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Hahahahaha grandpa!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 15, 2022:
Gramps may be into watching
Happy pi day, y’all.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
And it went on forever.
Let me see it!
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Some time direct is best.
Not god, but found his willy
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
kind of small in relation, don't you think?
Speaking of gasprices 🤣⛽️ This little light of mine; I'm gonna let it shine .
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
electric tape will stop it from annoying you.
From the Institute for the Study of War: “Russian forces may intend to resume larger-scale ...
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Stationary gun emplacements are fantastic targets for drones, set those suckers up and I bet they can be taken out.
I'm a problem solver, for sure.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
I'm game, let's just start doing it, like they do with all the special day/week/months, then the gubmint will just follow.
I favor the star wars approach.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
You knew you were dealing with a snake when you went to work for him.
Not funny but seemingly true.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
He thought the trump crime family wouldn't get deposed.
Every damned time!
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
It's the vegetarian thing to do
Family portrait...
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
those ears
Monday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
snow cat
God and sports - a small taste of what FFRF is famous for.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Kind of like the gladiators "We who are about to die (for your entertainment), salute you".
GOP Texas lawmaker introduces bill to allow death penalty for women who have abortions | TheHill
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Since the legislature doesn't meet until until 2023, this is all reelection BS. The chance of it even getting assigned to a committee is very low. He is running unopposed in November.
Whale oil beef hooked.
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Well, Fook, I never thought of that.
[] I am w Kevin ♥️😂♥️😂♥️😂
glennlab comments on Mar 14, 2022:
sibling rivalry
[] 🦇🙌🦇🙌🦇🙌🦇🙌🦇🙌🦇🙌🦇🙌🦇🙌
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
damn you're good.
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Unless you are well versed in the proper dosages and timing, KI tablets present more of a risk to your health than not having them. A K95 mask worn anytime you venture out, will actually provide more post nuclear detonation than the KI pills with a much lower health risk. Depending on which type of weapon, radioactive I-131 may not even be a major factor. A typical nuclear explosion produces up to 300 different isotopes. I-131 has a half life of only 8 days, while stonium-90 and cesium -137 have half lives in the decades and are much more problematic than iodine. Iodine gives a false sense of security'
Govt should make it as hard to get married as it is to get divorced.
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I saw all the red flags and thought it was a carnival, I bet there are a lot who did the same. You don't realize they were red flags until retrospection.
Sunday morning cuteness
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
like the left one
I am not going anywhere at all (but this is still funny)
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Law of diminishing returns,
Because it’s my birthday…and because the Kinks were the first band I ever loved I’m posting -...
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Happy Birthday
That time of year again..
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Jesus gave up a short weekend for your sins.
DIY peeps
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Better choices than their intended use.
BBQ Thumper
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
I used to raise meat rabbits, more hassle than it was worth. My wife loved it because she didn't have to do any of the work except feeding once in awhile.
More from our friends at FFRF
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Be a priest and do anything you want and the church will cover it up for you.
Are you ready for it?
glennlab comments on Mar 13, 2022:
Would have worked for me back in the day.
Cat related…
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
The cat has one hell of an order
Yeah, we’ve all been traumatized!
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
May you live in interesting times.
I remember this all too well…
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Bum and twisted
Another meme dump! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Go go diesel trucks. I still don't know what they are protesting.
Part , dogs.
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
good set
Bioweapons: The Russian View.
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
HUGE difference between bio research facility and bio weapons. Sputnik is an organ of the Russian state, I would no more trust them than I would CIA press release for foreign dissemination.
A meme dump! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
took me a second to get the shaving the 'cat' one lol
Republican inflation watch....
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
It's not a problem until it's a problem for them.
I feel like this could be a thing…
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Serious fishermen.
Great idea...
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Most of the obits that will make me happy are going to be on the front page anyhow.
Reading a news report on the number of western services leaving Russia because of the attack on ...
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
Russia has a long history of failures of reverse engineering. This should be no different.
Christopher Titus []
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
I do it for fun...
glennlab comments on Mar 12, 2022:
You have to have some common interests
You know it’s true…
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
They would have had to double the size of his cross.
Will Rogers, who died in a 1935 plane crash in Alaska with bush pilot Wiley Post, was one of the ...
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
One of the most often quoted and misquoted men in recent history
The military creed lol
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Got that right
Remember this I do
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
rude awakening
personal opinion
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Welcome to 50s +
Hmmm...maybe it wasn't the dingoes who ate the baby.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
How times have changed
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
The times, they are a changing
Back in the day...
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
or some gospel singing and poker.
Trump cannot sue rape accuser to stop her defamation case, U.S. judge rules
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
I see a settlement coming, the defense says they don't even NEED to get DJT under oath. It sounds like they got his DNA to test against the dress.
Getting to that point.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Next time it drops, I'm going to freeze some for when the prices go back up.
You got to admit, lol
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Not exactly a bragging point.
Followed by an awkward silence... 😆
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
as you get older yellow is 90% of the circle
Putin wants peace
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
he wants land, agricultural land with oil underneath.
Russian Fake News? From NBC and Germany? []
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
We have Nazi militias here in damned near every state, does that justify a Russian invasion of the US? or just the ones that they can identify?
Humans are intelligent but not this []
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
time to take the act on the road.
Never had a day THAT bad. Some Friday funnies.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
I have never intentionally told someone to duck off!
Unfortunately this is probably right for a lot of kids! :-)
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
got to love design artists for their humor.
Who remembers
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
sounds like a pain in the ass, only higher
A wise man once said....
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
MOST of the time.
Breaking news!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Potato and grease famine?
Shine on!!!
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Going to take 6 months to get rid of it all.
It hurts at the pump....
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
It might give you an odd orange glow then people will assume you the former guy's fans.
Safe Smoking :)
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
clear messaging lol
Putin is going down
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
If he needs a historical reference, he should look at post WW I Germany, a wheelbarrow full of cash to buy a loaf of bread.
What do ya think?
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
describes it so far.
A Friday groaner for you -
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
So touching.
I guess gawd sent her the drugs....
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
If god was there when you got sick and didn't keep you well, what makes you think that god will heal you?
Helpful Guide
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
It's definitely a myth, and most likely a fairy tale too.
My fear of roses is a thorny issue.
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
I think this joke is a plant.
Child abuse in Texass....
glennlab comments on Mar 11, 2022:
Both of them should be set adrift in a raft in the middle of the gulf
I’m usually trying to negotiate a cuddle!
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
There can be no negotiations, they have us too well trained.
I had a nightmare and woke up screaming and both cats jumped on the bed to see what was wrong…
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
sweet kitty.
Naw…you always love me!
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
cute kitties, always showing love and a little deception
Which kind of scumbag are they?.....
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
They are all scumbags of the worst kind.
It happened in Nazi Germany, and other Police states as well. Now it’s finding its way here sadly.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
First they eliminate ideas, then they eliminate the thinkers
Convince me I’m wrong!
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
or ancient mythology.
He didn't grow a spine until it could line his pockets
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
He knew he was selling his soul to the devil and went in with both eyes open hoping to profit in the long run.
Trump: 'Nothing Like Me Has Ever Happened' in US History
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Guy could not even remember back to 2000 and GWB, it had only been 8 years since we had a businessman in the WH, and he had an MBA not just an undergrad degree. Also, he replaced GWB as the worst POTUS ever.
The White Rabbit
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
It,s time to get the eyes checked.
Let's see what happens tomorrow! Lol
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
I really need to put my plants on wheels they come in and out so much lately. Don't like Texas weather, wait 5 minutes it will change, offer not valid July4-Labor Day.
With that group money matters
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
pay to play.
Make it happen..
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
You betcha.
Another no shit moment! Lol
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
You brought her into this world, you can take her out.
I wonder what's going through the pup's head. 😆
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
What a fine group of pups. But you only have to feed one.
Can you believe it?
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Damn, it took them a long time to figure out the obvious.
No shit!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Reason I was glad I didn't have daughter.
Have you noticed something wrong here 🤣
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
strong girls. and someone stole their seat.
The epitome of irony
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
And they'll whine and cry when you actually return their actions.
UPDATE ON WAR STATISTICS The Russian war with Ukraine is becoming bogged down and slowing to a ...
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
He will declare victory then go home hopefully.
Guy: Doctor, my Girlfriend is pregnant, but we always use protection, and the rubber never broke.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
revenge child, someone had it in for him.
Yup, he treated me like a queen, spoiled me rotten.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Janice, she left me for my best friend
Well good for you!
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
Let me check.. nope not yet.
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
if you have to ask, then NO
Sign of the times..
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
price just went up
Grin and bare it..
glennlab comments on Mar 10, 2022:
sometimes yoga pants can be deceptive
Every household is eligible for additional free COVID-19 tests from the government
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Thanks for the link, I've had covid twice plus all my shots, but I still want to be safe when I go out there. Texas is only 60% vaccinated.
I'll take things that are scarier than an exorcism for $500.
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2022:
too late to run now.
Which would you choose? C for me. I mean, if we're going to do this, let's go all in.
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2022:
Living in the hot Texas sun, I'd have to opt out, the additional energy consumption from March to November would bankrupt me
Hucksters always huck.
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2022:
An ego so big that he can't see beyond himself.
Critters, old and new.
glennlab comments on Mar 9, 2022:
good ones


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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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