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So talented! []
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Artists always amaze me.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Russia on the other side.... []
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Win the war, lose the occupation. They can't even win the war.
My son Graeme loved this band…Franz Ferdinand.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I like it, I don't think I've heard them before.
That ain't right...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
You don't like the way I play, next time we'll play at your house, by your rules.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about numbers, Russia, Ukraine, and charts.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
The force and facilities reports were always inflated, we have always over estimated the Russian ability to wage non nuclear war.
Hi all, have to share the following question here as when I ask such on an individual basis I get ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Another thing to remember, this is only a proposed bill that hasn't even gone to committee yet, or been put on the calendar. Every year in every state thousands and thousands of bills are submitted that die before they are ever even considered.
The Hypocrisy of the Church Catholic Church: No meat on Fridays during Lent: Ok so no eggs ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Consistency was never the church's strong suite.
Marjorie Traitor Greene's recent brainfart that the Red and Blue states get a "national divorce" ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Unless we can separate the blue cities/counties from the red rural areas, it would never even begin to work.
I have a religious friend.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I still have friends in the clergy, though not as extreme as your friend, we simply no longer discuss religion. There are safe subjects and there are subjects we can disagree on and have meaningful debate, and there are subjects that we will never agree on. They do not try to convert me and I do not try to convert them. If you can't find and agree on that middle ground, then you need to exit.
The rat traps are a nice touch.....
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Well he is at the right hight to keep his nose in her business.
Mark Fuckerberg, Elon Tusk and the rest now want to charge people to "verify their government issued...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Le me count the ways. Nah, I don't have that much time.
Just some cute cat illustrations I've found here and there.
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Republican Lawmaker Claims When Severe Child Abuse Victims Die - Govt Saves Money During a recent...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I think Cyndi Lauper said it best in her song
Dang right baby... []
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
Remember seeing that in the theater, the beach movies were fun. We only had 4 foot waves so that was pure fantasy for me.
Vladimir Putin tells state television the US-led military alliance in Ukraine seeks defeat, ...
glennlab comments on Feb 26, 2023:
He is making the case for a war against the US since he couldn't goad us into sending ground or air forces into Ukraine.
That WAS a golden era.
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Pre social media were good times and bad
Who will you listen to?
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2023:
I'll ride with the liquor baron.
Sporkfoot claims 6 Billion people have crossed border since Biden has been President.
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2023:
The rest of the world moved in in just 2 years, but then numbers are not her best suite.
Online Essay Help UK & Essay Writing Service Help By Professional Writers in UK
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Not bad, 7 fake account to try to sell shit, just know that your efforts are in vain.
Saturday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Racing stripe?
Sorry about that
glennlab comments on Feb 25, 2023:
Damn, that's cold.
Hi all, have to share the following question here as when I ask such on an individual basis I get ...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
I think it is a case of a well intentioned law going way too far.
Not sure why this made me laugh so hard but . . . was I wrong?
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
You need to be clearer in your questions.
I've been waiting....
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
and it's going to be awhile longer
Jehovah's Witnesses - take note
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Awfully presumptive of you that they can read and comprehend.
Just exactly what the facts are. []
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
People would still buy it.
Cause to celebrate in the land of tinfoil hats.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Why give the tapes to a Russian sympathizer, who by his own network's lawyers admission is an entertainer and not a journalist .
Why anti-vaxxers get in significantly more car crashes
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
I think they covered all the bases pretty well, no single cause, butt a single correlation.
Alex Jones says Biden administration may require him to sell cat in order to pay Sandy Hook families...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
This is pretty standard DOJ stuff where the petitioner has already attempted to hide assets in a bankruptcy proceeding. This is how you get treated when you flout your attempts to lie and cheat in federal court.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about when the boss shows up and photos.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Upper echelon visits almost always stop whatever is going on on both sides of their visits, to prep, the visit, then the cleanup. The are moral support at best and a hindrance at worst.
Our creative designs are inclusive
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Drama queen.
Funny Cat Walks Up Escalator Going Down - Escalator Paradox - YouTube
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Lost his mouse.
Lets see if this one bombs.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
down to the love shack lol
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about whether the interviews are helping Trump.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
I wonder how soon after the March 1 empaneling the grand jury will hand down indictments, if at all?
Everything he does is a grift
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
And the dumb bastards would vote for him again. Even after he poisoned them, TWICE.
I’m straight, but I love hearing about my gay friend’s sexual escapades… It lets me live ...
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
That's actually how I met my ex wife, my friend and I would gross each other out with tales of our dates. She was at the chow hall with him and I told him I had a story for him when the girls left, they invited me to sit and before long I had asked her out.
Hey Jesus, why so salty? It's because these mf'ers still think I looked like Cesare Borgia!
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
I've never understood why people believe they know what the face of anyone who never had a portrait done in their lifetime done or one done in the next 3 generations?
Lynyrd Skynyrd. - Simple Man, live at The Florida Theatre in 2015… []
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Another of my favorite groups.
Betting Boat racing What is betting Betting is a unique form of seaplane competition.
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Cutting and pasting for a first comment, shame
So very, very sad....
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
But you can still lean on him.
I want to know also
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Those are some long toes!
How is it relevant on the bus?
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Trying to steal your date?
Osteen sex advice . . . sounds like someone's up to party
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
He always looks like he just rubbed one out.
Friday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Feb 24, 2023:
That's a bundle of cuteness.
PETA has eyes and ears everywhere.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
too loud?
Somethings are just a no brainer.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Sooner, if the judge gets upset.
Women be like, bunch of chauvinists!
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
When in doubt, ask? Not sure?ask. She doesn't seem like she's enjoying it? Ask what she'd like you to do.
I don't know about you, but....
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Every chance I get.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about parties, windows, and options.... []
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
good description
From the 'Stuff you can't make up' files.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Kelloggs did not hit a home run with this one
A normal Canadian winter day.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
Love Canadian winters, from a distance, a very long distance.
Ohio will still vote for him
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
1. Elect a clown. 2. He brings the circus to your town. 3. Blame the clean-up crew. Idiots never learn.
Kevin McCarthy defends release of January 6 footage to Tucker Carlson: 'I promised' - CNNPolitics
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
The networks need to sue McCarthy for release to them since he has already made them public, they are no longer privileged.
The stalker has removed their dog site with it's brainless "cutesy" photos of animals and I would ...
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
While this is a post that speaks, it doesn't belong in the laugh section, please move it.
I went fishing today. I caught a stingray.
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
It looks like it may break a weight record.
Nature photography takes skill and most importantly, the right timing. Amazing shot
glennlab comments on Feb 23, 2023:
I could not think of a line for that shot, well done.
I wonder if he ever worried about bear markets though.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Smarter than the average bear and Yogi.
Time for some poetic justice, if you ask me.
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Good cutting ones today. Hard to pick a favorite
And it was the best playlist
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2023:
And you could change it on the fly.
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 2/22/2023 Drug Enforcement Administration agents were sent back to the ...
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2023:
Glad to see you back up.
Thin Lizzy. - The Boys Are Back In Town, live 1981…. []
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2023:
For years I mispronounced their name as Tin Lizzy and still struggle to make sure I say it right .
[] The Animals - House Of The Rising Sun (1964, Stereo)
glennlab comments on Feb 22, 2023:
One of my favorites growing up at sock hops.
Raise you hand if you agree
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Holy shit!
Either way, they'll be saying 'Jesus'
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Better chance of getting what you want.
With apologies to Neanderthal Man, who recent research has shown to have been more advanced than ...
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
She is more advanced than I thought.
Could it be an explanation for her enigmatic smile :)
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
cold beer, warm smile?
Fat Tuesday, y’all!
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Farmerette, sew wild oats Tuesday, pray for crop failure Wednesday.
Thinking it out…
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
UNT thought that through and has made a fortune of selling the cups
I don’t think it means what you think it means…
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
A little too literal. lol
Just like pirates!!
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
I still keep paper maps in my car, there are still lots of areas without cell reception where GPS is useless.
Trouble with short arms…
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Where there is a will, there is a way.
Nothing stops the US Mail…
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Except the red dot. lol
Well, it's Fat Tuesday once again, also known as flash your chest at random strangers day, lol.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Let the good times roll!
I found a cure!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Always keep a spare in you back pocket.
An Appetite For Homework
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Who's a good dog?
Smashing Times
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
It's not going to end well, I fear.
Cornered Cat
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Watch out, he has also unsheathed his knives!
Thinking Ahead
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Man with a plan.
Poetry by the orange turd
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Not soon enough
Has this site's Messenger facility stopped working?
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
It works for me most times
Nearing the end of a wonderful visit with my daughter & grandies in New Zealand, with beautiful ...
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
So glad you go to go, i know you were looking forward to it for a long time (thank you covid). Stay safe have have a pleasant trip.
He is not giving up
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Not the brightest bulb in the pack is he?
I lost my Lhasa at the age of 15 on January 18th.
glennlab comments on Feb 21, 2023:
Zoe should bring you years of joy.
Unfortunately, there is no sister named "Quick".
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
I thought that was the hooker crack down in DC.
Mmmmmm... PB&J []
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
I laughed way too hard.
State of the nation. People are just trying to feed their families.
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
There are a couple of holes you might be able to limit out in.
The wise said it....
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Not going to touch that.
So, now we know!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
But he had to do it with a chisel.
Hey all, anyone seen this?
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
How else do you explain a white Jesus?
But we always knew that club existed
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
what can you say
I don't remember where I saw something about "how to attract butterflies" on a post and believe it ...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
You can check to see what the local butterfly plants are for your area. I plant a lot of different ones in my yard and will have hundreds around almost all summer.
Alex Jones Takes Sam Harris Interview Out of Context to Prove Liberals Eat Babies InfoWars ...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Alex is the one to talk about doing damage children.
Alex Jones Takes Sam Harris Interview Out of Context to Prove Liberals Eat Babies InfoWars ...
glennlab comments on Feb 20, 2023:
Alex only cares about babies if they can steal their parent credit cards and order his non working supplements.
He did so many stupid things, sometimes I forget one.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:
There were way too many to count.
Just because! 😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:
Anyone wonder why he has trust issues? or why he never let her tie him up again?
I had to Google what’s wrong w the trump tweet .
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:
The destruction of the American education system is almost complete, people that no longer know how to discover the truth are easy to lie to.
41/2 yrs later , here we are , snail made it to level 9.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:
You have been a treasure from day one and I hope for a long time to come.
Welp, there's always the carnival sideshow gig.
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:
Hair of the dog fits all the farmerette. Go out on Saturday night to sew your wild oats, then go to church and pray for crop failure
Sunday night / keeping up w Michelle 😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇💪💪💪💪 ...
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:
20 That was almost too fast, you made 9 already CONGRATULATIONS
Sunday night / keeping up w Michelle 😂😂😂🙌🙌🙌🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇💪💪💪💪 ...
glennlab comments on Feb 19, 2023:


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