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I was just wondering if Sterling pound notes will have "In Liz we Truss" printed on them? :-D
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Terrible thing to say...about Chucky.
Me getting ready to freeze some cantaloupe seeing that I have an abundance of it.
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
How well does it freeze? I've done watermelon and learned a lot by trial and error. With it you MUST deseed it completely. I made it into frozen pops by making thin slices about 1" x 4" x 1/4". I stacked them between sheets of parchment paper to freeze, then bagged them after they were frozen. Served them frozen.
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Trump, all glitz and no substance.
I was just trying to be helpful 🤔
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
Next time be sure to read the directions.
Happy B-Day, Roger Waters - (79) - Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb - [youtube.
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
One of my favorite bands
If they would broadcast that live, I would buy the pay-per-view.
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
I think Donnie's special master is done with him now that he is no longer useful.
The old guy knows...
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
He knows that they will just give you more to do without giving you a raise.
Marco Rubio Considers Documents at Mar-a-Lago Simply a ‘Storage Issue’ In a recent interview...
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
That is one storage problem I'll be glad to see.
A ducky and a horsey, maybe?
glennlab comments on Sep 6, 2022:
The pumpkin pie spice season is upon us.
The end of Labor Day weekend...
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
If you have anything important to tell me, tell me now before football season starts,
Judge Authorizes Special Master to Review Trump Mar-A-Lago Raid Documents, Temporarily Blocks DOJ ...
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
We will continue to see the damage that 4 years of mitch the bitch running roughshod over the senate with a corrupt shyster in the whitehouse.
Yup, they found the perfect one...
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
She's perfect. Has already had the access, may still posses the clearance, has a law degree, retired, ...
Men cannot win
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
At least you won't have to ask if she is into anal or oral.
And they never had to be recharged...
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
That would be hell, no coffee.
Happy Labor Day...
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
really like the confused one, you could use it on several holidays.
I think I'll pass.
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
Once is enough
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about the US military running low.... []
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
The logistics generals are ecstatic. They have shipped out their oldest inventory, and will be able to replace it without impacting their budgets
Why I'm a dog person
glennlab comments on Sep 5, 2022:
Good dog.
What's you favorite non domesticated animal? I'd have to go with the
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
I'm going to go with Bison and Cedar wax wings. Bison because they are awesome, cedar wax wings because they visit my yard every migration and strip the seeds off my Chinese photinias.
Fun fact: Sometimes coffins explode in mausoleums, but there is a solution in the form of "burping"...
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
When i was growing up, they exhumed a body, when they started to open the casket, it exploded. All kinds of stories came out of that one.
Where is this place...
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
New Sunday morning coffee stop.
Now we know what really happened!!!
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Is that like the fighter drawings on Ace's aircraft?
Quick, roll up the windows and lock the doors!!!
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Worry more about being head butted by a 300 pound animal with an inch thick skull.
Everyone knows it outside Dallas
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Damn i thought you would have learned Texas geography by now, that bitch is from Houston, we have a whole different set of grifters in Dallas.
Kinda sorta somewhat good.
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Another good set.
Anybody going?
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
Already have one, I don't know what I'd do with another one.
All together, and a one, and a two...
glennlab comments on Sep 4, 2022:
For anyone that wondered how Hitler came to power when there were so many good Germans.
Maybe more than two. Plus, labels can be counterproductive.
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
Widow is an new take on an old one, but it's still funny, good set.
😂😂😂 @ Dr. Richey "Ladies and Gentlemen, we have found Patient Zero." 🤣 []
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
What ever works to get them to see the error of their ways.
My plants enjoy their walks...
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
Mine would not like to have to share space with anyone
She has no idea
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
too soon?
Found these today! Have a great Saturday!
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
Porky plug lol
I should live to see the day
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
I have always wanted to see that.
A few for the weekend…
glennlab comments on Sep 3, 2022:
Barricaded at work because there was a robbery at the bank next door and the suspects ran away! ...
glennlab comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Really great set. Hard to pick a favorite, but the documents and demonade are right up there.
Let God guide you - Not! 😆
glennlab comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Ain't that a pisser?
That look is not extinct, even if the diplodocus who sported it has been long since fossilized.
glennlab comments on Sep 2, 2022:
Live music, sure.
She's my bad girl. LOL
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
Butt summoning
I vote for the big hoosegow in east Kansas.
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
I hope that donnie doesn't get any sleep worried about his indictment. When Rudy folds (it's just a matter of time) it will signal the lumberjack yelling 'Timber'
Well, they have to explain everything.
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
It is rather fun if you have a few thousand other people to run with.
Behold, Newsmax Turns On Trump, Decrees He Is ‘Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing’ ‘Coward’ | ...
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
It does my heart good to see the flames starting to rise.
Sure seems that way.
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
You say that like it's a bad thing.
It really didn't take any thought at all...
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
going to get a little gray.
BOOM!!! Down goes, Palin! Down goes Palin.
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
Nelson comments.
Poll: In your personal opinion, is Donald J. Trump guilty of treason?
glennlab comments on Sep 1, 2022:
Guilty on all counts, he would not want me on his jury.
Trump legal team says classified records ‘no cause for alarm’ in bizarre filing | The ...
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
That pretty well covers what every news outlet has been saying. (Faux Noise is an entertainment venue),
Democrat Peltola Defeats Palin In Special Alaska House Race, NBC News Projects []
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Too many Alaskans were afraid she's resign halfway through the 4 month term.
Not that it really means anything, but who is now closest to becoming the next level 10?
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
I think I have about 150,000 points to go.
Can anyone tell why Election-Deniers are so sure Trump won the last election?
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Remember the time the playground bully got his comeuppance. He denied he lost, he claimed the other kid cheated, he'd win if he got a fair chance. Well those are the election deniers, except on steroids.
Cream - White Room ( Farewell Concert 1968) - YouTube
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
One of my all time favorites.
I'm still your number 1 source for bathroom humor. Heh.
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
nice Italian apology based on some of the Italians I know. @pralina1 does this ring true?
Thoughtful jesters are appreciated.
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Eternal life, riiiiight!
We are now at DEFCON 1.
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
Terrible thing to happen to him, terrible I tell you. Part of me hopes he stokes out before he's indicted, part hopes it's after and part that he lives a very long life to suffer all that he is guilty of.
This is awful. But it's so funny!!! 🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
No, just no!
We've lost track of the number of lies told by Tweety.
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
I don't think he actually read the search warrant, It doesn't speak to classified documents, it speaks of defense documents, and records that are to retained under the presidential records act.
Applications Start today
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
You need to buy her a drink first.
Latest Meme Haul
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
love the Hillary one.
Don Jr.
glennlab comments on Aug 31, 2022:
$60,000 for a minute less work than she has to do for don Jr to get his jollies
With the transfer of wealth from petroleum to so-called green energy products there seems to be very...
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
We are still years from a mature green energy source. With a 20 year payback on solar and wind, it is hardly worth the investment. My son and I did the math for his home and it was a marginal investment with or without the batteries. His wife's next car will be electric, but because the science is still not mature, he will be holding off on having two electric vehicles.
LOLOL @ Ben from MeidasTouch.
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
I guess his new attorney told him that he is way into deep shit and the retainer is used up and he needs to make a much larger cash deposit.
Cut the cord!
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
Loved Nancy!
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
I've always liked this song, but I didn't know its name until a year or so ago.
Biden campaign paperwork not sign of a re-election launch | The Independent
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
Pretty much standard fare, as long as the campaign paperwork is current, he can continue to raise funds and distribute them to other candidates as he chooses.
Republican Heads Spinning As Biden Calls MAGA Thugs ‘Semi-Fascist’ Prominent Republicans ...
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
Once again Biden soft soaped something and they called him out. Next time call the spade a spade, unless you want to call it a fucking shovel to be more accurate.
Republican Heads Spinning As Biden Calls MAGA Thugs ‘Semi-Fascist’ Prominent Republicans ...
glennlab comments on Aug 30, 2022:
I can see their displeasure at not getting full credit.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 I needed a new "Fuck Trump" meme.
glennlab comments on Aug 29, 2022:
check here
Castles Made Of Sand - YouTube
glennlab comments on Aug 29, 2022:
This hangs on my wall
Woman pulls gun on Black women at Pennsylvania mall | WTRF
glennlab comments on Aug 29, 2022:
In most states brandishing a weapon is assault .
This lady is the president of Latinos for Trump, showing her outstanding double edge imbecile level.
glennlab comments on Aug 29, 2022:
She needs to admit that Trump is now and always has been a piece of slime and only pandered to the religious right to con them.
You have to read the signs, then heed the signs.
glennlab comments on Aug 29, 2022:
I find the wood one hard to believe.
[] Diego boy approves of this 🙌🙌🙌🙌✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
glennlab comments on Aug 29, 2022:
Diego boy can have attitude. But he's a sweety.
Don't do that, Lol
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
You can get it well done, fast or cheap, Pick ONE.
Just call me Daddy
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
2022 mach-E , looks better in red, but it is his bastard step child.
He sure likes to be first! Good job, Donny!
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
I hope he also gets to be the first former president to serve a prison sentence.
We all know who it is. LOL
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
The mormons will come back after dark, one at a time. They're like baptist, you never take just one camping or fishing, they'll drink all the beer.
Broccoli hates you!
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Iwonder what it did for George Bush to hate it so much?
Sounds fucking true to me.
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Fucking A right!
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s home swatted a second time in two days | The Hill
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
I may be a cynic but I smell a false flag operation here.
A couple more:
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
There is no, I didn't mean to do it defense in the illegal possession of defense documents.
More of this!!!! 👍✊👏🙌 []
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Yes, Yes, Yes
And these aren't funny, either.
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Now he's busy as a beaver.
Lookin' at you, shorty.
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
All spot on, especially the spy one.
Sunday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Those ears and whiskers
My triumphant trumpet vine is quite vibrant this year.
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
I have been trying to get rid of a trumpet vine for 35 years. they are hardy and invasive. Make sure you have root barriers to stop it's spread. It was too late for me since it had spread the length of my fence before I moved in. But on the upside it is pretty and the hummingbirds love it.
Pay to stay prisons leave ex-inmates in debt nationwide |
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
This is so completely wrong on so many levels.
Trump’s ‘Truth Social’ Facing Grave Financial Issues Former president Donald Trump’s ...
glennlab comments on Aug 28, 2022:
Who would have thunk it?
Hmmm, I think I can dope out the rest of this one in spite of the redactions.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Was he eating it, throwing it, or demanding that some one get it off his tie?
[] This shit trump has gotten away with is astounding!
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Antone that has ever handled classified should be appalled. While we may never know what his intentions were, we have to assume the most nefarious ones. He has no morals and no idea what classification means.
Choices, choices!
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
When it comes to the Trump circus you really can't write this stuff
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
He can't keep his lies straight. He may not be worried, but he should be.
Day 67, still no buds...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
when it doesn't grow be sure to send a soil sample to the extension service.
Natural mood enhancement for carnivorous big lizards.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
I need to teach my dog to shake like that.
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
That works as well as any of his other excuses.
The evidence in his own words
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Glad I checked before I posted this, it is hilarious.
DeSantis Abruptly Removes Four Elected Female Broward County School Board Members, Replaced With ...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Fascism at it's finest.
Donald Trump Jr posts bizarre image of his own father with ‘redacted’ private parts | The ...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Probably should be a dot instead, according to Stormy.
Speaking of redactions...
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
And most claim to be christians whose whole faith is based on someone else paying their debt.
I don't even have words for this one. Just look at him! 😍
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
The lights, can you turn them down?
After 20 minutes of trying to get behind the TV to get the birds, Mister gave up. 🤭🤭
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
The predator in him coming out, the cat in him napping.
Uggg, did someone already post this?
glennlab comments on Aug 27, 2022:
Yeah, but I think it was two years ago, still funny


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