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I got one, how about you?
glennlab comments on Dec 4, 2021:
To be quite honest, I gave all but one to my son. I kept my baby book.
Please welcome @Ryo1 to the group.
glennlab comments on Dec 3, 2021:
Are we ready for Christmas?
glennlab comments on Dec 3, 2021:
nice rope work
Oh oh trouble
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Why do we insist on confusing animals by bringing outside inside?
Big spoiler alert
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
No wonder he always knew his fate. It was posted in his nursery.
Random stuff... 🤣
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Good chemistree there
Cannabis News My apologies to all of you who rely on my posting the cannabis articles.
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Don't push yourself too hard, get well soon.
Yup tested
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
and the lab will handle it no matter how much there is to be tested.
Can dish it out but not take it!
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Can't wait to try this!
Wake up any dad
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
smart kid
More FFRF stuff
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
another fine set
Why red states don't pay their teachers
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Friends don't let friends vote republican.
That's a bad idea
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
not just no, but are you out of your mind?
But they are juvenile
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
and he would carry it across state line
The elf had it coming!
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
good kitty!
Cats and food?
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
That is one heck of a snack.
Man’s Best Friend
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
they both seem to have lost some weight.
It's that time of year.
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
That's going to stink.
Yup finally time
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Way too many have had it up for weeks
Got our first snow this week, on the cottages across the road and in the field behind.
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
It's nice to look at, but just the thought of the cold that comes with it makes my bones hurt.
I just realized that I have reached level 9, nobody told me, I just saw a 9 next to my name, oh ...
glennlab comments on Dec 2, 2021:
Glad you made it, when I made 8, I wanted to shove it in everyones' face that I made it without hosting a group, I decided not to. You have been a valuable contributor, and everyone makes their contributions in their own way. 9 says that you have been willing to stick with it, so I welcome you to this level.
And biscuit tins
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
and they make good fire starters
Another FFRF posting. This time it includes another nutball religious group.
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
good ones
Today starts Year 2 with my newly improved heart.
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Congrats, may this be the second of many more to come.
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Well, fuck it! gave you one.
Happens all the time! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
always try to leave a reaction, if I remember.
Christmas time
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
I just decorated the skeleton, his eyes already light up
Yes please return
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
I've got like 4 or 5 that I have no idea what they go to, you're welcome to try them out.
Dog is pissed off
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
santa outfit is bad enough, but did you have to use the green dye?
Those evil eyes...
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Hell hath no fury like a cat at Christmas time
10/10 would sit again
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
much better than a dick pic
Happens to us all
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Says one of the kings of meme liberation. Rock on!
Tell me how U really feel!!!
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
Newed me one of those
Things can often be perplexing.
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
good pair
Didn't see that in the movies
glennlab comments on Dec 1, 2021:
get that damned ghost out of there.
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
Georgia, Please do something about this!
A balding, white haired man, walked into a jewelery store in a local mall this past Friday evening ...
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
good one
Wonderful gift idea...
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
I need 6
Xenobots: Scientists Build the First-Ever Living Robots That Can Reproduce []
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
but you're still talking in a petri dish
My mom did this quite often... it was not good.
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
my feelings on the matter
Have some laughter on Omicron 😅
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
pretty well tells the story
Conspiracy of poodles?
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
The reason so many are still alive.
She’s getting ducked up!
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
what the duck?
Politics Horsey style
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
If only it weren't true, it would be funny.
Yeah, I've seen it before too, but it still makes me laugh!
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
Know what pisses me off?
glennlab comments on Nov 30, 2021:
Freedom of speech does not preclude reaction and repercussions from said speech.
He gave us all "the business"
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
So the first since Hoover to have a net job loss, such a great businessman.
It’s why they are so high strung and yappy!
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
I know several that seem that way.
This is the best idea yet.
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
No, but lets round up a bunch and try it.
Why I don't bother putting up a tree in my house.... It gives my cat ideas.
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
I'm king of the indoor forest.
What if?
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
It is virtually unreadable
What does she say about Faux Noise?
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
Joe Biden could personally discover a cure for cancer, and Faux news would headline that Biden had dealt a crippling blow to the profitability of the medical industry.
I am curious, does anybody have any "favorite" holiday themed movies.
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
Christmas vacation
Mother explains why she says virginity doesn't exist - Upworthy
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
My mother was given little to no sex ed, she was pregnant at 15 and married at 16. She made sure that my sister and I knew as much about sex as she could, she encouraged us to be open about our sexuality and understand that it was a big part of relationships. She was much like @Lauren in that both my and my sister's friends looked to her to give them accurate information not available from their own parents.
Pretty much the case!
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
hard to chose an emoji, laugh because it is true for me too, or sad because my dog died.
[] Benny Hill medical care.
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
bad link
I just say Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox but this works too!
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
I enjoy all culture's holidays, there's always a reason to party.
Trumptard logic?
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
really love the last one
Failing in so many ways!
glennlab comments on Nov 29, 2021:
good set
Matters and irony…
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2021:
The irony is strong here.
You may need to be a certain age to get this.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2021:
In the early sixties when they were still rare, people would pull in the service station and ask the attendant to check the water . (air cooled) or pop the hood and check the oil. Rear engine. Those tricks only worked a few times before the attendants wised up.
Thanks for small blessings.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2021:
I made the comment one time I was so hungry I was farting fresh air, several people informed me I had never been that hungry.
No caption needed...
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2021:
I going to show up at the grave burnt out like a cheap light bulb.
Vegan Pumpkin Posole! A tasty spicy pumpkin soup from a longstanding contributor, Bookdeath.
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2021:
ANYTHING with cilantro in it is a hard no for me, as soon as I see that in a recipe, I just pass on it. You may as well say add 1/2 cup dishwashing soap to taste.
Don't want to be in the way of this
glennlab comments on Nov 28, 2021:
80 K of HE raining down on the recipients
If I’ve told you once….
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
He heard that yeast was good for you
He looks like a wise one..
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
We used to do that to my ex's nativity scene with a different variation each time she rearranged it. My son got really devious at times.
Hello, I'm conducting a survey on people's religious/spiritual views.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
you should have stated this for Canadians, not sure what kind of research you are doing, so it would help if you explained yourself
New to the site and I need to gain some “cred”/points.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
post, comment, react to posts
Hi there.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
Big Difference!
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
The don't understand being either good losers or good winners.
It's a challenge to stay on task.
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
what ever you do don't just google cream pies
Ain’t it fun to grow old?
glennlab comments on Nov 27, 2021:
I didn't even have to wait that long, but once diagnosed my doctor got rich.
Be safe out there!
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Bet he can disconnect and steal the cables though.
Should Women Still Change Their Name When They Marry?
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2021:
The only time it makes a difference is on legal documents,when I was still doing tax returns, one of the biggest causes of rejects was that the wife was using her husband's name, it was on her driver license and other documents, but had never been changed with social security. As far as I'm concerned if I ever marry again, lady's choice, whatever she wants.
Idealism vs wisdom
glennlab comments on Nov 26, 2021:
Bur it is the answer to, bartender can I have another one?
glennlab comments on Nov 25, 2021:
I could see you doing what the man did.
Georgia jury convicts three white men of Arbery murder, rejects self-defense.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
Apparently Georgia is more progressive than Wisconsin, since they not only convicted the 3 murders, but also indicted the cover up prosecutor.
Georgia jury convicts three white men of Arbery murder, rejects self-defense.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
I wonder if these three realized last thanksgiving was the last one they would spend with their families? Seems fair.
Of course it would come to this
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
That's one property that will probably have to be demolished in order to clean it.
Jesse Dollemore - ANOTHER LIE! My Pillow Goof Mike Lindell Fails to File Supreme Court Case Before...
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
He probably saw the fines the other idiots were getting and probably no lawyer would even take the time to prepare the paperwork for him to file pro se
Yahoo News Jury finds men guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery []
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
A little hair splitting on the verdicts, but all three men could still face life in prison.
It worked for me lol
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
did your mom turn them off first?
What the right says
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
If Biden made breathing mandatory, we could lose half or more of all the red states.
Another holiday meme
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
also watch out for veggies up your ass.
We’ve got those on this site too!
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
Yes we do, and they don't even realize who they are and would see no humor in this.
I think they got it just fine!
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
Since christmas is a conglomeration of ancient traditions, why not make it a conglomeration of christian holidays?
Guilty! Unite The Right organizers have been found guilty to the tune of 25 million dollars.
glennlab comments on Nov 24, 2021:
Same way they took down the Klan, probably won't get much, but they'll get everything they've got, including computer files.
Why I laugh when a Republican, a TEA Partier or a Libertarian tries to tell me they aren't a ...
glennlab comments on Nov 23, 2021:
They may not be one, but they are so close the naked eye can't tell the difference
Who wants to be a lady?
glennlab comments on Nov 23, 2021:
Tell them fuck off
I must have ordered the wrong Turkey…mine doesn’t have breasts like that!
glennlab comments on Nov 23, 2021:
the one on the right, I'm hungry.
Who remembers reading these old comic book versions of famous novels?
glennlab comments on Nov 23, 2021:
I actually read all of those and many more.
A DETERRENT FOR FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS A federal judge has ordered two Colorado lawyers who filed a ...
glennlab comments on Nov 23, 2021:
about time.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert - GOP Making A Hero Of Kyle Rittenhouse | If You're Not ...
glennlab comments on Nov 23, 2021:
Word play
glennlab comments on Nov 22, 2021:
a few cerebral ones.
A whole new meaning to bbc
glennlab comments on Nov 22, 2021:
I think her eyes are bigger than her...
I thought this might be an appropriate post for today, actor-comedian Rodney Dangerfield's 100th ...
glennlab comments on Nov 22, 2021:
One of the greats of the one liners.
Atheist toast..
glennlab comments on Nov 22, 2021:
good ones
Absolutely , Anyways , and Always
glennlab comments on Nov 22, 2021:
nice outfit!
Two will be more efficient thankuverymuch
glennlab comments on Nov 22, 2021:
I'll give you all the time you need.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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