OK so this bit, may as well give it a proper go then.
I am a pre op transgender female, currently living for some time back in my home town of Cambridge UK.
I have also lived in Southampton for a few years in the 90's and spent about 7 years living in rural Ireland.
I have A levels in physics and chemistry I got back in the day when I was young, have been a musician and music teacher (folk fiddle, guitar singer) ran a health food shop for many years and was a bar manager in a social club for a few years also.
I have, I wouldn't call it a lust for knowledge, more a compulsion to understand and explore things, I like to know how things work in all senses of the word, from physical things to human behaviour and just about everything in between.
Is there a god in the commomly thought sense? No I don't think so, humans are too flawed for anything to have made us in it's own image to qualify as anything but a pretty bad architect, that doesn't mean I discount some kind of creator race nor does it mean I think everything in the mainstream of science is true or false, one of the things I came to understand is that knowledge and fact change depending on the current perceived "wisdom", this decade's certainty is next decade's fallacy and the level of understanding anyone has is largely based on what they can comprehend at any point in life's journey and what I would call the size of their mind box, some are born like me to question everything, others are happy to live without that, but me I want to know as much as possible and make up my own mind.
How long do you make these things anyway?
As far as "dating" goes (a term which I hate because I don't do that as far as I am concerned, I meet people and we talk and either we get on or not), I am not actively looking for "that magic person" to come in to my life, I am just open to the prospect of it happening, maybe, at some point in the future, but understand this, while I try whenever I comment on a posting or thread or what ever, to be as polite as possible, specially when it's people looking to understand things or have views put forward or talking about things that are personal to them, I am in fact honest to (and beyond) the point of brutality in conversation and my opinions, and if you need a bucket to hold a conversation and don't want to think out of the mainstream, we have absolutely nothing that will ever work.
I am also not interested in a sexual relationship of any kind what so ever, as I opened with I am a pre op transgender woman and sex is not something I feel comfortable with at all, and that really is end of list at this point in time (plus I have been way too hurt in the past to let anyone close without damn good cause now).
Finally for now I suppose, I currently do not work as I am not capable of it due to mental health problems so don't ask me what I do, I am happy to talk to people openly about my problems, certainly if it is a way to help others understand theirs because if you can't help others what are you on the planet for?
If you read this far, thanks for taking the time, if I have said anything that chimes with you then feel free to message me, or what ever, I am not the most instant responder in the world.
And of course finally good luck on life's journey may it be kind to you, may you be kind to others and don't forget we're only here once so don't forget your sense of humour where possible. hx