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Tuesday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Got a question?
MSNBC - Classified Documents At Heart Of FBI Search Of Trump's Mar-a-Lago []
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
They wouldn't have gotten a warrant unless they thought there was a chance of the records either disappearing or being compromised or they discovered highly classified material being in the records.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 Can't stop laughing!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
The best thing is the FBI left with boxes according to the BBC.
They even broke into my safe. The internet did not disappoint. 👍 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
great set, it is really getting good.
I see the Rethuglicans are working themselves up into an incandescent seething rage over the work of...
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
The fact that they left with boxes, tells me that they found something.
Late night meme dump!
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
Never going to kill the red dot.
DEFUND THE FBI (Marjorie Taylor Greene)
glennlab comments on Aug 9, 2022:
> "The FBI is raiding President Trump’s home in Maralago! This is the rogue behavior of communist countries, NOT the United States of America!!! These are the type of things that happen in countries during civil war. The political persecution MUST STOP!!!" Bitch, you started the civil war when you conspired with the people that assaulted the US Capital.
I literally cannot stop smiling...
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
I laughed so hard, I almost choked.
Plant tags (I need these).
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Where can I get a set?
FBI executes search warrant at Donald Trump's home at Mar-a-Lago - Glenn Kirschner [youtube.
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
It's getting hot in Trumpland.
Beau of the Fifth Column - Let's talk about Dark Brandon.... []
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Being the joke can help.
More Kitty Kollections...(stopped before a third 'K', alliteration only goes so far...)
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Good Katurday memes.
That's my Charlie!
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
You forgot attack the ghost creature on my landlords calf
A bit harsh, not?
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
That's a good choice.
Huge Win In NYC: NY Supreme Court Rules NYPD MUST turn over requested documents pertaining to the ...
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
J. Edgar Hoover and Richard Nixon would be so proud of their legacy, we on the other hand should be outraged.
He was just taking care of his pet.
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Same cat that did this?
Drone picture of housing project in Brooklyn proves that the architects designed the buildings ...
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
What about the Jewish and Moslem vampires?
My kids start school tomorrow.
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
You trying to teach them not to trust dear old dad?
Possibly because he didn't exist...
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Poor dude doesn't realize that anyone can make cheap wine from water in a week.
Here are some of our birds again. The colors are getting more present in the male pheasants.
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
How old are they now, and how is the peacock maturing?
Brianna Grier’s Brain Shifted in Her Skull During Fatal Arrest, Expert Says
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
How many breeches of protocol can you count. Not securing the vehicle, not belting in the prisoner to start.
I was thinking the same thing.
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
So many foods that don't make sense.
Can you guess which one?
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
I just wish they hadn't already used up the definition for santorum .
If I still needed contraceptives and one of these pharmacists refused to fill the prescription, I am...
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
I know it will never happen, but pharmacies should have to post a sign on the front door when one of these people is on shift "Pharmacist is a religious bigot that will not fill your birth control medications, another pharmacist will be available @________"
ExplosmEntertainment - Satanic Messages - Comic Classics []
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
good comeback.
These assholes deserve to go bankrupt, so 200k fine is a start. []
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
The more I see about this story, the more questions I have. Shouldn't this fall under the counterfeiting laws and require seizure and destruction of all the product? They do it all the time with other products that are mislabeled. Why did they get a slap on the wrist and a desist order and not a closure as many other businesses have gotten?
Monday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
Those ears.
glennlab comments on Aug 8, 2022:
it seems easier than doing all the gift finding, giving and returning.
And again, I have no idea where all these come from.
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Stan's the man!
[] Like mother like son 🙄🙄🦇🦇🦇
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
[] Every evening pretty much
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
They know who's boss. lol
It would appear that everyone taken in the rapture will be naked??
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
I never understood why so many chrisitians were excited about the rapture, going by their criteria, none of them were going and if they didn't get raptured it was supposed to be world war for 7 years.
I think he means honest
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Isn't that supposed to be a couch?
Adam’s family for me . That’s home to me 🙌
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
I always related to the Addams family, but the fb marketplace is right on point.
[] Mr Marcello and all his 7 lbs 🙌🙌🙌🦇🦇🦇
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
That's him all right.
The trash keeps on coming.
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
The trash in 2022 is more toxic.
Your Childhood Ruined by Digital Meddle 😆
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Who can forget mother's little helpers?
Sunday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
expertly perched
Good morning from Mazikeen.
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Feline overlord
‘Come On, Bernie!’ Hot Mic Catches Senate Democrat Sniping at Sanders for Proposing Inflation ...
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
I agree with Bernie that corporate taxes should be raised, but I also agree with Brown it took a lot of horse trading just to get to this point, I'll take 30% of what I want rather than 0% of what I feel is right. Until we get the votes, we have to cobble fragile coalitions to get legislation.
Seen on a fb group. Just gonna leave this right here for your enjoyment.
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
a two fer
Happy Sunday!!!!
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Boston Market, I just want to pull your legs apart and go to town.
Don't think it would fix all my sleep problems but it sure wouldn't hurt.
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
Eeeeeeewwwwwwwwwww!!! 😜 The Creep-o-meter is red-lining at warp speed.
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
The kids wouldn’t know what to do!
glennlab comments on Aug 7, 2022:
That's almost sadistic. lol
I had cooked catfish in the pressure cooker today.
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Looks yummy
Lions Not Sheep clothing company has removed "Made in China" tags, FTC says -
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
A slap on the wrist, they should have been shut down and the inventory confiscated if any of it was doctored.
Now I get it
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Abbott appoints officer indicted for misconduct during George Floyd protests to police regulatory ...
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
More proof that Abbott doesn't care about the citizens of Texas.
That about covers it
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
You can almost replace it all with "If you are human"
I'd give it a try.
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Let's make the offer!
Albert Woodfox, held in solitary confinement for 43 years, dies aged 75 | US news | The Guardian
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Henry Wade, of Roe V Wade,said at his retirement, Convicting the guilty ones is easy, it's convicting the innocent ones that takes a bit of work.
Got that right
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Is that his lawyer speaking?
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
We have had both types, one we had to rehome since she couldn't handle even short trips. One we had to make sure the windows were up when we parked since he did not like being left at home. Nothing worse than being halfway to work and having to turn around to take the cat home.
Photos: Cat Dad Goes Viral for Traveling the World With His Three Cats
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
I can just imagine negotiating the various import/export laws as they travel.
Confidence booster.
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Pretty well describes it for me, I love to cook and love people enjoying it even more.
Well, he told the truth...
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
A man calls Pizza hut to order a pizza... CALLER: Is this Pizza Hut?
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
almost visionary
Republicans Cheer on Hungary’s Fascist Leader Orban at Dallas CPAC Conference Prime ...
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
They are still saying the quiet stuff out loud, when a person shows you they are a fascist, believe them.
I'm a just putting them all right here, take what you want, eat all you take.
glennlab comments on Aug 6, 2022:
Humor in biblical proportions.
Great decision by the jury, pay 45 million you despicable asshole! []
glennlab comments on Aug 5, 2022:
good news is he only has 30 days to appeal, since it was a default judgment, his right to a retrial is mute in Texas, plus he has to put up $49+million as an appeal bond, that's one of the vestiges of the oil industry where they could appeal until you died.
Indiana GOP lawmakers introduce FRIGHTENING anti-choice bill [youtube.
glennlab comments on Aug 5, 2022:
After the Kansas vote, they are going to double down on a losing hand? I hope it bites them in the butt.
This was the temp in my car on the way to work.
glennlab comments on Aug 5, 2022:
That's way too hot for the land of ice and snow.
Always loved Mad Magazine as a kid. Best description of Republicans ever
glennlab comments on Aug 5, 2022:
I remember my uncle saying that mad was subversive and I shouldn't be allowed to read it. His opinion was so highly regarded in my family that I was encouraged to not only read it, but to bring it with me when we visited his house.
The cantaloupe from our garden turned out so sweet even the peacock and his girlfriend thought that ...
glennlab comments on Aug 5, 2022:
Did you give them the rinds and seeds or some of the cantaloupe?
Feline Becomes Dog Friend's Guide Cat After Canine Loses His Vision
glennlab comments on Aug 5, 2022:
My lab did the same for my chesapeake when her vision failed her.
My thoughts on the matter....You?
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
With a good arm, you might be able to do 20 feet.
The best life stock guardian dog on Earth name "UGO" a Causcasian Ovcharka , He is eleven ...
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
That looks like a big pup.
Resting in my kayak when this creature decides to dive bomb me ,,,,,,, was raise the camera and ...
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Majestic birds, but with a bit of a mean streak at times.
What breed would be recommended if I want to take the dog on walks with me?
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
We had boxers, labs, Chesapeaks, mixed breeds that all would meet that requirement. I would check the local pounds and rescues, and tell then your requirements. We have gotten better dogs as rescues than from breeders.
Kansas Votes Pro-Choice, Alex Jones Caught in Lie & Beyoncé Tweaks Album Again | The Daily Show...
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
I think Jones was screwed the moment that he hired a lawyer that wouldn't suborn perjury, and would rather look like an idiot than lose his law license.
Tommy Campbell []
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
Since they had them and Jones was going to testify, if they had not turned them over and allowed him to commit perjury, they could have faced disbarment. So you just turn them over and pretend it was a mistake.
I have to use this one today.
glennlab comments on Aug 4, 2022:
No, 31 times no.
A humorous salute to the animal kingdom.
glennlab comments on Aug 2, 2022:
Nice animules
I gonna play by myself!!!!! []
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2022:
So cute.
So proud of her. Makes me feel a little more positive about the future. []
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2022:
I thought that he had attacked her because she was too old for him. Matt is one hell of a fund raiser for the opposition.
But at least he takes care of his family...
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2022:
He wants to be able to fight her exhuming in case they reopen the investigation of her death, In related news both Marla Maples and Melanoma have had all the staircases removed from their houses.
Monday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2022:
Cat in the box?
My wife and I went to Big Lake this morning to watch the birds. I'll post a few.
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2022:
great shots
Maybe there's a Ted Nugent tee available.
glennlab comments on Aug 1, 2022:
a couple had me rolling, good set.
Hot Mic Captures Matt Gaetz Assuring Roger Stone of Presidential Pardon The Washington Post ...
glennlab comments on Jul 31, 2022:
I hope that they all get to see what happens when there is no pardon available at this time
What have you learned in life?
glennlab comments on Jul 31, 2022:
I've learned that being an optimist means that I will get disappointed often, I've also learned to not let little disappoints disillusion me and I'll still be happy.
Mony Mony by Tommy James & The Shondells - YouTube
glennlab comments on Jul 31, 2022:
been a while.
I may have to start going to church. I have lots of demons.
glennlab comments on Jul 31, 2022:
What I want to know is, who turned her in?
Look out. Its coming.
glennlab comments on Jul 31, 2022:
Today's the day.
My kids and I have been fishing. We just cooked our quip on the grill.
glennlab comments on Jul 31, 2022:
what kind of fish?
My daughter and I were making Crab Rangoon.
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2022:
The trick is the stuffing is a very small amount, about a serving teaspoon, Did you dip the wonton in egg white first? But taste is much more important than appearance.
It's berry season in Wasilla Alaska... first Raspberry picking a little over 8 lbs...
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2022:
I could see some wine in your future.
Theories on a thistle far from home.
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2022:
The seeds are a component of some songbird feeds, so bird poop could be the culprit.
The first picture is the person you took home from the bar.
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2022:
times are tough, he had to let his makeup person go, and the guy who does his hair.
Saturday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2022:
Fluffy family
That's just how my memory rolls.
glennlab comments on Jul 30, 2022:
I've known quite a few that were politically assholes, but too dumb to realize it.
So, in other words, this group is an alternative for those who grew tired of what the Progressives, ...
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Rather than an alternative, I would say that it is a group for liberals and progressives, welcome.
What happens when they dumb them down too much....
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
double win!!
It's not a high quality shot but it might make you smile; it's not every day that you capture a ...
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
At first I thought you had caught him mid jump
Melania Too Busy Fulfilling First Lady Duties to Be Aware of Jan 6th Violence In a recent ...
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Kind of like a hooker that just watches as thieves clear out someone's possessions. oops did I just say that?
Please don't lecture, as I work in medical, but THIS is funny!
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Good one.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
it looks like he is cutting down on expenses, He was on camera with no makeup to push the arab golf league of has beens at his New Jersey golf course. But it also showed him illegally using the presidential seal on commercial items.
You would not need to be from "conservative south" to relate to this, as my experience in PNW was ...
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Well put, and if you try to convince a person that they are not in fact a temporarily financially inconvenienced millionaire, they take offense.
She uses those drumsticks like they were part of her.
glennlab comments on Jul 29, 2022:
Thank you for finally noticing, (sarcasm intended)


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