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I'm a retired software engineer, divorced for 10 years or so, with one grown daughter who lives back in NY. I was raised Jewish, rejected that (the religion not the culture), and lived most of my life as an atheist. I’ve developed a serious Buddhist practice over the last few years and spend a fair amount of time on meditation and Buddhist studies.

I’m pretty liberal and would avoid getting involved with anyone who is into conservative religion or politics. Being a Trump supporter is an absolute deal-breaker for me.

Full Bio


Gosh, Trump invents a new holiday - July 4th! Donald J.
jerry99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
I'm still hoping he'll be in jail by then.
Something tastes funny
jerry99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
With a side of pee soup
Conservative Christians Claim Ocasio-Cortez Is A Witch Leading Attack Against Trump | Michael Stone
jerry99 comments on Feb 24, 2019:
Peasant 1: A witch! We have found a witch! Can we burn her? Belvedere: How do you know that she is a witch? Peasant 2: Because she looks like one! Witch: I am not a witch! I am not a witch! They dressed me up like this, and this is not my nose it is a false one! [Belvedere pulls off the false nose and opens his helmet] Peasant 1: Well, we did do the nose, and the hat. Peasant 2: She has a wart. Belvedere: Why do you think that she is a witch? Peasant 2: Well, she turned me into a newt. [Belvedere gives him a disbelieving look] Belvedere: A newt? [Silence] Peasant 2: Well I got better. Peasant 3: Burn her anyway. [Yells of "Burn her!"] Belvedere: There are ways of telling whether she is a witch. Tell me, what do you do with witches? Peasants: Burn them! Belvedere: Now, what do burn besides witches? Peasant 3: More witches! [receives a punch from Peasant 1; silence] Peasant 2: Wood? Belvedere: So, why do witches burn? [more silence] Peasant 2: Because there made of wood? Belvedere: So, how do you tell if she is made of wood? Peasant 3: Build a bridge out of her! Belvedere: Ah, but cant you also build bridges out of stone? Peasant 3: Oh, right. Belvedere: Tell me, does wood sink? Peasant 1: No, it floats. Belvedere: What also floats in water? [lots of yelling and many wrong and random answers including very small rocks] King Arthur: A duck! Belvedere: Exactly! Peasant 2: So if she weighs as much as a duck she is made of wood. Belvedere: And therefore? Peasants: A witch! Belvedere: We shall use my largest scales. [Having been revealed to weigh the same as a duck, therefore proving her a witch, the crowd goes insane] Witch: It's a fair cop.
Control yourself, ladies.
jerry99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I have that same Hawaiian shirt! (but I'm pretty sure that's all he and I have in common)
Facebook is evil.
jerry99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I assume that anything I ever write online could one day be made public without my knowledge or permission. If you want total privacy, it's easy - just disconnect your network cable.
The most distant object ever detected is GN-z11 (As far as I'm aware) at 13.
jerry99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Trump's wall?
Trump Tax Cuts Hand Banks $28.8bn Bonus []
jerry99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
In case there was any doubt about who the Trump tax cuts were intended to benefit.
But the witch hunt...
jerry99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
Prett obvious — the difference between an honest and a corrupt administration.
The White House's new argument against collusion with Russia is nonsensical Analysis by Chris ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 23, 2019:
SHS: Facts? What facts? I don’t see any facts. That’s what they pay me for.
Innocence I will never again believe in fairytales For I have seen the world as it truly is ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Haunting. How very sad.
Fuhrer Trump will cut $1.
jerry99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
This is what you get when you put a 3-year-old in charge.
Bill Maher likes Klobuchar while others fear her.
jerry99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
I like her and think she a pretty good candidate. I don't see why you think some people fear her, unless you mean Trump & Co. I just object to our system where a few small, mostly inconsequential, states might put her out of the running before I even get to vote.
Hayabusa-2: Japan spacecraft touches down on asteroid []
jerry99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Way cool! Where to go to sign up for asteroid mining jobs?
Prosecutors worked to cut sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein a break | Miami Herald
jerry99 comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Is there anyone in Trump's cabinet who is not a criminal?
I have a horrible memory.
jerry99 comments on Feb 22, 2019: A year of unprecedented deception: Trump averaged 15 false claims a day in 2018
‘I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on earth’: A self-proclaimed white ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
“civil war if trump impeached” Pretty clear who's encouraging this insanity!
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Seems pretty obvious that money-laundering will be one of Mueller's charges against the Trump crime family (or at least it damn well should be!).
I found this gem today and thought of all the folks who cook such pretty meals....
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Is the bacon under the toast?
Colorado legislature sends bill to governor that would favor popular vote over Electoral College | ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
After winning the popular vote and losing 2 out of the last 3 presidential elections, WE NEED TO FIX THIS! What we have now is the no one's vote counts unless you happen to live in one of the swing states -- that's wrong!
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
Does the pope shit in the woods?
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
You say that like you thought'd Trump would have a clue!
This is true. It’s hard to force yourself to think clearly.
jerry99 comments on Feb 21, 2019:
It's about the tribalism. When one of your people says something stupid, you tend to make excuses for it or blame it on the situation. But when it's the other guy, it's because they're innately evil. In the Trump era it's been taken to extremes -- when the facts say something critical, it's fake news, or there's a conspiracy, or it's someone else's fault. Yes, you can find example in Obama or Hillary but nothing compared to what we've seen the last two years. It's NOT fake news. it's NOT because he inherited a huge mess, etc. -- it's because he's totally incompetent and a lifelong crook!
Fake president...
jerry99 comments on Feb 20, 2019:
Known universe just got bigger by 300,000 more galaxies []
jerry99 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
The observable universe is estimated to contain 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies.
We may have some new law breaking going on since the beginning of the ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Looks like another attempt to make a quick buck once again ignoring our national security interests: "They have warned about political appointees ignoring directives from top ethics advisers at the White House who repeatedly and unsuccessfully ordered senior Trump administration officials to halt their efforts," the report states. "They have also warned of conflicts of interest among top White House advisers that could implicate federal criminal statutes.".
jerry99 comments on Feb 19, 2019:
Wow, Clarence Thomas speaks? Waste of space just says and does whatever his handlers tell him.
jerry99 comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution specifies, “Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” By that description, it's absolutely clear that Trump is the one committing treason, not any of his detractors. Interesting discussion on treason at
Andrew McCabe says an FBI official told him in a briefing that Trump said he believed Vladimir Putin...
jerry99 comments on Feb 18, 2019:
Guy gets his facts from Putin and Limbaugh. I'm going with PATSY -- too stupid to be a traitor. Trump's latest tweet: “These guys, the investigators, ought to be in jail. What they have done, working with the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented. This is one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country, and Mueller is a coverup.” Rush Limbaugh
Chris Christie: Jared Kushner's father committed 'one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes' - ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Kushner Sr. and Trump are like two of the same sort of loathsome assholes. Trump got his then senile father to write his brother out of the will. Trump had been paying for his cerebral palsied nephew's hospital bills with his inheritance money, some $250-300 million. Trump's brother sued the estate for his share of the inheritance. In retaliation, Trump cut off paying his nephew's medical expenses. “I was angry because they sued,” he explained.
All my life, I've had an image of what my life is supposed to be like, and I've worked towards ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 17, 2019:
A quick glance at your profile seems to indicate that you're one of the lucky ones. Maybe count your blessings?
I am no expert and not sure what this is all about.
jerry99 comments on Feb 17, 2019:
There's a lot of different stuff there, so not sure what you're referring to. I'd guess maybe, "Mindfulness in the Public Sector"? That's not really a new idea -- there have been lots of groups offering mindfulness meditation in schools, business, health care, and even military training. I understand that's mostly been helpful but I don't recall any studies doing a statistical analysis.
Music or no music during sex?
jerry99 comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Has anyone read a book & when you were finished you felt sad b/c it was the end?
jerry99 comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Sue Grafton's Alphabet series of mystery novels. She completed Y Is for Yesterday but died before should could wrap it up with Z is for ???
Let's hope Trump/Russian interests don't try to steal it for the next election... []
jerry99 comments on Feb 17, 2019:
Elon Musk is great. He’s like the anti-Trump — everything he touches turns to gold!
Real National Emergencies Fuhrer Trump is Blind to.
jerry99 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
He's positioning himself for 2020. Those problems don't fit into catchy slogans with no more than three words: **REASONABLY PRICED HEALTHCARE FOR ALL** **BACKGROUND CHECKS FOR GUN PURCHASES SAVE LIVES** **CLIMATE CHANGE IS A REAL AND IMMEDIATE THREAT TO OUR CIVILIZATION** I don't think you're gonna see those on Republican placards.
I just wrote a post and could not find a category that it really fitted in.
jerry99 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
News is an option.
jerry99 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
Okay with me if he talks his way into prison.
[] Wow...what are the creationist/young earthers going to make of this?
jerry99 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
God put them there along with the fossils to test their faith. He just likes to screw with their heads. Fun guy!
NBC reports: JUST IN: House Judiciary Cmte.
jerry99 comments on Feb 16, 2019:
He doesn’t care, just so long as he’s still in the news. He’s like the “hungry ghost,” a starving creature that’s never satisfied no matter how much he eats.
"I didn't have to do this, but I wanted to get it done faster.
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
It's such a terrible emergency that he has to run off to Mar-A-Lago to relieve the stress!
Amazon riled up the left for not paying federal taxes — and it’s in a position to offset future ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Maybe we should re-institute the draft, but only for corporations since they're now persons and need to make up for all those years of draft-dodging. So for four years, they have to work for us!
The last message from Mars Rover....
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
I was expecting it to say, “ET phoning home — help!!”
I'm still not convinced climate change is a problem. Can you convince me otherwise?
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Looks like no one here will convince you so go do your own research. Or just sit by in blissful ignorance until the effects of climate change start impacting your life and your children’s lives. Of course, by then it will be too late but at least you stood true to your ignorance!
A 37 year old - very successful Mayor of a mid-US South Bend Indiana, wants to be POTUS.
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Trump has really lowered the bar!
Trump is the national emergency, but none of the limp dicks in GOP have the balls to help get rid ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Reddit's always fun. Some good comments: Things I learned from the speech: Obama was about to declare war on North Korea. The National Emergency was declared because he wants the wall done faster, not because it is a necessity. "I could do the wall over a longer period of time. I didn't need to do this. But I wanted to do it faster." China has the death penalty for drug dealers, and we can do that too, if we have to. He was nominated for a Nobel prize by the President of Japan. Well, I will say that Obama got the best/worst Nobel prize of all time. "Not being George W. Bush". Oh, yeah, you didn't see Obama's evil plan Start ISIS Invade Texas with operation Jade Helm Install gay Sharia martial law War with North Korea. “It actually creates zero precedent,” Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, told reporters on Friday morning. “This is authority given to the president in law already. It’s not as if he didn’t get what he wanted and waved a magic wand to get some money.” Uhhh, isn't that exactly what he did? That is the double standard by which the GOP now wants to play. Republicans can replace judges on federal courts and the Supreme Court, but not democrats. Republicans can vote, but not democrats. Republicans can declare national emergencies over nonsense but not democrats. Republicans can explode the deficit but not democrats. It's almost like he failed to make a deal despite being the best deal maker of all time, really great, like unbelievably great, because he simply made a demand and then made a bunch of threats if he didn't get exactly what he wanted and the Dems wouldn't capitulate. This is EXACTLY what his entire presidency has been. Commit an act and then immediately say it’s not what it is. He’s been doing it since 2015. The fact that 30% of the population falls for it and/or doesn’t care makes me want to set myself on fire.
National Emergencies Are for Autocrats
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Yeah, but he couldn't do it without a complicit Senate -- traitors all!
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Trump's presidency is the national emergency. It needs to be stopped by Congress and the courts!
Is it ok that my son is playing lots of sweary rap music to me?
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
As with all other music genres, some of it is excellent while most are crap!
Trump and his sycophants just don't get it that the 25th Amendment is part of the Constitution! It's...
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
Wow, three sleepy emojis on this post tonight! I wonder if they're reacting to my comment or Trumps? I kinda think a lot of people were asleep at the wheel during the 2016 election.
Whoever said that laughter is the best medicine, has obviously never been given morphine.
jerry99 comments on Feb 15, 2019:
What do you hope to see happen in your lifetime?
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Elon Musk is saying you'll be able to in a few years for about what you'd get by selling your house. I just don't know if you'd still need money on Mars once you got there. It sounds tempting to me.
Ah, Amore.
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
He got her green cards for her parents.
Amazon Will Pay Whopping $0 In Federal Taxes On $11.2 Billion Profits | Fortune
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
That just ain’t right! Fuck Repub tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.
I mean, come on!
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Probably everyone here would have been burned at the stake.
Perhaps this is an issue particular to my own group but I'd be interested in other's input.
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
I don't care (not that you asked).
45 is going to declare a National Emergency to get the Wall built.
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Because blue states don't really need disaster relief assistance!
Why you should always wash new clothes
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
Thanks, I haven't yet gotten over the idea that library books might contain bedbugs!
I don't get it. What is with the people of the United States?
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
The border is 2000 miles long and cuts through a number of wilderness areas and much of it is on private property. Most illegal immigration occurs at at existing border crossings and airport gateways. We are at a 50-year low for border crossings. The cost of the wall and its routine maintenance is in the $50-100 billion range. Illegal immigrants are not the terrorists, murderers, and rapists you've been hearing about but are statistically lower in criminal activity. Many of the young illegals were brought here as children and know no other country. In short, it's a made-up crisis attempting to get Trump's base excited and has nothing to do with national security.
what will Trump mean in a generation?
jerry99 comments on Feb 14, 2019:
It already is. Just the other day, I was walking my dog and accidentally stepped in a pile of trump.
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I guess he's still counting on a pardon cause he doesn't get it that loyalty's a one-way street with Trump.
Here in the UK, you really can get this in any supermarket.
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Spotted dick is a pastry? I wonder what’s the origin of that name.
Crayons! Crayola crayons put out a box of crayons in 1903.
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Do they still have flesh colored? :)
How Nuns Abused by Catholic Church Were Forced to Get Abortions
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
"This week Pope Francis admitted there has been clerical abuse of nuns, including sexual slavery. The BBC reports, "He said the Church was attempting to address the problem but said it was 'still going on.'"" I guess the pope deserves some credit for coming clean (as much as he did), but holy shit! I know there are a lot of good people in the various religious communities but it's hard to escape the fact that they're mostly at least complicit in a massive cover-up.
Claims of absolute knowledge of the bible annoy the crap put of me.
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
I think this is where people say, "Get a life!"
After watching clips of DJT's rally in El Paso (just couldn't stomach the entire thing), I've come ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
His presidency, hell, his very existence, defies all logical understanding. This period will be looked back on as an extreme aberration where our country lost all sense and voluntarily gave up its moral compass, its economic well-being, and its international standing.
jerry99 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Like? (missing emoji)
This kind of thing pisses me off on Nextdoor
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Post a picture of a filthy swamp in response as more of god’s Beauty.
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
As I heard it, the prohibition on tattoos has nothing to do with Talmudic law but was a response to Nazis tattooing numbers on their Jewish prisoners.
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
It'd be nice if he won a serious election first.
Just in case you ever wondered about the moon landings []
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Why does anyone waste their time on moon landing deniers, flat earthers, anti-vaxxers, 9/11 truthers, or any of the other anti-science movements? People are stupid and a lot of assholes are doing their best to take advantage of that for money, power, and sex. Bible thumpers are in the same category but they've managed to obtain some measure of legitimacy over time for no good reason I can see.
DonaldJTrumpJrs message to young conservatives: "Keep up that fight.
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
First comment in the link is: Trust fund baby attacking working Americans as "losers" is right-wing "populism" in its purest form.
I'm watching Lorena Bobbitt.
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Not disagreeing, but there are quite a few women assholes as well.
New research says Presidential B.S. is the new norm. []
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
Not exactly: "A detailed analysis of US presidential speeches from 1789 to 2018, augmented by similar analyses of Australian, British and Canadian political oratory, positions President Trump at the leading edge of a rhetorical evolution that has been underway since 1900. ... The researchers say that their analysis reveals that Trump is “lower in analytic thinking and higher in confidence than almost any previous American president”.
We Need Another Presidents Day Sale!
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
They're defective. I want my money back
Trump supporter attacks BBC cameraman at El Paso rally - BBC News
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
He whips them into a frenzy with his racist rhetoric then acts surprised when they attack the media and protesters.
God? Anyone...?
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
A construct in the minds of those unable to see the world with clear vision.
Donald Trump Claims 'No President Ever Worked Harder.' Twitter Isn't Buying It. | HuffPost
jerry99 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
He probably breaks a sweat just trying to get out of bed.
Just when you think you've heard it all...
jerry99 comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Jesus had jaundice?
jerry99 comments on Feb 11, 2019:
Assholes like McConnell and Trump are just not self-aware enough to realize they're saying the exact opposite of what they've been doing. Either that, or they've figured that their supporters are so effing dumb they will never see the hypocrisy.
I don't have an issue with Denmark removing the statue.
jerry99 comments on Feb 11, 2019:
An incredibly talented person who was forced to give up his childhood by his parents turns out to be psychologically screwed up. Who could have predicted that?
Interesting fact: 3 years ago I didn't give a crap about politics.
jerry99 comments on Feb 11, 2019:
That's good. Too many people just weren't paying attention and that's what gave us the Trump insanity. I hope this finally got everyone's attention and things will change in 2020.
Black Face SNL
jerry99 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
If you go back far enough, you have to contend with pictures of Amos and Andy, Charlie Chan, Al Jolson, etc. Things are better now but I think we still have a way to go.
I returned today from an invigorating 3 mile jaunt through the woods, in a snow shower.
jerry99 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Obviously the Chardonnay was defective.
How do you honor family and friends at weddings, baptism, bar mitzvah, etc.
jerry99 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
Sometimes you just have to show up, be polite, and smile and nod and whatever silliness is going on. It doesn't cause you harm and other people seem to appreciate it. Your close friends and family realize what you're doing and are probably grateful for your support though they may laugh about it with you later.
Another point of view...
jerry99 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
[poem] THE REVENANT by Billy Collins I am the dog you put to sleep, as you like to call the needle of oblivion, come back to tell you this simple thing: I never liked you. When I licked your face, I thought of biting off your nose. When I watched you toweling yourself dry, I wanted to leap and unman you with a snap. I resented the way you moved, your lack of animal grace, the way you would sit in a chair to eat, a napkin on your lap, knife in your hand. I would have run away, but I was too weak, a trick you taught me while I was learning to sit and heel, and--greatest of insults--shake hands without a hand. I admit the sight of the leash would excite me but only because it meant I was about to smell things you had never touched. You do not want to believe this, but I have no reason to lie. I hated the car, the rubber toys, disliked your friends and, worse, your relatives. The jingling of my tags drove me mad. You always scratched me in the wrong place. All I ever wanted from you was food and fresh water in my metal bowls. While you slept, I watched you breathe as the moon rose in the sky. It took all of my strength not to raise my head and howl. Now I am free of the collar, the yellow raincoat, monogrammed sweater, the absurdity of your lawn, and that is all you need to know about this place except what you already supposed and are glad it did not happen sooner-- that everyone here can read and write, the dogs in poetry, the cats and all the others in prose. [/poem]
Were they guilty?
jerry99 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
It's hard to have any real insight on this, but it looks like there was some evidence of nuclear weapon info being passed to the USSR and the speed of the USSR's nuclear weapon development.
I was born and raised in Germany.
jerry99 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
The Nazi takeover in Germany and its aftermath must never be forgotten or we will be fated to relive the same horror throughout time. We must all pay attention to the outrageous racism and nationalism of Trump and his ilk and do all we can to stop them dead in their tracks!
God does exist .
jerry99 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
Maybe basing your existence on pithy but meaningless sayings isn’t the best pathway to happiness.
Dear fellow drivers: Please stop driving 10 mph below the speed limit, until you hit the passing ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I get pissed at the clowns who think Yield means Merge and seem to think they have dibs on the lane I'm in.
Ok, this is supposed to be the serious group and I have made several wisecrack comments.
jerry99 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
I'd be curious to know how many members there are now broken down in various ways (gender, age, location, activity, etc.). I wonder if there's a need to grow this site substantially more. I often stumble across discussions that go on and on and I'm reluctant to dive in without wading through the entire discussion first.
How many of you support Ocasio Cortez’s “Green New Deal” to make it an emergency priority to ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I guess it depends on whether you think having healthy food, healthy people, clean water and clean air is important enough to make a few sacrifices.
Jeff Epstein Pleaded The Fifth When Asked About Trump Socializing With Minors - The Intellectualist
jerry99 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Well he did boast about walking in on the women's dressing room at his Miss Universe contest. (I can't wait for the day when he's gone and I can scrub all his crap out of my mind.)
I spent 30 odd years in the Information Technology industry. I'm in complete agreement with this:
jerry99 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
** 'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's all.' ** I have a number of smart devices that relieve me of minor boring tasks like remembering to turn the thermostat down at night or allowing me to control my music with just my voice. I'm pretty sure they're not about to rise up and take over, at least not for a few more years!
I know I have praised it previously and I am the first to admit it has issues but the NHS is ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Republicans! They're afraid a national health care program might reduce profits for their favorite lobbyists, insurance companies and for-profit hospitals.
How can a drug company charge 376000 dollars per dose for a drug with life changing abilities that ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
Remember Martin Shkreli, Who Raised Drug Prices 5,000 Percent? Turns out he's representative of the whole crooked industry.
AOC Rocks Congress! Watch the video! Rep.
jerry99 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I should have mentioned that you really need to watch her video in the tweet -- she's fabulous!
Presidential Goals
jerry99 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I'm starting to detect a pattern.
Obscure TV series that should get more attention.
jerry99 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I liked the "Almighty Johnsons" -- pretty funny/strange. I think I saw it listed on Netflix recently (maybe Amazon Prime, I can never remember).
Buddha Philosophy if not quote. Found on Pinterest.
jerry99 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
From the Dhammapada: No one saves us but ourselves, No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path Buddhas merely teach the way. By ourselves is evil done, By ourselves we pain endure, By ourselves we cease from wrong, By ourselves become we pure.
Trump cornered on border wall The president doesn’t have GOP support to go through another ...
jerry99 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
He'll claim the razor wire being put out by the troops are his wall, declare victory, and still do something else crazy -- because fuck you, that's why!


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