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Watch out guys and gals....
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
Don't turn your back on him.
Some technology
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
instead of poking the bear, you're feeding the bear.
Ukraine knows how to play it
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
He sunk his battleship, and created a new fishing reef, that's a two fer.
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
Now that's one I can get behind.
I will now refer to Easter as Happy Terminator Day!
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
There are better questions, but none that the christians can answer.
You may wish to refract the answer - it's rather transparent. 😆
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
More Easter memes 🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
good ones
Happy anthropomorphic day. Enjoy this Salvador Dali (Down the rabbit hole).
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
You're looking swell Dali.
Did you revise your definition of old?
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
Damn that's cold.
Texasss!!!! 😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
You missed throwing Briar Rabbit into the briar patch. ( sending asylum seekers to the DC area where they are more likely to get their cases approved)
Judge OKs lawsuit against ex-cop who baptized woman against her will
glennlab comments on Apr 17, 2022:
After justice dragged it's feet, the plaintiff in this case is dead. Cause of death currently unknown.
The owner of a South Dakota hotel said she was banning Native people.
glennlab comments on Apr 16, 2022:
It is a violation of the treaty and the civil rights act. And she blatantly did it in public.
Pretty close lmao
glennlab comments on Apr 16, 2022:
I was AF, Now you know why I don't have any tatoos.
Two problems here
glennlab comments on Apr 15, 2022:
easter claws?
November 2022 RNC instructions on what they can do with themselves.
glennlab comments on Apr 15, 2022:
You need to be clearer.
Getting ready for a Friday night out with the boys.
glennlab comments on Apr 15, 2022:
GGoing to leave his mark.
Social media in a nutshell.
glennlab comments on Apr 15, 2022:
excellent example.
Trump-backed Nebraska gubernatorial candidate accused of sexual misconduct by 8 women | The Hill
glennlab comments on Apr 15, 2022:
Birds of a feather.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
Never try to teach a pig to sing, it is not only a waste of time, it irritates the pig and you don't want to deal with a mad pig.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I really don't need an argument. I do not feel the need to evangelize christians or jews, since I am content in my beliefs. I also know how much it bothers me when some evangeloon tries to spread their religion. As long as they don't try to make me follow their biblical laws, or impose them on others, I am happy to let them practice their delusional thinking.
Update: Lisa (Sassygirl) is currently in the Albany, New York medical center.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I wish her a speedy recovery
Update: Lisa (Sassygirl) is currently in the Albany, New York medical center.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I wish her a speedy recovery.
I apologize .
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
bada boom
Really Bill! That wouldn't have even been my turd choice of name! :-D
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
For a guy who is such a stiff actor, he has done well for himself.
Had a brain scan done at the VA, they told me I have a 3 digit IQ.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I hate when that happens. It's even worse when they do a brain scan and don't find anything.
Pastor Greg Locke’s reaction to graffiti from the agnostic insurrection.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I never understood the logic of hell.
Now this is what a good church sermon should be like: []
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
Yeah, they can be a pane.
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
made me laugh
Stuck in the middle...
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
That one is really funny
Ride that peep pole..
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
I guess they are good for something.
From here to eternity
glennlab comments on Apr 14, 2022:
Going to be a lot longer wait.
So we have two Burdikin Ducks coming to our property.
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
ducks are nature's fertilizer plants, they eat and poo at about the same time.
I know I do...
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
mmmmm On Sale!
Why didn't anyone think before?
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
bunch of junk in that trunk.
Filed for divorce today in IL.
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
wishing you the best outcome for you.
Last winter
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
What do you call this?
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Fucking Jesus.
My mom had another stroke and was in the hospital again, I need to laugh, hopefully you'll laugh ...
glennlab comments on Apr 13, 2022:
Cuss, post, do whatever it takes to make it more bearable. I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she recovers soon.
I don’t see what’s crazy about her…
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Only six cats, I hope there is an expansion set to get her into some real numbers.
Pretty much how my brain is working lately.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Makes sense to me.
I was a husband once.... phew
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
I hope they have food and water in the vault, or he will be worthless when she tries to withdraw him.
My precious love
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
good looking cat.
Tough teaching day.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Sarah is going places.
Almost true.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Parenting 101
fake Identity : [agnostic.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
damn and she messaged me this morning.
Bob Seger, Turn the Page. About life on the road for a rock and roll band. []
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
one of my favorites of his.
I am waiting for the nurse to call me back.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
I had Covid twice once before the vaxes, and once after the first two. I've had all three shots. The second infection was much milder than the first one. The shots lower the odds that you will have an infection, but if you do get one, it should be less threatening. Rest, don't try to solve Perry's cases before he does, and get well soon.
To be fair, this was the first time he had French fries.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Poor Mickey.
An unexpected discovery
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
It still doesn't explain all the small dicks.
Tuesday morning cuteness...Come here you!!!
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
I have recently lost my beloved daughter to suicide.
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
Sorry for your loss. Everyone deals with loss in their own way, nothing anyone can say or do will make it easier. Losing a child, no matter their age is a horrible experience. Time is the best salve.
Walk, take your time. You got any salt?
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
great set
Same with Trump University, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka……
glennlab comments on Apr 12, 2022:
He was declared unfit to hold a gambling license in Nevada due to his financial and business practices. That say loads about him.
Where'd you go this year?
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Same here.
Too much to ask?
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Everyone except the next to last one seem more like a mother or grandmother.
Absolutely factual...
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
So true. growing up I ate a lot of things I had no idea what they were, but we were taught that no matter what someone offered you at their house, eat it.
Think before you hit the "Send" button
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
Type it up, delete it, then retype and see if you carry the same message with less venom.
Good morning! 😝😝😝😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I've got a ton of coffee to go with my bacon.
Times were different
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
I used to enjoy not being tethered
Does he get your vote?
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
That's one for the birds.
It makes some pictures impossible for me to see in a theater any more.
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
really hit home
Sounds like fun!
glennlab comments on Apr 11, 2022:
We'll meet at 11 and head out.
'Don't send' is better
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
If you have to ask, he shouldn't have sent it.
And let's not forget, "I know I'm lying, but hear me out!"
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I'm going to need this one, so it's mine now.
I feel for him...
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
That's what you get for asking for stuff from people you don't know.
Gee, do you think?
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I've got to agree.
What can i say, I am a hopeless romantic
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
For all you non bourbon drinkers, I haven't had bourbon or any dark whiskey since 2008, substitute any mood altering, inhibition releasing substance or action you wish.
So the Russians who looted Chernobyl could end up dying of radiation poisoning.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
What most of them don't understand is that the bulk of radiation is in the top level of the soil, once you disturb it, it becomes airborne and is easily ingested either in food, water or air. Once radioactive particles are inside the body, there is nothing to stop the radiation from destroying the tissues from the inside. Most of the time the radioactive particles are impossible to flush out of the system.
A couple for your Sunday.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
You've seen my vines, haven't you?
Why I am afraid of love
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
probably the best reply I could come up with
When your hack archeological ancestors forget to wipe their feet.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Not a very good receptionist.
Where is he going?
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
What a prick.
I suspect "Daniel001" is a scammer.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I'm pretty sure you are 100% correct, all his posts are cut and pastes of other members' posts, just in different groups.
Been trying to prepare for a trip to Burgundy and the Rhone Valley.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Even French people in the same family will spell their last names differently but pronounce them the same. Mine has 3 different spellings in one generation.(my grandfather's)
Maybe it will work this year.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Well, I gave up and sent them my reply this year.
Darwin took his toll on the dumb ones.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
The worst part is that someone actually had to do what is being warned about. Who was that stupid?
As I have grown older this has become even more important to me.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I prefer to do rather than to just give $$, lot less of a chance of scammers.
Of so many roles vowed to "leadership" -
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
They make terrible leaders since they cannot admit that they were ever wrong.
Yeah, I do…
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
You've got to make sure that that's the look you have when they make eye contact.
There are no intolerant people quite like old intolerant people! :-D
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
You at least got to try.
No flies on grandma then! :-)
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Grandma is a thinker.
Cat meme progression 😻
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
great set
A new Army Captain was assigned to a recon company in a remote post in the desert.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
A nun and a priest were crossing the Sahara desert on a camel.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
Q: How do Americans discern the real Sarah Palin from the imitators?
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
comedy writers all over America rejoiced when she announced she was running for congress. But borebutt and horseface will give her a race for most ridiculous member of congress.
One day the zoo-keeper noticed that the orangutan was reading two books - the Bible and Darwin's ...
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
oldie, but a goodie.
New Theory Circulating at Trump Rallies - Space Force Soon to Overturn 2020 Election A video of ...
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
It's been said before, you can't cure stupid.
Trump deflects blame for silence on Jan.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I will love to read his obituary. Much like Rush limpballs, once he is gone no one will talk about what he accomplished, only the hate that he encouraged.
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
I went a few years back, probably going to go in 2023.
Have you taken photos of birds or butterflies?
glennlab comments on Apr 10, 2022:
first two were of an owl family that hatched in one of my trees, second two my resident cardinal male, I couldn't locate the files with all the butterflies so just a few for different stages.
A coalition of the Oaf Keepers, the Prude boys, and the Gullible Old Party march on Washington ...
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Sounds about right
Texas woman, 26, charged with murder over ‘self-induced abortion’ | Texas | The Guardian
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
My favorite plots! (Except for the first one.)
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
And they say to watch out for the socialist agenda, it may safe you from an early grave.
Be honest... how many guys bought these?
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Never bought a pair, but was intrigued by them and the x-ray specs.
Excellent spring gardening weather today! Considering I have significantly neglected things here ...
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
You're a couple of weeks ahead of us in Dallas, but I'm getting significant new growth on most things. My blue bells are blooming and they are normally the first things to bloom each year.
Yep, have always used books to escape the situation at hand. Now it’s the cellphone.
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
well done, well done!
Saturday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
he's got that 'I'm hungry and my bowl is only half full" look
growing up, i don't remember shrek being this dark
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
Bugs Bunny and the road runner were very much anti science by that definition.
The Southern Indian state of Kerala has over 97% literacy
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
But how many of the monkeys can read like that?
I like merlot!
glennlab comments on Apr 9, 2022:
What a winer!


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