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We need some toothpicks over here!
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Cats won't eat your weed, they will piss on it though.
That's how they do it.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
they're bleeding because you cut them, bitch.
Just . . .
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
I always said republicans want to ban flag burning so they won't be hurt when they wrap themselves in it for false patriotism.
What a shame it is that a bunch of Americans have to shame Trump into doing the right thing.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
No matter how you feel about McCain, he was a sitting US Senator and deserves the respect given to that office.
Get that trumplethinskin!
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
If only they let him use a gun.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
That's how I taught my son, his mother taught him to go to the mechanic shop.
Unconfirmed Elvis siting.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Gotta be Vegas
Bad subtitles.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
I wish I had screen shots of some of the weird captions on live TV
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Study you little bitch.
Starting today, my BnB is booked until next Monday by the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of ...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Hope they love what you have done with it.
Contrary to his medical report, I'm pretty sure Trump is over 250 pounds
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
WTF, now I'm offended. lol
MMMMMM, bacon.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Watch out Kermit has a taste for bacon.
Memory Worries
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
So that's the reason for the question.
Crow Deterrant
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Scare the crows with an old crow
Electrical Behavior
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Ready For Pat Down
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
She has her priorities.
Tow this motherfucker.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
The reason most cover up the lug nuts.
I'll take the 1st offer
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Opportunist !!!
Not your business frog!
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
I've always been told, if the panties and bra match,it wasn't just my idea to have sex.
Just in time
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
No, you're the pivot man.
Yes they will
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
No but Ky will make your cell mate less scary.
I have yet to catch my cat smoking a joint so I don't know.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Like this
Which one is harder?
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
definitely starting over for me. A divorce was tough, but the person was still around and we could still be friends, 2 deaths of FWB meant having to start the process all over again. They were gone and there was nothing to salvage.
Defecating is prohibited.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Don't you know that would be one soggy grave site.
He just tweeted his DISAPPROVAL rating - 52% - rather than his approval rating! Idiot, or ...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Got to be lying.
All My Heroes Punch Nazis
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Your heroes are going to be busy.
GOP And Their Megaphone
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Th have finally come out of the closet
Uncle Sam Tries To Educate POTUS
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
That's his family crest.
Well he'll either get caught in a trap or resign at this point...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
great group
The pain it exposes
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
My mind still hurts from the people I interacted with this weekend, people yelling about illegal immigration while hiring undocumented workers, farmers against food stamps, and teachers against "socialism" while belonging to the TEA. I needed a break when I got back from taking a break.
When did you first realize you were deviant?
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
There was never an Epiphany moment, It evolved as I found new and different things. It wasn't until I started discussing with other people that I discovered that I was at the far end of the bell curve. It was always a matter of finding the right partner(s).
Proof it's harmful!
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
you should see what it does to horses
Ahkmid has spoken
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
life was so much simpler when we didn't have to hate everyone.
Seems a little extreme
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Long, uninterrupted nap.
Tom ain't playan anymore
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Guns don't kill mice, cats kill mice.
Fox News is confused again
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2018:
Old white guys all look alike unlike blonde women
Who's the top dog?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
You captured the essence of their relationship
Breaking news!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
great news story lol
Creative fun!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
I laughed my ass off on this one.
Communication is key
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Nailed it
I can't see anything they forgot
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Like to stay on the paved path.
Now that's pure evil????
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
He wears his racism and neo nazi fascism on his sleeve and his followers don't care.
This would be @KKGator...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Go ahead, Saturnalia awaits
Help me out here...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
She's a simpson.
Warning..dank on the way. Now I know what to do with it..
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
If it needs one of those, run her thru the car wash a couple of times.
In other words....
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
They'll never have to pay, either the days not over yet, or Trump tweeted at 7:00am and spoiled it already
Plug in the flux capacitor!!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Latest toy story
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
And I will keep everyone up with my buzzing.
Seriously how cute
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Wait until she cleans her glasses and discovers what her cat is.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Don't know that for sure.
He's smiling,no shame at all!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Steroids vs good living
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Proff that only the good die young, what was he, like 200.
Head up your ass i-tis?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
How do you fuck up a stencil
Sounds legit
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Reason was power, not the way we think of reason.
Cuz cats and pop music....
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
If you ever need to break something, put it as high as you can reach on a shelf, add a cat and viola.
When being stoned is a bad thing...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
I used to sell crystals, and those people that I thought could handle the truth I told them I believed. I could take pretty rocks and turn them into paper, The stones were magic, they were gullible.
I'm so tempted...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Bungy JEEEEsus
Damn! Close call!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Been there.
So horrible it's wonderful...get over it
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
He's switched sides.
The world's most interesting cardinal....
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
What's the worse job, alter boy or peewee football at Penn State?
Don't let the public see...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
not gonna eat it.
Someone got "beef" with this cow lol
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
His hands were cold
Finger licken good
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
You can say that again.
Opportunity bless my soul
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Holy Shit.
Who could say no?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Hell no, your job is to make sure my bad dreams don't come into the house.
What a shame.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
At least it wasn't frog legs stuffed with pork.
Cause I need to know.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Then ask if it has a luggage rack attachment,
Yummy, I'l bet.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
But they freeze well.
But what's it supposed to be?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Just planning for the after party.
It's for watering the flowers, actually.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Good one.
Next March
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Been there for 3 years this November.
Smooth operator
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
best way to shut a dude down, agree to everything quickly, he is not sure of how to proceed.
Passive-aggressive much?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
something has to teach them to look before they sit down.
Think he's getting the message?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
maybe he'll do a Warren Harding and not a Richard Nixon.
Something funny for Sunday morning!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
It's only going to get worse.
The Great Pumpkin transmogrified.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Sooner the better
I support keeping this family together -- in jail.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Na na na na hey hey hey good bye
They sort of write themselves, don't they?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
The onion has closed, their writers can't out crazy reality.
Because grabbing 'em by the pussy is so 2 years ago
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
got him by the pecker, now play loraina with it.
A pack of pricks.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
if he had a safe full of document, sex may only be the tip of the iceberg
Makes sense
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Spit, yeah that's it spit.
Breaking news
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Bout time.
Behind on payment again
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
I only have this to say
This is for the ones who post without seeing what's already been posted that same day.
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Problem solved
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
somethings even wd40 nd duct tape won't fix, but you should try first before saying fuck it and giving up.
Pick your plan
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
where are you going to find an abortion for $500?
Man has sex with corpse at hospital. How could I have ever left this wonderful city?
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Claimed she never said no
Naughty but nice...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
But you should see them move when you add hot sauce
Belly Laugh..that's all...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Thank goodness trump failed chemistry or no one would know what he did.
Ok Time to Man-Up!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Time and patience
Go on...this is interactive...have a go...
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
who the fuck
Hey @SukiSue...Putnam Chocolates, Marietta, Ohio, and it’s ALL mine!
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
Slow mo shopping hours
glennlab comments on Aug 26, 2018:
mine is the freeway
That's helpful
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
You need to be more specific
Possibly true
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
I'm stealing this one
Hard to manage
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
thank the gods, they come with one.
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
watch out for sick ones.
Pumpkin spice time!
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
they are already testing pps drinks at the casino i go to most often.
I am...but....
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
where's the acorn?
Kip kip hooray!
glennlab comments on Aug 25, 2018:
match for what?


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