Also the reddest, that sun is a bitch on areas that haven't seen the light of day in a while.
Somebody's gonna do this for sure.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
I live not too far from their distribution facility, could get interesting.
Vote Against the Litany of Lies! The GOP is openly talking about gutting Medicare, Medicaid and...
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
If you are over 62, or under 62 you need to vote as if your life depends on this election, because it does. SS is an insurance policy against extreme poverty, medicaid and medicare are an insurance policy against unaffordable medical care. You have paid into these all your lives and Republicans want to take them and spend them on tax cuts for the obscenely wealthy.
You've Voted for the Best – Now Check Out the Rest - The Jim Jefferies Show []
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
really like Jim, just have to remember to turn it on, I normally don't remember until I'm switching over to the Daily Show and catch the last few minutes and have to wait 2 hrs for the repeat
I am super proud of all you nonbelievers who rocked the vote today!.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Voted 10/22 at the crack of dawn, (9 am) all Ds and 1 L, (no D in the race)
My morning crew. ❤❤❤
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Winter is coming, be grateful.
This is me:
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Me too, I haven't missed an election since 1972
I can’t sit anywhere without a lapful of cats.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Savor the warmth.
The W.H Is Haunted..
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
I laughed way too hard, but good one
Hello everyone, I live in a conservative college town in Texas.
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Welcome, my son spent 1 year at A&M then transfered it was way too conservative for him. Good luck and again, Welcome.
Compliments of @glennlab...
glennlab comments on Nov 6, 2018:
Mexico's southern border.
Of Course I'm in Shape
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
me too.
Higher power....
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
That is a higher power.
Happy Belated Halloween and, I'm Sorry.
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
I had to! Bwhahaha!
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
good one.
Now this is more like it!
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
That's dark. good, but dark.
Looks dangerous to me!
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Poison control stat.
Say what???
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
No, No, No.
Got a laugh out of this.
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
No a therapist would want you to come back every week for years.
Can't you tell?
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Repeat after me, it is only the drugs, it is only the drugs. oh fuck what is that coming out of your hand.
What America Sounds Like Right Now.
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Fux news?
Can you say ... WTF?
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
she's a keeper.
Still, Jesus comes first.
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
not quite as often as I'd like.
Reality of it all
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
You had me up until the time you denigrated the LA degree. lol
Move it on over
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
sounds about right.
The older of you probably know
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
I still carry mine with me on vacation, just carry different stuff in them now. (stuff for my coffee).
Are We There Yet?
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
got to watch cable to avoid the vitriol on regular TV.
Republicans Other Wall
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Lets break that sucker down.
You've Always Had The Power....
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
and now is the time to use it.
Caravan or Trump Rally?
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
The caravan is mainly women and children. Not really a threat.
Drugs by Pharma Overpriced
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Lets go back to when prices were negotiated and patent protection was only 17 years and could not be owned by anyone except a natural person.
Say No To Hate
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
if it bleeds, it leads.
A Division of Koch Industries
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Hit the nail on the koch. And don't tell me that is a long O, I'm going with the original pronunciation.
Hablamos Ingles
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
I am always amazed at the stupidity of some people.
New nativity
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
but what an ass.
It turned out not to be a very good day today.
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Sorry for your loss.
One final reminder:
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
If you plan to ever be over 62, your life may depend on this election and eliminating the republican threat to democracy
Have a Great Fall Day-F-ck Trump
glennlab comments on Nov 5, 2018:
Every day is a day to fuck trump, just not in the nice way.


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