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Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
The war in Ukraine drags on but the carnage here stands to be worse.
Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Hill nailed his ass, but not enough people noticed.
Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I bet they feel silly for wanting Stalin to return now.
Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Putin's people
Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
We have our own little wanna be down in the swamps.
Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I heard he got a bail out offer.
Think i saw this (or something similar) last year but worth sharing again because this such a crap ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
it's love
The obstructionist regressive republican christofascist only agenda is to appoint sociopaths and ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Calling a spade a spade.
The obstructionist regressive republican christofascist only agenda is to appoint sociopaths and ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
He still hasn't gotten over his high school bully phase.
The obstructionist regressive republican christofascist only agenda is to appoint sociopaths and ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
How the Third Riech sees him.
The obstructionist regressive republican christofascist only agenda is to appoint sociopaths and ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
His story hour.
I am so tired of hearing, seeing, and waiting for this maga death cult members to disappear and die ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
their religion
I am so tired of hearing, seeing, and waiting for this maga death cult members to disappear and die ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
their version of history
I am so tired of hearing, seeing, and waiting for this maga death cult members to disappear and die ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Just listen
The obstructionist regressive republican christofascist only agenda is to appoint sociopaths and ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Even the repugs are starting to see this as he slips in the polls before he has even filed.
Which is worse?
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I wonder if they are going to make all the priests stop wearing dresses?
Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Artificial Sweeteners Your diet soda might just be ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
When the price of "club soda" went to the price of other drinks, I bought a soda stream. It carbonates my water so I get the burn or the soft drink without all the other crap. I can taste all artificial sweeteners for minutes to hours after I've had them, so they were never an option, the sugar was no longer an option one I stopped my athletic career, so soda or seltzer was my choice with coffee or tea a second, then plain water, depending on local.
Dire Straits.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Another great selection
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
cat 10
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glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
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glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Keep your distance...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
they are here.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
They can be easily manipulated.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Their sexuality dictates their oppositions.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Their evolution is suspect.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
They are normally on the losing side.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Their imaginations run wild without limitations from reality.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
and they are afraid.
The great problem with conservatism as a philosophy is if you make resistance to change your ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Makes sense to me
Staff is important to get the job done.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
always remember
Names are important.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Oh jesus, lord mary!
Names are important.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I just needed to use this one again.
Names are important.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
seems like a serial joke.
Better slip these on Adam, Gov DeSantis may stop by.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Reminds me of when I was being vetted for a local office years ago. One of the questions was " Are there any naked pictures of you out there?" My answer was "Well, I posed for art classes, so probably hundreds in many different hands."
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
After they got jealous of the David statue, I see why they need a substitute.
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
All we are asking.
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
This is what they want to return to.
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Once again, I don't think they have thought this one through.
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Our new export
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
We need some mental tests before we allow them to carry a gun.
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
divert and deflect.
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Keep selling those guns and buying politicians. Geez.
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
Until they learn.
MF looks like he has one foot in the grave
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
So if he's locked up then the rule of law applies to everybody and not just poor people and libs?
Delusions are useful in creating tools....
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
let them Own the libs and you can pick their pockets and rape their daughters.
Just as a car crosses over a bridge, a cop jumps out from behind a bush and signals the driver to ...
glennlab comments on Mar 28, 2023:
I see a second ticket coming.
@Glennlab! somebody who follows(?
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I hope we have it all straightened out. If anyone needs to contact me, go to my profile, there is a link to my fb page. I try to respond to every comment in some fashion to either my posts, comments or the groups i moderate/host. The site doesn't always give notices when things get posted I wouldn't have known about this tag unless @Diaco had messaged me.
A true story
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
And Donald does All the time.
The absolute truth when it comes to these Obstructionist regressive republican christofascists maga ...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
The politicians and clergy keep pointing the finger the other way hoping to deflect.
TRIGGER’s for the obstructionist regressive republican christfascist maga death cult members!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
And that my friends is why we have more than one mass shooting a day.
Another school shooting and this time at what appears to be a religion-based school.
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Common sense gun regulation time.
Another school shooting and this time at what appears to be a religion-based school.
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
A question for the gun rights people.
If they sewed the conductor's music sheets together as a prank, then the score would be tied, too.
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Nice opening.
That's how I like it. Simply elite. 😆
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
You've been watching too many cooking shows.
I’ve never had grasses in a garden, but think this is clever. I wonder if this is okay to do.
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Some can be pretty sharp, so I'd be careful with them. I've had several different ornamental grasses and they are pretty enough in their natural state.
Hey, we didn't mean OUR predators!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
The party of pedophiles wants to stop sexual predators? what a laugh.
I've known some real hardships...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
We had to know the phonetic alphabet to order beer over the radio.
I've known some real hardships...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Then and now, if had been easier can you imagine what we'd look like.
I've known some real hardships...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
and why we have beer bellies
When I planted my first garden in Yuma, I had a terrible aphid problem.
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I really liked your tip on using aloe to speed up sprouting, it really works well.
Monday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Baby is rocking it in the garden.
Sweep the leg!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
creative parenting
Sweep the leg!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
If only it were that easy to return them.
Sweep the leg!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Little pitchers have big ears, just not very vivid imaginations
Sweep the leg!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
The difference between having and not having kids
Sweep the leg!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
kids more fun to make than to keep
Sweep the leg!
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Along those lines
Very true…
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
You got them dead to rights.
More cooking tips...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Women cooks
More cooking tips...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
All I need is a liitle inspiration.
More cooking tips...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Some people just can't cook!
More cooking tips...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
Who can't cook??
More cooking tips...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
I never thought I'd miss the old days.
More cooking tips...
glennlab comments on Mar 27, 2023:
They need to be clearer.
It's that time of year! []
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Got to remember to call it the plant shelter when I rescue plants from them.
Location please. ;)
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
The very definition of high
Location please. ;)
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Willie is a philosopher.
Location please. ;)
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Youngster need to think
Location please. ;)
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Love Willie.
Location please. ;)
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Luckenbach with Waylen, Willie and the boys.
Keeps the Jehovah Witnesses away
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Going to have to get me one of those.
It is a common to the point of banality, for Christian apologists to state that.
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
I have watched Christians extol their exclusivity ad infinitum, normally they are wrong in their claims
Afroman Being Sued By Cops That Raided His Home, For Mental Distress, Humiliation and Loss of ...
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
The lost their reputation long ago.
Cat's Reaction to Sister's 'Daredevil' Antics Sees Internet in Stitches -- Newsweek
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
It's natural for cats to engage in risky behavior, we just panic because we don't have their skills.
An Ambitious Amigo
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Just so you know
An Ambitious Amigo
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
Must be on the border
I prefer "love is blind" to "love is infectious".
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
love 10
I prefer "love is blind" to "love is infectious".
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
love 9
I prefer "love is blind" to "love is infectious".
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
love 8
I prefer "love is blind" to "love is infectious".
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
love 7
I prefer "love is blind" to "love is infectious".
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
love 6
I prefer "love is blind" to "love is infectious".
glennlab comments on Mar 26, 2023:
love 5


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