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Please welcome new member to the group…@DenoPenno.
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2021:
Welcome @DenoPenno
[] Every day
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2021:
[] Is it 0730 yet . Omfg
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2021:
Only 14 hours to go (its 0200 now)
glennlab comments on Dec 17, 2021:
Stick shifts?
I’d like to see Jim Jordan get the full Dick treatment ,
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Only thing worse than going hunting with a Cheney is wrestling with Jim Jordan watching your back.
Attached is a screen shot of a Trump solicitation.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
We will never have reconciliation so long as we exist in different realities.
Hobby Lobby.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
There are several places that I avoid because of their human rights stances, my situational ethics are that I explore the opportunities closest to my own beliefs first, then work my way down if none exist.
Seven candidates challenging Georgia Rep.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Since her district is a repub dist, there are two ways to defeat her, either she loses in the primary, or enough voters that could never vote for a democrat vote for the libertarian that the democrat gets a plurality in the general.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Well they both work around books.
Run away now!
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Looks like his last visit too.
Ass out of u and me?
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
I used to think that lack of access to information was the problem. Turns out it was a lack of ability to understand information and form well reasoned opinions.
Excuse him, a mask was mandatory
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Better in pairs.
Completely unretouched.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Not enough wailing.
Love the judgey looks
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Mines a liquor flask.
When you give a fuck
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Nice fucking chart
For Pralina1 enjoy
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
Her favorite saying,
I think we’d have similar interests if demons weren’t imaginary…
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
sick minds travel in packs, dirty minds are a great comfort.
Sounds like every older generation about the younger..
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
been a go to for 2500 years
Hi from San Angelo, TX.
glennlab comments on Dec 16, 2021:
The wind has been blowing at 27 MPH all morning long.
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2021:
Got a few more feet before they top the house, so you're OK.
I like these trends!
glennlab comments on Dec 15, 2021:
Good points
I know this has been around the block before but it's just so precious that I had to share it again.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
actually they didn't, they wouldn't be around for another 65 million years
I should've asked them for a hit, but that's just nuts.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
stoned squirrel
The state that continues to elect this twat wants help…
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
Ted Cruz is another one.
Yes, thank you for continuing the Winter Solstice traditions!
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
All holidays matter.
Don't be a Dick
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
For more emphasis, DON"T BE A DICK
It was (and still is) my most treasured Christmas gift.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
get'em young and raise them like you want them.
Yeah, and always say please and thank you...😉
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
You are so thoughtful.
Dapper Don and Capone also died of debilitating illnesses. Trump would be more deserving the same.
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
Had the donald, been happy to just be a minor mob boss, he would not be under investigation and still have his high rolling lifestyle unimpeded.
It’s the Krampus season!
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
much better
Taco Tuesday!!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
If it wasn't meant to be eaten, it wouldn't be shaped like a taco.
Well hard to be consistent. 😆
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
when I'm feeling froggy and someone says "Merry Christmas" I respond with "All holidays matter" my memory is still good enough to remember who the assholes were.
Tinseltwat! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Dec 14, 2021:
Is that better than Vagdazzled?
frazzled01 appears to be a scammer
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
damn and I was so counting on her being the one. lol
Please welcome new member…@DenoPenno to the group.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
Welcome @DenoPenno
Sad but true…
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
wouldn't that count as two, since they are never a matched pair.
Better than Charmin
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
had me laughing out loud.
Gotcha, ya little bastard
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
Just place the lotion in the fucking basket!
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
good one.
If it were to ever happen...
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
good for you!
Or was it just me?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
I didn't get it, can you re send?
Gramp Stamp?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
beats having to go out and pick a fresh one every few weeks.
Barbecue beef?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
Sometimes you've got to marvel at the utter stupidity of some people.
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
A fool and their money and freedom are soon parted.
Unique Christmas lighting
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
wouldn't that just piss you off?
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
Not a who but a what and how. We are all just stardust.
That’s cool!
glennlab comments on Dec 13, 2021:
She was smart getting out of All in the Family before she was totally type cast.
I can’t get the hang of succulents..
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
I have friends like that.
Yeah but was he salted too?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
good one
Always one!
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
He just did it fir grins.
Sheeple behavior…
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
But they still won't get the sheep dog.
Japanese version…
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
It looks to me like they have it down pat.
It could happen!
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
They btter hope that now that he feels better that he doesn't figure out their intentions
Greek holiday fusion?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Are you just horsing around?
Holiday gift ideas for history buffs?
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
works on many levels.
My long time religious friend died late Friday afternoon after having a sudden stroke.
glennlab comments on Dec 12, 2021:
Sorry for your loss, show your respects as you wish.
I previously thought i was blocked by 4 to 5 people on this site, but ive done some digging.
glennlab comments on Dec 11, 2021:
I have no idea of how many people have blocked me or why, Don't really care.
Hi World
glennlab comments on Dec 11, 2021:
Tucker Carlson Demands DOJ Track Terrorist Attacks on Christmas Trees After a homeless man with ...
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2021:
I thought the flames had just jumped from their burning cross . A person with mental illness was blamed, sounds like an inside job to me.
Parallel Criminal And Civil Cases Put Trump In A Legal Bind []
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2021:
I can see perjury charges coming, since the donald can't speak without lying.
Good rule!
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2021:
oops, I hope that is not the voice of experience. lol
The effects of outsourcing.
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2021:
good comeback.
Good song!
glennlab comments on Dec 10, 2021:
good one
Shameful isn't it?....
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2021:
stolen for my collection
I had a wall around my heart for a very long time.
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2021:
You can't swim unless you are will to get in the water. You may not drown on dry land, but you'll never know the joy of splashing around.
The war goes on....
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2021:
War is over, Walmart won.
The security guards loved the guy.
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Bless his heart
GOP Sen.
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2021:
Sadly, you can't cure stupid.
Christmas stories…
glennlab comments on Dec 9, 2021:
nice xmas set
I'm new here
glennlab comments on Dec 8, 2021:
Just in case anyone gets worried why I’m not going to be posting my usual posts this evening and ...
glennlab comments on Dec 7, 2021:
Have a great time.
Congress Celebrates Departure of Devin Nunes
glennlab comments on Dec 7, 2021:
and none too soon
Pictures. Odd, funny and plain bizarre...
glennlab comments on Dec 7, 2021:
double trouble
Dinosaurs are funny…
glennlab comments on Dec 6, 2021:
A woman joins a country club, and when she hears some guys talking about their golf round, she says,...
glennlab comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Is there ever a time when it’s just too much?🙄
glennlab comments on Dec 6, 2021:
I think this passed that mark a long time ago.
Biden administration sues to block Texas redistricting maps - POLITICO
glennlab comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Since the Voting Rights act was passed, Texas has not had a clean redristricting. We put the Gerry (and pepper, dragon, and what not) in Gerrymander. I fear for our republic if Texas plan is allowed to stay in place.
Republican Triggered By Uppity Blacks In TV Commercial.
glennlab comments on Dec 6, 2021:
from a state with only .69% black and nearly 90% white, and the home to the Aryan nations, it may be a winning strategy.
I had seen this on the bumper of a car and was trying to figure out what it meant.
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Warning to sasquatch hunters, bitch is armed.
Yes please do..... []
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
own the libs, please!
I still have my CDs and DVDs but no longer have the device to play them.
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
all of them
It's Sunday and we should all be in church (not). From your friends at FFRF.
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
lotta bull.
50 MPH would do it.
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
going to need a bigger truck, don't want to miss.
When you're broke! Lol
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Don't even have to be broke to make that a thoughtful gift.
Pretty close
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
So true
Exactly the face of an Italian greyhound 😂 that stress 😂😂😂
glennlab comments on Dec 5, 2021:
Mr. M exactly
[] Here's another.....
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
there have been a bunch lately
It’s a night off alright 😂😂🙌🙌🙌
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Since it's your night off how about a sandwich
Who is this guy? (Wrong answers only)
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Ted Nugent wanna be
Great deal
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
You would think with all the lawyers at his disposal that type of thing wouldn't happen.
Oh, joy, the religious holidays are upon us! Dear Dr.
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Love this everytime I see it. You can't point out their flaws too many times.
Seriously? WTF?
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
That this was even necessary says we still have a steep road ahead.
From the party of Q…
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
1& 3 show the hypocrisy of the rethugs.
Ginger the destructor!
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
It's christmas for kitties too. They just take their own presents
Winter Solstice!
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Christmas, when thou shall not steal doesn't apply to the holiday itself.
Stupid holiday!
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
multicultural melting pot, but only when it benefits them.
Religiosity vs Atheism
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
nailed it.
Socks and Tupperware!
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
So true.
Today's FFRF humor (sometimes not).
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Humor, it helps the hypocrisy go down.
There's a metal song about that! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
Bet he keeps it in his pants now.


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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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