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Raiders of the Lost Bark 😆
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
the professor is in
Ghost Robotics Dog Robot !, a Military Version of Boston Dynamics Spot robot! (2 videos) ...
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
should be interesting.
CANNABIS IN SCIENCE & HEALTH 2/2/2022 A review concluded that "data support a role for ...
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
If nothing else, this should remove cannabis from schedule 1, No therapeutic use.
Raiders of the Lost Bark
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
cross post this in the dog group
I can't!
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Why? Not going to do it just for grins and giggles.
Important tips for you nuns out there. 😜
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
We'll have nun of that!
So I see this handle "someguywhoreviews" Do you think I should be sent back to junior high?
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Nah, just a healthy sense of humor
I have been sick since October, went for endoscopy and biopsy last week, found out I have hiatal ...
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
My heart goes out to you, and I understand your mixed feelings. When my abusive grandmother (who raised me) died, I would have been just as happy to not go to the funeral, but my mother needed me to be there for her. Do what is best for you and your mental health.
Keeping this in mind…
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
Titanicly funny
Oh those goofy christers....
glennlab comments on Feb 2, 2022:
rides like she was born with a saddle.
You have to love the fascist logic!
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Some claim to be libertarian.
His bills are going to get bigger soon!
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
I have a feeling that their lawyers are telling them that it borders on illegal to benefit an individual. Since it has nothing to do with their non profit purpose.
Mark Zuckerberg put $419 million in to nonprofits in 2020.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
All the recipients of these funds are government entities that had to request the funds. It looks like federal underfunding . I actually reviewed the 990 from the non profit that dispersed the funds. There were over 2500 agencies that asked for and received funds, nice try at trying to muddy the waters.
Sad and ridiculous.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
@BD66 Since you have a way of not answering the question, I will ask you again. Can you name any non governmental entity that received even $1. All of the bequests were to fill a shortfall of federal and state funding to local and county governments. All the recipients you named are governments, not political parties or organizations.
Weather-predicting groundhog dies before he can do his job.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
He would have been out of a job anyway since they couldn't rent the stage.
Now that's how it's done.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Ballsy, loved it.
ALL of this!
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Defund the police is a unfortunate bumper sticker name for a really great, but complex idea. I wish we could rebrand it so that people would listen to the ideas behind it, like this.
Well dang!
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
You could convince them that it is god's will that they serve you.
Looks like the meows have it.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
breakfast time!
Sad and ridiculous.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
Someone is posting right wing bullshit in response, FGA is a right wing anti democratic orginization
I had saved a zucchini from the fall so that i could replant the seeds for this year.
glennlab comments on Feb 1, 2022:
That's big, but no where near giant. I've had them hide from me until they were well over 5 pounds, Once they get that big, seeds and zucchini bread are about all they are good for.
I'm assuming the dearly departed here was a Trumper considering his anti vax stance, his apparent ...
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Florida lawyers
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Some people see iguanas falling from trees, I see dinner lol
And that's because I don't!
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
I just bought myself a new treadmill so I can be less chonky — but it always seems to be occupied.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
good excuse to not use it! Well played.
Now that's a threat
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Might get spotify to finally throw in the towel.
His special bubble
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Hopefully they will bury him with it.
Very sad, Very True.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
and ideas
A very wise intelligent man
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Yes they are.
glennlab comments on Jan 31, 2022:
Oblivious- seems more apt.
This cow ROCKS!!!
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
someone is going to mistake him for a deer, with a premade euro mount.
Priorities for next 14 days : No matter what , making sure I have no wear down panties on and ...
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
So sorry you're going through this. Ultra sound will shatter the stone if you can find someone to do it for you, not the normal first treatment, but you do have access to the people with the expertise. If you need something call and I can be there.
Smells gross! 🤮😂🤮😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Farts are only funny when you are the farter, not the smellee.
This is awesome, but if you ask me the real money is in infused thin mints.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Girl has a mind for business.
This was what I had run across today.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Most dino eggs are chicken sized to about 12 inches, the smaller ones normally didn't survive. The shape is off from its appearance. The backside looks like it may be bone, quick test is wet your lips, touch it to them, if it sticks, it is most likely bone, if it feels like you are kissing a rock, you are. Be on the lookout for gizzard stones, they will be small piles of mostly rounded rocks that seem out of place. If you think you have stumbled on a pile, take a picture before you disturb it.
Hey, he got his wish, so I'm happy for this soon to be dead asshole, []
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
If one glass of wine can get you kicked off the Liver transplant list, and one cigarette in 6 months get you kicked off the lung transplant list, why is he complaining. This is self inflicted removal.
Taken from my bedroom window
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Better you than me. Next week is supposed to be our turn.
Hugely ego free.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
If he transcended his ego, there would be nothing left. You could bury what was left in a matchbox.
I’m in trouble!
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Mine would require that I re-fluff the food before he'd eat it. Same food, just rearranged in the dish.
Cat Obedience School
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
What she said.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
I still don't see what people see in her.
Kids will be kids!
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
children all are the same no matter the species,
Really, howmuch more ?
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
Just take a shot in the dark, Reminds me of the guy who caught his wife and shot her, Judge acquitted him, and asked why he shot his wife instead of the man. He said, easier to shot her once than a different man each week.
Poor kid!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
bet he sings that for his dad , too.
Dreadful last four days. The male trainer was abusive.
glennlab comments on Jan 30, 2022:
I would file an informal complaint with the agency's EEOC office. The investigate informally, then try to resolve the complaint, or allow you to go forward with a formal complaint.
Taken from my front door
glennlab comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Way too much white stuff there.
Of course it did.
glennlab comments on Jan 29, 2022:
Maybe if trump had spent money on roads and bridges instead of walls, this wouldn't have happened.
I’m with Bugs…
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Bugs taught me more
Another win for Democratic values!
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
We should shout it from the rooftops, your guy talks, ours delivers.
Don’t hold your breath!
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
But they will never admit that they have forsaken their god in favor of science.
Ask him...
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I love how people look at paintings as if they are pictures, even according to their own mythology Adam and Eve had been dead for thousands of years before the painter was born.
That’s so messed up🤣
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
Are you missing a picture , story or reference in your post? Because I don't see what you are referencing.
I think out of spite is the best one! 😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
I don't know about me, but I know what my pets think
This is my song for 2022, according to one of those quizzes.
glennlab comments on Jan 28, 2022:
notice none of the instruments have cords
Could be. Maybe.
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2022:
never would have guessed "both"
I did too!!
glennlab comments on Jan 27, 2022:
Guess what time of year it is...
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
But do they have real girl scouts in them?
Should have given them a promotion
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
everyone was not eating the one finger
No thanks Gary!
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
So Gary is pretty handy?
I mean....
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Gotta have a well developed sense of humor to survive
Justice Stephen Breyer is going to retire. How many ways will McConnell try to hold up a Biden pick?
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
He is going to offer Crusty Enema, the whole farm to get her to flip to the rethuglican party.
Woke up to a crispy -3F ( -19C).
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
34 here and still to cold for me.
Think I found my COVID hazard suit. What do you guys think?
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
Watch out for the furries!
Those mocking and celebrating the deaths of the un-vaxxed. What you going to do about this guy?
glennlab comments on Jan 26, 2022:
I have not celebrated their deaths, but I have had great enjoyment at reading their obituaries. There was very little in this article except praise for his athletic accomplishments (accolades he deserves). While he had a long and illustrious career, his obit show few other accomplishments.
🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️ 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Jan 24, 2022:
both hands for complete
Not very high drop?
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Bad swimmer?
Enough of that!
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Happened to our first cat, she hadn't been out in over a month, escaped after a 12 inch snow, came back in so fast you wouldn't believe it.
@bobwjr made Level 10! Just snuck right in there! Way to go!
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Bob did it.
Right or left?
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
having broken both wrists and elbow at different times, I turned rather mediocre at using either hand.
Good transport of cheese whiz or peanut butter?
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
or you just feel the need to chew on something
Take it back out!
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Thanks to Joe McCarthy and the Knights of Columbus
Please welcome @Retiredsteve to the group. Feel free to post some interesting music for us here,
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Welcome @Retiredsteve
I guess she got carded.
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Proved the point.
Old timey meanings?
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
If you live long enough, you will have to relearn your entire language.
I'm sick and tired of troll imbeciles in this site who are such assholes to nit pick on ridiculous ...
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
I bite my tongue a lot with idiots, but every now and then get sucked into a conversation with people that have elevators that don't go to the top floors.
NASA Solar Sail Spacecraft to Chase Tiny Asteroid After Artemis I Launch []
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
SORE POINT The Omicron symptom that could help you predict infection BEFORE a Covid test ...
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
I maintain a low grade sore throat most of the time and have for years, so it wasn't a sign for me.
It sucks getting old...
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
But it still beats the alternative.
I missed it when it went down, but it appears that @bobwjr is now Level 10!!! Let's give this man...
glennlab comments on Jan 23, 2022:
Bob did good, I've still got 275,000 points to go, so it'll be awhile for me.
Welcome to the military
glennlab comments on Jan 22, 2022:
So very true.
Never noticed until now
glennlab comments on Jan 22, 2022:
I thought that was the look Rudy was trying for
Vultures, amirite?
glennlab comments on Jan 22, 2022:
patience is a virtue, food is coming
Just what I thought!
glennlab comments on Jan 22, 2022:
Never thought of it that way, but goes to show that the really great musical works are good even with different artists performing them.
I'm afraid I have some experience with this problem.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
She's just busting out all over
Now that's cold.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Careful or you'll get stuck to the side of the building or tree.
This sounds real
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Hose has to be long enough to put the fire out, so they buy a new truck instead.
Trickle Down economics explained simple.
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
If there were a hell, the republican party would have an entire floor reserved.
Which are you?
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Yellow snipe
Scientists Discover How To Halt and Control Cellular Death Process – Previously Thought To Be ...
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
interesting, but this is basic research, which means that it may be years before we see an application in medicine. But it is a huge step forward.
I'm ready for the day!
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
Flowers on my dick and bees all around
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
They all make sense,
Leo is laying on the furnace vent again. Should I move him or shouldn't I???
glennlab comments on Jan 21, 2022:
nah, he'll be back on it before you can turn around
True story
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Wages tel;l the working person how they are doing, the stock market tells them how their bosses are doing.
The Supreme Court denies Trump's bid to block release of records to Jan. 6 panel : NPR
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2022:
They are already in the hands of the house committee, roll on tide.
Yeah, the boss keeps comparing…
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2022:
but not the same accommodations.
Mine is the spaghetti server!
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2022:
Always at least one in the utility drawer. potato masher, ladle, tongs that came undone by themselves in a closed drawer, you name it.
If men in video games....
glennlab comments on Jan 20, 2022:
might get more females into gaming.
I don't know about you guys but when I see the phrase "Sun dried" on food I just think.
glennlab comments on Jan 19, 2022:
I just use my dehydrator,
Love to see that
glennlab comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Done. lol
I'm with him
glennlab comments on Jan 18, 2022:
Not even on a bet.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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