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That'll do it...
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Now that is getting flamed
Be careful what you wish for...
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
mission accomplished
Remember this for tax time...
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Now we know why there are so many spring time abductions.
Yo Rocky!!!!!
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
thanks for the earworm
Hahahaha 😁😁😁😁😁
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Not a fart, then a shart
Delete it, yeah delete it. Get yourself a hammer and beat it. []
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
not funny , should be in politics
Granny still got it, for a little bit, anyhow...
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
Mama's got to do what mama needs to do.
Oh my, missing my little kiwi grandies and waiting until I can see them again.
glennlab comments on Jun 4, 2021:
I am so jealous and well wishing
With thanks to DBair for this post.
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
all the references in the footnotes refer back to the original source, no better than the god bothers stating the bible is the source of all their facts. This is neither peer reviewed . brought to us by the same people that promoted coconut oil without proof. from the about "The Health Impact News network is owned by Sophia Media, LLC, which is owned by me, Brian Shilhavy.. Brian Shilhavy has a BA in Greek, not exactly a science person.
Not a Terminator anymore?
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
I am going to rate that a full groan
Never understood these gay republicans, talk about oxymorons! []
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
self loathing temporarily financially embarrassed millionaires all
& they don't even have electricity!!!
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
To keep the food from freezing.
In the same vein as the last...
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
Just a little old, try it and you might end up stoned.
Obvious, not?
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
Pretty much all cats.
Yep, hey everyone.
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
That's the reason you learn critical thinking,
(Satire Alert!) Alabama Offering Anyone Who Gets Vaccinated Free Nudes of Their Sister ...
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
How is giving them something they already have going to help?
But you can no longer chew green eggs & ham...
glennlab comments on Jun 3, 2021:
I always wondered what happened to them.
All you need to know about the crystals.
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
I fully believe in the magic of crystals, I can change shiny rocks into green paper
When can it be considered that someone has posted too many posts.
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
As a group owner, can't you limit the number of posts members are allowed to post?
Just wanted to pop in and say Hi.
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Welcome, I look forward to your contributions
If you recognize these, you’re old! []
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
50 out of 50 and some are still in my kitchen, they worked well when they were new and were built to last.
Guess who is coming to visit his home here Biden
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
You bragging or complaining?
Expectation is the mother of disappointment. 😂
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
serves him right
How Thoughtful
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
took me a minute, lol
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
Someone is fucked,
I"m new here. got invited by someone on OKCupid who said I could find fearless liberal women here.
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
False prophets
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
bunch of men in dresses, yeah pride month
Maybe they need to try it.
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
they're not wrong
But if you really want me to..
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
but those are my gods
Take the plunge and find out
glennlab comments on Jun 2, 2021:
if you get in th deep water you're fucked
What have you tried? What won't you try?
glennlab comments on Jun 1, 2021:
No haggis and no century egg
More great karma to enjoy! []
glennlab comments on Jun 1, 2021:
Turns out that the no vaccine knocked him out, praise Darwin.
Eat Fresh!
glennlab comments on Jun 1, 2021:
Subway taught us that it is healthy to eat a whole loaf of bread as long as it's spit and has a ton of shit inside it.
A dad joke alert!
glennlab comments on Jun 1, 2021:
Sub races are more fun to watch.
What's the biggest freshwater fish in the world?
glennlab comments on Jun 1, 2021:
interesting, the first rule in debate is to establish your definitions, something they didn't do until near the end of the article. They made it clear as mud. The question was what is the largest freshwater fish, then they fail to define freshwater fish until they finally say that the sturgeons are all both fresh and saltwater and the largest freshwater ONLY fish was the Mekong Cat.
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
bubble wrap is the human's laser pointer or squeaky toy.
Always make sure you know your territory, or shut up.
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
If they had read the damned thing, they would have seen the discrepancies.
For those who defend him
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
And Charles Manson never killed anyone, but he spent the rest of his natural life in prison while some of the people that took part in the murders ended up getting out.(Linda Kasabian: Granted immunity for testifying against the Manson family)
The republicans have it backward
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
Proudly being Antifa since 1941 and winning.
Mystery bulb found among the Triffids. In a week, produced these flowers.
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
looks a lot like an amaryllis
As if he has a choice...
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
I've got a few years to go then.
I guess it beat home movies...
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
I always cringed when I saw that coming out. It meant an hour in the dark looking at the wall.
Well, what do you say?
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
And they won't be back until almost dark, notice no headlights. Great times
This song was such a gift: []
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
I met him a few years ago at a birthday celebration, an all around nice guy from what I saw.
Brian Tyler Cohen Texas Democrats pull BRILLIANT last minute move to crush GOP voter suppression ...
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
It may be only temporary, Abbott already has a special session planned for redistricting, so we are not out of the woods yet. The courts or congress look to be our only hope.
Jupiter's ocean moon Europa may have deep-sea volcanoes []
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
Since Europa is roughly the same age as the earth, it is quite possible for it to have advanced sealife if it has deep-sea volcanoes
Yep! Me too!
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
Oh hell yes
What would you add?
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
intelligent and well educated populous. People seeing through their bullshit.
How many remember this song from 1962.
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
remember watching it every week. He had quite a few songs and I believe an album or two.
Today we remember Them
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
One of the ,most moving experiences I have ever had was visiting the Vietnam Memorial in DC.
I created a Facebook group.
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
It has been a long time, missed your input
Biden's Returned Portraits of Clinton and Bush to Their Rightful Display After Bitter Trump Removed ...
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
The redecorating of the whitehouse is a lower priority after the day one and except for the oval office, is normally left to the first lady. Since the tours of the whitehouse have been curtailed under covid, it was most likely left on the back burner.
Guilty as charged. But well rested.
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
Always enjoyed sleeping in.
Guys, I am a little new to this. What does this mean? She needs help?
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
I'll show you, just send her over
Lost in the literature...
glennlab comments on May 31, 2021:
He's just stoned
No makeup/shaving necessary
glennlab comments on May 30, 2021:
All reasons why I still wear my mask at times.
Someone broke the piñata!
glennlab comments on May 30, 2021:
great group
It turns me off!
glennlab comments on May 30, 2021:
best reason ever
Aaah, that hit the spot...
glennlab comments on May 30, 2021:
Cats have got to cat
The Riderless Horse: one of the oldest and most moving military traditions in a full honor funeral ...
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
The DFW national cemetery has canceled all programs for Memorial Day, I'm sure there will be spontaneous rememberences
That is a big no
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
Never trust tequila
Not talking about me, is he???
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
Today was not a good day at all.
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
You had me on that one.
Oh, the crazy it is everywhere, & then religion gets involved, too, &.
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
two questions that will tell you the brand of crazy you are dealing with are, Who did you vote for for President? and Which denomination do you follow? I'm going to guess devout catholic and Trump.
Hello all, my wife and I were vaccinated here in Portugal on Monday with the Astra-Zenaca version, ...
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
I had a reaction to both shots, they lasted about 30 hours beginning around 12 hours after the vax. I am immuno compromised, so I wasn't sure how I would react. small price to pay to get back to normal.
Veritasium Why Metals Spontaneously Fuse Together In Space []
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
Very informative, I was not aware of this before
People can be so judgmental.
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
If they can see your fart, then it wasn't just a fart.
Let's support my crazy cousin's meme-generating hobby and make these go viral.
glennlab comments on May 29, 2021:
It's a little busy for a meme, I've got to agree with @lorajay about losing the bottom text
Curiosity Spots Carbon Dioxide-Ice Clouds in Martian Skies: []
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
McConaughey on possible governor run in Texas
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
I don't know much about his politics, but i doubt he could be any worse that the last 3 asshats we've had (Bush, Perry )
Yeah nope
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
not with these fat fingers
Just sayin’
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
That's the air force
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
You never miss snack time in the Air Force.
Yeah him
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
He would have been the poster boy for fragging.
Not a grenade launcher
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
Don't want to get shot with that. lol
This is actually somewhat true...
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
The reason for the PMS (Patone Matching System) charts. A number for every color.
That's a good question
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
Early chicken
The real meaning of the holiday
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
Never forget
The Fight to Overturn the 2020 Election: Somehow Still Going | The Daily Show []
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
I really hate to break it to the trumpites, the election has already been certified and there is no mechanism to overturn it, or Bush would have been out on his ass.
ISIS Agrees With Matt Gaetz: Murdering Americans is Okay []
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
Matt loves them young, so young that he has to pay them (not sure they would be in his presence otherwise)
Spot the difference
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
got it
Idaho Mom Lori Vallow Daybell Deemed Unfit To Stand Trial For Death Of Her Kids | HuffPost
glennlab comments on May 28, 2021:
She is receiving restorative therapy, she will still face trial, it is only delayed, plus she faces charges in Arizona.
Rudy Giuliani’s Actual Legal Defense: These Dems Are Peddling Conspiracies! HOW DARE THEY?
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
Rudy is setting up his insanity defense
Always one isn't there
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
That would be me.
Please describe allah with few words.
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
make believe, just like all the gods
Scottish Covid.
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
and run
some more ........
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
another good set
Some memes ...
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
Yup... that's me
glennlab comments on May 27, 2021:
Free the twenty one
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
a little explanation?
MSNBC - Trump ‘No Longer Has Power To Pardon’ To Protect Himself []
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
good analysis
FBI busts former South Florida Republican official as Capitol rioter: report []
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
outed by her business partner, you know that is going to be awkward.
‘Central Park Karen’ Sues Ex-Employer for Discrimination []
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
Whatever happened to actions have consequences?
Only some will get this
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
Don't lose your head over it.
The U.S. was not founded on Christianity.
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
I said the same thing, lol
All the help they can get
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
Never watch a wartime conventional bomb load on a B-52, all that peacetime safety shit goes right out the window.
MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell Thrown Out of Republican Governors’ Conference, Says Report ...
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
About time the govs grew a little backbone. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy
Trump lashes out at New York grand jury — but he doesn't have any idea what the case is about ...
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
Donnie dumbass doesn't realize his exposure.
All the help they can get
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
People would shit if they saw half the stuff that goes on.
U gonna have to hear me out , Sorry friends , But here we are 🙄😂 I moved back to ED/ ...
glennlab comments on May 26, 2021:
Congratulations, so glad you are back to what you want to do.


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My son's Masters in Economics 2016
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My son's wedding Aug 2021
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