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Some women here talked me via text messenges, all telling me they were poor with no money to pay ...
jlynn37 comments on Dec 24, 2018:
I have been single for 50 years, have been on the Internet and dating sites for 25 years and I learned early on how scammers work. I typed and saved a text file and simply copy and paste it in any chat when someone asks for money. If you abide by this rule, you will never get scammed. Feel free to copy and use it if you like. "I have one strict rule when I am on the Internet. I will NEVER, under ANY circumstances, send money or gifts to ANYONE for ANY REASON".
So, people.... who is all alone this evening?
jlynn37 comments on Dec 24, 2018:
I am alone this evening as I am every evening. It is by choice and I am enjoying it. I did have one of my granddaughters and her hubby spend the weekend with me and they left for home this morning. What could be better?
It seems the wealthy cause the stock market to tumble and to panic so many! Now the wealthy have ...
jlynn37 comments on Dec 26, 2018:
Call it what you will. It is what it is.
It's been almost a year since I decided to be an Atheist.
jlynn37 comments on Dec 28, 2018:
In my opinion, you did not decide to be an A-theist, you just became one out of observation, logic, reason and intellect.
Is it only me?
jlynn37 comments on Dec 30, 2018:
They are not "sending" anything. They are just saying something nonsensical to please themselves.
Do you or will you get the flu vaccine?
jlynn37 comments on Dec 31, 2018:
I get a flu shot every year and have every year for the past 20 years and will continue to do so. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
We can't afford the rich any more...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 1, 2019:
Hear, Hear and Amen brother
The cows are coming home.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 8, 2019:
(If) it happens, it may not be pretty but it will be delightful to watch.
This question is more aimed at anti-theists, why do you take that sort of position of anti-theism?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 10, 2019:
Simple answer. Because of the harm religion and religious people cause.
Why do so many people believe in Noah's Ark?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 11, 2019:
The bible says it, I believe it, that settles it.
Do you believe in destiny?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 15, 2019:
What is love
jlynn37 comments on Jan 17, 2019:
There is a difference in "loving" someone and being "in love" with someone. I have been "in love" (or at least I thought I was) more than once and it is a two edged sword that can cut you to pieces with both sides. Loving someone can bring you joy and/or disappointment, but it does not cut you to the quick and hurt, harm or damage you.
Mike Pence can go fuck himself.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 18, 2019:
On target as always my dear friend.
Christian leaders rally in defense of Steve King: He ‘admirably holds to the principles of Western...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 18, 2019:
Hypocrites, ALL.
Donald Trump has been compromised by Russia - The Boston Globe
jlynn37 comments on Jan 20, 2019:
Donald Trump has been compromised by Donald Trump. He just has a lot of external reinforcement.
So how many of you have heard of Pantheism and how do you feel about it?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 21, 2019:
I am A-theist and reject the belief or idea of ANY gods, however you want to define them, as absurd.
I gotta vent about my coworker buddy.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
He most likely knew about it but just claimed it as fake news and dismissed it.
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.... LOL
jlynn37 comments on Jan 22, 2019:
Or your GPS.
Fake news, partial truths and perspective The situation of Native Americans vs MAGA Catholic ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 23, 2019:
In my opinion, it is only going to get worse.
Why is it that some people will post anything they read to social media with out fact checking one ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
In my opinion most people are, for the most part, only interested in confirmation bias. No fact check needed or even wanted.
If possible what would you say to Donald Trump...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
I would not waste my time.
Can anyone tell me why it is that if an employer other than the government didn't pay their workers ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 24, 2019:
Perhaps you have planted the seed.
republican Fascists ted cruz of Texas hypocritical blame of the Democrats for the Shitty unnecessary...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
It is a typical "they made me do it" type of argument and absolves you of any responsibility.
I can't help but wonder what this world would be like if people had more faith in themselves and ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 25, 2019:
As long as you accept being led, you have no need to do anything and requires no effort or action on one's part but to follow. What could be easier or more simple a way of life?
I believe that if there were actually an anthropomorphic god it would have to be a woman.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
I would tend to believe that a god would be a spirit with no form, sex, or any human construct. Just a power or force in the universe and that is best described by Nature.
I woke up this morning my first my thought was oh great it's Sunday I hate Sundays, the residual of...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Try to look at it as you did not lose ANYTHING, you acquired and GAINED the ability to accept reality over fantasy and live your life accordingly.
Why Can’t the World’s Greatest Minds Solve the Mystery of Consciousness? - The Guardian - Pocket
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Why the "mystery". I am conscious, I accept that and have no problem with it.
You won't believe this but today.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 27, 2019:
Try flipping a left-handed bird.
mitch mcconnell does anything he can to subvert the Constitution, the rule of law, and the ...
jlynn37 comments on Jan 29, 2019:
In my opinion, today's entire conservative GOP is anti-democracy, anti-constitution, anti-bill of rights, anti-rule of law, anti-we the people. They are only interested in maintaining power at any cost and the evangelical wing (which is the dominant power at this time) only interested in turning 'merca into their particular form of theocracy. For what it's worth.
First encounter
jlynn37 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I do not defend my beliefs. I will not discuss or argue with theists in any way. if someone asks what I believe I will tell them and give the reason for my conclusions and it will go no further.
Alan Watts - Nature of God - YouTube
jlynn37 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
Anyone saying anything about an invisible, imaginary entity can only give their opinion and nothing more and we all have opinions so take it for what it is worth.
Are these profiles real?
jlynn37 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I personally am not looking for anything or anyone nor do I have any expectations in that direction. I have a profile and if ANYONE reads it and wants to contact me, I am happy to respond, if not I am OK with that also.
Anybody else reject Valentine's Day? total bullshit
jlynn37 comments on Jan 30, 2019:
I pretty much reject ALL special days set aside for celebrating..
No words
jlynn37 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
As long as it doesn't affect them, then YES.
I witnessed a bonafide miracle on my drive home last night.
jlynn37 comments on Jan 31, 2019:
It is all about perspective.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 2, 2019:
Of course Africa is a continent and not a country.
I’m not watching
jlynn37 comments on Feb 3, 2019:
I have never watched a SOTU address of ANY president and have no intention of starting now. I can't see that not doing so has made any difference in my life what-so-ever.
Blasphemy -- truly the most ridiculous "crime" ever.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 4, 2019:
We have finally found something that god is indeed good for and serves a useful purpose. Goddamn right I say.
What do you think of this research suggesting religious and spiritual belief are protective against ...
jlynn37 comments on Feb 6, 2019:
In my personal opinion, for what it's worth, if religion is used in any manner or matter regarding any positive affects/effects it has on anyone's life, it is nothing more than a placebo effect. As an A-theist it has to be that since religions and gods are nothing more than myths and fairy tales.
Just having a crummy day, just feeling blurghy and fed up.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
You are loved my dear.
I always wanted to be a millionaire… But APPARENTLY you have to have a million dollars first.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 7, 2019:
I have never wanted to be wealthy or to accumulate wealth. I do not buy a lottery ticket as I believe winning millions of dollars would destroy me. I do not spend the money I have, what do I want or need with any more?
What do you choose?
jlynn37 comments on Feb 8, 2019:
I reject hate and choose love.
Is there love after 60
jlynn37 comments on Feb 9, 2019:
There is the possibility of ANYTHING right up to the day of your demise.
Why do some of us read books that agree with our world view?
jlynn37 comments on Feb 10, 2019:
I try to read, listen too other points of view but it only takes a few paragraphs for me to just stop and move on because of what I consider absurdity.
Black lives matter.
jlynn37 comments on Feb 12, 2019:
But..but.. I lub 'merca. MAGA.
The first amendment contains the establishment clause, it guarantees freedom from religion
jlynn37 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
One can not have freedom OF religion without having freedom FROM religion.
Maybe someone can explain this to me .
jlynn37 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
There is no making sense of anything 'mercan politicians do or say.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Tweets: 'Lobbyists Pay the Homeless + Others to Hold Their Place So They ...
jlynn37 comments on Feb 13, 2019:
Nothing new here.
Want to know why we have an Electoral College?
jlynn37 comments on Feb 28, 2019:
Just hyperbole scare tactics and nothing more and that is what the conservative GOP exists on.
"Einstein and Hawking: Unlocking The Universe" produced by the BBC for the Science Channel.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 11, 2019:
You seem to have the opinion that you are smarter, more intelligent, no more about cosmology than Einstein and Hawking together. That is some arrogance showing there.
So, the neighborhood kids were playing in the backyard with mine.
jlynn37 comments on Mar 26, 2019:
I hope it remains that way.
What do you say about near death experiences where the person claims they've seen heaven or hell?
jlynn37 comments on Mar 27, 2019:
I have never met anyone who says they have experienced this. To everyone else I would say that the brain (aka god) works in mysterious ways. That seems to work for jebus people.
It took Ryanair 3trips and 4 tries to land in Santorini from Athens last week.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 1, 2019:
I would have at least said "the pilot is as well".
Scrap religion as a charitable purpose, says National Secular Society | Third Sector
jlynn37 comments on Apr 4, 2019:
I will say that if you forbid Proselytizing by religious charities, they would stop doing it. The charity is nothing but a ruse to lure people in.
This is a Brilliant Way to Cover a Local Appearance by Creationist Kent Hovind | Hemant Mehta | ...
jlynn37 comments on Apr 6, 2019:
It should be very clear that NOTHING worries evangelical christians when it comes to their authority figures.
11-Year-Old Astrophysics Genius ‘Proves’ Stephen Hawking Wrong About God
jlynn37 comments on Apr 9, 2019:
All theists maintain that they "prove" A-theists wrong, but it is always the same old argument without evidence, facts or data generally falling back on some biblical based claims.
White Privilege Is it real? Please answer honestly.
jlynn37 comments on Apr 17, 2019:
Straight, white, christian, males are definitely the privileged class.
Trump will defeat biden, it will take more than just an anti trump message to win
jlynn37 comments on Apr 29, 2019:
And what type of device or method do you use to foresee the future? That would be a nice thing to have possession of and I want one.
I work in retail.
jlynn37 comments on May 5, 2019:
How 'bout responding with "thank you". I maintain that my life has been blessed, not by any deity, but by life itself. No deity required.
It is an extremely useful thing, this mathematics, no?
jlynn37 comments on May 5, 2019:
My issue with wealth is not that so few make so much, it is that so many make so little.
Jerry Falwell suggests Trump is owed two more years as president due to Mueller "witch hunt.
jlynn37 comments on May 7, 2019:
I personally do not believe this will happen.
Which Religious Group Wants To Base U.S. Law On Its Faith?
jlynn37 comments on May 11, 2019:
And right now they are in control of the conservative republican party and steadily working to accomplish making 'merca an evangelical Christian theocracy under biblical law of their interpretation.
First post on here, so be gentle.
jlynn37 comments on May 13, 2019:
Welcome to the asylum. I wish you well in your life's journey and success in finding what you are searching for here and in your life.
Anyone know much about the counsel of Nicaea?
jlynn37 comments on May 13, 2019:
Sounds like you are looking for complete confirmation bias information.
Tiger Woods faces wrongful death lawsuit brought by parents of restaurant employee
jlynn37 comments on May 14, 2019:
Tiger Woods got his troubles, I got mine. I wish him well.
Artificial intelligence is incompatible with religion.
jlynn37 comments on May 17, 2019:
Reality is incompatible with religion.
Ciao from Italy.
jlynn37 comments on May 18, 2019:
Enjoy your travels and stay safe.
Can an atheist be a hippy?
jlynn37 comments on May 20, 2019:
An A-theist can be anything he/she wants to be but a believer in god(s).
Should we create a church of satan in nyc just to piss off the religious people?
jlynn37 comments on May 22, 2019:
Meh.... I have no desire to "piss off" religious people. What I want to do is anything and everything that is available to me to reduce or eliminate religion and the harmful effects/affects it has on society.
I passionately believe that religious organizations that encourage any sort of political preference ...
jlynn37 comments on May 22, 2019:
And be designated a PAC.
Polish Catholic Church expects 'wave' of child sex abuse reports after release of film on ...
jlynn37 comments on May 23, 2019:
I doubt this information will make a bit of difference to Catholic believers.
Televangelist: Jesus Was Vaccinated Against Flu So We Don’t Have To Be
jlynn37 comments on May 29, 2019:
There is little one can do about other's ignorance and stupidity.
These evil fundamentalist people like Franklin Graham are liars and cheats.
jlynn37 comments on May 31, 2019:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels quote
The Great Agnostic "Col. Robert G. Ingersoll" (1833-1899)
jlynn37 comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I am an admirer of both Robert Ingersoll and Bertrand Russell and read and listen to their thoughts and ideas frequently.
The Clintons were in $6 million debt due to lawsuits when they left the White House in 2000.
jlynn37 comments on Jun 5, 2019:
FDR was a wealthy individual in a wealthy family and his primary political endeavor was to help the ordinary, working citizens of this country through social legislation. I have little concern with why so few make so much, my concern is why so many make so little.
I’ve been claiming to be Agnostic for over a year and a half now, but I’m leaning more towards ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 21, 2019:
There simply is no verifiable evidence, facts or data to even suggest that any deities exist much less proof.
From your personal experience, are some people simply not wired (say, neurologically or ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 22, 2019:
There of over 7 billion human brains on this planet and no two are wired exactly the same, so it is entirely conceivable for any particular wiring to exist.
Two things you could not live without
jlynn37 comments on Jun 24, 2019:
For starters, yo sweet ass would have to be one of them.
We in the US seem to be having a bitter fight over the issue of the separation of church and state, ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 25, 2019:
'merca is NOT hypersensitive. There should not be a state religion in any government, period. Until some verifiable evidence, facts and/or data is produced to support the existence of any supernatural realm and god(s), all governments should be secular. IMHO
Another relationship bites the dust. Your thoughts?
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2019:
Meh .. Easy come, easy go.
Disclaimer: the following is based on several years of personal experience with online dating and ...
jlynn37 comments on Jul 3, 2019:
I have been online and on various dating sites for over 25 years. I am NOT looking for a life partner and am here for friends only and to see what can happen within that friendship and nothing more. I have met many women online and have made friends with several through the years and we have enjoyed what we could share together within that friendship. I ask for nothing more and I expect nothing more. My experience on dating sites has been good for me and I believe it has been good for those who have chosen to be friends and enjoy what we can share together within our friendship. Some have been sexual and some have been platonic but all have been a good and enjoyable experience. Life is brief and unpredictable, embrace it now while you have the privilege and opportunity to do so. I wish everyone here and on dating sites well and success in finding what they are searching for online and in their lives.
[] Could this mean they will eventually see their error in ever believing at all?
jlynn37 comments on Jul 4, 2019:
Of course they see men as superior and the bible and quran both support that claim.
Religious indoctrination in public schools.
jlynn37 comments on Jul 6, 2019:
I think religious "indoctrination" should not be allowed ANYWHERE at ANYTIME in a child's development. Indoctrination implies brainwashing, which is forcing only one idea into one's belief system and denying any other.
What do you think are some of the root causes of apathy in our society?
jlynn37 comments on Jul 9, 2019:
I don't know and I don't give a shit.
Women's sexual desire can alter our lives. Your thoughts?
jlynn37 comments on Jul 10, 2019:
How women are indoctrinated from birth, strictly as a control means, with the constant bombardment that sex is "nasty", "dirty", "filthy", "slutty", "guttery", "dangerous", "unhealthy" has to lead to many women having such a distorted view of sex and it's necessary and essential place in the human condition is appalling to say the least. A good and proper sex education is essential for both males and females to function properly in any and all societies. The penis and vagina were created by nature and evolved to have a purpose and to be used, both for input activity and output activity.
There are basically two types of agnosticism: the first one takes place and participates in the ...
jlynn37 comments on Jul 13, 2019:
Your opinion is noted.
Name your US reps and what they do for you/your district
jlynn37 comments on Jul 15, 2019:
Lining their pockets with money.
An Interesting News on NPR Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050 Maersk — the world's largest ...
jlynn37 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
If everything is as what the knowledgeable people say it is, I would imagine that by 2050 it will too little, too late.
Ever found love and got into a relationship with someone they met on agnostic?
jlynn37 comments on Jul 16, 2019:
As for the dating portion of this site and as my profile states, I am here to meet women for friendship only and am not looking for love, romance, sex, commitment or anything having to do with permanence other than one of friendship. I am always a friend and committed to that.
My relatives, when they find out I'm an atheist:. "Do you worship the devil?
jlynn37 comments on Jul 23, 2019:
I don't think I would/could worship or idolize anyone or anything.
What does it mean when men say they are god-fearing men?
jlynn37 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
The Abrahamic God (and/or it's followers) can, will and does fuck you up, at least according to their book, so keep that in mind.
New Netflix series will expose secretive Christian group controlling Washington ...
jlynn37 comments on Jul 24, 2019:
Keep in mind that just about anything from video or film production is primarily for entertainment purposes, especially if on an entertainment platform as is Netflix, and I have no reason to think this production would be any different. We all enjoy good entertainment.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi meet behind closed doors Friday My guess is Nancy ...
jlynn37 comments on Jul 26, 2019:
Meh... Nancy Pelosi and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got their troubles, I got mine. More important thing to be concerned about.
If you haven’t been indoctrinated by Christianity then you probably won’t be able to understand.
jlynn37 comments on Jul 28, 2019:
Right on brother and well stated.
I have to go away for a time.
jlynn37 comments on Jul 30, 2019:
"liverwurst", makes my mouth water and I can enjoy the taste just saying the word. Few foods have that effect/affect on me. I wish you well in your time of worry and distress.
"Spiritual not religious" I know this subject has probably been beat to death but having just come ...
jlynn37 comments on Aug 1, 2019:
And who or what is the Divine?
It’s been 14 months since my son died and the platitudes still piss me off.
jlynn37 comments on Aug 28, 2019:
It is my opinion that when you die you will know nothing as you will be dead. Your son lived with you for a period of time, you built memories together and now those memories are there for you to relive anytime you choose. My daughter died 15 years ago and I think of her often and always with a smile remembering her and the time we had together. In situations like this I am often reminded of the song "The Dance": I could have missed the pain, but I would have had to miss the dance, and the dance is what matters.
Plant-based "meats" - good for the environment, bad for you
jlynn37 comments on Aug 29, 2019:
"I think people thrive on eating whole foods," and just what else would you expect the CEO of Whole Foods to say??
I find it strange how much believers push the idea that their god loves people.
jlynn37 comments on Aug 30, 2019:
As Daniel Dennett has said, it is belief in a belief in god. (My phrasing.)
From my Facebook wall exactly 15 years ago today: They've had a Campus Ministry table set up in ...
jlynn37 comments on Sep 3, 2019:
Who is this Jesus person you talk of and where can I see him?


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Agnostic, Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, Skeptic, Freethinker
Open to meeting women
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