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glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Fucking A right
What is love?
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
The puns, they hurt, but good one.
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Some claim to have seen him
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Well the people only fake indignation since most knew it was going on. On the otherhand, they have blithly ignored the goat to except when he was needed to instill fear.
Only if they're 18....
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Can't smoke it any more, but wan t some candy little girl( you are 10 years younger than me)
Oh man......
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Maybe they just wanted to suck his ass, not hit it.
Lost Popular Vote
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
And correct the imbalance in the house, Amend the constitution and revise the 1929 apportionment act so that no district is larger than the population of the smallest state.
Takin It To The Streets
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Almost every local party has already issued plans for the protest depending on the time of day the firing comes.
Your Grandfather's GOP!
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
The last legitimate Republican president.
Lol, got this off FB had to share
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
nasty pear, now it's butt hurt
Women Vs Trump
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Everybody against Trump it....
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Good new, Jesus has come again, bad news, this time he's pissed, or was that in your sister?
This guy has taken the advice of his book.
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
watch out or someone will sit on your face and not in the good way.
Every time.
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Yellow is going to lose it.
Son of a beach.
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
I hate going to the beach when they try to roll you back into the water.
Ooops. Wrong room
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
The guys in front are the professionals
Timmy rocks!
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
new moon over Miami
Here be the true dickhead
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
damn all he needs is a split and shaved head.
What does agnostic mean you?
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
It means i think rather than blindly believing, I prefer someone that thinks for a dating partner too so this was a good spot to look. Similar to the reason I got to democratic functions to meet other democrats.
Was she talking about Pluto or Goofy??
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
new meaning to puppy treat.
TRump gets in argument with Vietnam vets whether it was agent orange or napalm used in 'Apocalypse ...
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
To be brutally honest, neither is correct. Napalm was incindigel with white phosphorus in the mix, difficult to mix at the unit level and outlawed by the Geneva convention. We used a mixture of JP-4 and high phosphate detergent with a white phosphorus fuse element. WWII was the last use of real napalm. (I was in the AF during Vietnam in munitions). Ground forces and many non-munitions types had little idea and continued using the term napalm since it was easier to say and required less explaination than incindigel.
And she was a hater!
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
Fuck her if she can't take a joke
Ya I was a pothead way back in the day
glennlab comments on Aug 19, 2018:
nice tail back then too.
Forward to the past
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Can we arrange for a similar end to the regime, ie He shoots himself.
Fox news last year
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I won't give them away, but i might sell them for double what I paid.
Lifesaver lessons
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
So that's where ass eating came from
Just gonna leave this here.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
He probably needs to take the wheels off.
Trump Sign
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Better than Christmas lights in July for a sign.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
At least he was stuck head out
Likes and wants.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
oh be still my heart
Watching a storm move in tonight. How many find rain or a thunderstorm sexy to watch?
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
The storm is just getting to us here in Oak Cliff, put a kibutz on planning to go fishing after working most of the day.
Watching a storm move in tonight. How many find rain or a thunderstorm sexy to watch?
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
When I lived on the coast we had a huge window that faced toward the gulf, when storms would roll in, I'd turn off the lights and watch natures light show.
Dump Trump!
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Still say that hand up his ass has to hurt, might explain the sick expression he always has
Bikers for Trump.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
At least they weren't as stupid as the Trumpsters that blew up the coolers they had already purchased, but almost.
Does anyone believe you can have an immediate connection with some on the first date of a couple ...
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Yes, I had an immediate reaction to my ex, (we were married 32 years), I have been wrong, but normally my feeling turn out to be right.
You gotta see both sides.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Traveling internationally has gotten more difficult since Trump started pissing off other countries.
For the possum girls
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
At least it wasn't wolf puppies.
Long story short: got into a brief online scuffle with someone who I believe to be a Trump ...
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Contact the cyber crimes division of the FBI, it is a federal crime to make threats like this.
Fixing What?
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
I told everyone to be careful, Trump's history shows he is likely to leave us for a younger country. Russia while it has a long history is barely in her 20s as a government, while the US is the second oldest continuous government on earth.
Then and now... Thoughts?
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
nein, nein
Special Kind of Stupid
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
come on just because he was found guilty of housing discrimination, had only 1 black senior staffer,and was endorsed by the KKK, you think he is racist?
Very cute bumper sticker. It says your stick family was delicious
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
but not much meat on those bones
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
He's got some 'splainin' to do.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Can you imagine the shit he had to put up with to see a little crack, totally not worth it
Ha! ! ! ! !
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Way to well behaved for trump's hair
Wow Fox news has really lost it
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
But htey can keep all of these straight
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
And the small head uses the brain most effectively, but not in the best interest of the host.
I knew it!
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
And you know it's true because you saw it on the internet.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Stick around the ride has just begun
lol...death comes for other things to.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Not the Tranny, take me instead.
Gotta check your messages.
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
His had more info than hers
Speaking of Butthead....
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
Oh Bob, where has your taste gone?
Benebatch Cumberbutt....
glennlab comments on Aug 18, 2018:
definitely on a highway to hell
I have never been one to do the expected so now....
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
But hopefully you had fun getting there.
4 out of 5 men can't find it....
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Especially if you watch fox noise
Can you believe this!
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Who going to believe, Jeff the elf or your lieing eyes?
I want to give a shout-out to my Kentucky relatives.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
And 14 teeth
Alter boy
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Threesome on the wedding night?
How the pyramids where really built
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Damn alien contractors.
Coyote sightings
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
That one is wearing a collar
Walk like an Egyptian
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
If he really wants the parade...
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
I'll march in the parade as long as he is on the Caisson.
Someday ?
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
We can hope.
No fact-checkers at FOX.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Don't you know they all look alike if you work at FOX
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Me too
Haul ass....
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
What a load of bull.
Best use of jeebus ever...
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Jesus Christ, what a meme
Yikes! Lol.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Pull out game is strong with this one.
Need this sign for my bar.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
I normally only have 2 drinks, but some asshole always puts in in 20 glasses,
What else?...
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Bad yeast infection
Realistic sex scenes.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Or someone trying to kill time waiting for the drugs to kick in
We're All Bad in Someone's Story
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
some worse than others.
Would you walk across the street, yes or no?
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Hell as long as they would also pay for the damage to anyone who saw me eyes, no problem.
Falling in Love is Easy. ❤?❤
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
You keep coming up with good ones.
The most precious gift. ❤
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Time and attention are sometimes all I can give.
Good morning! Have a great day!
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
or worse
Question: If you are dating someone, even if it is new and the man goes to the woman's house, should...
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
If it's your house, your rules
Don't stop with him.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Paranoia, one of major signs of mental illness.
Real Fake News
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
They couldn't get a license to broadcast in Canada because News in Canada must be in the public interest and entertainment can't be labeled news.
Putin's Dog
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
How dare you insinuate that he might be like a dog and insult a whole species
Draft Dodgers Don't Deserve a Military Parade
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Been cancelled, but look for an attempted resurrection.
Reject Tyranny. Speak out against Trump and get ready for lots more dominos to fall...
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
good ones
I've had those dishes...
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Kill me please. or at least eat me.
One delicious hot pun.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Hot damn
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Beter than RTFQ read the fucking question.
All bars should have this ATM.
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
Where was this when I needed it.
Bring on that Storm!
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
My kind of storm
I've been corrupted!
glennlab comments on Aug 17, 2018:
No need to thank us.
sits back and waits for the double entendres
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I have the body of a god, Budda
Has anyone ever had a ticket like this? (This is not mine, btw)
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
better than getting a ticket for giving head while driving.
Do you remember any movie quotes?
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
I can't believe gambling is going on here! Your winning inspector.
Sometimes hard to leave the house
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Nice expression
Performing miracles, that or empty promises.
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Promise her anything before sex.
And C4 is...
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
also heating K rations.
It’s all about priorities
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
They don't really care once you are born.
Ready! meme kitty
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
You've got to go bluer that that if you expect to win, but on the other hand ... cats.
You see what had happened was...
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Always check before hitting send, fuck it, just type like crazy and hope you don't offend too many people.
A good trade indeed...
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Fair trade?
That's a whole story, right there!
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Lets hope you read top to bottom, or the story could work in reverse.
Is that why they call them nuns?
glennlab comments on Aug 16, 2018:
Dating nuns is OK as long as you don't get in the habit.


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