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What are you going to be for Halloween?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I want this shirt!
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
That is a 10 for sure. Consider it stolen
What is it about a woman's boobs that men (and some women) find so attractive?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
I've never been overly attracted to boobs, nice ass on the other hand has always got my motor running.
i love this book!
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Total fucking mystery.
Some Halloween pun.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Very punny
Trick or treat.... treat me
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
hello fake boobies.
Hey, everybody! New here.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Billy the Kid: Old West Hero or Coldblooded Killer? - Biographics []
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Just visited his grave a few weeks ago
I wonder if they sell this at Starbucks...
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
but when you fart, you'll attract a crowd of yuppies.
A 70 year old man asks his wife? ???
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Wouldn't know what to do with it if he caught one.
Witches walk in balance, for they are magical creatures. ???
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Ah my little witch, self serving post, love it.
Got a pic of Bill proposing to his love... now we know why he doesn't like possums.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Can't make a comment without it sounding racist
What were you thinking?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
wait until after lunch, they're having roast beef.
Smh...a missed opportunity.
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
ungrateful bitch.
We must be good for something
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
No men, no seeds for new and better plants. Yes I know about cloning, but it only gives you more of the same.
Again... this group
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
You got that right
Free time assault
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
What you talkin about, Willis?
Out on the lilly pad
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
what's green and smells like pork, kermits finger.
It is more accurate
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
The fix is much more honest, at least he is in a group of his peers.
Top 10 songs of the day, which one is your favorite? ???
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Very typical cat ???
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
A friend was watching me go through the morning mail, saw this meme and said typical cat. good titling
Has it been that long?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Oil I know is I feel like part of them is still with us.
Good morning, coffee has the power ☕☕☕☕?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Yes, My was strong enough today that when I put my lips to the cup, it slapped me.
don't you hate when this happens?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
If you only had one choice. Would you rather give oral or receive oral?
glennlab comments on Oct 20, 2018:
give, no doubt about it.
I always do this!
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Bet he has a ton of stuff.
Much of my yard is wooded.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
They did you a favor by pointing out the unseen infestation so the tree didn't topple over in a big wind with no warning
My mind is like an Internet browser...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Ok, rarely...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Not going to happen
Ever hear of personal space, man?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
No sense of justice
I tend to have very fast connection speed...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
If you can't hurry up I'll make it for you.
Ever have one of those lives?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Not only not fair, really prejudiced.
Hey sexy people! Unfortunately this is for real!?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
That just means doggy style.
Ok all you naughty sexy people what are you doing this fine Friday night?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Cooking dungenus crab and getting clam chowder ready for tomorrow
Dating shouldn't be thus hard.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Be glad you dodged that bullet.
The pumpkins lit up at night.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Did my part.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Monday for me. Dental appointment, flu shot, take back my country.
Orionid Meteor Shower 2018 Peaks This Weekend with Bits of Halley's Comet: What to Expect ...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
We're supposed to be rainy and cloudy until Mon or Tuesday, so I'll miss it this year.
Who used to watch Popeye ???
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Olive Oil.
Life is not a fairytale?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
If I'm not in bed by 11, I go home.
Don't be sad ?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
U a nut
No, … but I do feel his presence in the room...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Why did you lose him?
Japanese Sex ???
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
so it took you this long, no fucking empathy at all.
That's not good.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
so, you're like dumb as a stick?
But who did he get it from?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Headline writers need to have to see the story. And not have just taken a toke.
"Exercise equipment."
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
You beat me to it. lol
I would look at her the same way
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I got nothing since she is the most bullied woman on earth.
Zilch. Zero.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
counting down from zero.
I think I'll just have some water.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
20 oz plastic rape, not good for a vending machine,
Finally got the pumpkins carved. The kids picked the designs.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Talented, whoever did the carving.
i miss actually trick-r-treating
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Except #1, those are trick or drink costumes.
I said goodbye to Kacy this morning.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
sorry for your loss
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
You see what you want to see.
How I will meet my future cat.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
dogs have owners, cats have staff,
Grandpa's Rule
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Like grampa's rules better.
It's Not Mine!
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Hamster is missing his prong.
2018 Trick or Treat
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Eat your brownies and be on your way.
When I Was Your Age....
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
When he was my age they measured in stones.
Adventures Not Things
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Reading fingerprints
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
They can tell you that you're about to change locations, like if they're found at a crime seen.
Here's your sign Bill
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Go Bill.
Shit and shinola
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
You won't find the translation in your high school Spanish book..
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
We're trying to get these printed prior to election day, There are some unopposed candidates that have excess campaign funds available, let you know if it pans out.
consequences of climate change
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Glad I can't drink beer anymore.
I think an addition has been put in to this photo
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
TR and Ike, the last good republican presidents.
Sorry to the Star Trek fans but this one was too good not to share, what a drone.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
They were going to merge his brain, but couldn't find one.
What Did Charles Grassley Not Do 35 Years Ago?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Like he said, he would hate to admit he was openly a racist asshole 35 years ago.
Mobs - Angry? NFW
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Ugly, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.
Peek at Trump's Autobiography
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
almost complete thoughts
Property of Donald Trump
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
that this piece of human excrement got confirmed is proof of the republican's disdain for constitutionally restricted government.
House of Cards
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
can you say "WW III"
Good friends
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
yawn fest. lol
Take a Look Like This - What Are Your Memories?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
3 tv channels, no cassette until high school
Casper's early days
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
got to enunciate.
Not happening.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Makes you feel like you did something, when you didn't do shit. Amen Sister.
Hi guys! You miss me? I saw this meme and tbought of you! Happy Friday!
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Happy Friday!
My older kids checking out a large lake.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
So much to see
Streets vs. sheets
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Oh damn, you added chips.
I am new and would like to correspond with someone with similar interests.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I would suggest, first fill out your bio and answer the questions, it is very hard to tell anything about you the way your profile is now, so no one can do anything but guess what your interests are.
many of us yesterday
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I was frustrated, as much as anything else, but with the first break in rain in over a week, I had to get some things done.
Love the way these pumpkins are done. ???
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Tons of work
Trolling Mariah.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
just because the voice is good, doesn't mean she will be easy on the eyes.
This would make a great tat. So detailed.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
More violence-condoning rhetoric and hyperbole from the Asshole-In-Chief: CBS News: Trump at ...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Neither of them should have been allowed to serve in public office, the only term they should serve is a jail term.
This election only has 4 more days to run and I am so tired from over thinking it.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Best of luck, be prepared either way.
How I wish this were me instead! The plane would have had to have made an emergency landing in my ...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
he'll be in New Mexico for a while.
But they might have nice personalities?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The saying has to do with quantity not quality.
But it's usually the ones you don't want to see
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
acres and acres of whatever you want.
Raise your hand...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Oh Hell yes.
Spit or swallow?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
next time swallow
New Golden Book. Your childhood ruined.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Not supposed to go into the gopher hole, no one gets satisfied and it scares the gopher.
Have you been hit with Mesothelioma?
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Not gonna end well
bring your umbrella.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
The leopard warning is implied, unless you're an idiot.
Ah cappella
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Houston, we have a problem.
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
So it was your fault. lol
One last Non Sequitur...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Don't want to cure texting while walking, just eliminate them
We actually love garlic...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Don't do it
Sssshhh! Don't tell...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Whole new reason for edible panties.
They got everywhere...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Damn beat Chris and Neil.
Not the best hiking attire, but...
glennlab comments on Oct 19, 2018:
I'd join her on a hike


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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