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This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
And doodahs and whatsits
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
just keep on whatever
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
This guy goes to his doctor and when the doc asks why he's there he says "My wife told me to come ...
glennlab comments on Feb 16, 2023:
Friends @K9Kohle a longtime member lost her points and levels so its time to help her get back up.@Garban, @michelleGar1, @pralina1, @zeuser, @betty and anyone else time to post.
Elon Musk Boosts His Own Tweets & NewsMax Reporter Asks If Biden Is "Woke" | The Daily Show ...
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
I love Sarah
Jeebus is not amused
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Why would people think he likes crosses?
The McCoys - Come On, Lets Go []
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Another long lost song,(to me) thanks.
Scientists find first evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy: []
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Meadows subpoenaed by Special Counsel []
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
His claim of executive privilege will probably be rejected again since this is being conducted by the executive branch.
Gasoline Car Review I recently purchased a Mazda Miata.
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Until they develop n electric car that can get 1000 miles between charges or that charges in less than 15 minutes, I'm not in the market either.
Let's all welcome our latest scammer @Jenny101 who is using pictures of the porn star "Elsa Jean.
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
This belongs in one of the scammer groups, not just for laughs watchers or trolls please
Anatomically correct. Horrifying, but correct.
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
The VD specials
Since my level, my group, my posts have all vanished, and most agree it "just happened" how many ...
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
We've had this happen before and have been able to get people back up to level 4/5 fairly quickly, make a post to just for laughs or memes r us then wait and comment/like on ALL the comments that follow.
Derangement Down Under
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Funny even if it was a prank.
When the snow melts into a fish....
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Fishing season is just around the corner?
Votes against funding for rail safety.
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
MTG can't run over herself fast enough
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
I can see clearly now.
Remember to practice safe sex...
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
I can't get a break...
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
At least it was a soft landing
My Dad was my hero, but yeah he always agreed with mom lol
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Stamp out corruption....
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Send that bastard back postage due.
What you all didn't realise was that if I'd really wanted to give high praise, I'd have said, "Not a...
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Ok are we just getting lazy now?
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
She reminds me of Howler monkeys in the trees of Belize
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
I'm going to dump all my mtgs here
Someone hasn't aged well
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Who else did this as a kid...
glennlab comments on Feb 15, 2023:
Good old silly putty.
Enlightenment explained...
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
If you didwhat they suggested, your head might explode.
Happy lovesick day folks!
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
That steak is in the right place.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
or a big rock
I haven't been feeling very well so I haven't been posting much.
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Hope you get better soon.
They live among us and they have driver's licenses, be careful out there. :D
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
You know that probably has already really happened.
Zombies can be so cruel.
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
My price range.
My first post to this new group. Hey everybody!
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Come on in the water's fine. MTG and intelligence is the height of irony.
Irish Yoga
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Pretty much
How fucking tone deaf do you have to be not to throw big ol' boulders standing in a glass house?
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
I would say she is on the crazy side.
Republican Nikki Haley enters 2024 presidential race []
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
You know they are going to bring up her birth name, don't you?
❤️ Because today is St Valentine’s Day…Bon Jovi. - You Give Love A Bad Name… []
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
You always chose great songs.
Tuesday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Spotted them on the stairs.
I was talking with a man who had 24 kids.
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Better hope she never gets hearing aids.
Cold hearted...
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
I'm not crazy and neither am I
This happily married couple of 11 years, 77 puppy years, knows the best way to spend Valentine’s ...
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Who says arranged marriages don't work?
Taking all the fun away!!!!
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
The ride could get cut short by USAF.
Happy Hallmark Day, y'all! 💜🤪
glennlab comments on Feb 14, 2023:
Sciency valentines, nice!
I think this is one thing we can all agree on....
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
I don't think she thought that one through
Yes, please!
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
But who want to buy 25 tickets at a time
Burn it down to the ground and salt the earth. I hate snakes. Hate hate hate []
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
That's a big nope, nope.
SuperBowl 2023 - Tarnished Event SuperBowl 2023 was marred by derogatory remarks by Greene and ...
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
It is definitely not the party of Lincoln anymore, it is the party of Strom Thurmon, George Wallace, Ronald reagan and Donald Trump, racist hate mongers.
Sometimes, I feel the need to put British subtitles on when watching American films (oops, 'movies' ...
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
I tend to leave them off unless I'm really intent on watching the movie, I will work on my computer while "watching".
I hate it too!
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Holy cow, those were good!
Girl talk is the same, regardless of species. LOL
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
I was in a drug trial once, in the placebo group, when they gave us the real meds, you could tell the difference. So I relate.
Some GOP shenanigans.
glennlab comments on Feb 13, 2023:
Marj and her underwear show why it is fruitless to even try to reason with these people.
I felt like these two went together
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
The real meaning behind the superbowl commercials.
One of my favorite all time movies.
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Only 6 minutes of commercials?
Being short I can really relate to this lol
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Now isn't that sweet?
Fossils of a 340-Pound Giant Penguin Found in New Zealand: []
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Not your cute little tuxedoed birds.
The struggle was real…
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
It amazed me the strength of the glass on those things.
Senior selection…
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Yea elastic.
Three Old Men Three old men are talking about their aches, pains and bodily dysfunctions.
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Oldie, but a scary funny
I know the feeling…
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
More money always motivated me to do more.
Dom or Masochist?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
sounds like a match
I need this
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
I had one and broke it, never use your good cups.
Self check out…
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
I happen to like human interaction and normally refuse to use the self checkout.
Sunday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
What a cutie
Senior moment?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Problems of aging
How could we not have seen that coming?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
But the winners will still walk off the field with the trophy.
It all makes sense…?!?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
When you're a bronze age goat herder, stories around the campfire entertain and educate, not so much anymore.
Is Kama Sutra porn?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
The Kama Sutra is more hands on.
Just reading on twitter and a couple actual news sources that NORAD has closed airspace in northern ...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Now that we have hard confirmation that these ballons are indeed military, it makes sense to bring them down, 3 in one week so far.
Interesting ad...
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
different type of web shooter?
Airforce new jet
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
multicolor threat
Have you actually confirmed that with her, mate?
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Never be afraid to ask.
Happy birthday Chuck!
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Some naughty observations.
glennlab comments on Feb 12, 2023:
Great set


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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