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Taken in 2015 just before all my hair was shaved off for charity. The girls at work thought it would be a terrific hoot to have me with pink hair, I thought it may as well be a mohawk if we're going all in :-)


Praise be unto he who sacrificed himself to save us
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
The force is strong in you young @LadyAlyxandrea
The last event of the American Atheist convention was packing 30,000 meals for the poor.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Nice one :-)
CCR - Bad Moon Rising []
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
So, what does everyone do on religious holidays?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Same as I do on non religious holidays, whatever I've got planned or that which takes my fancy :-)
How do you feel about religious text associated with Easter?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I don't, they're meaningless to me.
Tuesday is World Autism Day.
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Hope you don't mind I shared this to my autism page
Did I screw up?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
You didn't screw up, you did what you thought was appropriate and your kids didn't miss out. I have chocolate eating daughters, who doesn't, and Easter is about eggs and chocolate not god. They know my beliefs, they know what the Christians do and why so it's all cool.
Ok, here's a challenge for you in this time of holidays: Anyone got a movie special effect that ...
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
I was always taken by Roy Harryhausen's special effects especially in the 7th Voyage of Sinbad for which he won an academy award in 1958 for special effects, he was also responsible for a ground breaking bit of work in Jason & The Argonauts, 1963, with a sword fight against skeleton warriors.
So, what do you think of Ibrahimovic's two goals on his first 20 minutes for the Galaxy?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Ibrahimovic has always scored on his debuts for whatever team he's played for. His first was quite impressive but have you ever seen his bicycle kick against England a few years ago, it is astonishing.
Hi all. I've just signed up today and was wondering what everyone is doing this/Easter weekend?
ipdg77 comments on Apr 1, 2018:
Welcome aboard and sweet F.A. pretty much :-)
Other than Bon Jovi who can you identify?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
On the right looks like Roger Taylor (Queen)
Does hardship make a person stronger?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I think hardship, I've only really had emotional hardship, makes you harder not neccesarily stronger but it may be specific to the emotion concerned rather than generally. I think for me, my experience has made me less likely to be emotionally trusting in the future.
Classic Stones! []
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
The Beatles and Stones are my favorites, I Like SO much music that I can't put up all of the music I...
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Just put anything up, it starts a thread and other people can join in :-)
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Because in spite of what the church thinks he isn't Superman
What song would you want played for your funeral?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Classic Stones! []
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Love them Stones
Why Ohio??
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I think you'll find a disproportionate number of cute guys reside in the UK but perhaps a tad too far for a coffee and a chinwag :-) Conversely it would appear that cute ladies are spread all across the USA, as well as elsewhere of course :-)
Favorite snack foods?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
What ever's in the cupboard :-)
Do you think all religious are equal?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
They are all equally misguided. But it's the fundamentalists that are the issue. What are the fundemantals? Like Sam harris said, Islamic findementalists are a problem because the fundamentals, as they see them, call for violence, whereas a Jane fundementalist gets safer!
What is it do you think that makes you resistant to organized religions! Is it the structure?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
The premise is bollocks so it all stems from that :-)
Hey everyone! I'm new to this site. Help me feel welcomed! Thanks!
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Welcome aboard :-)
I’m an older student studying Applied Behavior Analysis.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Further to the post this link may be of interest with regards to further information about ABA and autism.
I’m an older student studying Applied Behavior Analysis.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Hey, thanks for posting. I work with adults with autism and my eldest daughter has Asperger's. I also give training to groups and companies to give them an introduction to the condition and how it presents and what can be done to reduce, if not eliminate, areas of stress and difficulty. I don't actually provide therapy but am always interested in anything that can be applied to assist people on the spectrum. I will have to spam up on it. I'd be interested to see the sample size and demographic of the studies :-)
What is the bible to you?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
It's a book, it's a badly written book, it's a book full of inaccuracies, it's an unreliable book, it's a book that wants to be taken seriously but can't, it is the best selling book in history if you add all the versions together but it is an anachronism. To me it is nothing more than other books on my book shelf that I'll never pick up again.
The best evidence ever collected for Yahweh, the god of the Bible. Happy Easter!! []
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
It's a cracking watch :-)
Walking to work I'm approached by an woman with a pamphlet.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I don't know if the same applies in America but in the UK a full moon is slang for showing your arse off, i.e. a rugby team on a coach may have someone who bares there arse and sticks it up at the window, it's called mooning. So an invitation to see someone die and someone's arse? I'm not surprised you declined :-)
Mini Vent: Yesterday I threw a fit because one of my patients hadn't been up out of bed in over a ...
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Hey it's just the usual crap, all gods take the credit but none of the responsibility. Wish I could live that way but then I'm not a god. I don't know if 'yeah yeah whatever' has made it a cross the pond but that's the reply lol At least you can come here for a mini vent or even a large one :-)
Are you a "hint" dropper in life/relationships?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
I may drop hints, but if I do I'm really crap at it :-)
Footy is back!! Well, European footy that is.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
Enjoy, safe travels :-)
Do You Have a Phobia?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
No, not in the strict sense of pulse rising, shakes and stuff like that but not keen on being near balloons, I can hold them, blow them up, jump on them but just being around them.
Which album?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 31, 2018:
For me it was probably Drama by Yes. Been a big Yes fan since the early 70s but I never got on with this album. Saw the tour and they'd had a few line up changes, not the least of which was getting Horn and Downes from the Buggles to replace Anderson and Wakeman who had departed. Fine musicians etc but the shoes were too big.
Anyone ever heard this? Decades old, I first encountered about a year ago. I dig it. []
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
A first for me, can here the Sabbath but early Floyd peeking thru as well, :-)
This group would be lovely on continuous play.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Go on give us a clue or do you mean what the group posts?
What's your favourite building?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
There are a few and they're all to do with the ancients. I chose the Museum Of Antiquities in Cairo because it symbolised a journey for me, academically as well geographically, and I just love to see and touch the ancients.
A Very British Problem.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I've given this some thought, it is a dilemma and a very British one, but I've reached a conclusion You'll have to f---ing go without until tomorrow...unless your village shop is open at nearly 1.00am?
What type of home do you prefer?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I live in what is described as a cottage, a little grandiose really, but I like it here so I vote for cottage :-)
Come check out our booth at the American Atheist convention going on now for the next few days in ...
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Cool, have a great time :-)
Glad to find this network!
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
All aboard the Skylark! You need to be 50 something and from the UK for that one :-)
How do you express gratitude for the people, things, and experiences you've had in life?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Thanks :-)
This just in, the guy in Vatican City says there is no hell.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's amazing how Catholic doctrine can just suddenly change. This one took 2,000 years, so not really sudden I suppose, oh well, better late than never. As a little aside, I've always thought they should put a camera on the Popes mitre and call it Vatican Cam
Incest: Immoral or Moral?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Immoral isn't the word I'd use, revolting is closer to it
Sex, fine food or good company?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I'd go good company, fine food then sex :-)
Do you want a funeral, or a celebration of your life?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Both, I've already chosen the music but that does change from time to time, then I'd like everybody to have right royal knees up at my expense. :-)
Nuclear Blast Map
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Many years ago, 1986 in fact, there was an animated film in the UK about an elderly couple who survived a nuclear war/strike, it was called 'When The Wind Blows' it was based on a book by Raymond Briggs. It was so tragic and sad that if and when it happens I want it to drop right on my head, I don't want to live in the aftermath.
Its 6:52 AM here in the Philippines, so Good morning to y'all guys here!
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Morning.....but I haven't gone to bed yet, it's 11:56 in the UK :-)
People describe me as a sinner. What is sin?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Sin is just some bullshit for the religious. If I'm viewed as a what, nobody on the planet has the right to judge me.
Where do I post to post about dating ? Going on one?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's as much, if not more, about community as well as dating. If you post things and get involved with other posts you get used to people and see what they think. Then if you're so taken you can message them and see if they want to get to know you. It's all pretty laid back, just get involved and see, you never know someone might open up a chat with you. Hope you enjoy it :-)
Glad to find this network!
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Jump right in, the water's lovely :-)
My daily mischief.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Generally speaking I've found that living in the UK there isn't very much of the 'In your face' Christianity. As for work they could all worship Odin for all I know, it doesn't get discussed. There is one lady who is a bit more religious, she likes to put Songs Of Praise on the TV on a Sunday in the lounge for the clients, she puts it on for herself but I couldn't care less really, so I just comment on how well the local hair salons did in the run up to being on telly, but that's about it.
Anyone watching Jesus Christ Superstar Sunday?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
J.C. ? Bit early for John Cougar isn't it? :-)
Spiritual but not religious, does that qualify
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
What the first comment said...enjoy :-)
20 Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship 1.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Thx for this. My ex wife ticks the box easily on 17 out of the 20. I've been out of my abusive marriage for over 5 years and it's still amazing how much you distort your 'normal' to compensate.
Anyone else out there think we really lost out when Christianity convinced the pagan world that ...
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Nothing wrong with running around bollock naked when the sun comes up at Stonehenge and you don't need to be a Druid to get Dave & the twins out!
You're on a long flight next to a believer who wants to talk deeply about their faith/proselytize.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I'd make my own one up and argue that it's better than theirs :-)
If you're happy and you know it clap your...oh.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
They're all fucking mad, each to their own aside, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a's a duck. They're round the twist - go large.
Proof of no god?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It is my understanding, and one that I believe to be the definition of an atheist, that there is/are no god(s) due to a lack of evidence to the contrary, it's not even close. And the burden of proof lies with those making the assertion. The Oxford dictionary defines religion as 'belief in super human controlling power' therefore atheism cannot be a religion because it is not a belief it is a lack of belief.
Do you celebrate "Easter"?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's just about chocolate and a couple of extra days off work
What would your last wIsh be?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
To spend it with my daughters :-)
Hello out there.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Welcome aboard :-)
If you met someone here who seems compatible, and a few dates show that you have chemistry, how far ...
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I wouldn't move, I have to be near my daughters until they're aduls.
Who was your best teacher in school
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's a pity but I don't have a favourite teacher from my school days, I found it all very uninspiring and couldn't wait to leave. I did, however, go back to college as a mature student in my mid/late 30s and studied Egyptology and then got a BA (Hons) in Roman Archaeology. My favourite then was a Dr Emma Dench (Dame Judi Dench's niece as it goes), she was almost eccentric but it was her passion for her subject, she taught me a great deal about critical and analytical thinking
The origin of Easter?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Not saying this is right or wrong but is an interesting bit of info around the possible origins of Easter.
Favorite musical. Mine is “Chess” by Tim Rice, Benny Andersen, and Bjorn Ulvaeus. []
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Anything Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire with a bit of Ann Miller, Cyd Charisse etc
New full-time father looking for tips
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Remember to enjoy it, my eldest daughter is 14 and I haven't spent time with her in the last 5 years (ex is to blame) but I will and I will cherish every moment :-)
Dating Perceptions
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I'm really bad at reading the signals correctly so a woman who's a bit more forthright would be handy, there also needs to be a mutual fancying as well of course :-)
A music group- brilliant! hi everyone
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Hi Talulah, bring it on :-)
Ugh, I've been invited to Easter lunch.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
If someone offered me a roast lunch on Sunday I'd take it, so long as it's a normal roast with all the trimmings....yum! :-)
Religion and life on other worlds
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Well the Jehovah's are f---ed, they believe we're the only life in the universe!
What about your life gives you a sense of meaning?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
My daughters, my family and when I'm there my work (I don't bring it home)
What is your quest? What is your favorite color? What is your next goal in life?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
To shuffle off this mortal with a bank balance of zero having left a few quid for my daughters, Purple, to finish decorating the bathroom.
Do we have free will?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
Isn't this two different questions, free will and a god and free will? As I don't subscribe to the notion of the existance of any god he/she or its influence etc is irrelevant, it doesn't exist. As to the header, I have a free will to do or attempt anything that is within my abilities to do so. Yes I am the product of nature and nuture and yes there are cultural, legal and/or conventional constraints but that doesn't mean that within that I don't have a free will to choose a great many things. I'm not free to do what ever I like as this may impinge on the liberties of others but then that's a matter of judgement. I have the free will to stab someone, I choose not to and there may be repurcussions if I did but that doesn't alter the fact that I have the free will to do so in the first place.
You died, I lived, god is good!
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
It's hard to rationalise the irrational. A building collapses during an earthquake and 500 people die, a horrible death, and three weeks later a baby is found alive in the rubble and it's heralded as a miracle from God. How? 500 die and one lives! I stopped trying to square that circle a long time ago.
Godfather issue
ipdg77 comments on Mar 30, 2018:
I'm also a Godfather, three times over, and willingly accepted the position, not to fulfill the role to the Nth degree as written out in Catholic doctrine, but as a token of support and appreciation for my friends who honoured me by wanting to take on that role at the baptism. My own two daughters didn't have baptisms they had naming ceremonies and the supporting adults chosen performed their roles in exactly the same way as I had at earlier baptisms and for the same reasons. It all fits pretty well with me but I appreciate the naming ceremony may not be something that the majority of the religious zealots in America would take too.
Do you over think? Do you under think? Do you feel like you might be forgetting something?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I'm still over thinking your question to post anything worthwhile :-)
How are you gonna spend Easter Sunday?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Bit of decorating, bit of gardening, bit of this place, it;s just a day off work :-)
People that won't take no for an answer
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
As a rule of thumb, in any scenario, if a person won't take 'No' for an answer then 'fuck off' usually does the trick :-)
What’s your favorite medium for music? I’m into original vinyls myself
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I've got CDs and vinyl but it's probably Youtube because I'm too lazy to get up and change the record/disc lol
What is the plural of Jesus?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
The Holy Trinity?
Does intimacy contribute to your general health and happiness>
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I guess it would if I was intimate with anyone
What do you most like to do during your leisure time?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
How did you come out as atheist, agnostic etc..
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Ta Da!
What is your favorite word? Mine is PASSION (and I think Rod Stewart would agree).
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I just wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I always had an issue with this 'On the third day' business from as early an age as I can remember. If he got strung up on Friday and rose again on Sunday it's TWO FUCKING DAYS. By any measure Sunday is two days after Friday. If he rose from the dead three days later he got up on Monday! And when I asked teachers and priests why they call this 3 days they said they include the Friday??? Why? No fucker else does!
What say you??
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
What do you think the world will be like in a million years' time?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
After we've passed thru the Soylent Green scenario I don't think it will matter.
Monogamy vs. Polygamy
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I have no idea of the science involved but one at a time if it's a problem lol
With or without music during sex?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Without music, I'm concentrating for f**** sake, besides men can't multitask and I might drop my trombone :-)
Who likes to go to planetariums, museums, zoos and Parks?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yes to everything although fitness has an ebb and flow to it :-)
Do you have a dating pattern?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Yeah lunatics!
Are you patient?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
I'm very patient, no reason for it I just am.
Do you accept or reject friend request on Facebook by people you don’t know?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 29, 2018:
Always reject
Describe your love life in one word.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
What's a thing that you love?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
The Minnesota Vikings Skol!
Okay, I'm new here.
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Welcome aboard Rev, good old nickname for here, enjoy :-)
What are some songs you like, despite them having religious lyrics?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Queen's first album is full of religious songs and references but was a huge fan of them at the time and didn't give a toss about the lyrical content. This one especially would seem to be the most overtly religious one
What are some songs you like, despite them having religious lyrics?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
This has a religious reference but so what, love the song
Do you still have CDs, or is all your music on an MP3 player/cell phone?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
As I'm approaching being an old fart I don't have anything on mp3 or cell phone, all my music is CD and Vinyl :-)
Anyone here like some Heavy Metal?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
Sure do :-)
What's the biggest benefit to dating you?
ipdg77 comments on Mar 28, 2018:
I got a head full of useless trivia and I don't drink (high days and holidays only) So entertaining and cheap :-) And of course my stunning personaility and razor sharp wit :-)


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Taken in 2015 just after I shaved all my hair off to raise money for cancer support
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My daughters phone gave me an 'Ozzy' sort of look
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Taken in 2016 at Download, three days of rock, metal and thrash, fantastic. Don't know who the grumpy cow is behind me, she obviously didn't like the rain!
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Taken a couple of years ago, 2016/7, playing on a rope swing with my daughter
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I'm sporting a beard at the mo', taken June 2018, I'm not as grumpy as I look.
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F***ing selfies in a mirror, taken 2018
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Beachcombing on the Isle of Wight - Sept 2018
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My niece and I - Isle of Wight Sept 2018
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One of the Indestructibles and a pretty hideous look but my daughter thinks it's a hoot!  
Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
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