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I am here for community only. I would like to meet new people for friendship and discussions. I'm not interested in hookups or relationships although meeting local friends for coffee or lunch is a possibility.

I'm an animal lover and a vegan. I love to dance, and have danced many different styles over the years. I enjoy traveling, reading, photography, listening to music, and being active in general. My taste in everything is eclectic. I would enjoy discussing any topic other than politics.

Currently, everything is on the back burner because I'm growing my business. I own and run a pet boarding facility, which just opened recently. Although my background is in academia, I find myself enjoying working with animals a whole lot more.

I'm pretty easy going, so say hi if you like.


This kid is amazing. so talented for such a young age. his performance blew me away. []
graceylou comments on Sep 29, 2018:
He had been touring around Canada (since he's Canadian) the last few years I think though I didn't get to see him.
Young people like Nic give me hope.
graceylou comments on Oct 1, 2018:
It's not surprising. The percentage of vegans and vegetarians among the younger generations tend to be higher.
Unpopular Opinions I know you got 'em, what are they?
graceylou comments on Oct 1, 2018:
I'm vegan (for ethical reasons). That is enough for people to bring out their blessed crosses and holy water to exorcise me.
Question time sex nerds! How open are you about your predilections?
graceylou comments on Oct 1, 2018:
I’m open about my lifestyle and kinks though I don’t wear a t-shirt or have a tattoo on my forehead announcing them. Most of my partners come from the lifestyle so we already have that in common. They may not be poly so they have to be given that information at the beginning. As long as they accept that I am poly and that I will not ever settle for a monogamous relationship, I don’t need them to share my preferences or kinks for me to enjoy a relationship with them. I don’t even mind a totally vanilla relationship with someone who isn’t into kinks if I really like him (or her, or whatever ) I don’t even need sex if that isn’t sometime possible with or preferred by the other person. Others who are not partners usually just let me be who/what I am. They mostly don’t agree (except friends who share the same “predilections” ) but they just don’t say anything, at least not to me directly. I don’t make a big deal of it because it is my “normal”.
Horoscopes....does yours fit you? ?
graceylou comments on Oct 1, 2018:
Just for fun, yup to that Aquarius one.
Something I learned about myself in the chat tonight.
graceylou comments on Oct 2, 2018:
You're a freaking Charming Devil, Jeremy. You just leave that honey (in my case, agave or maple syrup) out, and the ladies stick to it.'s more fun to leave bread crumbs than throw a whole loaf at you. (Disclaimer: the "rock my world" person was not me)
When your first name is different, people naturally do not interact with you.
graceylou comments on Oct 3, 2018:
My first name is no issue. My last name.....OOOhhhhh boy. I just pronounce it in a Canadianized way so I don't have to explain why the "j" should be pronounced "y". A lot of people think I'm either Japanese or Hispanic (or Filipina with a Spanish last name).
Cats more than people.
graceylou comments on Oct 3, 2018:
I don’t love people at all so this is true.
Would You Sacrifice Yourself For A Stranger?
graceylou comments on Oct 6, 2018:
I would do it for an animal (the non-human kind). Humans, no, stranger or not.
I am new here! Not sure what to do.
graceylou comments on Oct 6, 2018:
Cute pup!!! Just browse around, post, comments, join groups. Have fun.
Tattoos I have one tattoo, but would like a couple more. What is your opinion of tattoos?
graceylou comments on Oct 8, 2018:
I've got plenty of tattoos and will have more in the future, until I run out of skin (except I won't have any on my face, though may be something small would be ok). I love the pain of getting tattooed. I love colourful tattoos but I also have a couple of black only tattoos. It seems people who don't have tattoos are the ones who have a lot to say about the "changes", etc. that would happen with tattoos. Fading tattoos can be retouched. Tattoos you decide you don't like can be changed with a coverup tattoo down the road. Also, tattoo removal is common nowadays. My only caveat is that you choose a reputable tattoo artist and studio, that you know they use good quality inks, and that you are aware of allergies to certain colour inks.
What matters most in a potential spouse?
graceylou comments on Oct 10, 2018:
Must love animals!!! Must be more intelligent than I am. Must love adventure. Must be able to put up with me and my non-mainstream ideas and lifestyle. Must not be clingy and need to know where I am and what I’m doing at all times.
Hahahahahahahahah LOL Me. Also me. Depends on how many days past produce shopping I am. LOL
graceylou comments on Oct 11, 2018:
Mine is a mixture of the two and is never that neat. We just don’t have a lot of vegan alternative products available in my local town’s one and only grocery store. So my fridge tends to be full of veggies.
Still hilarious.
graceylou comments on Oct 12, 2018:
I work with dogs. Met a lot of different breeds. Pugs are adorable but they can be little monsters. I can never clip my boston terrier mix's nails. Best leave it to the groomer.
I just got home from attending one of my best friends funeral.
graceylou comments on Oct 12, 2018:
Sorry to hear about your friend. I totally understand about the feeling of guilt. No matter what anyone says it won’t go away that easily. I hope you heal soon.
graceylou comments on Oct 13, 2018:
Awesome. I'm teaching myself Arabic as well. For some reason, one of the phrases I had to learn was "I drink mineral water". LOL. But I don't drink mineral water.
How much is gas where you are? This pic was today at Costco (cheapest in the area) Lutz, FL
graceylou comments on Oct 14, 2018:
I just filled my car today and it was $1.29 Cdn per liter. That would be $4.88 Cdn per US gallon. In US currency, it's $3.75 a gallon.
Do you like being spontaneous or planning ahead?
graceylou comments on Oct 15, 2018:
I’m a planning freak. Plan vacations 5-12 months ahead. Start packing a month ahead. All excursions booked and tickets purchased. But I leave room for unplanned and spontaneous activities as well. Food is always planned ahead because I can’t just eat anything anywhere. For events coming up, I plan my clothing ahead from dress to shoes to accessories. What time to leave. Which vehicle to take or what public transportation (schedule studied closely). I don’t like spontaneous things. Don’t like surprises. With my anxiety and OCD, spontaneous is a no no.
Cannabis in Canada: Who wins and who loses under new law - BBC News
graceylou comments on Oct 15, 2018:
Personally, being Canadian, I see at least the next few years to be a complete clusterfuck. Even though the law is federal, each province and municipality decide what the regulations are individually. The regulations for public workers and emergency service workers are also different from other people and in different provinces and municipalities. So far, most people are confused as to where, when, how you are permitted or not permitted to grow, buy, and use cannabis. The regulations can also be different for different forms or ways of using cannabis (smoking it, eating it, using CBD oil, etc.). In my province, selected government licensed stores can sell cannabis. In another province (was it Ontario or Quebec?), you can only buy from the government's online site (no store front). In Edmonton, you are not allowed to smoke pot in public within 10 m of any door or window. In some places, that puts you in the middle of the road in traffic!!! It may sound nice that pot is legal in Canada in two days. But the restrictions are insane!!! Just FYI, I don't use or smoke pot at all. Never have and never will.
Good morning from south Florida, where do you live?
graceylou comments on Oct 16, 2018:
A balmy 9C or 48F in Beaver County, Alberta. After the below freezing temperatures since September, I will take anything above. It will be warmer the next little while.
graceylou comments on Oct 16, 2018:
Well that ruled me right out. I will go live with cats.
Cricket One, a start-up in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, says crickets can feed the world's growing ...
graceylou comments on Oct 16, 2018:
I’m good with my plant-based proteins thanks. I don’t need to eat any animals.
Genuine curious question: is this group primarily for posts with mundane status updates ...
graceylou comments on Oct 17, 2018:
I left this group for awhile because I was also asking this question. I felt I needed some “air”. I understand members can post whatever they want. So I just left. As for chat, I get lost in it. Not a fan of the chat style here.
Who's your Celebrity Crush or crushes?
graceylou comments on Oct 18, 2018:
Jason Statham, Vin Diesel, Jason Momoa, Shemar Moore, David Giuntoli (of Grimm), Luke Evans. Lucas Till.
Hi just got a beautiful cat at the Mohawk-Hudson Animal Shelter in Albany, NY Today.
graceylou comments on Oct 19, 2018:
Cute. She looks like a young kitty. But you never know. My Jazzee is 17 and looks and acts like a young kitty.
Anyone else ever tempted to join a hippy commune?
graceylou comments on Oct 20, 2018:
No. I would prefer to live away from people and surrounded by animals. Wait, I already do.
What do you do to look better in photos? Apart from turning your back.
graceylou comments on Oct 20, 2018:
Not show myself smile with my teeth visible. I look pretty creepy and sometimes downright scary.
Tonight it was pasta with cauliflower for my gang, I’m the only 100% vegan in the house but my ...
graceylou comments on Oct 21, 2018:
I love pasta. Made macaroni and veggies tonight. The one thing I hate in pasta though is cauliflower. I don’t know why. Just in my mind cauliflower doesn’t belong in pasta.
Honestly? Much more terrifying.
graceylou comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Yummy. I mean scary.
People seem to be surprised when they find out that I listen to bands like Tool or Pantera.
graceylou comments on Oct 22, 2018:
Most people are shocked when I tell them my age. I guess I don’t look like I’m in my late 40s. Since I know a lot of new people in the recent past many of them are surprised I went to university, let alone went to grad school, taught classes even. Hey, I work with dogs (and other pets) now, can’t be that well educated right? Actually I built, own, and run my own business, and I do all the advertising/marketing, bookkeeping, and accounting as well as deal with the tech stuff day to day. My degree is in Archaeology. And I’ve gone on digs and such. That is quite surprising to most people. I guess most people tend to think that I’m that quiet serious Asian girl who keeps to herself. Poor thing. She must have a very plain boring life. But hey, I can be funny as hell. I can engage in intellectual conversations on any topic. I speak multiple languages. I go on crazy adventures. I’m also someone who tends to be a leader.
As a libra..I am..
graceylou comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I don’t usually take these things seriously but I would have to agree on this one.
Fluffaroo Mikey Big Paws is sick! The vet gave him sub-q fluids yesterday and some meds.
graceylou comments on Oct 23, 2018:
Poor thing. I had a cat who had issues with constipation after an injury. It was tough but you do the best you can.
Why is the label African Americans used to describe black Americans
graceylou comments on Oct 23, 2018:
I can’t speak for others but I despise being labeled as Asian-Canadian. I wasn’t born in Canada but I grew up here. I identify myself only as Canadian. To me Canadians describe people of all skin colours, ethnic backgrounds, religions/beliefs or lack thereof, etc etc. I grew up in a multicultural environment and as kids we don’t differentiate each other on the basis of racial or ethic background. Even today, sometimes I’m surprised when someone identifies me as Asian. I forget even that I might be “different” or a minority in certain situations. I’m even offended sometimes when I’m differentiated as being Asian. I’m just plain Canadian. I don’t need qualifiers. That said, I can’t dictate to others how they should identify themselves. I would go with what is the most acceptable at the time to avoid conflict. If I’m not sure, I would ask. But, I do understand what you’re trying to get at. If we trace our DNA far enough, we all originate from the same place. May be we shouldn’t look at it from the point of view of physical origins or attributes but more general heritage, keeping it in a somewhat vague sense.
What Food or Drink Would You Want People to Leave at Your Grave?
graceylou comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Hemp seeds (no, not pot). Mushrooms. Mangoes. A giant pot of pasta with tons of veggies and cashew cream seasoned with nutritional yeast. Damn. I’m hungry now.
PETA: Cow's milk a symbol of white supremacy - News 5 Cleveland
graceylou comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Morons!!! I'm a strict vegan and I absolutely despise PETA.
Dating more than one person
graceylou comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Like most have said, it's cheating only if you have agreed to a monogamous relationship with someone. Simply dating multiple people, not having committed to any particular one to be exclusive, is perfectly fine. That said, cheating is not in my vocabulary, EVER, because I would never agree to any monogamous relationship.
Does this site work for anyone? Ive had better luck at Schnucks grocery store.
graceylou comments on Oct 24, 2018:
Works great for me. I'm here to find a community for discussions and whadya know, I found a community for discussions. Made some friends too, so that is a bonus.
It's serious now.
graceylou comments on Oct 25, 2018:
My SO is a dual US/Canadian citizen, and so is his daughter. When you get Canadian citizenship you will not be demanded to renounce your US citizenship. You will simply be asked whether you wish to give up or keep your US citizenship. Applying to immigrate is a long process that can be extremely frustrating. Even if you have a sponsor it’s still a pain in the ass. I know. I worked on my SO’s and his daughter’s applications, and later their citizenship applications. You would think that US citizens shouldn’t have a problem immigrating just across the border north to Canada. One thing they said to my SO was that they didn’t like the fact that he was a professional (in trades). He could be taking a job away from someone who was already Canadian or a Canadian resident. At the same time, they would probably have a problem with him if he were unemployed or had no employment skills. It’s extremely confusing and how well it goes depends on who handles your case. I talked to 5 different immigrantion agents and got five different answers about the same thing. Or I got passed around from department to department and ended up where I started. My point is be prepared for a lot of red tape and a slow process. I’m really glad that was over and hope never to have to do it again. Good luck.
Would like to know some Agnostic or Atheist who takes interest in veganism.
graceylou comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I'm vegan. There are quite a few of us. Check out the groups. There is a Vegan/Vegetarian group and an Ethical Vegan group.
The ultimate cat lady... []
graceylou comments on Oct 25, 2018:
I follow her rescue’s page on Facebook.
I've noticed that there is a reasonable amount of folks on here from Canada and the UK.
graceylou comments on Oct 26, 2018:
Damn. You found us. We were trying to be inconspicuous.
Drugs. Man. What kinda drugs do you like?
graceylou comments on Oct 26, 2018:
I get high on dance, good music, great books, and stimulating conversations. I've never smoked anything, don't use pot (even though it's legal now), don't drink alcohol, and definitely don't touch hard drugs. Strong black coffee though is my only vice but even that is limited now.
Q I am moving and will not be able to bring my cat that has been with me for 2 yrs?
graceylou comments on Oct 26, 2018:
That doesn't sound like a former feral cat. I have worked with many ferals. If she was an adult feral when you adopted her, she would never act 100% domesticated. If she was a feral kitten, she would act more domesticated and would not know how to survive alone outdoors. Because we are rural here, we get a lot of people dumping cats and kittens. They become someone else's problem. I do understand that sometimes you just can't take your pets when you move. As others have suggested, please try shelters and rescues. It probably would not be easy because this time of year, most rescues and shelters are packed full of cats and kittens. Try relatives, neighbours, friends, friends of friends, or placing rehome ads (with a small fee).
Who's a person who inspires you?
graceylou comments on Oct 27, 2018:
James Aspey, Earthling Ed, Joey Carbstrong, Meagan Duhamel, Michelle Obama, Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Birute Galdikas, Kathy Reichs.
Yay snow!
graceylou comments on Oct 27, 2018:
Looks more like frost. ?
Anyone else have this happen to them?
graceylou comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I can see my guinea pigs having this conversation.
Trick or treat for the kids today! All ready to go. Hope I don't scare...the parents.
graceylou comments on Oct 27, 2018:
I have the same shirt!!!
Because I am an introvert, I have been accused of being unfriendly, not social, aloof, and other ...
graceylou comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Oh definitely.
How to name your own town... :-)
graceylou comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Hartwick. How boring.
Respect or Love?
graceylou comments on Oct 28, 2018:
Nah. I don’t need either to have a better life.
Your last meme ???
graceylou comments on Oct 29, 2018:
None on my phone or laptop, but this was the last one I posted on my FB.
A natural beauty!!
graceylou comments on Oct 30, 2018:
I must not be a true woman because I don’t look like that.
It drives my 14 year old hates when I do this... so, of course, I keep doing it!
graceylou comments on Nov 1, 2018:
Thank goodness there's never any KitKats in my house for something like this to happen. My OCD self may become murderous.
Pic: and its winter again..
graceylou comments on Nov 2, 2018:
Don't I know it. Yuck.
This site is calling me a MAN... I'm only 35. What the hell happened?
graceylou comments on Nov 3, 2018:
I'm wearing a fluffy robe with a hoodie shaped like a baby chick, and I'm wearing matching baby chick slippers. I love Hello Kitty anything, and I sleep with plush toys. Apparently it says I'm a 47 year old woman. I don't know.
I want to apologize for alot of my post.
graceylou comments on Nov 3, 2018:
Sorry for your loss. I will always be a disappointment to my parents, so I can understand where you're coming from. I hope you do find help to deal with your emotions.
I love cats! And you?
graceylou comments on Nov 4, 2018:
I'm a dog person but I like cats. I have a crazy number of cats because I rescue them.
I went out last night.
graceylou comments on Nov 4, 2018:
You are so adorable.
You know that friend you have been meaning to call?
graceylou comments on Nov 5, 2018:
People actually still call people? That is probably the last thing I use my phone for.
Sophie in her most common pose.
graceylou comments on Nov 5, 2018:
My dog Leia tends to lie in that position often.
So yesterday I went to a vegan bakery called brooklyn whiskers, I mention this because their ...
graceylou comments on Nov 6, 2018:
When i go visit the bf in NY I will be sure to check this place out. I’ve heard NY is great for vegans. We have a cat cafe here and I’ve been there.
Let the great debate begin.... What is the better pet to you cats or dogs? And why?
graceylou comments on Nov 6, 2018:
I’m more a dog person but I have more cats than dogs. I would say both because both can be loyal and affectionate as well as demanding of attention.
Did you vote today?
graceylou comments on Nov 7, 2018:
Ok, what are we voting for here? Right or left?
What's your generation? What do you think about the generation before yours?
graceylou comments on Nov 7, 2018:
I get along with Baby Boomers but tend to have different ideologies.
How many scammers have you met on this site? I would like to hear your stories.
graceylou comments on Nov 8, 2018:
One for sure. Possibly a couple of others. But I'm not here for dating so may be I'm not as big a target.
Who else thinks it's time for a new group called American refugees fleeing to Canada?
graceylou comments on Nov 8, 2018:
Yeah, we had two car bomb explosions in a parkade at a community center and library not too far from my place a couple of nights ago. And last year someone ran over pedestrians with a cube van in the city after a hockey game. We are not all that friendly and tolerant after all.
Do you eat less meat?
graceylou comments on Nov 9, 2018:
I have not eaten any meat for 9 years.
Whatever else my bipolar ass ever says on here the simple truth is my world don't turn without this ...
graceylou comments on Nov 10, 2018:
Adorable couple indeed!!
Michael Buble - I loved his concert at the O2 Arena in London.
graceylou comments on Nov 11, 2018:
I've seen Michael in concert three times, hoping for a fourth time next year, since he's retiring. His concerts are always such a blast, such a party. He's amazing, and he's from my hometown of Burnaby, B.C.
What dog breed is your favourite and why?
graceylou comments on Nov 11, 2018:
All my dogs are mutts but if I were to choose a purebred I would choose German Shepherd. I also have a soft spot for greyhounds. I like big breeds like St. Bernards, Danes, Newfies, etc.
"Two Canadian women have been charged with pretending to practise witchcraft, breaking a ...
graceylou comments on Nov 14, 2018:
I can clearly see that these women (and the others who have been charged in more recent years) are committing obvious fraud by manipulating people into giving them huge sums of money. The law is a little confusing in terms of its practical interpretations. How do you really know if someone is pretending to be practicing witchcraft to manipulate others for monetary gain or if s/he sincerely believes in witchcraft and offers to provide services to others for monetary compensation? The law should be equally applied to celebrity evangelists who scam people to give their money away. I know many pagans, Wiccans, and others who practice witchcraft (don't ask me why), and some make money from it, but no way do they ever collect insane sums of money like that.
Do you consider your job?
graceylou comments on Nov 15, 2018:
I work with dogs. Nuff said.
Do you ever feel like you’re unlovable?
graceylou comments on Nov 15, 2018:
Just to clarify, I don’t feel unloved. I just think of myself as someone who is unloveable a lot of times, someone with no qualities to love. Loving me may not be the wisest thing someone can do. May be I choose to be unloveable sometimes to keep myself and others from being hurt. Like someone among you had said to me, I feel like I don’t deserve love. I think it’s a coping mechanism I’ve adopted because of my current situation. I had a particularly difficult night last night and couldn’t sleep. I was thinking I would be better off if no one loved or cared for me, and it’s better for others too.
Question for Women: Short Hair on Men. Love it or Leave it?
graceylou comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Shaved head is most preferred but I don't give too much thought on hair.
519 points until level 8
graceylou comments on Nov 16, 2018:
Giving it to you to help you get over the edge. Points, that is.
When was the last time that you were in love?
graceylou comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Very very recently.
graceylou comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Not work but I drive over an hour each way to go to dance classes (and practice and workshops). A class might be 1 to 1.5 hours long so I spend more time driving than I am participating in the class. My current work is a 2 minute walk from my house.
This movement makes me instantly happy.
graceylou comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Lovely, thanks. We’ve had snow since September. It’s a REAL drag.
Whats the differance in "exotic" and "kinky"?
graceylou comments on Nov 17, 2018:
Exotic or erotic? Yeah, I agree that exotic and kinky aren't related, though I'm sure they could be connected in some way.
Just found this at Target. Please go eat some
graceylou comments on Nov 18, 2018:
You can make your own avocado or banana based frozen desserts for a lot cheaper.
God and monogamy
graceylou comments on Nov 19, 2018:
Do you know how many characters in the Bible are not monogamous? And I’m sure there are many non-monogamous gods and characters in other religions as well.
Apologies people we don't have thanksgiving in Scotland and I really don't understand it's ...
graceylou comments on Nov 22, 2018:
We aren't celebrating Thanksgiving today either in Canada (though I've gotten Happy Thanksgiving messages anyway). Our Thanksgiving was back in October, and it's never that big a deal here. In fact, Halloween is the more important "holiday" in October.
Adam and the Ants-Stand and deliver. []
graceylou comments on Nov 22, 2018:
I love him!!!!
So... Who else can eat leftover homemade cranberry sauce and sweet potatoes for breakfast?
graceylou comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I will have the sweet potatoes for sure!!! However, I hate cranberries.
Any other self-employed people here? What online platforms are best for your business and why?
graceylou comments on Nov 24, 2018:
I use Facebook a lot (pages, groups, buy and sell pages, and their business services). Also Kijiji, which is like Craigslist. Recently, I was told someone got a lot more business since getting on Instagram. I figure it wouldn't hurt so my business is on there now too.
My old girl Jazzee supervising me printing forms for work.
graceylou comments on Nov 25, 2018:
She’s a small cat but not tiny. This is her this morning. She always wants attention and loves being petted and brushed.
The very first transgender woman (Angela Ponce, Miss Spain 2018 ) to compete at Miss Universe ...
graceylou comments on Nov 27, 2018:
I’m happy for her. This is what she wants to do and she is not only accepted into it but does very well in it. I don’t need to say anything else.
Saw this guy/gal in a Walmart parking lot. Wondering what it is. Any clues?
graceylou comments on Nov 30, 2018:
My first thought was red tail too but hard to tell from the pics. We’ve got plenty of red tails where I live.
3....Never skied, never been to Niagara Falls. Never been to Grand Canyon.(I wish) ... And you?
graceylou comments on Dec 1, 2018:
Never: birthed children, failed a test (really, I have never failed anything), seen Grand Canyon, been skiing, been divorced. So I guess that would be 5.
Thought you guys might get a kick out Happy, the Singapore blue tarantula! The drab one is mine.
graceylou comments on Dec 2, 2018:
Beautiful. I only have New World species but would love to expand into Old World ones in the future. I handle mine only if absolutely necessary.
How young is too young for a tattoo?
graceylou comments on Dec 2, 2018:
I would agree that at 18 it's his decision. And like others have said, make sure he's sure of the design and he goes to a reputable tattoo studio/artist. You get what you pay for as well. Normally, small simpler tattoos get relegated to apprentices at tattoo studios. Not saying apprentices are terrible but he may want a more experienced tattoo artist for better quality. Tattoos really are not as permanent as most people think. Tattoo removal is quite common these days. Blurred aged tattoos can also be touched up years later and tattoos you are not happy with can be redone in a different way (coverups are a common thing as well). You have tattoos so I would guess that you already know all that. And since you have tattoos you can help him make sure that the aftercare is done correctly.
For the people who think I flirt too much, or "lay it on too thick", or frankly am being a smarmy ...
graceylou comments on Dec 4, 2018:
I think you are sexy as hell and I enjoy reading your posts. In my view, you’re just being you.
Thing you can't live without
graceylou comments on Dec 5, 2018:
High collar, or unbutton it? (Sorry the first one's dark, had a poor angle.)
graceylou comments on Dec 5, 2018:
Unbutton definitely.
Anyone want to help me get out of level 1?
graceylou comments on Dec 6, 2018:
I see you've made it to level 2 but here's more points anyway.
What are you doing this very minute? Me? Creating a stupid post
graceylou comments on Dec 6, 2018:
Replying to a post right after I got home from work which was like a minute drive from my house.
Today I shall be invigilating an exam and marking then having a weekend off.
graceylou comments on Dec 7, 2018:
Work today, and work all weekend, and work everyday. Since we own a business that is just about 24/7/365, we rarely have time to go out and have fun (until we get to a point where we can hire an employee, which considering the high minimum wage, we just can't right now). On the other hand, we work with pets (mostly dogs) so it's not that bad. My SO does most of the on the ground stuff (dealing with the animals and construction and repairs, clearing snow). I mostly handle the "business end" like bookings, paperwork, advertising. Hey, how bad can it be when I get to snuggle and play with animals and take pictures and videos of them everyday (and post them on my business pages on social media so their people can see their pets while they're away).
I was having a perfectly lovely morning.
graceylou comments on Dec 7, 2018:
I totally know how that is. Owning a home and a business, it seems all we do is pay bills, taxes, insurance, and the costs of supplies and repairs. It's like trying to catch up with a runaway train some days.
I'm very upset with myself.
graceylou comments on Dec 8, 2018:
As a vegan of going on 10 years, I've eaten nothing but fabulous food. I make my own vegan burgers but occasionally might buy packaged ones. Yves is ok, but try Tofurky and Beyond Meat for higher quality.
Oxygenating Blood with Nitrate-Rich Vegetables - YouTube
graceylou comments on Dec 8, 2018:
I hate beets!!! LOL. Luckily I'm the poster child for perfect blood pressure even at almost age 50 and I don't have to worry about ED. I do watch a lot of Dr. Greger's videos though and find them enlightening.


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Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Here for community
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