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probably some repeats - probably some repeats
glennlab comments on Jun 30, 2021:
thanks for the additions to my collection
The 2nd rose in my garden, Gold Medal.
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Trump Rambles On Newsmax After Being Asked What Melania Is Up To: VIDEO - Comic Sands
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
I just assumed that with the redone prenup, she was forcing herself on the pool boy. Pool boy, my condolences.
Arizona GOP: Maricopa Audit Revealed Unicorn Pubes and Sasquatch Urine Used to Tamper With Ballots
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
What, no fairy dust?
Holy Shit!
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Now that is one shitty meme, well done
A happy medium, please (if I could only lose this belly!)
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
High waist vs low waist, as long as they don't expect me to dress the same way they do. I'm OK.
Pacific Northwest Heatwave is Buckling Roads and Melting Power Cables
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
When we lived in Spokane it would get up above 100 most summers, but only a couple of days a year. I know that it is tough and hope it works out for you. We lost power here a few nights ago for about 3 hours and it was miserable, so my sympathies.
The moon landing isn't the only thing NASA lies about...
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Always wondered how the refueled it.
Look at them yo-yos.
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
I love how people that weren't even alive when it happened don't realize what tech was available in 1969. All animation had to be hand painted/drawn in 69, that was the extent of the tech we had. Most cartoons did not have moving backgrounds, because it was too expensive and even then it took hundreds of artists 6 months to do a 10 minute cartoon.
Read in the voice of Rod Serling for maximum effect
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Gov't didn't take away their guns, they volunteered to surrender them or face 2-10 in the fed house.
Caught the cat in the act
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Knew it!
Pastor Locke Warns of Child Sex Trafficking Tunnels Under the White House In a recent fiery ...
glennlab comments on Jun 29, 2021:
Once again, I lean toward the belief that he protests too much.
You had ONE job... Part 2 😅
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Any comic fans here?
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
That's just like her lol
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
by about 30 years
I can't argue with this one. Can you?
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
You called it pretty well
Julian Assange Winess Admits Lying: []
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
This is the Nixon Whitehouse on steroids, Having had a Top Secret clearance with an alphabet soup after it, I know full well that much TS is just overclassified BS. It is past time to drop the case, No grave damage was done to national security, the definition of TS. It is also time for another top to bottom review of all classified documents just as was required after Nixon's over classification spree.
They definitely have a problem
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
He's just Jim Jordan in training
So like a dog
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
I'm not going to clean that board.
Nuckin' Futs!
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Seems like suicide with extra steps
Yeah that is interesting
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
also be his first complete sentence
OAN Host Suggests Traitorous Poll Workers Who Stole Election Should be Executed The Ultra ...
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
OAN needs to do a little background checking. All poll workers are officially government officials while they are performing their duties, to conspire to harm them could be charged as sedition.
Hi—I’ve been close to AWOL for a few months while I focused on rekindling a relationship.
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Congrats and best of luck.
Special doorbell just for them...
glennlab comments on Jun 28, 2021:
Unless they hold a wire in each hand, they will get nothing but a tickle, have to agree with @Theresa_N
If you bite it and you die...
glennlab comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Biting humor!
Cannot be titled.
glennlab comments on Jun 27, 2021:
That's what you get for cheating on me with Stormy
Who says troops aren't funny
glennlab comments on Jun 27, 2021:
Our bomb loaders had one hell of a sense of humor. all the shit they spray painted on the conventionals carried over when they got back to nuclear duty. A B52 had a hydraulic leak so fluid dripped onto the front of the weapon, so they made a smiley face on the nose of the weapon. Well hydraulic fluid strips paint, so we just sanded primed and repainted the smiley face back to w28 silver. You could still see the smiley face under the paint, but it met the tech order, so back to the structure it went. When the SAC IG showed up for an inventory inspection, long story short, we had to strip, repaint and restencil the entire fuse because someone wanted to be cute.
The circle of life lmao
glennlab comments on Jun 27, 2021:
So life is a cereal?
Petition to Draft Tucker Carlson and Send Him to Afghanistan Reaches 200 Million Signatures
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Just give him a job holing up targets, chest high. Save the troops the trouble of fragging him.
He does! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
technically he is. Without all the profits from 1985 Ken,2019 ken would be a pool boy.
(We just had Uriah Heep, let's have another flashback.
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
We used to dance to this, then take a 15 minute water break
My main use! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
What's a call?
Please let it be on the tile..,...
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
your slippers and you know it
Top US general rejected Trump suggestions military should 'crack skulls' during protests last year, ...
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Typically the JCS are very loath to get involved in politics and support the posse comatatus statute, never wanting to place active duty personnel in law enforcement positions. Milley continues this trend.
Clever Spock
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Spock is a plethora of memes/laughs
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
A few I haven't seen before, good posting
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
made me laugh
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
yoda and pissed bird hit home for me.
Terri Conley: We need to rethink casual sex | TED Talk
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
Loved her comparison of the dangers of driving to having sex (about 12:00 mark). great discussion.
Hayes: If Race Isn’t Central To U.S. History, Why Is CRT Fueling The GOP? - YouTube
glennlab comments on Jun 26, 2021:
I have just started to ask people that bring up CRT to please define it so that we can have a discussion. Then I ask them where it is being taught in that form if they can actually define it properly
Is the email verification on this app not working?
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
you need to be at least level 2 to message
So, days from today I'll be having my GRS,Finally!!!!.
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Hope it goes as planned, best to you.
Trump organization could have criminal charges as early as next week Text in comments
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
By William K. Rashbaum, Ben Protess and Jonah E. Bromwich June 25, 2021Updated 5:58 p.m. ET The Manhattan district attorney’s office has informed Donald J. Trump’s lawyers that it is considering criminal charges against his family business, the Trump Organization, in connection with fringe benefits the company awarded a top executive, according to several people with knowledge of the matter. The prosecutors had been building a case for months against the executive, Allen H. Weisselberg, as part of an effort to pressure him to cooperate with a broader inquiry into Mr. Trump’s business dealings. But it was not previously known that the Trump Organization also might face charges. If the case moves ahead, the district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., could announce charges as soon as next week, the people said. Mr. Vance’s prosecutors have been conducting the investigation along with lawyers from the office of the New York State attorney general, Letitia James. Any indictment would be the first to emerge from the long-running investigation and would raise the startling prospect of a former president having to defend the company he founded, and has run for decades, against accusations of criminal behavior. Prosecutors recently have focused much of their investigation into the perks Mr. Trump and the company doled out to Mr. Weisselberg and other executives, including tens of thousands of dollars in private school tuition for one of Mr. Weisselberg’s grandchildren, as well as rents on apartments and car leases. They are looking into whether those benefits were properly recorded in the company’s ledgers and whether taxes were paid on them, The New York Times has reported. Mr. Trump’s lawyers met on Thursday with senior prosecutors in the district attorney’s office in hopes of persuading them to abandon any plan to charge the company, according to several people familiar with the meeting. Such meetings are routine in white-collar criminal investigations, and it is unclear whether the prosecutors have made a final decision on whether to charge the Trump Organization, which has long denied wrongdoing. “In my more than 50 years of practice, never before have I seen a district attorney’s office target a company over employee compensation or fringe benefits,” said Ronald P. Fischetti, a personal lawyer for Mr. Trump. “It’s ridiculous and outrageous.” Several lawyers who specialize in tax rules have told The New York Times that it would be highly unusual to indict a company just for failing to pay taxes on fringe benefits. None of them could cite any recent example, noting that many companies provide their employees with benefits like company cars. Editors’ Picks For a Major Debut, a Young Violinist Gets ...
DNA Test Proves Lahren and McEnany Came From Same Sewage Plant as Coulter and Ingraham
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
good read!
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
So ten is the break point?
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
and ghosts banging on the walls
Different perspective
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
get them to watch sister wives
Dad's at it again...
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
The old man didn't want to go to the dispensary.
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
Always check your background when sending pics, or don't cheat
The Pretender []
glennlab comments on Jun 25, 2021:
haven't heard this in awhile, thanks.
Now more than ever Arnold was right! Early signs about the impending chaos.
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
This is what we get for not protesting louder when they eliminated civics in HS.
Nobody in their right mind would fraudulently lie to the government, would they?
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
I hope New Jersey extradites him and all his cronies.
The paramount of evil! There may be jokes about evil religion on here, but is there any serious ...
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Wounded Knee and other massacres were done in the public eye, the murder of children was done in private so much more heinous
They don't call it the lone star state for nothing
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
One of the reasons, i leave for my trips out west at 2 am, I don't have to see the really depressing landscape for the first 5-6 hours
Where there's fat, there's flavor.
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
same here
Poor Toffee 😂
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Mommy, do something!
Geezer bee...
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Happens in every species lol
Wendy Davis, Democrats sue over "Trump Train" incident in Texas | The Texas Tribune
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Hope they all have to pay
Could be any of you
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Well some states just allow you to pick it up anonymously, but that is a good idea
watch out, there's a lot about
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Looks like he needs to be more aware. lol
What to Expect When You First Smoke Weed | Leafwell
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
I have asthma and cannot smoke anything, but I tend toward high CBD content in my edibles
Rudy Giuliani Suspended from Practicing Law in New York by Attorney Grievance Committee - YouTube
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
It's going to be a long hot, interesting summer
Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in New York state - CNNPolitics
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
let's hope it become permanent
Joint chiefs chair Milley schools Gaetz on Critical Race Theory
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Gaetz needs to learn that general officers are soldiers and politicians as well as very well informed for the most part and have m,ore experience fielding tough questions than most members of congress.
General Mark Milley hits back at uproar over critical race theory - YouTube
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
I can see why Gaetz didn't want him to speak, he made an eloquent defense of education without calling Gaetz a self-serving racist cocksucking asshole like he deserved. with apologies to all cock suckers and assholes.
Biden mocks pro-gun supporters who still think they can overrun the U.
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Once they realize that the opposition has live ammo, better training, a true chain of command, and far superior weapons most will just shit their pants and go home. Having been in a war, they really don't want to see one up close. There is a reason for all the PTSD in former combat soldiers.
Doctor put me on a drip
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
Fight hangovers, stay drunk
So what do you think of this case?
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
This case was such a miscarriage of justice with overwhelming proof available from day 1, that the judge admonished the police and the prosecutor as well as gave a directed verdict without the defendant even having to present a defense. It is an anomaly.
Rudy G. Suspended by New York Court, Trump will deny knowledge of the guy. []
glennlab comments on Jun 24, 2021:
couldn't happen to a better lawyer, now it's Barr's turn
Not in my 30 years! Voter Fraud in Ohio, By....Guess: []
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Seems like every case of voter fraud and election fraud turns out to be republican, not saying they all are, but it certainly seems that way.
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 6/23/2021 The Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs will hold a hearing ...
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
I hope Tom Cotton has terrible things happen to him
Nice pussy
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Hairy one, too.
O deputado federal pastor sargento Isidório diz que vai pegar Lázaro - YouTube
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
crazies are always funny even if you can't understand the language.
Are you positive? 😆
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
careful or he could be charged with battery.
Televangelist Jim Bakker Selling PTL Blanket and Mug Combo for $500 Televangelist Jim Bakker ...
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
Little Jimmy still going after the low hanging fruit.
I really like the original but the cover by Disturbed is amazing. What do you think? []
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
I really like this version
Ménage à squirrel? Q. does this violate the 'no porn' rule?
glennlab comments on Jun 23, 2021:
they're just fucking animals!
Circles, what's with circles? I can't see the points to them.......LOL.
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
I'll explain when I get a round to it.
More hypocrisy from the Left
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The arizona case was after the election had been certified and the "audit" was at best a waste of money, The Ca case was because the signature gathering company has a history of faking petitions. Look at your case law.
The teacher told me
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Did she buy it?
New York Daily News Trump tried to enlist Justice Department to stop ‘SNL’ from satirizing him...
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The reason he kept firing people is that they told him no, the ones that said nothing or just did nothing remained, finally he was surrounded by either yes people or do nothing people. What a way to run a government.
I hate hotel bath towels. They’re so thick I can’t close my suitcase.
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The robes too.
FEDERAL CANNABIS NEWS 622/20/21 The Biden administration will endorse legislation to eliminate ...
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
The voices of change are getting louder.
Too many Trump visits to Texas.
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
One is too many
Friends don't let friends.....
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Just give him a red shirt and send him on his way
Sometimes I just have to - my apologies
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Semi groaner
Staying cool at the wheel!
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
My first question is what kind of fool wear long sleeves in the summer, guess the answer would be a resourceful one.
But ossifer, it's medical. I have a doctor's note.
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
He must have crossed in front of himself
Oh, how naive we all were/are.
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
I became aware when my mother was having the same dating problems as everyone else not in a relationship. But I was 14 by then
And when I speak of my youth, I'm either 5, 7, 8, or 12. That's it, no other options. LOL
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Since I turned 45, I reflect my age in increments of 5, 45 was 45 until 50, 50 was50 until 55, ect, so I get you
An older couple went to dinner at a trendy restaurant that had no printed menus--just a scannable QR...
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
I keep very few apps on my phone, my new phone has it as a preinstalled app. While it can read the QR code, I can't read the text.
Wouldn’t it be great if this was the future?
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
Orange is the new orange.
New Book Details Trump’s Plan to Send People Stricken with COVID to Gitmo A new book by two ...
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
I missed reading your posts while I was on the road, good one./
Amateur sleuths track January 6th insurrectionist
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. We're doing the work that the cops won't do.
Who believes in life after death
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
If there is my life after my death, I would hope that it would be as an ethereal being that could travel through space without the laws of physics limiting me to the speed of light, being able to explore the galaxies through eternity. Do I believe it will happen? NO!
WOW!!!! Lol
glennlab comments on Jun 22, 2021:
damn I'm a cunt
Speaker of the House?
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
Delusional is the key word here, even if they were able and they were able to flip every senate seat that would only be +13 to 62 members, short of the 67 constitutionally required for removal. Let them dream, then hit them with this fact.
Feeling horny, might watch some At-At porn later, IDK! Lol!!!
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
So that's how they make the little walkers!
A bit harsh don't you think?
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
go for it
After Debate On Biden's Abortion Views, Bishops Vote to Rethink Communion Rules [npr.
glennlab comments on Jun 21, 2021:
If they want to engage in politics, they should lose their tax exemption. The only reason they are not under current examination is an executive order (trump), so piss off the the guy who can change that, good move RCC.


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